Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 348: Ignite

Marshal Goliath's momentum, such pomp, apparently came to the teacher to ask the crime.

Jiang Li opened his eyes and saw the energy channel, which was a small smile, echoing on the sea with a magnificent voice, "Marshal Goliath is coming, my Red Emperor Group is really flourishing, welcome and welcome, but come with such fanfare , I have no way to welcome it. "


Marshal Goliath was wearing a military uniform, with broad shoulders and a wide chest, and the idea was like a knife. He saw Jiuyou through his eyes and snorted, and he walked into the hall, and many soldiers brought the sea and all around the island. blockade.

"No one is allowed in without my order, you know?"

"Got it!"

He nodded with satisfaction, the hall door closed automatically, showing that the entire Red Emperor Group was still under his control.

In the hall, there was a large gold sword sitting by Jiang Li.

"What's wrong with the Holy One?"

The first sentence of Marshal Goliath was not to ask the teacher for guilt, but to ask about the key points. It can be seen that he is not a messy person.

"People who want to blame me don't live long. Who am I from Jiangli? Who dares to make me believe in him?" Jiang Li smiled and smiled. He felt a strong breath from Marshal Goliath, which was released. When it comes out, the entire island, even the tens of miles of sea area, will be torn apart and exploded into a large black hole, but he is not afraid at all. Because he can afford it, and so is the nuclear explosion. What about Marshal Goliath?

His tone was vague, but he carefully understood the meaning. Marshal Goliath was very cold in his heart, the meaning was simple, and the saint, Sasa, was fierce.

"Who is behind you?"

"A great existence does not belong to this dimension." Jiang Li gave a burst of laughter: "The sage, the saint, has gone to the Dragon Dimension. This mysterious dimension has not been discovered by humans yet. I am behind the Dragon Dimension. Great existence. Why is it that Marshal Goliath built the Black Cross and killed the feng shui of the 36th Huacheng ancestral dragon? I want to ask you first. "

"What do you think you will say, I will believe it? The Sage, the Holy One, will return soon. You colluded with Hua Liudao, betrayed him, and profaned him. When he was angry, Hua Liudao may not be able to protect you." Marshal Goliath still thinks that Jiang Li relied on the strength of Hualiu, the sage of Huaxia Group, to get rid of the saint.

"Believe it or not."

Jiang Li made no remarks: "The saint Sisha will never return. He disappeared in the long river of time. I have nothing to do with Huaxia Group, but there may be cooperation in the future. By the way, Marshal Hualenga of Huaxia Group is also today. Will come to visit me, and everyone will be able to talk together at that time. Also, Marshal Goliath, don't show this picture, I am on an equal footing with you now. "

"Sit up?" Marshal Goliath took a quick step forward, crushing it with a strong momentum: "You are the birth rate, I am forgetting, even if your strength is also a birth rate, the gap between the realms cannot be reduced. Passover, sitting and forgetting is the secret of mastering the dimension. You are only absorbing the aura and using magical powers. It is too different from mine. Let me see if your human nuclear explosion experiment is true? Or is it a fake, or is it dependent? Some magic weapon? "


One punch!

Marshal Goliath is a punch.

This fist is like God blowing the horn of doom, the flood floods the earth, there is the power of extinction, and it changes continuously. With Jiangli as the center, the surrounding dimensions seem to open, and some destructive violent energy surges out.

Jiang Li's eyes tightened. This fist was indeed boundless and overbearing. Even if he had to take it seriously, with his current practice, he could counteract sitting forgetting, but it was definitely not a way to defeat sitting forgetting.

Oh oh oh ...

There was a long howling in his body, and it seemed that the rooster sang the world white.

His hands are crossed, Yin and Yang are united, all attacks and injuries are combined into one body. He is inhaled into his body. His body is an endless black hole that absorbs all energy and can even change all energy attributes. It can convert mechanical energy into biological energy. At the same time, it converts biological energy into mechanical energy.

He ignores any laws of physics, because together with the big dream, everything is upside down and confused, and everything can happen in the dream.

His body is the fetus of the emperor, the fetus of the emperor is his body, and the inside of his body is also a dream world.


No matter how this fist of Marshal Goliath changed, he could not escape his capture, and finally the ever-changing punch collided with his hands.


Marshal Goliath roared again, and the huge flame energy shock wave erupted from the fist and directly bombarded into Jiang Li's body.

It's like a sudden dump of a sea into a city, and the entire city will be flooded.

It's a pity that Jiang Li wriggled for a while, absorbing the energy of the shock, and at the same time, his eyes flickered, and the stronger force in his body began to fight back.

Marshal Goliath quickly retreated from the battlefield.

Jiang Li did not chase, exhaling a long breath, there was flame in the air flow. Marshal Goliath's punch was very fierce. The punch energized with the huge energy of the fire dimension. A punch was equivalent to bombing a nuclear bomb into his body and exploding. This powerful energy was predatory and difficult to suppress.

However, as long as the suppression continues, it can be transformed into self-tonic.

"Hold my punch." Marshal Goliath's shock was also earth-shaking at this time. Although he saw Jiang Li absorb the nuclear explosion in the video, it was one thing to see the video. It was one thing to see it for himself. The power contained in this fist is enough to destroy the entire island, and even cause the river to stop flowing. All of them concentrated into the body of the river and were completely resolved. What is the situation?

He is a peerless master, naturally it can be seen that one punch cannot help Jiang Li, and sure enough the other party has the ability to sit on an equal footing with himself.

And he exerted a strong mental force in this fist, and wanted to hypnotize Jiang Li, but it did not help. Because when the spirit comes into contact with Jiang Li's body, it is like dreaming, upside down, and wondering what happened.

He then knew that Jiang Li's spirit was beyond his imagination. Of course, because of the gap in his realm, Jiang Li could not hypnotize him.

Jiang Li can now hypnotize any person with strong fetal interest rate, even if he is a master of mixed interest, but he cannot hypnotize and forget, no matter how strong his mental strength is.

Realm is impossible to cross.

"Marshal Goliath, you shot me for no reason, which violates human law?" Jiang Li took a sigh of relief, his body was full of energy, and he felt he had reached a new level again. The ability of the emperor's womb to absorb all injuries was The more powerful the attack he encountered, the more energy he received.

Even he can condense energy blocks in his body, and at the same time he can condensate aura spirit stones.

"I try your cultivation." Marshal Goliath suppressed the strong intention of killing in his heart: "Your power is really magical, but that's all. There are all kinds of abilities in mastering the realm. of."

"I also have all kinds of abilities, and I do n’t have to be a master in the realm of forgetfulness." Jiang Li was telling the truth: "Marshal Goliath, what else do you have to come to today? If not, then let your soldiers trouble, also All the people you planted in the Chidi Group were removed. "

"What if I say no?"

Marshal Goliath is as powerful as ever.

"Then I have to check them one by one, because there are many alien creatures in your people. If I find out, I'm afraid you will be very sad, and there is no saint saint to protect you. You are torn into pieces, and you are afraid of a lot of industries. Many people are salivating. You are salivating to my Red Emperor Group, others are salivating to your wealth, and the food chain is one by one. "Jiang Li is not afraid at all. Marshal Goliath does not retreat.

What's more, when Hualenga arrives, he must also be suppressed.

"Marshal Goliath, don't be afraid of him, our Jiang family will support you."

A voice passed from the outside.

The voice was clear, it was a woman. Actually broke in during the two major confrontations, showing that her strength is not under Marshal Goliath and Jiang Li.

There is another woman in the hall. This woman is slender, in a veil and has a classic style ~ www.readwn.com ~ But her eyebrows are raised, and she is like a modern strong woman. She holds the power of the enterprise and is in business. Calling the wind and the rain. But if you look more closely, it seems that the ancient swordsman woman. Like a female Buddha ...

Different temperaments circulated in the woman's body, as if she had various identities.

This woman Jiang Li couldn't be more familiar.

Because she is Jiang Xinyue.

At this time, Jiang Xinyue was full of spirit and full of vitality. He was not so many times stronger than when he was in the world of cultivation.

Jiang Xinyue's practice of the "Longevity Supreme Scriptures" was difficult to practice successfully, but although he was raped, he was blessed because of the calamity, gained the energy of the Great Seal, and thus became an ancient mastery that only Jiang Nalan can practice. .

Later, although she was arrested by Jiang Li, she absorbed a lot of energy, but escaped because of this breakthrough, relying on the strong savings of the Jiang family to quickly recover her strength, and she also achieved a breakthrough, and finally broke through to the "mixed interest". In this way, the Longevity Supreme Sutra has a natural cycle and endless taste, and also understands the secret of longevity.

"Jiang Xinyue, it's you."

Jiang Li was also taken aback, but did not expect to see her on earth.

"That's right, it's me. I'm the unrequited injustice, wherever you are, I'll follow, because I'm going to kill you." Jiang Xinyue's tone was flat, but everyone could hear it as deep as the sea.

Marshal Goliath quietly stepped aside and let Jiang Xinyue dominate the frontal battlefield. He could see that Jiang Xinyue's hatred for Jiang Li was too deep.

"We don't have any hatred." Jiang Li calmed down and spread his hands: "If it weren't for me, could you cultivate the Supreme Master Sutra? To the point where you are now? Moreover, in the world of cultivation, you ca n’t help me, and now you ca n’t help it Me. You should thank me, not kill me. "

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