Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 340: Nuclear explosion

{December 4th, I will go to Chengdu to attend the grand event of the writer's rich list. For specific news, you can follow my WeChat public account {mengrushenji1984}.

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"Ma Yuan, you are in great trouble."

As soon as Jiang Li walked into the hall of the Hidden Dragon Club, he saw Emperor Dragon and others angry. "You abolished Xia Hui? A fetal master, you broke his holy fetus. He is now an ordinary person. After the highest military department, the boss above was angry! I see how you explain! "

The highest military department is a collective structure, which is the head of an army. Among them, there are many camps, the Huaxia Group camp, the main **** group camp, and the interests of many families. All of them do things according to the rules of the army. Various forces are at equilibrium.

According to the truth, although these people of the Hidden Dragon Society were trained by the Huaxia Group, they also belong to the military on the surface. This is like a court. Various officials are on the surface of the court, but they actually gang up. This is the eighth prince, the fourth prince, and the other prince.

Compared with the entire human government, the Huaxia Group, the main **** group, and various clans and families are some princes fighting for power, gangs, and parties.

Jiang Li's abolition of Xia Hui was tantamount to fighting between two people in the army. One person wounded the other and reported it to the highest military department. The first reaction was sanctions.

"Marshal Goliath is angry! I want to catch you and go back and ask for guilt! The order of the highest military department is coming down." Some things, how did you conflict with Xia Hui. "

"Where is Ma Yuan!" Jiang Li took two steps, suddenly stopped, exhaled, and yelled, "I am the chairman of Chidi Group, Jiang Li. Work with your Huaxia Group to find out what the alien creatures are. Thing! What about Marshal Goliath? I will naturally deal with him. "

"What? Are you Jiang Li?"

Emperor Dragon was dumbfounded.

But he saw Luo Han and Xue Ling come in: "Then why do you pretend to be Ma Yuan."

"This is the meaning above." Qing Lian said: "It would have been hidden for a while, but Jiang Li seemed to have his own plan, so he disclosed his identity in advance."

"The meaning above ..." Dilong calmed down and remained silent for a while: "Mr. Jiang Li, what help do you need, we try to help you complete it."

"Immediately perform a human nuclear explosion test."

Jiang Li's face didn't move at all: "To conduct the strongest nuclear explosion, on a large scale, I know that there are military bases on the African grassland. Immediately, I was in the center of the nuclear explosion and needed to cultivate magical skills. This was promised by the senior executives of Huaxia Group Don't shy away from my affairs. "

"Do you want to conduct a human nuclear explosion experiment? This is ..." Dilong couldn't believe it.

"Dilong, this is the meaning above, and our arrangement is just that, since Jiang Li wants to conduct a nuclear explosion experiment, he must be sure, he won't find himself dead, and it shouldn't be too late, so start preparing immediately." Qing Lian no longer Bian: "Jiang Li, there is a nuclear explosion test site deep in the Sahara Desert in Africa. Now we can go."

"Walk, the faster the better." Jiang Li knew that the matter was urgent, and wanted to quickly improve the repair, impacting the fetal interest rate, and in the human nuclear explosion experiment, participated in the Great Dream Seal. This time, I was really struggling with life and death. The human nuclear explosion experiment is that people are in the center of the nuclear explosion and bear the power of the nuclear explosion. This is very dangerous. Even if Jiang Li's current practice is irresistible, even if the emperor's embryo can absorb the damage, But before the transformation, the absorbed damage is also limited, and the strong damage in the center of the nuclear explosion can turn him into ashes, and there is no place for death.

Unless he can enlighten the Great Dream Seal, combine the nine seals with one another, and understand the unique skills, at that moment, he can promote his fetal interest rate, and finally resist the damage of the nuclear explosion. On the contrary, he can absorb the power of the nuclear explosion and practice the strongest extinction. Confront Marshal Goliath.

However, this is also the best chance for practice. If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent and bet on life and death.

"Jiang Li, do you really want to conduct a human nuclear explosion experiment?" Luo Han and Xue Ling were both worried.

"It doesn't matter, I have the certainty that I will be promoted." Jiang Li was as quiet as the ancient glaciers, giving people great confidence. At this time, Emperor Dragon and others did not speak, and Jiang Li put too much pressure on them.

"Standing in front of this person, I feel so small." Xianglong's eyes had some admiration: "It turned out he was Jiang Li, I thought he was really Ma Yuan."

"Let's go and arrange a nuclear explosion experiment immediately." Jiang Li didn't want to wait for a moment: "Luo Han, Xue Ling, you just wait outside the nuclear explosion base, wait for me to come out."

"I will always wait for you to come out." Luo Han Xueling said in unison.

A group of people took a flying car to ride the gallop, and in just half an hour, they reached the largest desert in Africa, the central part of the Sahara Desert. Here is a boundless sand sea. A huge military base was established in the middle of the desert, almost the size of a province. Hundreds of thousands of square kilometers, many experiments are being carried out in this military base, and the radiation is very serious, even the science that specifically studies how nuclear explosion radiation changes biological genes.

After the nuclear explosion, if the organisms can survive, their genes will gradually change, some become stronger, and more are dead.

This is a scientific rule, and many scientists study it. Hope to find out the secrets of stimulating genes with radiation so that genetic changes.

Genetics has not been conquered yet. Jiang Li passed the black market three years ago and knew that genetic potions had great hidden dangers. After three years of human research, genetic potions have greatly improved, but there is still a great risk. It is powerful after taking it.

Several people successfully entered the military base. Emperor Dragon is a strong breeder and has a high status. He is one of the commanders of this military base.

He took everyone to a laboratory with a huge Fuxi light brain in the center, and at random, there were many underground nuclear explosion sites.

"Jiang Li, I'm first sure that you really want to conduct a human nuclear explosion experiment. According to the research of countless scientists, if you don't go to the realm of human nuclear explosion experiments, you must die. I urge you not to take risks. I know you are a wizard The cultivation is profound, but after all, your realm and sitting and forgetting are eighteen thousand miles apart. "Emperor Long dissuaded again at the last moment.

"I've got your kindness. When I perform a nuclear explosion experiment, I will teach you a set of boxing methods." Jiang Li expressionless: "Well, pay attention to some conditions and details of nuclear explosion experiments. You give me detailed information. Say it again. "

"Since your decision is over, I won't force it. A message has been sent from the above to let me cooperate with you. I will not disobey the above command. In fact, you have abolished Xia Hui and have angered Marshal Goliath. Right now, only nuclear explosion experiments are conducted. If it is safe, Marshal Goliath will know your strength and dare not mess around. "Emperor Dragon is also very clear about the situation in front of him.

"Let's get started." Jiang Liru, an old monk, settled in motionlessly.

"The human nuclear explosion test site is conducted underground in the center of the Sahara Desert. When a nuclear bomb explodes, you are in the center. At this moment, we will have many light brains to calculate the impact of nuclear explosions, radiation, heat and other damage. Intensity, at the same time, there is your human data. Every human nuclear explosion is a great process for humans to challenge technology. It must be recorded and submitted to the highest human research. At the same time, if you pass the human nuclear Explosion, your name will be recorded in the annals of history, passed down from generation to generation, and will be extolled forever. "The emperor dragon, while explaining the details that need attention, is both fearful and envious.

For two hundred years of humankind, there is no physical body that can counter nuclear explosions in the national era.

Later in the interstellar era, the first physical body to compete with the nuclear explosion was Wang Chao. At the time of the experiment, it almost subverted the understanding of all human beings on the physical body and created the beginning of the saint.

Even now, human beings have reached this point, and there are endless stream of masters, and they begin to conquer many planets, but the physical body is still very rare to resist nuclear explosions.

"Mr. Jiang Li, you started the nuclear explosion experiment in the constant state. This is the first person on earth and the first person in history. In fact, even if you are a master in the realm of forgetfulness, generally you are afraid to perform human nuclear explosion experiments. They won't die, but they will inevitably suffer serious irrecoverable injuries. "Dillon began setting up a test site.

I saw a huge light brain screen, many robots walking around the deserted desert.

Under the ground, huge nuclear bombs are buried.

In the national era, it is still difficult to carry out a nuclear explosion experiment ~ www.readwn.com ~ But after two hundred years, nuclear explosion technology has been quite mature, the power is much greater than before, not to mention, and it is easier to control.

When the preparation is completed, Dilong said, "Mr. Jiang Li, the nuclear explosion experiment is now ready. Please enter the designated location in the desert center. We cannot send you in. You must go there. The nuclear explosion test site is away from here. There are three thousand kilometers. "

"I went to the designated location."

Jiang swayed from his body and disappeared.

"Fast, so fast!" On the light brain, I saw a small point constantly approaching the destination, every time it flashed, it was dozens of kilometers, hundreds of kilometers.

"This is faster than the speed of a battleship." This group of people in the Hidden Dragon Society has seen Jiang Li's true strength this time. This speed has long exceeded the speed of the third universe. If the energy is sufficient, Jiang Lidu Can fly out of the solar system.

Of course, this is unrealistic, even if Jiang Li's fetus is no longer strong, it is impossible to have such a strong accumulation.


In the hot desert, the fire and gold flow, the deserted sand sea looks over, all of them are yellow, without any shrubs or weeds.

Jiang Li landed solitary in the desert, and stood still, like a god.

His mental force struck and penetrated into the desert ground. He found that there was a base in the ground with three huge nuclear warheads. This nuclear explosion is not a small nuclear gun. Once it explodes, it can destroy a large city and let countless people fly. Annihilation, a giant nuclear warhead that causes permanent indelible damage.

Although the nuclear warhead has no soul fluctuations, Jiang Li still feels that once the huge destructive energy explodes, he will die for a lifetime.

"Jiang Li is already in the center of the nuclear explosion, and there is a giant nuclear warhead under his feet. Various data are scanned and transmitted to it, and it depends on the situation!" Emperor Long nervously operated the light brain.

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