Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 324: What reward?

"No matter what, we will follow first, and we will kill the orders! But be careful, these warships are very powerful, especially the central energy cannon. Although the attack range is not large, it is extremely fast and has strong attack power. Under the breath, it can be destroyed with a single shot. This thing is called a cannon of destruction, and it can even hurt the strong in the realm of forgetfulness. "

When the young handsome contacted Jiang Li, he knew he was his own, so he reminded him.

"It's a bit interesting. Let's follow us." Jiang Li disagreed, but his heart was carefully analyzed. Fortunately, he was multi-purpose, his body had flew silently, and his body was the same color as the air when he was flying , Become transparent, it is almost flawless crystal, when flying in the air, people can not see his shadow at all, not even the sound of the wind.

His visceral bones became transparent.

"Oh my God."

The young commander who flew with him suddenly found this strange, not that he could not even find the flying Jiangli by carefully shooting with mental waves.

In his eyes, Jiang Li has merged with the atmosphere, and there is no difference at all. It is more wonderful than the hiding of the chameleon. It is simply the legendary "seventy-two change", what is it?

Moreover, Jiang Li's body is all transparent. He has seen that there is no magic weapon at all, but he has not been to a place with particularly powerful energy.

This made him particularly puzzled.

If it is Jiang Li's ability, there must be energy fluctuations, just like the holy fetus. Energy is energy.

If it is a magic weapon, it can also be seen that any magic weapon also has a core.

But now Jiang Li does n’t have his own fetal energy body or magic weapon. This makes the young marshal unable to understand. What is going on?

The other three also looked at each other and did not know what to do. In the face of Jiang Li, they couldn't imagine what was going on.

"Don't think about it. Sure enough, Jiang Li has a wonderful thing." The young handsome waved his hand: "The most important thing for us right now is to kill the angel. As long as we can catch and kill an angel in the state of fetal life, we can practice a drop of angels. Tears, meanwhile, we can get God's reward and improve our cultivation. This is the most important thing. "

"Yes, the top priority is to kill the angels. I have a feeling that in the future, these angels will be our greatest enemies." Leng Yue also nodded: "Although the world of cultivation is troublesome, it will be conquered by us humans one day because The details of the entire world of the true world, we human beings already know, but we do not know the details of these angels, and the angels penetrated into our human society, and may even collude with Western humans. This is a confidant. "

"It doesn't matter. We kill as many angels as possible. The more we kill, the more energy we can get for people to study. Sooner or later, the angel's secret will be studied." The young handsome followed the fleet far away.

The first of this fleet was a huge gold crab battleship, more than five times larger than other battleships, leading seven or eight small battleships, flying long distances. About a day and a night later, Jiang Li saw that the warship finally stopped, deep in a mountain range.

The mountains are all tall trees, virgin forests, and warships hidden in them are nothing at all. Each gold crab battleship landed in the deep woods and hid, and then the angel army flew out of them. Each of these angels was wearing clothes, but they were actually a camouflage-colored field military uniform.

This is equivalent to the Western army of the national era.

In addition, these people also had weapons in their hands. They were guns, but they were all small nuclear guns with great power. It seems that they are pretending to be human beings and killing innocent people in the real world, and then marrying humanity to the earth.


The young master saw the killing of his heart suddenly: "The strongest among the angels is the strong one with mixed interest. I can deal with it, and I can kill as much as I can. On the other side of the mountain, it is a world of cultivation. s country."

Jiang Li looked at it from afar, and it turned out that there was a huge plain on the other side of the mountains. The city was very prosperous. It was an ancient country, and the territory could not be seen at first glance. But look at the spirit of the National Games, no less than the strongest dynasty on ancient earth.

Even if Jiang Li is strong now, his thoughts will not be able to shoot through millions of square kilometers of land at one time. For example, in the Chinese era of China, there were 9.6 million square kilometers. It is impossible for Jiang Li to shoot all his thoughts. .

Suddenly, thinking covers a planet. This is what the Holy One can do.

Therefore, Jiang Li cannot see the whole country, but he can judge the strength of the country by looking at Qi. The so-called luck is the impression that people's hearts, wealth, and various special envoys come together.

Such as the light of the sun, the brightness of the moon.

Can't feel it, but it does exist.

Observing luck, this country is at least three or four times the size of the ancient Qing Dynasty. And technology is more developed than Emperor's Dagan Empire.

Obviously, this army of angels is to plunder the empire in front of them.

Empires like this have a lot on Emperor Star. There are so many ants. After all, the entire earth is also dust to the solar system, and one sun is many times the size of the earth. The three solar system-sized worlds are insignificant even if the earth is put in.

Such huge resources can naturally create many empires.

"Let's do it now, or wait for these angels and people in this empire to pick up the bargains?" Leng Yue asked.

"Let's do it first!" The young and handsome thought or didn't want to: "If we pick up cheap, it will most likely be seen, but people who cultivate the world will think we are aliens. We are now fighting with angels, and shocked the world empire. People, the people of the empire will think that we are heroes and take the lead to resist the enemy. In addition, it is a good thing to kill the angels first to gain energy. What if the people who cultivate the world kill those angels? "

"That's right, let's get started."


Jiang Li rushed out.

"Wait." The young marshal was taken aback: "Wait for them to leave the Golden Crab battleship, otherwise you can't resist the destruction of the battleship's lightwave cannon."

But before he finished speaking, Jiang Li had rushed out and approached the golden crab battleship and the angel army.

Zizi ... …….

Before even reaching the front, the biggest gold crab battleship trembled. It took almost no time, a ray of light locked on Jiang Li, and then a mere brilliance about the thickness of the bowl bombarded him, and the light kept exploding. Open, turned into many fragments, those light fragments spattered on all sides, and the entire forest disappeared as soon as it reached the ground.

There is nothing wrong, not to ashes, but to disappear directly, it seems that everything that has come into contact is sent to a different dimension.

You can see the fierce destruction of the lightwave cannon with almost no reaction time, attack at the speed of light, do not dodge, and if you are locked, you cannot dodge.

"It's over, Jiang Li is dead, too impulsive. This is the wave of destruction."

Few people dare to see it.

But then, they were surprised to find that the light wave kept pounding on Jiang Li and kept exploding, but Jiang Li was motionless, and his whole body was like a black hole, constantly absorbing the power of this light wave. Strong.


He suddenly rushed towards the giant golden crab battleship.

With only one punch, the golden crab battleship was beaten. Although it was not penetrated, it was shocked severely.

Then, many angels attacked him, but he cried again, and Sonic passed out, seeming to shatter the surrounding air, like a sharp knife inserted into the heart.

The angels around him were shocked and exploded. At once, at least hundreds of angels were shattered by his voice.

Then he sucked again.

These shattered angels sucked into his stomach one after another. His stomach looks like a vortex under the sea, and can absorb energy endlessly.

Absorbing the energy of these angels, he shouted again. This time, the sound waves were focused and aimed at an angel in the distant realm ~ www.readwn.com. The wings stretched out from behind. The wings were made up of energy, emitting a light blue glow.

This is another kind of angel, much stronger than the angel with white wings.

Unfortunately, even if it is strong, it cannot be Jiang Li's opponent. Jiang Li almost instantly moved in front of him, punched in one punch, and the strong wind of this punch did not appear, but the potential in all directions was like a mountain, and the invisible and huge airflow contracted toward the center. In some universes, when the red giant changed to a white dwarf , Absorb all light, material taste. That compressive force can even crush the molecules. With one punch, Jiang Li punched out the power of universe change.

Click! Click!

Under this shroud, the fetal angel did not seem to have any resistance and was broken.

Then Jiang Li felt that the sky was like a tide, and a purple light from the sky actually fell straight down into the sky. That is the quaint immortality, it is the energy of the world of the true world to open up the energy obtained by the mysterious immortal dimension plane, improving his quality and spirit can even enhance the life of the soul.

Jiang Li found that only the angels in the realm of birth and death came from the outside, and all the other angels were born and raised here.

Therefore, there is a divine reward for killing the fetal angel.

The reward of Providence is actually very simple, that is, Immortality and Immortality. Like the tears of an angel, elevating your own limits, improving your qualifications, making you change from an ordinary person to a genius, making a genius more genius and shaping your roots.

Jiang Li needs this very much. Of course, the energy obtained by beheading the angel is also something he coveted to be active.

"By the way, I killed a four-winged angel, and I get so many rewards. If I kill a six-winged angel, or even a twelve-winged angel? The reward will definitely be different."

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