Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 295: Dream future

"Haha, boy, you know you're going to run away. It's up to you? Although you can beat the strong ones, you are not ordinary."

Jiang Xie saw Jiang Li rushed to his front, but he smiled, his fingers spread out, and a burst of energy overflowed from the palm of his hand, and instantly formed a wall of mantras, or the sky of mantras, blocking Jiang Li's presence in the air. .

"Heart of the Emperor."

Jiang Li knows that this is the most critical point. He must break through the siege, otherwise the consequences will be unthinkable. His spirit runs the Great Seal, condensing into a ball, like a cone, and stabbing at the opponent's canopy.

Supernatural powers are a combination of energy and spirit, and they gather together at will, but they are basically spiritual powers. The more powerful the mental powers, the more subtle and powerful the supernatural powers are.

Jiang Li has recently studied the Great Seal of the Emperor, and has already copied the five seals of Water, Fire and Thunder, and has meditated. In the depths of his mind, 20 big stars representing 20 dimension units are operating with each other. A sudden shock has actually condensed into a large The stars, blooming with sharp sharpness, seemed to rip the sky with lightning and cut through the dark brain.

That invisible spiritual force pierced into the canopy of spell energy, and the canopy suddenly dissipated as if snowflakes met the sun, and Jiang Li broke through the obstacles and took a picture with Jiang Xie.

"What a strong spirit, how to cultivate?" Jiang Xie was taken aback. His backhand was a palm. The strength in his body skyrocketed, the flesh hit the steel under high-speed friction, and the meteorite fell into a general flame.

"Congenital palm, everything is one dollar."

Between his palms, the palm shadow swayed, and all changes in the universe throughout his life seemed to appear in the palm shadow.

Jiang Li's water, fire, wind, and thunder four impulses urged to the limit, and also greeted them, the two bodies collided violently, and the beeping sounded.

Click, click, continuous impact is completed in one second.

Jiang Li's body sounded like porcelain shattered from the inside. This is because Jiang Xie's physical strength struck him in the air, making him unbearable.

"It's strong, Jiang Xie's physical strength is at least 30 or more, and it is 10 points stronger than mine." Jiang Li was injured by this force, his body shells were thrown up, and he flew to the high sky, but he was cheering. , Flying up, twisted in mid-air, and ran in the sky from the air, shaking a little, pulling out long traces of air, fleeing at high speed.

In general, the vitality of the fetal breath realm is 15 or more. The vitality of 15-20 is a layer of birth rate.

And 20-30 vitality. It is the second layer of fetal interest.

The vitality of 30-50 is the third layer of fetal interest.

On that day, when Chen Tianshu's vitality was mixed, it was already 64, which was a breaking of the limit, and of course it was Star University's number one enemy.

But now, Jiang Xie's vitality is 30, which means that he has the dual birth rate, the state of the highest state of breath, and it is possible to break the barrier at any time and place and reach the level of mixed interest.

Of course, Jiang Xie's mental power is about 10 dimensions, which is far from being Jiang Li ’s opponent, but Jiang Xie ’s realm is much deeper than him, so Jiang Li wants to hypnotize him. Mental power tears the opponent's supernatural energy, and can't cause substantial harm to the other party.

All he can do is escape, escape from here, relying on the reading of the emperor's seal and familiarity with the world of repair, hope to stay away from the base, and escape from birth.

"Want to run?"

Jiang Xie's face showed a scornful smile: "You just want to run away at this little speed? It's just a delusion, look at my skills and see how Dragon Sky cruises."

He jumped up, even running in the sky, and his speed was much faster than Jiang Li. When he ran, his body rubbed against the air and emitted a faint firelight. At the end, it looked like a blaze of fire. Burning, flying across the earth like a meteor.

Although Jiang Li was running fast, he did not reach this point.

He is now running at full speed, which is about ten times the speed of sound. However, it is necessary to friction with the atmosphere to produce a raging fire, and then pull out a few kilometers behind, even a long flame tail of more than ten kilometers, which must be 20 times the speed of sound or even 30 times the speed of sound. .

At this time, Jiang Xie chased and killed Jiang Jie, and his speed was not much slower than Jiang Xie.

As for Jiang Xinyue, she didn't move. Nine faint shadows appeared around her body. These shadows turned into nine dragon shapes. Then she lifted a dragon seat and suddenly flew up, making her sit on the dragon seat. Actually, they surpassed Jiang Xie and Jiang Mi.

At this speed, the atmosphere does not tear apart, but it is silent. This is magical. It is the result of energy and atmosphere driving each other and harmonizing with each other. This has the supreme taste of the emperor's heart.

"Mother, so fast, I can hardly compete with any of these three people. After all, the realm is too wide. If I can compete for the birth rate, these three people will not matter. Now it will be difficult. I do n’t know if I can run away this time. ”Jiang Li flees in mid-air and uses the emperor ’s wind mark to the extreme. He follows an“ s ”-shaped curve so that he can avoid pursuit.

Moreover, he condensed his mental strength into a needle and assassinated his back fiercely, invading the three people's minds, instead of seeking to hypnotize the three, but to stop the three, making their pursuit slower.

After chasing and escaping, he was so far away from the base.

"This boy, it's obviously slower than us, we just can't surround him." After chasing for about five minutes, it was blocked several times, but Jiang Li always drew many trajectories in the air, which was incredible. The angle fled, breaking through the siege.

This made Dejiang's evil violent thunder.

"His body is exquisite, you see, when he flew, his body tore gas, but there was no trace of wind. It seemed that the wind passed through the body, and the cells absorbed the energy of the atmospheric tearing, causing a This kind of perfect cycle. "Jiang Xinyue's spirit fluctuated, admonishing Jiang Xie and Jiang Ming, she did not rush to chase Jiang Li, but wanted to force out his maximum potential and see how Jiang Li ’s true cultivation is.

During Jiang Li's escape, she kept observing and admired: "This person ’s physical method and means of manipulating the atmosphere are unheard of. Although this type of physical method has not been practiced to the extreme, it is definitely not the saint's thinking. Means, this is the same magical secret method as the Longevity Supreme Scripture, but it is absolutely different from the Longevity Supreme Scripture. Of course, it also belongs to the martial arts of the gods, not S level, SS level, or even SSS level skills. Evaluation should be more than five S. "

Human martial arts are divided into D, C, B, A, S, SS. Going up is to add an S, but the martial arts of the general SS level belong to the human secret law, and only the highest level can learn.

"Impossible, the same martial arts as the Supreme Life Sutra, how can it be possible? Did he, like Naren the Holy One, ever get the remains of God?"

Jiang Xie approached Jiang Li quickly, but Jiang Li swung like a fish, escaping his magical power.

"Divine hand capture."

When he flung, his five fingers flew out, the energy gathered into a big hand, and he took a hard shot at Xiang Li. The big energy hand was about three or four acres in size.

But Jiang Li shuttled and flew past his fingertips.

"I see how much physical energy you have. There are endless energy sources for the fetus in my body, which can absorb the aura of heaven and earth, and it will never be consumed." Jiang Xie shouted: "Your physical body is not infinite. Today, even if you are poor, you fall into Huangquan. You cannot escape. "

Jiang Li didn't bother to pay attention to him. For Jiang Xie and Jiang Mi, he had absolute confidence to escape, but for the mysterious Jiang Xinyue, he was really frightened because the other party had the ability to kill himself.

Much of his spirit was on guard for the woman.

But the woman seemed to be playing with him, forcing all his details out, and then killing.

"How can I escape from birth, or fight back? This seems to be desperate, but the more desperate and the more pressure, the more I get, the longer I have been under the protection of the emperor." Jiang Chenzhong became calmer, "How can I take advantage of this opportunity and what's in my favor?"

During his escape, his huge mind was thinking and working, and he did not miss the slightest opportunity available. Each of his brain cells was running at a high speed. The entire brain was like a Moses. State, all kinds of vitality, even the smallest information are gathered together, and then refer to the various historical examples of anti-deficit and defeat, and use the infinite examples of weak victory to strong, and then carry out repeated demonstrations and make various predictions and deductions.

In the first type, Jiang Li quickly attacked and desperately defeated Jiang, using the most violent tactics, to hold one of them and intimidate the others.

Come with this idea.

Almost a hundredth of a second, he had such a scene in his brain like a dream. Various calculations were completed in an instant, and the success rate was not high.

In the second, he was on the run, looking for the strong existence lair of the true world, then entered into it, causing chaos, and then fled by plane. Because in the world of cultivation, there are powerful monsters everywhere, and there are some expert caves, making trouble easy.

At the moment, various scenes appear in his mind, which is the process of inducing a powerful existence by himself ~ www.readwn.com ~ and creating confusion. This is calculating the future.

But in this case, the success rate is not great. Because powerful existence is not a fool, you can see through your purpose at a glance, and you may even kill yourself first.

In the third type, there are soul cards in the three people's bodies, which cover the breath of the earth people and merge with the world of cultivation. If it is not detected by Providence, if the soul cards of the three can be defeated ... Then the Providence of the self-cultivation world will come down, the three will be suppressed, and they will be killed or injured. Maybe they can defeat the victory?

This kind of scene has also been deduced. In the back of his mind, dreams have emerged one by one, and this dream is the third change of his third guess.

Subsequently, various speculations formed one dream after another in his mind, all of which are predicting various changes in the future.

In the future, there are endless possibilities. This is the parallel universe theory discovered when human sciences studied the multiverse.

Perhaps, at this moment, when you sneeze, life will be very different from not sneezing. Every second, you can choose from countless kinds of life changes.

The master can make all kinds of predictions about his future in life. What he wants to do next has clear goals. Among countless futures, he can find the perfect one.

And Jiang Li is even more powerful. He is calculating all kinds of changes and clearly turning them into dreams in his mind. Thousands of future changes are all in sight. It seems that he has completed thousands of future life experiences in one second.

In other words, he turned the changes in the future into a dream.

The dream is something that will happen in the future, and if he has a dream, it means that he has experienced a future. If the future is unsuccessful, he will not follow this path of life.

This means that his life can be read!

What a change? How wonderful?

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