Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 241: Xiaocheng

The study of the mother emperor and Honghei prison mainly focused on the changes between spirit, energy, flesh and space, and "Zhujidan" belongs to this research scope.

Now several research topics, the first is the research of "Lingmi", the second is the space folding technology, and the third is the biological crystal technology. These are all major topics in human research, and they are still difficult to overcome. In fact, the mother emperor base itself is a huge scientific laboratory. The little emperor absorbs energy and unlocks the spiritual power. You can get the mother emperor's memory inheritance and a civilized technology tree.

If someone else has obtained the mother emperor's eggs, it is not as convenient as Jiang Li, because some of the technology trees in the mother emperor are obscure. It takes at least a century of research to get some small results. It is a pity that Xiaodi now occupies the mother emperor's eggs. He is a strong man of the manifestation level. Although he is dead now, he can continue to learn human knowledge, combine with the mother emperor, and finally obtain the ability to resurrect.

He is like a super light brain, thinking calculations surpass all large computers of human beings. Perhaps only the human elite area, the most powerful "master god" light brain can be compared.

This brings great convenience to Jiang Li's scientific research.

"I have refined this thing countless times." Xiaodi said: "This is the foundation of self-cultivation civilization. It opens the wisdom of people and cultivates disciples. Which school can refinish this elixir in large quantities represents this. The fundamental strength of the martial arts is like the production of grain in ancient countries. Whichever empire produces more grain, the empire is strong and thriving. This is fundamental. With the power of the emperor's technology and modern civilization, I have 70% confidence and can mass produce. "

"Mass production, then we will be developed." Jiang centrifugal excited.

"Don't be too happy. It used to take decades for the mother emperor to incubate with all her heart. But now you have to carry out various scientific research and consume a lot of energy. In this way, you ca n’t hatch for hundreds of years unless you provide it with huge energy. , I have now lost my home, buying spiritual stones and energy blocks, and investing them in the mother emperor. "Hong Heil said coldly.

"The big eaters are definitely big eaters." Jiang Li heard that the instructor had lost his house and shook his head secretly, because he knew that the energy produced at this base was given to the mother emperor, and even the aura in the spiritual cave was given to the mother emperor. Hong Hei The prison also used all the money to buy spirit stones, supplemented them, and is now too poor to die.

"Don't talk nonsense, let's refinish the immortal stone first." Xiaodi asked Jiang Li to take out all the spirit stones, and suddenly the crystal cells squirmed, wrapping dozens of kilograms of spirit stones, many spiritual fluids, and then boomed and started combustion. The blazing fire wrapped two immortal stones.

"Spirit, Holy, Mother Emperor, Zerg." A vast wave of spirits passed from the mother emperor's eggs.

At this instant, Jiang Li felt the mightyness, and his thinking almost covered the huge spiritual fluctuations of a planet. This is Tianwei, this is God's will.

"If the mother ’s spiritual power is fully grown, it is extremely horrible. Once it has hatched, your mind can quickly pass through a planet, and then penetrate the spiritual power into the inside of the planet and begin to devour the entire planet's own thinking. In the evolution of the year, the will of the entire planet was devoured by it, and it grew and grew. The entire planet ’s resources were plundered by it, and then it would leave, and the planet was left only desolate and dull, and there was no vitality. This is the power of the mother emperor. "The young emperor made a voice in the mental fluctuation.

"Eating the mind of the planet itself?"

Jiang Li knew the maternal emperor's power at this moment. After hatching, she could devour a planet's own will.

The vast universe, countless planets, the average planet has no life, and the planet with life must have its own will.

The will of the planet itself is "God's will", which runs slowly, but has great energy. No one can resist, but the birth of the mother emperor exists to devour "God's will".

This emperor star also has a "God's will". The planet itself is extremely powerful. The "sacrifice to heaven" of the Dagan Empire is actually the will of the millions of Li people in the entire empire, sincerely pray and communicate the will of the emperor. If successful, the entire Star University base will be devastated.

For example, Emperor Star itself is communicated with "God's will", then the wind and clouds will rise, the sky will collapse, the volcanoes and earthquakes will appear below the starry sky university base, there will be strong winds, thunder, and even the sky will fall. Will move, all kinds of powerful wild animals on the entire planet are madly rushing to attack the university base, and even according to the powerful aura contained in Emperor Star itself, it is not necessary to create a space crack in Star University.

Once the planet ’s powerful will is launched, it is normal for a space crack to appear. In fact, there are also such things on Earth, such as the “Bermuda Triangle”, which is different in time and space. It is also caused by the will of the earth itself.

The planet has its own will. This scientific theory has been studied from ancient times to modern times, and even large scientists have begun to study in the national era. However, in modern times, it has not been clear how to communicate the will of the planet itself. But one thing can prove that if a planet is over-developed and causes a vicious circle, the planet itself will launch volcanoes, earthquakes, lightning flashes, thunders, and distortions of space to wipe out things that cause damage to itself.

The will of the planet itself is powerful, it depends on the vitality of the planet. With such a vigorous life of Emperor Star, the will of the entire planet must be extremely terrifying.

Even the will of the planet "God's Will" can be devoured, which shows that the mother emperor hatched out is powerful.

Hum .........

Two fairy stones disintegrated.

Instantly, Jiang Li saw a piece of purple in front of him. In the entire secret room, all of the purple gas was coming from the east. In the mighty world, he breathed a little, the purple gas penetrated into the body, and the body immediately blew a balloon. Seems to swell.

"Run the body of the emperor quickly, absorb the energy of the purple gas, incorporate it into the genes of life, change the physical fitness, and find the body of the emperor small and complete. This immortal energy is a high-level energy in the universe, hidden in a very mysterious dimension. In general, the average person cannot absorb it, but the emperor can. The will of the emperor itself was born by absorbing the energy of chaos in a higher level than the immortal ... …… .. "

"Heart is like chaos. Chaos is sincerity and begins to absorb! Your heart is neither black nor white, neither material nor immaterial, neither void nor non-empty, then there is only one kind, chaos, chaos. It can be changed into vanity, and it can also be transformed into matter. The heavens and the earth are not open, chaos exists, and chaos is separated, which separates matter and vanity ......... "

Xiaodi is preaching for Jiang Li.

Jiang Li yelled, many vortices were generated around his body, endless absorption of immortal purple gas, one by one into the body, and instantly transformed into cellular energy, cell peristalsis, gene chain thickened, Jiang Li's It actually started to grow, reaching more than two meters.

He worked hard, compressed his energy, clicked, and his body shrank back, but the cells actually turned purple, and the blood in his body had turned into a purple gold color, which is exactly the legendary Buddha ’s purple milled golden body.

His vitality has not increased, but the potential of life is constantly increasing, and the potential for surging in the body is greater. The bones also changed to purple gold color. In the end, he could hardly contain too much purple airflow, so he began to turn into power.

His breathing, heartbeat, muscles, and fascia were changing. The wind and thunder alternated in the body, and the water boiled. Finally, his vitality began to rise, from 8.2 to 9, then step by step, to 10, and then stopped. .

"Is it stagnant? It seems that the understanding of the body of the emperor is not deep enough." Jiang Li felt that his vitality could not rise any more when it rose to 10, and the purple gas in his body seemed to encounter a yoke, unable to break through the barrier, and sing along the way.

This is caused by the profound understanding of the body of the emperor.

But it doesn't matter. Now he has enough immortals stored in his body. Over time, some of the mysteries of the Emperor's body will be broken, and it will be improved sharply.

"Jiang Li, your body can no longer absorb more purple gas, but it doesn't matter. Quickly meditate on the brain of the universe, making the stars in your mind become real stars! Your mental strength will increase! You are now three The spiritual power of the dimension is three big stars! This is the symbol of the brained universe. "Suddenly, Xiaodi's voice came again.

Jiang Li was instructed, never hesitated, and immediately meditated, the brain of the universe appeared.

This is pure imagination.

The brain of the universe runs to its limit, countless stars flicker, and Jiang Li's meditation has surpassed his own state, just like a car that can only run 200 kilometers per hour to 300 kilometers per hour.

A strong mental load can cause brain cells to collapse.

However, Jiang Li now has the support of Xianqi, but the overload of running brain cells can also support it ~ www.readwn.com ~ This is a good time to break through the realm.

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo; a; from the head of the machine, Jiang Li made a high speed sound;

I don't know how long it has been, banging, the brain of his meditation universe suddenly exploded, the stars scattered, Jiang Li's spiritual world was blank, and he seemed to have died of his brain.

But then, Nirvana was reborn, three big stars rising up in the back of the mind, and at the same time, there was a dim little star continually condensing the light, it seems to be revealed.

Three big stars and one small star, reflecting each other, represent the growth of Jiang Li's spiritual power, condensing into a physical change.

Starlight illuminates every corner of the body, and there is no longer darkness.

This is the progress of meditation.

The meditation stars of the brain of the universe are imaginary, but now they have become substantial spiritual stars. Three big stars are Jiang Li ’s mental power. There are already three dimension units, while a small star is the fourth dimension ’s mental power.

Taken together, Jiang Li's mental power is about 3.5 dimension units.

Now that Jiang Li is meditating, the brain of the universe is gone, and the three big and one small stars are replaced by bright, soft, starlight, and any cell in the whole body is penetrated by the starlight.

Jiang Li knows that this starlight is the embodiment of spiritual power, which means that he can use the spirit to completely control every cell and every genetic chain of the body. If the spiritual power is strengthened again, you can even see that your whole body is composed of many molecules and atoms The use of powerful energies in the future can even change the atomic structure.

The use of energy is too large, and it is possible to "spot stone into gold". The weak change that has been studied in the national era is nothing more than an atomic change.

However, in this state, the state of birth rate cannot.

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