Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 578: Crisis of the Earth

Giants have always been heterogeneous. They are the same as human organs and limbs, and even have similar thinking patterns.

Whether it is the ancient legend of Chinese civilization, or the myth of western civilization, the story of giants has appeared, and it has been passed down through the ages.

It can be seen that there are definitely giants, and they have also appeared in history, causing a great impact. Only then will it be recorded and circulated in history books in various places.

Right now, giants have actually appeared in the Bermuda Triangle.

The arms are more than thirty meters long. How tall is the body? Sixty meters? How strong is this giant?

In fact, after humans entered the interstellar era, traces of giants have been found on many planets and even in space, but the average giant is three or four meters tall and has weak physical strength.

Basically, giants over ten meters are very rare. The bigger the body, the stronger the giant, and the more vitality it has. Because giants have the same structure as human beings, they can also practice martial arts. They even have a better understanding of martial arts than humans, because they are a race, they can live freely in space, hunt creatures, and many of the starry giants are them. food.


The huge hand propped up from the vortex of the sea, followed by a roar, the sound of waves sloshing, whirlwinds everywhere, and thunderous lightning appeared one after another.

Then a head came out.

This one is the size of a house, with a large mouth open for blood, Sonic can tear a small warship completely. Especially there is a twisted rune on the giant's forehead, which is born with this text.

"No, it's the Saiyan Giant." Situ Bolon was startled. "Can't let it come out. This is the most terrifying giant. It is rumored that it came from a powerful dimension. In the ancient times, some giants in that dimension passed the node of the earth. , Ran to the three-dimensional universe, wandering in the depths of the universe, their flesh is a battleship, can store powerful energy, fly in a cosmic vacuum for a long time, long life. Very destructive. Once, there was a marshal in the army When I met a group of Saiyan giants, and the fleet fell, this is still a small Saiyan giant, the real big Saiyan giant, several kilometers in height, and even 10,000 meters. It can be seen that their bodies can be How much energy is stored? "

What is the concept of a giant standing thousands of meters and thousands of meters?

Mount Everest is also more than 8,800 meters above sea level, which means that a giant stands higher than Mount Everest.

Appearing on the earth in this way, a city is blown away by blowing a breath, the key is that the giant is still in a group.

Marshal's fleet fell down when they met these giants?

Jiang Li felt a cold heart now.

Right now, the giant that climbs out is also sixty or seventy meters, and it is very scary, but not even a child among the Saiyan giants.


As soon as the Saiyan giant's head appeared, his body crawled out. The whole body was scaly skin, as if wearing a layer of armor. The huge energy was emitted from the inside of the body and turned over the river.

This doesn't count. Under the vortex of the sea, deep in the remote channel, Jiang Li heard the waves of numerous giants roaring, and seemed to urge the giant in front of him to come out quickly.

"Oops, this giant can still cope. If it is a giant army, thousands of heads, come out together, the entire earth will not be destroyed?" Jiang anxiously anxiously.


At this time, Situ Bolong took the lead in killing. He roared loudly, and a giant appeared behind him, holding a giant sword, suddenly slashing.

The giant sword was split in the head, even a mountain can be unfolded, the sword shadow roared, and there were several mighty powers that cut the sea directly.


The giant felt the danger, and before he jumped out, he grabbed his hand upwards, his arms were like iron, and a slight shaking brought a storm. Actually, they collided with Jianqi, and there was another thunder and lightning flash.


Jiang Li saw that the giant was so powerful that he could resist Situ Bolong's sword and let it escape?

He didn't look at it, his strength increased, all the cells in the body condensed to the extreme, and then the body turned into a streamer and radiated out, and he just came to the giant's presence in one click.

The giant is more than sixty meters tall. He is only one meter nine. It looks like a mouse in front of an elephant, but when he rides the giant to resist the sword, he punches out.

Kaka Kaka ...

His punch clearly hit the key, hitting the core, the giant had a smell of comminuted fractures, and the vitality dropped significantly.

"Soul, suck!"

Jiang Li was scratching again, showing the seal of the Great Emperor, the seal of the Great Emperor, the seal of the Great Emperor, the seal of the Great Emperor, and the four seals, and many black holes condensed in the body. Immediately, the giant's soul was sucked away by him. The huge amount of mental energy was absorbed into his body, and even the giant martial arts, memory, and experience were all absorbed.

In the world of self-cultivation, Jiang Li absorbs the soul of living things, but it is purely spiritual energy, and he is promoted to the state of fetal interest, and the cultivation is soaring, and many secrets of the Great Seal are also revealed one by one. He can now absorb the soul of the enemy with a wave of his hand, and even the memory of the military experience of the enemy can be absorbed.

The giant's soul is too powerful, and its mental strength is more than 20 dimensions. Jiang Li inhaled himself, only feeling that his head was slightly swollen and painful, and that huge memory swarmed, and he even felt a headache. It's like a light brain that inputs too much data to it, causing memory blockage.

This is the disadvantage.

Human soul and memory are the simplest. Each person has his own unique memory to form the soul. The most important thing for the soul to maintain independence is memory.

If a magic Taoist method absorbs other people's soul memories, then their own memories will also be confused, causing a variety of feelings and personalities, then they will be destroyed.

This is why there is basically no one absorbing the memory of the soul.

Think about it, if you absorb the soul memory of others, what is the difference between yourself and others? Your soul cannot be independent.

But Jiang Li is different.

He has the final outline of his spiritual practice, that is, the "Dream Seal". In the dream, upside down and confused, everything can be changed in the dream, memory can be forgotten in the dream, and multiple lives can be transformed into the dream.

He ran the Emperor's Dream Seal a little, and immediately resolved those useless and redundant memories, leaving the most important instinct of martial arts experience and some giant secrets.

He took a shot, killed the giant, absorbed the giant's soul and memory, obtained powerful spiritual energy, and then resolved it with a big dream seal, maintaining his soul's independence, that is, in an instant.

The giant's huge body fell suddenly and floated on the sea. But at this moment, Situ Bolong chanted a long spell in the sky, and suddenly countless energy condensed into many strange runes, forming a large net, flying towards the underwater vortex, strange Yes, as soon as these runes fell into it, they immediately began to freeze the space, the vortex subsided, and the sea was calm. As if nothing had happened.

Of course, the body of a giant floated on the sea.

"The forbidden curse of the **** of the air is really powerful." Jiang Li watched Situ Bolong's show, knowing that this kind of seal could not do it himself.

Jiang Xinyue did not participate in the battle, and at this time, she did not feel too disappointed. When she shook her hand, the holy fetus turned into a large hand, and she took the giant carcass from the sea, and flung it on the aircraft carrier deck in the distance. Many special The group of people watched from the deck, and sighed.

The giant has a toe higher than a human.

"It's a Saiyan giant." Jiang Xinyue also landed on the deck: "Our Sun and Moon Group just wanted to get this thing, but unfortunately there has been no opportunity to bring this thing to the laboratory to study the genes of the blood of the Saiyan giant. The potion, because it is also a human, has similar genes to humans. So the genetic potions that have been researched have little risk. "

Once the giant gene potion is injected, people will be as powerful as Superman. This is the result of many researches in human science experiments, but it is also difficult to cause genetic necrosis, and human life potential is overdrawn, and it will not live for several years.

In fact, gene potions have such disadvantages ~ www.readwn.com ~ That is the potential for overdraft life, which suddenly erupts and has insufficient information.

Of course, science is gradually solving this problem.

"This corpse is of great value, but it has to be turned over to the highest military department and reported directly to the President. It will be sent to the main planet for research." Situ Bolong didn't mind that everyone was opposed, this is a fixed procedure.

Jiang Li possesses the Zerg technology and does not care about the body of a small Saiyan giant.

Moreover, this Saiyan giant is too effective, and the research value is not high.

The true Saiyan giant is as high as 10,000 meters, with strong blood, almost holy. Even the masters who sit and forget the realm are not opponents.

Such giants can pierce the planet all at once.

"Mr. Bolong, although you sealed this passage, it is not stable. I just saw that in the depths of the passage, there seemed to be countless giants to crowd out. Once giants like this broke the passage, a lot of them came to the earth. Even the earth is destroyed. "Jiang Li obtained some very secrets from the giant's memory just now, but he kept it secret and didn't say it, lest people discover the secret that he can absorb the memory.

What's more, in the memory he just learned, there are some earth-shaking secrets that he can never say.

"Yes, it is very dangerous. I never thought that the Saiyan giant actually appeared on the earth. There was a lot of Saiyan giant's breath just now. When the Saiyan giant's army is dispatched, it is billions, even tens of billions. It can completely occupy each galaxy. The strong among the giants is comparable to the sage. "Situ Bolon said:" I will report immediately, the two of you are here to guard, I go to the Lord God! "

Between the words, he left in a hurry, apparently going to the warship base for a wormhole jump, reporting to the highest president, and even going to invite experts everywhere.

As soon as he left, Jiang Li and Jiang Xinyue faced each other.

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