Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 275: Multiverse

"Initiation of the Holy One is indeed tempting, but I don't need it. I got the divine initiation. It is more pure, more expansive, and more mysterious than the initiation of the Holy One." Jiang Li heard the news of Marshal Goliath. He is now practicing silently, and he is enlightened himself, without any other assistance.

However, he remained calm, this time to learn knowledge, not to show publicity.

"Classmates, I'm starting to lecture now." Marshal Goliath glanced at all the people present: "What I want to say today is the mystery of the multiverse and the direction of human development in the future. Everyone also knows that humans now discover that The only dimension is the second dimension. The second dimension contains the heaven and earth aura, which can greatly improve our physical fitness and life. However, the heaven and earth aura is a kind of shallow biological energy, which can not make us human beings truly holy. There is a higher level. Dimensions contain higher levels of biological energy. For example, in the world of human beings attacking humans, many people say that it is a planet, but it is not. It is a half-dimensional plane, a huge half-plane, a giant planet, evolution The completed half-plane has not yet formed a complete dimension. "

Didi Di .........

Under the direction of Marshal Goliath, a huge virtual image appeared on the large screen of the light brain. The vast universe appeared in the entire sky, and the shining meteor cut through the dark sky.

Then, in an unknown star field, a huge light film appeared. The light film is larger than the entire solar system, but it is still dusty to the universe.

This light film is inlaid in the dark void, and seems to blend into the depths of the void, not in the main material world.

"This light film is the world of cultivation we are attacking." Marshal Goliath said: "It is about three times the solar system. Inside the light film is a vast continent, strange creatures, all kinds of countries, all kinds of things. Such martial arts, as well as the devil, the gods, the cultivators, the monsters, the dark creatures ...... you see, this light film is three times the size of the solar system, and the entire light film is still absorbing the power of different dimensions. Then evolved, completely integrated into the void, and became a new dimension. A plane. The power absorbed by this light film is a huge and vast dimension, which is full of biological energy, a creature 10,000 times higher than the heaven and earth aura. Yes, everyone may know what the energy of this different dimension is. "

"It's fairy!"

A student answered quickly.

"Yes, that's the immortality." Marshal Goliath praised: "Everyone knows that the spirit is strong and can feel various dimensions, but the higher dimensions, even the saints, cannot be felt. The larger the dimension, the greater the ability to block. The stronger it is. The dimension full of immortal energy cannot be felt even by the saint, let alone draw energy from it. And the will of this world of cultivation itself is millions of times stronger than the saint, so You can open the channel of this dimension, draw strength from it, and evolve the world itself. "

Everyone listened quietly, dare not intervene, and felt the wonders of the universe.

"The planet has its own will, and everyone knows that they also want to evolve on their own. The ultimate goal of planetary evolution is to become a dimension. And this world of cultivation has almost reached this goal." Marshal Goliath pointed out: " Therefore, as human beings on earth, we must seize this world of self-cultivation as the basis for our lives. As we all know, human population is now more and more. And it is growing at a crazy rate every year. In this way, humanity will be more and more There is no place to live, and there are very few planets suitable for human habitation in the entire universe. Even this emperor star is not suitable for large-scale immigration because of gravity. Moreover, human beings living on various planets are very inconvenient to connect. Large-scale war, the wormhole jumping base between the planet and the planet is destroyed, and we are completely desperate. Therefore, we humans need a stable living environment suitable for large-scale development. Therefore, we must seize this world of cultivation. "

Jiang Li heard this, and nodded secretly in his heart. Human beings are now expanding everywhere. One by one, the planets live and establish bases, but they are too scattered. In the event of a disaster, it is difficult to defend. For example, the earth is now under attack, and humans on the outside planet must rescue the wormhole, but what if the wormhole jumping base is controlled by people?

Moreover, the structure of the planet is unstable. If it encounters an asteroid impact, it will cause mass extinction. In addition, there are cosmic storms near some planets, which often swept away, and all the planets disintegrated.

Even the human-inhabited earth has a relatively stable environment, but it has also encountered several catastrophic biological extinctions.

In the world of repair, the structure is stable. Looking at the light film, it is impossible to be broken by invasion.

And the three solar systems are large, stable structures, rich resources, and even higher-level energy, the existence of immortality, this is simply a habitat built for the earth ’s humanity. If the earth ’s humanity captures this spiritual world, then What will it look like?

"Earth humans look powerful now, but they are actually in peril. Our expansion has attracted the attention of many advanced civilizations in the universe. There were a lot of universe civilizations who started to peep at our earth civilization and were miserable." Marshal Goliath "Of course, this is a high-level secret. You don't know. In one year, I have hanged more than a dozen fleets from alien civilizations. If these alien civilizations invade, we humans on Earth will encounter Devastating blow. "

"This is some fleet of alien civilization, you see."

Some data appeared again on the big brain screen, and there were some aliens, that was not human. Some aliens looked like a devil, a pointed monkey gill, eight hands, like octopuses, and some were full-body bones. Quality, such as the devil in hell, and some have two heads, tooth decay, eating human flesh ...

The big ships are also very weird, some are like flying saucers, some are floor ships, and some are weird. They seem to be balls.

This is the true alien civilization.

Think about it, if this alien planet dominates humans on earth and is raised as food, just like humans raise pigs and sheep, what is the fate of the entire human race?

Jiang Li shuddered at the thought.

"This is the Bone Demon, which is our name, because they are all bones, they like to plunder flesh and blood, and their mouthpieces are huge. After eating creatures, they can get the memory of the creatures themselves. They are also very powerful. Above 10, they are traveling in distant galaxies and wandering in the starry sky on battleships. Every time they find a living planet, they come out and plunder ... …… .. This is an eight-claw family, with a ferocious personality, and most like flesh and blood to become Blood pond, breeding spores with life potential ... "

Marshal Goliath introduced one by one: "These alien planet creatures treat us humans as pigs, dogs, cows, and sheep. We can see how much danger we humans on the planet are facing every day, and maybe they will become extinct the next day. People live in the universe. , Be cautious, like walking on thin ice. "

"Ordinary humans do not have this ability, and you have the ability to protect the entire human race, you must take up this responsibility, not fight in a nest." He continued: "If you open your mind, your realm will rise. Humans are very weak now. , Very weak! "

"Okay." Marshal Goliath waved his hand: "The world of cultivation is the goal that human beings have seized now, but this world has a huge will, that is, God ’s will. You also know what happened recently on Emperor Star, and God ’s Providence condenses The Holy One came to seize it, but failed, but the Providence of Emperor Star is not strong, the Providence of the cultivation world is truly invincible, and it strongly rejects foreign creatures. Because of this, it is very difficult for us to enter the cultivation world. The holy human beings hope to suppress the providence of the world of self-cultivation, which can be controlled by our human beings. That is the real control of that world. With our human technology and the providence of the world of self-cultivation, the level of civilization of our human beings is immediately elevated. Level. Not to mention the huge resources of that world ~ www.readwn.com ~ The light of the brain of the Lord God is a rough estimate, if we emigrate. Within ten years, the average human vitality is above 10, 100 years later, The average life expectancy of a human being will exceed 500 years. "

Jiang Li heard a good secret. Although the people in the cultivation world are not so powerful now, they will not use resources and stay in Baoshan. If human beings come to the cultivation world, all the resources will be used and they can make rapid progress.

"However, we human beings in the world have already established a few small bases, but we are faced with tragic assassination every day, but we have finally stood firm and started to penetrate. Our people have even penetrated Among the majors of the spiritual world. I am here today. The main task is to select the genius among you, to enter the spiritual world, and to enter the spiritual school. Step by step into the high-level. Of course, the indigenous people who are not Emperor Stars will be subject to God ’s rejection, those martial arts cultivators can see at a glance that your true breath does not belong to the cultivation world, and at that time they will kill you all in one fell swoop. Therefore, the saints of our humanity will give you empowerment and blessings. Make your body full of the spirit of the spiritualists, and then look for opportunities to integrate into the spiritualists' martial arts. With your knowledge and human support, you can quickly stand out from the martial arts, become outstanding disciples, and finally you can even master the martial arts. Power! Our human goal now is to cultivate a large number of such disciples and subvert the cultivation from the root. Major sects pattern of circles! Of course, such a task is very dangerous, and very challenging, once found, it is Xingshenjumie. "

"That was the goal!"

Jiang Xuzhong said: "Will it be like this for younger brother Jiang Tao? He was trained by high-level human beings to go undercover? To be a disciple in one of the schools of the cultivation world? Isn't this very dangerous?"

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