Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 367: Long Qi

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It was quiet at night, couples in twos and threes went back one after another, and the campus was quiet, but Jiang Li didn't leave, and he still observed the imperial city in the distance.

After the hustle and bustle, the imperial city also seemed to calm down, and the humanistic atmosphere around it kept spinning, and then penetrated into the depths of a certain space, seeming to nourish the ancient seal.

"There must be mystery. I can be here to find the traces of alien creatures. I am not in a hurry." Jiang Li is very calm, and there is no way to destroy the atmosphere here. Everything is braked with silence because he knows, Alien creatures are very strong and have a vitality of 80. Once they are found to be dangerous and mad, the entire university will be destroyed.

Although the university has a weapon defense system, it cannot be compared with Star University and has insufficient energy. A master of fetal interest can do whatever he wants here, not to mention forgetting?

A round of bright moon hung high above his head, the moonlight was like washing, reflected softly on his body, he absorbed the essence of the moon, every cell was clear.

Now, by his means, he can directly fly to the moon without any tools, but it takes some time.

When he promoted his fetal breath and absorbed the nuclear explosion, he had such energy. The cultivation these days has made even greater progress, especially the slaying of many giants and the absorption of blood and soul. His cultivation has reached an incredible level. realm. Just one step away, you can break through the realm and enter the realm of the second-best birth rate, the Divine Breath.

"somebody is coming."

As soon as he was at ease, he noticed that two figures came over in the distance.

I turned my attention and found out that it was a college student couple who were noisy and didn't know what happened. May be emotional discord.

"Yuexian, do you really want to do this? Break up with me?"

"Shi Biao, don't you think I don't know. You and other women are hooking up. Three days ago, you called me and said to go to work. The result was to open a room with the woman named Zhu Xia, and you were yesterday. Going to the night club to fooling around, don't I know? "

"These are all entertainment. My business is so big. Naturally, you have to be entertained. You have to understand. Those women are just acting on the scene."

"Get out, get out of me, don't pull me. I don't know you in the future. You can tell these disgusting words." .........

The couple was not far from the river, and the noise was louder and louder beside the pool beside the woods. After hearing a few words, Jiang Li almost understood that the man is not a good thing, the woman knows that he is derailed, so he wants to break up, and the man is still entangled.

Jiang Li smiled. There are many such things. Especially in modern society, the law stipulates that polygamy can be polygamous, and even polygamous men and women can have many wives and husbands. However, most couples are still monogamous.

"Yuexian, do you really want to break up with me?" The man named Shi Biao was still entangled. In the moonlight, he was tall and well-dressed, well-dressed, and had a few successful people. The taste of Yi Zhiqi obviously obviously commands his subordinates.

"I've thought about it for a long time. You are not a good thing. I used to look at you wrongly. Now give me a shot. I don't want to see you for a moment." The girl didn't give the man any affection at all.

"Yuexian, this name is a little familiar." Jiang Li heard it, but he had a few impressions, suddenly he remembered: "This girl isn't my first time participating in a police mission? Kill the magic fox and rescue the girl Sprite Lin Yuexian? How did she appear in Huaxia University, or a student? At first, she was a college student, but it is not surprising that with her own efforts, it is not impossible for Xinghua University to become a graduate student.

Actually meet acquaintances here.

Of course, this girl is not an acquaintance.

"Yuexian, do you know that none of my people like Spiao can run away. Only I dump women and never allow other women to dump me. If you let others know you dump me, then I will go out and return What kind of face? "Seeing Lin Yuexian keep him rolling, Shi Biao suddenly changed his face.

"It turned out to be this way, I can see you through." Lin Yuexian sneered more and more: "But I still have a heart, did not let you succeed. What do you want now? Roll or not roll? If you still deliberately entangle me, I The police have called the police on this campus.

"Alarm? You try it." Shi Biao suddenly looked up: "Lin Yuexian, I chased you for so long and I was sent off like this? How could that be?"

"What do you want to do?" Lin Yuexian saw Shi Biao's aggressive look and stepped back.

"You also know who I am Spiao and how powerful my historian is. One of the 36 members of Huacheng is my dad, and my historian exists in the elite district. Your family is not ordinary. In the small city of Xinghua City, it's nothing. Why fight with me? "Shi Biao pressed hard.

"Shi Biao, you are so shameless." Lin Yuexian couldn't retreat, because he would retreat back into the pond.

"Nothing, you don't give me a face, and I won't give you a face." Shi Biao grabbed Lin Yuexian.

Between his shots, the martial arts was superb, and it was actually a trick of A-level martial arts, which was a big win. This method of martial arts implies the mystery of soul-searching. In one move, the voice of extravagant ghosts appeared.

Lin Yuexian was just about to shout loudly, but to no avail, this claw suppressed her voice and blocked her throat.

But the moment he caught it, the hand was stopped.

He was also stopped by a man.

The man was not as tall as him, but had a magnificent momentum, grabbed his paw with one hand, and suddenly twisted.

On clicking, Spiao's wrist was broken.

"Awesome Claw? A-level martial arts? This is a ban in the army. You can really use it to fight against a girl. But you have a Awesome Claw. I have a Great Soul Claw. The combination of two sets of martial arts is the S-level martial arts. With this martial arts, you can reach the realm of birth rate. "

The man broke his wrist and spoke coldly.

"Guo Meng, you're nosy! How can you be here?"

Spiao was very distressed, but he was also stingy, backed up again and again, "Don't think you are strong. Offend me, you have no good life."

"Get off, Shi Biao, although your family is powerful, but today's affairs have violated the law, as long as you guarantee that you will not be entangled with this girl in the future, I will let you go." Guo Meng waved his hands, and a sudden innate anger gave the history Biao pushed back and forth.

Shi Biao looked at Guo Meng fiercely and flew away.

"It really is Guo Meng." Jiang Li originally wanted to take a shot. As long as he injected a spirit into Lin Yuexian's soul, Lin Yuexian would immediately become a master and defeat Shi Biao, but Guo Meng suddenly appeared, and he watched the change.

This dead party has really changed, and it is not the insignificant appearance before. His expression was determined, decisive, and profound in martial arts. He seemed to have been tried and tested. He had a murderous spirit in his body, and it was as if he had been practicing a millennium and killed a thousand-year-old general. If he was not familiar with Guo Meng, Jiang Li would have thought He was taken away by alien creatures.

However, Jiang Li observed from the Dream Seal and found that Guo Meng is still Guo Meng, but there is only an unfathomable energy in his body, which is definitely not as simple as Vitality 5.

Obviously, he also had adventures.

However, Guo Meng couldn't see him. In fact, Jiang Liduan sat here and observed the changes in the imperial city. No one can see his existence. He is now more and more mysterious. The cells can almost change the shape and change the substance.

If he further cultivates, he may even fully understand the nine seals of the emperor, and change his life form into a magical power like Sun Wukong's "seventy-two changes."

"Mr. Guo Meng, thank you very much this time." Lin Yuexian scared a cold sweat: "But you must also be careful, Shi Biao ..."

"Don't have to thank him, I'm a longtime kid, Shi Biao, relying on the power of his own family and doing whatever he wants, thinking that no one in the school can stop him." Guo Meng stopped Lin Yuexian from saying, "In fact, his family power is not there. It's worth mentioning that you can rest assured that he can't retaliate at me ~ www.readwn.com ~ and dare not go to your trouble. "

"Then I leave first." Lin Yuexian seemed frightened.

"No, since you see it, you have a destiny. In the end, why did Shi Biao persecute you? Actually, it depends on your strength." Guo Meng smiled slightly. "When Jiang Li, my former gang member, started, his strength was also weak. Bullied him, but then he made rapid progress and was strong. He dared to stop him when he met God. "

"Jiang Li? He is a legend. We used to work together," Lin Yuexian said, recalling.

"No, right?" Guo Meng was surprised.

Lin Yuexian told the past.

Guo Meng listened and smiled again and again: "Oh well, you and Jiang Li still have this fate, yes, I am about to do a big thing. I need people to help, but unfortunately I ca n’t find a reliable person. I ca n’t find you today. Yes, I will give you some benefits. "

"What's the big deal?" Lin Yuexian was alert.

"It's actually very simple. Let's go to the Imperial City. You can do as I said." Guo Meng smiled and was very mysterious: "I promise you can get strength."

"This imperial city is a tourist attraction. It won't open at night." Lin Yuexian still didn't understand.

"It doesn't matter, my skills can completely avoid the surveillance here. And we are not stealing things. I'm familiar with everything here. Besides, I still have an identity. I'm the administrator of the Imperial City. I check in at night. Normal. "When Guo Meng spoke, he pulled Lin Yuexian into the ancient imperial city.

At a glance, Jiang Li didn't move, but infiltrated a very subtle spirit into the air. He followed Guo Meng secretly and saw what was happening.

He has seen that the dead party is not the old one, but it has not been possessed by alien creatures, and it is not known whether it is a blessing or a curse on the matter at hand, and wait to see how it changes.

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