Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 337: Suction

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"How did you get in? This building is heavily guarded." General Xia was a little surprised: "The Huaxia Group is so brave, dare to break into private houses privately? I have the right to kill you if you violate human law."

"Human law?" Jiang Li laughed three times: "Xia Hui, don't be funny. At our level, what kind of human law do you care about? Jiang Li has cooperated with our Huaxia Group and handed Chidi Group to us, waiting When he comes back, he will have to transfer property. The Huaxia Group will start accepting the entire group. Marshal Goliath is better to quit quickly. By the way, our sage Hua Liudao is looking for the sage Sisha everywhere to explain this matter. However, Sage Sasa could not be found, and I didn't know where to go. So we Huaxia Group took the lead. As for Miss Luo Han, Miss Xue Ling, Jiang Li asked us to take care of Huaxia Group, how can you take you away? "

"Jiang Li really trusted in the Huaxia Group?" General Xia was both angry and disbelieving.

"If it is fake, replace it." Jiang Li deliberately provoked the contradiction between Huaxia Group and Marshal Goliath, thereby achieving a balance. Marshal Goliath is not a good person, but he is not an opponent now, only to use the strength of Huaxia Group to contain this person Only when you understand the emperor's dream seal and repair the emperor's womb can you sit on an equal footing with this person.

"Then he is very distressed, the saint Sisha will kill him." General Xia was even more annoyed: "I give you a chance to get out, otherwise don't blame me, and Huaxia Group is nothing. You Not my opponent. "

"Let's go, Miss Luo Han, Miss Xue Ling. I'll take you to meet people from our Huaxia Group. Your family can also join the group as a shelter." Jiang Li is not angry, so he will bring Luo Han and Xue Ling. Go out.

"Okay, since Jiang Li joined the Huaxia Group, then we can join." Luo Han Xueling stood up and left.

"Stop and stay for me."


Suddenly General Xia shot, he grabbed in the void, and a sudden electric current appeared on his five fingers, and the huge fetal energy in the body surged wildly.

"Frightening flying claws!"

This claw is divided into three points, and each point covers the Quartet.

Jiang Li turned around and opened his mouth. Suddenly, a vortex appeared, sucking all the dense electric claws in the air into the mouth, and became nutrition. At the same time, his eyes glowed brightly and he took another breath.

Zizi ...

Suddenly, General Xia was trembling all over his body, trying to suppress the energy in his body, because he felt that Jiang Sheng was sucking, the holy fetus in his body was about to move, there was a taste to be sucked away by the tornado. The energy in the body is constantly collapsing, changing, and distorting.

After three breaths, oh!

He squirted blood, a huge energy burst out of his head, and turned into a one-foot-tall baby. This baby was wearing purple clothes, pedaling a lightning purple dragon, and the wind and the wind covered the whole body, like Nezha in ancient mythology. .

This is the holy fetus of General Xia. It is very strong and very strong. Although there is only one, the energy of this holy fetus does not know how many lightning essences, auras, and sages, and the purple is the fairy. This one sacrament is almost equivalent to the three sacraments of the gentleman.

It is a pity that this holy fetus was not automatically taken out by him, but was sucked by Jiang Li and was alive sucked out of his body.


Jiang Li sucked again.

The nag-like fetus actually projected into Jiang Li ’s mouth, turned into a lightning purple light and was swallowed into his belly. After a murmur, Jiang Li was radiant with purple light, and his face had a smile: “ Yes, yes, this holy fetus contains a lot of immortality and aura, as well as the soul, spirit and blood of your soul, which is pure, vast, and exquisite.

"You you you ..." General Xia was paralyzed and sat down, his vitality dropped sharply, his holy fetus was sucked away by Jiang Li in one breath, all repairs were totally abandoned, and his vitality fell to only 3. Already a small character, he is no longer a well-known general, a master of breath.

"What's wrong with me? I just sucked up your holy fetus." Jiang Li deliberately exclaimed: "You are still alive here, but you have not caused any personal injury to you. You have not lost your arms and legs. You are also a healthy and lively person. It doesn't seem that the law stipulates that the crime of intentional harm will be added to my head. "

It is true that the law has intentional harm, but it does not stipulate what to do if a person loses his or her childbirth. This is the vacuum of the law, after all, there are not many masters of all human birth rates.

This is the vacuum of law.

Therefore, Jiang Li sucked General Xia's fetus, there was no legal way to try him, and it could even be said that there was no crime. Of course, in general, to seize the fetus of the strong, you must kill the other party, it is impossible to **** it so easily.

"Who the **** are you? You are not Ma Yuan. If you have such a powerful master in the Huaxia Group, you will never remain silent." General Xia was ashamed and struggled.

"Fortunately, you are not an alien creature, but among your subordinates, there seems to be an alien creature." Jiang Li has abolished General Xia, and once the holy fetus was lost, he wanted to re-cultivate it, it was hard to enter. God, and the source will be lost.

His eyes looked at a Western man next to Tokuyama.

The big man's complexion changed.

Jiang Li pointed to him: "Come out, you have the breath of an angel. You are an alien creature hidden in human society. Don't think I can't recognize it. Although you hide it well, it doesn't help me."

"Okay ... there really is a master among human beings." This western man suddenly changed, the energy frenzy swept the entire room, and all the furniture seemed to be shocked and turned into dust.

He turned into an angel, two meters and five meters tall, with six wings behind him.

But as soon as he appeared in shape, Jiang Li moved.

No one can see Jiang Li's movements clearly. When he raised his hand, he immediately swelled with gas around him. The air turned into six walls and squeezed toward the center. The operation of the air flow was as simple as eating and drinking. Below, it is much harder than King Kong.

Click, click ...

The angel's body tended to be broken, and finally squeezed into a three-inch-sized villain under the squeeze on all sides, and fell into the palm of Jiang Li's palm, and the whole house was calm and calm.

"Oh, alien creature, Marshal Goliath is really powerful. He actually hid an alien creature in his army. I said that if I gave this angel to the highest military department. Will Marshal Goliath collude? Suspect of alien creatures? "Jiang Li pinched the little angel, not afraid that he would fly.

"Who the **** are you!" General Xia roared sharply: "Your means, it is not the state of birth rate at all. The experts who have seen the strongest rate of birth rate have nothing like your ever-changing means, and you have no point at all The breath of the holy fetus, which one are you to forget about? According to the rules, you should not interfere with small things. You are breaking the rules of the game. "


Jiang Li was too lazy to speak with General Xia: "Go back and tell Marshal Goliath, don't oppose our Huaxia Group, otherwise there will be no place for burial. I will sooner or later teach him his methods!"

General Xia got up slumped. He scaredly saw Jiang Li. He is a person who knows the goods. Jiang Li and other means are afraid that they are old antiques in the Huaxia Group, and there is no room for him to speak at all.

"Let's go, let's go!" He greeted his subordinates, almost crawling out.

Jiang Li saw these people go and immediately called Xueling Luohan: "Let's go too, lest they notify Marshal Goliath."

"What the **** are you?" Luo Han hesitated.

"I don't recognize you?" Jiang Li smiled.

"You ..." Both women were startled, and they felt the familiar soul wave, Jiang Li: "You are back. How did you change your identity?"

"Don't talk too much, some things are hard to say. I didn't think Marshal Goliath penetrated the Chidi Group so much that I took away all my business." Jiang Li took the two women to fly away calmly ~ www.readwn.com ~ No obstacles were encountered at all. Half an hour later, the three landed on the prairie outside the Sai.

"Jiang Li, is it really you?"

At the time of landing, Jiang Li had restored his original appearance.

"It's me, I'm back." Jiang Li's mental power radiated into the air long ago, and at the same time extended in all directions. Formed a spiritual network of hundreds of miles to monitor everything.

"Your strength is so strong. Is that really what Xia said, are you forgetting the realm?" Xue Ling couldn't wait to ask.

"No, I ’m not just sitting and forgetting, but I ’m standing, but I practice very well, you know that. I ’m a master of sitting and forgetting. I ca n’t compete now. When I return to earth, I ’m going to promote my birth rate. Promoting to the fetal interest rate, it is not impossible to counteract sitting and forgetting. "Jiang Li comforted the two women:" I have already joined the line of Huaxia Group. Marshal Goliath and his forces are not difficult for us, but I have to catch up now Go to 36 Hwaseong Town, lest the parents have problems, and my sister is still in the army of Marshal Goliath. I have asked the Huaxia Group to investigate. "

"Huaxia Group Insurance is not insured? Don't be a hungry wolf again?" Xueling was a little worried: "You pulled Marshal Goliath and other Western forces into it, causing a total collapse, and the Wang family was hit by Marshal Goliath. Wang Rulai complained to us many times. "

"That is no way. The saint Sisak persecuted me. I can never offend Jiang Nalan and offend him again." Jiang Li thinks about the current situation: "But the saint Sissa seems to have been seduced by the emperor and cannot be separated for the time being. However, Jiang Nalan was trying to achieve the will of the true world, and he couldn't care less about us. Right now, as long as I am promoted, I can communicate with the emperor to see what he is doing and how he is fighting with the saint. Formulating various strategies, I guess Marshal Goliath will come to Earth, and he will inevitably fight against him! "

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