Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 371: False promise

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"I agree, this is a major event that is beneficial to all human beings." Jiang Li heard that the meat was coming. The other party was definitely not as simple as studying the Huanghuang blood gene potion, but he wanted to pull himself into the group, believe in the dragon god, and call Power, open the real channel of the Dragon Dimension.

Unfortunately, the female secretary He Wen doesn't know at the moment, Jiang Li's understanding of Long Zhidi is also very deep.

As long as he observes carefully and communicates with the young emperor, he can gain the experience of the siege of the saint, Sisha, and then acquire some important knowledge.

"So, did the Marshal agree to the cooperation between Chidi Group and Yanhuang Group?" Female secretary He Wen frowned first, then took out a bottle of potion from the small bag she carried: "This is a sample of Yanhuang Dragon blood we studied. , You can analyze it first, and if possible, we sign a contract first. "

"No problem." Jiang Li waited for the other party to send an electronic contract and signed it.

In his current position, the contract is not binding and cannot restrain him. The reason for signing the contract is to reassure the other party.

Later, he took the bottle of Yanhuanglong blood gene potion, the potion showed a golden color, but in the deep golden color there was a ray of purple gas, rich, magnificent, and upright.

Jiang Li's spirit penetrated into it, and immediately felt that Wanlong was shouting. It seemed to enter a kingdom of dragons.

His spirit was stunned, and he had a vein of blood boiling and a harmonious taste.

It seemed that the Yanhuang Dragon blood gene potion resonated strongly with his blood veins.

"Good potion." He exclaimed that he could feel the powerful energy and a spirit of taking over the world from this potion, and it really is the vein of the ancient Yanhuang Dragon blood.

"This potion is not perfect. If ordinary Chinese take it, their strength will increase, but they will become monsters with snakes in their heads and cannot be recovered anymore, although this looks the same as Fuxi Nuwa in ancient Chinese myths. However, this look does not conform to modern people's aesthetics. After all, it is heterogeneous. So I hope that the Chidi Group can work with us to resolve this disadvantage, how about it? "He Wen saw the relief of Jiang Li signing the contract.

"I have to do experiments and analyze. This is not a simple scientific problem." Jiang Li pondered for a moment: "What else is next?"

"This matter is very confidential." Guo Meng kept talking.

He Wen quickly took over the topic: "Let me say it. Yes, we have also received orders from the Supreme Military. It seems that humans are very unstable nowadays, especially the earth. Many channels of time and space have been opened, and there are even aliens. Creature enters. It's true, Marshal now knows where the human crisis is. "

"I know." Jiang Li didn't know what medicine was sold in her gourd, but he could count it: "In fact, the Yanhuang Group is well informed. It should be known that I killed the giant in the space-time tunnel of the Bermuda Triangle. You must know about the migration. "

"Actually, humans don't have to migrate."

Suddenly, He Wen was amazing.

"What?" Jiang Li was shocked when he heard the words, but he was very deep on the surface and refused to show it: "What? This thing can't be overstated."

"This is the top secret of our Yanhuang Group." He Wen smiled: "Huaxia bloodline humans are descendants of dragons, our ancestors are actually dragons, and dragons are extremely powerful beings in the universe. Why is n’t the world of the true world afraid of us? Invasion is the existence of providence. The providence of the earth has long ceased to exist, but our ancestral spirit of Huaxia has existed. Our ancestor spirit is the dragon god. As long as we use a series of sacrificial means to call out the ancestor spirit and become the earth Will, no alien race can invade us. "

"This ... ……. What's going on?" Jiang almost frowned.

"The thing is very simple. We worship our ancestors and make our ancestors shelter us again. We have the will of Chinese blood, and we can resist all invasions by the will of God, so that the human beings on the earth will not migrate and our homeland will be preserved. Guo Meng seems to be convinced about the ancestral dragon: "Jiang Li, our blood of Chinese people, generation after generation, think that the emperor is the emperor of the true dragon, and dragons exist in any sacrifices. This is the blood of traditional civilization. Even the ancient I Ching said at the beginning, the ninth day, do n’t use Qianlong. Each of us is actually a dragon. So, I hope you can help us with a big sacrifice and awaken the power of the ancestral dragon. protect the Earth."

"This way ..." Jiang Li knew that Guo Meng might be deceived. Of course, he was right. The dragon **** of the dragon dimension is likely to be the ancestor of the Chinese blood of the earth, and sacrificing the dragon **** from generation to generation is also a Chinese civilization. Tradition, but now the Chinese civilization is an independent individual, and then sacrificing the dragon, I am afraid there is something inappropriate.

This is not to forget our ancestors, but to be independent.

"Moreover, you also know that our bloodline in China is actually following the path of cultivation and civilization, not relying on technology, but hundreds of years ago, the sudden industrial revolution made the West strong and invaded the East, and we became a technology. Society, cultivation civilization no longer exists. In fact, if there is no invasion of industrial civilization, our society will continue to develop, sacrificing dragon gods throughout the dynasties, I am afraid that it will also become a civilization as powerful as the cultivation world, the ancient ancestor dragon God will recover. "Guo Meng continued:" In fact, the industrial civilization's invasion of our Chinese civilization is the conspiracy of angels and alien creatures. We all know this, for fear that our Chinese blood will become a culture of cultivation and gradually become stronger. . "

"Now we are strong. After learning this secret, we will restore the ancient and bright civilization. Our Chinese civilization will usher in a brand new era, the era of myth, and the era of the dragon." He Wen's tone was also very infectious.

In all fairness, they are talking about the right path.

Jiang Li knows that things are not so simple. Even if humans are experimental, they are no longer, and they cannot go back to the old way.

However, he would not say his own thoughts, but looked up after a long time of thinking: "You are speaking too vainly, simply sacrificing the dragon **** can restore the earth's providence? If so, wait right now?"

"What the earth is, presumably Marshal has something in mind." He Wen continued to: "We Yanhuang Group, after studying for many years, finally know the channel of our ancestor Dragon Dimension by Yanhuang bloodline. If we can quickly worship, rely on the current The situation, opening the channel, you can complete the big change in an instant. This must be helped by the marshal, after all, thirty-six Huacheng is now your town. "

"Indeed, thirty-six Huacheng is my town." Jiang Lidao said: "So, the channel that communicates with the Dragon Dimension is in Jinghua City?"

"You guessed very well." He Wen admired: "This is a big move, we can't do it alone, because you are a master, you must be the first to know if there is any trouble. And you also serve as a special task force We are doing this, and there is suspicion of collusion with alien creatures. We must work with you to open the situation. "

"This is a big deal." Jiang Li thought for a while.

"The benefits are great. Needless to say, the benefits to our bloodlines are even better for you." He Wen said: "Your cultivation can be ascended to the highest level in one fell swoop, because it is the will of the plane. In addition to this, the blessing of the dragon god. In addition, it can also resolve the earth crisis, killing two birds with one stone. You know, this time the earth crisis, the Jiang family is also about to move, then Jiang Nalan is ... ”

Between the words, she said the set of rhetoric threatened by the Jiang family.

"The threat of the Jiang family is great. The earth is in crisis. If Jiang Nalan can successfully migrate, it will win the hearts of the people." Jiang Li knows this deeply, and is determined to go deep into the tiger's lair and get the tiger: "Okay, I promise you and assist you Opening the Dragon's Dimension Channel, this is not a collusion with alien civilizations, but a sacrifice to our ancestors of the Chinese bloodline ~ www.readwn.com ~ Is this true? "He Wen's eyes flashed.

"Of course, as long as you can deal with the Jiang family, you can do everything. Once Jiang Nalan is in power, there is still my way of life?" Jiang Li's face was a little embarrassed: "However, this matter has to be considered, specific. What is the plan? "

"The specific plan is very simple. You must solicit a large number of your subordinates, and you must have pure Chinese blood, and then launch an event to worship the ancestors, and at the same time, lure them. Use the blood of Yanhuang Dragon to increase their strength. Generally, the larger and larger the crowd is, the more the souls of the people are gathered. As long as the dragon **** notices it, it will open the channel. In an instant, the earth will be refined, and the earth will have a huge will to kill any alien creature. , Dragon God will feel our blood and give us countless rewards. "He Wen said:" Of course, the specific plan has to be discussed, but you are the marshal, occupying an absolute dominant position in 36th Huacheng, as long as you launch an event It must be the view from all people. "

"Well, you write a specific plan and I will implement it. In addition, I will also see what is the benefit of sacrificing the dragon **** first. In the past few days, I have to study the mystery of the blood of the Yanhuang Dragon." Communicate again with Xiaodi, ask about this knowledge, how to deal with it, maybe this is an opportunity.

"Okay, let's say goodbye right now. There is a tight time. If there is some time, our brothers will get together." Guo Meng left after finishing his speech.

Jiang Li looked at the back of his dead party, playing with a bottle of genetic potion in his hand, and trying to figure out how to control the situation.

Everyone was gone and calmed down, and he started to communicate with the Emperor.

An idea passed out, and he found that the communication with Xiaodi was getting more and more difficult, and it seemed that the other party was in a critical period.

"Xiaodi, how are things going?" He communicated to Xiaodi.

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