Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 243: Planet will

The dragons, wolves and Xiao Kuang were completely surrendered by Jiang Li in this way. Although they might do something wrong in the future, their influence will definitely decrease step by step, because it is impossible for Jiang Li to let them go now, and they must go with them. Participate in an event that destroys the sacrificial offerings. In this event, Jiang Li can better control them.

Ding Dong.

"Your contract has been completed, business registration has been carried out, and 300 billion Xingyuan funds have been put in place."

As soon as the contract arrived, Jiang Li closed it and looked at his bank account: "Dear me, your light brain chip can not be returned to you for the time being, so that your secret report is not good for me, and we have to record this task. Use your light brain chip for records, you know? "

"Now we are in the hands, what you say is what." Long Tianlang smirked.

"You don't have to laugh so hard. I fell into your hands, and it was even worse." Jiang Li Lengheng said, "Let's change clothes and go deep into Dagan Empire territory."

He had long been ready to take out his clothes, he was a classical scholar, he changed from the inside out, and he became personable at once, as if the ancient scholars had crossed into modern times.

Long Tianlang and Xiao Kuang also changed their clothes, but they were not scholars, but servants and followers. In this way, people thought that they were three young men who followed the mountains and rivers.

Star University has studied the indigenous people on Emperor Star quite deeply, and can make-up at any time. There are various clothes in the battleship of Dragon Wolf, all for this mission. But now he still wears the clothes of his followers, but he still has a bit of suffocation, but there is no way. He is not as good as a man who is oppressed so hard. He can only swallow his breath and knock his front teeth into his stomach.

"Let's be careful. The indigenous empire is similar to our feudal dynasty, but there are many differences. That is, there is a Shinto in the indigenous empire. Every move is monitored by the gods." Although the dragon wolf was angry, he reminded: "The Dagan Empire is divided into provinces, prefectures, counties, towns, and then villages. Ten miles and one village, each village has a temple. It sacrifices an existence, that is, the emperor god, which is the entire emperor star. The Providence of the God of the planet. Unlike us humans, polytheism, some believe in Buddha, some believe in Christ, some believe in God, and some even believe in mess. Because of this, the Emperor Star believes in unity, Every year for tens of thousands of years, the country ’s emperors have held large-scale sacrifice activities to sacrifice the emperor god, so that this empire and the planetary will of the emperor star will have an inseparable connection. ”

"This is something expert pointing."

Jiang Li flashed his eyes, the power of the country, sacrificed the emperor **** day and night, and communicated the natural will of the emperor star. In this way, the national movement of the entire empire communicated with the natural will of the planet. In the long run, the entire empire will be smooth and smooth. And the National Games is prosperous, and there are endless stream of experts.

This is not the case in the history of the earth, because the gods are confused. So the dynasty changed frequently.

In fact, in the history of the earth's China, as early as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, people considered the importance of sacrifice and said: "The great thing about the country, only the sacrifice and Rong" is that the big thing in the country is only sacrifice and war.

In the national era, people believed that it was feudal superstition, and they didn't believe it, but after scientific system research, I felt that the human heart can indeed change some small changes on the planet, but it must be accumulated over time.

On the earth, there were originally sacrifices to the planet itself, that is, the earth **** and the emperor god. But it was short-lived and had little influence.

If there is a millennial dynasty, sacrificing the will of the planet every day, then it will stand up like the Dagan Empire.

This is actually the ancient "time, place, and people" ideology.

"Go, let's go deep into the empire territory and see how the whole empire feels." Jiang Li waved his hands, everyone jumped up, galloped, faster than the speed of sound. After one day and one night, it is no longer a primitive forest, you can see There are traces of man-made reclamation everywhere.

Many farmlands appear on the ground, between rivers and lakes, and some houses are scattered in the suburbs, and even villages and forts are built quite well, surpassing the productivity of ancient feudal levels.

"Look, that's the basic agriculture of the Dagan Empire. It is planted a plant called Jinsu." Since they discovered the village, they began to be careful not to show their faces.

Jiang Li saw some of the shapes of rice grown in the farmland and took it quietly. It turned out to be a grain of golden rice. After pinching it, he found that it contains a variety of minerals, among which the nutritional content is very high. There are some Super protein flavor.

If this kind of thing is boiled, the effect is very good. No wonder the whole army of Dagan Empire is strong.

"Be careful, there is a shrine over there, sacrificing to the emperor god. We cannot make a big noise, so as not to be found by the gods." Dragon Sky Wolf reminded.

Sure enough, Jiang Li found that in the middle of a large field, there was a temple with red walls and yellow tiles. In the temple sat a god, a snake body, a human head, and a dragon behind it. Thunder and lightning.

In front of the temple, the incense continues, and someone keeps hoeing and praying, putting on incense, and saying something in the mouth: "Emperor God, you are the respecter of heaven and earth. We pray sincerely and hope that all diseases will not be cured, the weather will be smooth, and the business will be successful."

This temple has been in existence for many years, and it is always standing, and the incense is constantly burning.

Jiang Li carefully observed that the gods in that temple did have some spirits. The idols emitted an invisible light that was invisible to the naked eye, and was improving the climate of heaven and earth.

"Sure enough, this group of indigenous people communicated the will of the emperor star, sacrificed the heaven and earth, and obtained the slow improvement of the will of heaven and earth. This is indeed a great cause, not completed overnight." Jiang Li knows that to reach this step is the entire Dagan Empire. The result of sacrifice for tens of thousands of years.

Earth people cannot learn at all.

There is no one who worships God on earth as a whole. There are only a few major sects, but they are all uneven.

"Huh!" Dragon Sirius looked at the god, and suddenly snorted, "It is nothing to sacrifice the emperor **** in the Dagan Empire, because it can get practical benefits! But it is very problematic for us, human beings, to believe in Christ, because Christ It ’s not good for people, it could even bring disaster. "

"How do you say that?" Jiang Limeng was startled.

"This is a big secret of high-level human beings." Long Tianlang said: "The scientific and technological civilization of mankind began with the invasion of the earth's big ship. The fall of that big ship has been a secret so far, but high-level research later found that big Some things in the ship are similar to the angels in Christian mythology, and according to various materials, the Christian belief is transmitted to the earth people by this alien civilization. Their purpose is that most of the earth people believe in Christianity, and the human heart changes. , Suppressing the will of the planet, and then came, capturing the will of the earth itself. But when they captured the will of the earth, they were counterattacked by the will of the earth, so they fell and made the earth people cheaper. "

"This!" Jiang Li was taken aback. Hearing the news, he couldn't hold himself: "Is this true?"

"Nine out of ten is true." Xiao Kuang licked his lips: "However, this secret has been suppressed by Christianity, and now white people occupy 70% of the entire human race, and 80% of white Christian people, this number is too large Then, once this matter is announced, Christianity will collapse, so they sealed the news tightly, and even secretly destroyed this information. "


Jiang Li heard this, and his heart was angry.

He understood everything. Humans growing on the earth are equal to the cells or bacteria of the earth. If they worship the will of the earth itself, they are good bacteria. If they believe in other gods, they are harmful bacteria. Humans reproduce and believe in other gods. More and more people are equal to the spread of cancer cells and suppress the will of the earth itself.

And when that civilization comes, you can take advantage of the weakness of the earth ’s civilization and plunder the will of the earth itself.

The will of a planet is very powerful. Once captured, the benefits are tremendous.

Everything is clear.

Suddenly, the history of mankind is completely clear.

At first, the nations that believed in Christ first entered the industrial civilization and carried out the industrial revolution, and the Huaxia country, if it was not for the industrial revolution, was still a farming civilization from generation to generation.

The characteristic of industrial civilization is the emergence of machinery, and the ability to intervene in natural disasters and climates has been greatly strengthened. All farming civilizations look at the weather. In this way, the interference of the will of the earth on people becomes smaller, that is, the spread of cancer cells.

Industrial civilization is a change for human beings. The so-called man can win the sky, but for the will of the earth, cancer cells have spread.

Obviously ~ www.readwn.com ~ Industrial civilization is the result of the interference of Christian and Chinese planet civilizations. Jiang Li thought of the great scientists in history, Newton, Da Vinci, all Christians.

If that's the case, then the Christian will be terrified!

Christianity is very powerful now, and even the current President Slaughter is a Christian. In this way, human beings are still very dangerous, because the alien civilization trying to capture the will of the earth is still spreading a lot of beliefs among human beings. This is the tumor. One day it will spread and the whole human race will become a slave.

After Jiang Li thought about all this, he developed a kind of hatred and killing for Christianity. This is no longer a personal hatred, but a matter of life and death for the entire human race.

It's not watching the sacrifices of the Dagan Empire this time, how can you figure this out?

Long Tianlang looked at Jiang Li's face, knowing his killing intentions for a while, and could not help saying: "Jiang Li, in fact, we are all Chinese people, there is no need to kill each other."

"Shh ..." Jiang Li took a deep breath: "One yard to one yard, Christian things, we are temporarily unable to intervene, I think people with lofty ideals have noticed this, and now all we have to do is Intervene in this sacrifice. "

"Jiang Li, I don't know if it should be said or not." Long Tianlang stopped talking.

"Say." Jiang Li blinked.

"This sacrifice to heaven cannot be interfered at all. Do you think about how many masters in the Dagan Empire? Even if those masters are removed, how will the natural will interfere? The alien civilization is so powerful that it will be defeated by the will of the earth itself. If we are attacked by heaven It will collapse in an instant. Emperor star is much bigger than the earth, and the will is stronger than the whole earth. "Long Sirius said:" This time we come to listen to some news and get some benefits, absolutely not to the whole The sacrificial offerings are sabotage, otherwise there will be accidents. "

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