Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 237: cannon fodder

"This is the most upright righteous flying sword, the sword of the scriptures, the most difficult to make. It is a scripture, made into a flying sword. Each sword is cultivated into a word. Thousands of flying swords have become different fonts. Organized, such a sword is vast and unmatched. "

As soon as Jiang Li saw it, he remembered the brightest flying sword in the world of cultivation.

Scripture sword.

"Brother, do you know this too?" Jiang Tao shuddered: "This is the highest mystery in that mysterious world. This is a verse called" The Heavenly Canon of Heaven ", which has a total of 1,296 For a character, if a practitioner wants to make a flying sword, he has to make 1,296 mouthpieces. Each mouthful of swords is different from the essence of the word. Finally, the flying sword is formed to form a scripture. Once it is offered, it is almost shocked by ghosts and gods, killing everything and suppressing everything. "

"I studied this at Xingkong University." Jiang Lixiao lied. In fact, there is no such secret in Xingkong University. It is the information he dreamed of when he went back to the true world.

This sword has more power than the Seven Killing Swords, and it is also difficult to refine. Among them is the righteousness of righteousness. There is also a mystery of scripture to nourish the heart, which is very helpful for people's understanding.

This is between the positive paths and there is no negative energy.

After Jiang Xuan obtained it, he could refine the sword energy into his body, that is, an energy, combined with the flesh. Because the sword has been refined by the original master without impurities, it is pure energy.

"Sister, this is Feijian. I will tell you to run Qi and blood, melt the Feijian into the body, and finally become the energy of the body. This Feijian can completely become an energy of your body. Send, if you want to receive it. "Jiang Tao explained:" You have this thing, the Star University exam can not be checked out, when it is in the exam, you can pass the test. "

"This flying sword is really powerful. It fits perfectly into the body." Jiang Li nodded. The sword was not metal, but an air of vigor, and a spirit of righteousness.

Practicing this Scripture Sword is not made of metal, but an extremely powerful master. At least it is to absorb energy in a state of forgetfulness. With its sharp spirit, it condenses into a scripture and turns it into a divine sword. Demon.

If the Seven Killing Swords meet this sword, it will be a complete defeat.

"Brother, how long do you plan to stay at home, I don't think it will last long." Jiang Li asked.

"Yes, I can only stay at home for a few days. The troops have things to go back, and still have to go back to fight. Now that the war between humanity and the cultivation world is getting more and more extensive, no one can spare time." Jiang Tao looked greedily Everything at home, "I really want to spend more time at home and spend more time with my parents, unfortunately."

"Go, good boys are in the Quartet." Jiang Zhendong waved his hand. "When you come to Japan, your parents don't need anything. Now life is very long and decades of time can afford it. If it was a national era 200 years ago, Dad Mom can only live seventy or eighty years old, so I don't want you to go out, but even at this pace, parents can still live a hundred years old. Are you afraid to see us? "

"Yeah, as long as you are safe." Mom was also aside, although she apparently could not bear her son.

"Good." Jiang Tao said.

"What's so good?" Jiang Xuan asked, "Second Brother, what are you talking about?"

"I'm saying that our family is really good together." Jiang Tao murmured, "I really want to be together forever, our family lives so happily and happily, that's the happiness. Unfortunately, everyone has old, sick, and died. Only God can keep time and family. "

"It doesn't matter. With the development of science, our lives will be longer and longer. Humans will always enter the state of immortality." Jiang Li is very confident, "At that time, our family can be together forever."

"Well, I will work hard for such a goal!" Jiang Tao shook his fist: "Someday."

"Someday!" Jiang Liye said.

Didi ...

At this moment, Jiang Li ’s light brain chip resounded again, and an email appeared on it: “Classmate Jiang Li, quickly return to Xingkong University and have important tasks.”

Now that he is a veteran of Star University, he must complete various tasks.

"Brother, stay with your parents at home, teach your sister, I will go back and have a mission." Jiang Li wanted to stay with his brother for a few more days, but unfortunately the task of Star University cannot be delayed.

"Come on, be careful." Jiang Zhendong urged: "Be careful, I'm afraid that someone in Xingkong University is not good for you."

"This is assured. No one can do anything about me. Jiang Jiajiang killed me, but I was killed. Anyone who wants to deal with me must pay a sufficient price." Jiang Li reassured his parents.

"Brother, take good care of your parents." Jiang Li commanded again.

"Rest assured, no one wants to touch your parents with me when I'm here." Jiang Tao swears.

Jiang Li said something for a while, then reluctantly left here, hopped on the battleship and jumped to Emperor Star.

Jiang Tao returned with a big pillar at home, he can rest assured to fight outside, accumulate, and improve his strength.

As soon as he arrived at the school, he went to the old campus to report that he was no longer a freshman, but an old student, and the original new school building would be freed up for this year's candidates.

The huge freshman exam will take place in a few months. I don't know who will appear this year? Maybe my sister can register in advance after practice.

Xingkong University exams cannot be registered if they are over the age, but they are not allowed. For example, Tang Yancai is a little girl who still registers for the exam. As long as you are not afraid of death, your vitality is strong enough.

Be admitted to Xingkong University earlier, learn early and strengthen. it is necessary.

"You have left the novice college, and now your room and dormitory are allocated in the old campus, No. 31 Building, No. 7089." A wave of e-mail messages was sent over. However, Jiang Li and his mentor Hong Hei prison set up a base, so don't stay in the room at all. And it is easy to be attacked here. In case an alien planet comes, the first attack is here.

"Still go to the mission building and see what kind of mission was given to me this time." Jiang Li went directly to the mission building.

After a while, when I was inside the building, I saw that there were students everywhere who came to take up the tasks, or the students who paid the tasks were all old students. The first year of the freshmen was training, and there was no need to do the tasks, of course, you can choose to do it yourself. , But the old student is a mandatory task to contribute to Star University.

"Mr. Jiang Li, your mission is to go to the Dagan Empire to spy on the information and steal the top secrets of the indigenous people. At the same time, find the opportunity to destroy the dragon veins and feng shui array of the Dagan Empire, causing the other country ’s national transport to decline. Your teammates are 4 people, the captain called Long Tianlang. The remaining three teammates are Luo Zhengnan, Duan Chao, and Xiao Kuang. This time the mission is very important. Star University has sent dozens of teams in total. I hope that you, the team, will work together to complete the task. Your 4 teammates have already reported, and now you are not reported. "

"check in."

Jiang Li nodded. He didn't know the names of the four teammates, but he could see that they were old.

"You have already registered. Please wait patiently here. The email has been sent to 4 teammates. You can start when you have gathered." Light Brain is meticulous.

Jiang Li was waiting here patiently. He was not anxious at all. After his constant promotion, his mind was always quiet and unmoved by foreign objects.

After about four or five hours, it was dark outside, and at night, the old students who came and went were scarce.


Suddenly, the huge battleship stayed outside, four people descended from the battleship, and each one had the spirit and style of a peerless master.

The four men came straight to Jiang Li. One of them, wearing a cloak and standing two meters tall, looked down at Jiang Li: "You are the first place in the freshman qualifying this time?"

"Yes! You are my four teammates?" Jiang Li woke up, stood slowly, and looked at the man in the cape, who jumped in his heart, and the opponent was a strong one! Between the breaths, he felt that the aura of heaven and earth was drawn from the two dimensions and injected into his body.

Breath rate!

This is not a mentor, but a student. There is also a strong birth rate among the students, which is incredible.

"By the way, the top teams, eternal life, reincarnation, God of God .... The members of these teams are stronger, students who are better than the mentor are not." Jiang Li was not surprised in an instant.

"Yes, we are teammates who participated in the mission together." There was a clear smirk on the face of the tall man in the old cloak: "My name is Long Tianlang ~ www.readwn.com ~ is your captain, this is Luo Zhengnan, Duan Chao , Xiao Kuang! "

"You're called Jiang Li." The old man named Xiao Kuang stood up, his eyes flickered brilliantly, and he stared at Jiang Li: "I am also a state of birth rate. One vitality is 15, the other is 16. You are too weak, I'm afraid we will hinder our hind legs. "

"What does this mean?" Jiang Li heard Xiao Kuang's tone a little bad.

"Nothing, you have made a lot of noise recently." Long Tianlang flashed a golden light in his hand, and a golden scimitar appeared in his hand. The golden scimitar was small and had a wolf head on it. He was habitual. Playing with this golden machete, he said slowly: "Your dad actually got the sun and moon essence, applied for a patent, and it spread all over the world. You also held a press conference yourself. Our students at Xingkong University are the most popular It's you. As a young student, you don't even have a baby's interest. You dare to manipulate the election. You are so fat. "

Hearing this, Jiang Li suddenly became cheerful. He immediately knew that he had been scheduled for this task, and was forgotten. He deliberately had several powerful teammates who did n’t know who arranged it, and he was likely to treat himself during the task. Poison hand.

These people may be allies of the Jiang family.

"I don't understand what you are saying. When we assign tasks together, we need to complete the tasks well, so that everyone's face has brilliance, and many benefits and school rewards can be obtained." Jiang Li's tone was calm and unmoved.

"Boy, the teeth are sharp and sharp." Long Tianlang took a breath: "You don't actually have any role in the task, you can only use it as cannon fodder, but since the school assigned us together, I am the captain, you have to listen Mine, otherwise I will make you look good. "

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