Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 397: The decisive battle begins

"You have a good idea." Wang Chunqiu, the head of the Wang family, walked casually: "Our Wang family really can't do too much peace. I came in to see you as a secret operation. When countless reporters come, I can't be here. But I came here today to ask you something. "

"whats the matter?"

Jiang Li asked.

"Goliath, Jiang Xinyue, Jiang Haichao, Jiang Wuxue, Jiang Wushun, Jiang Wu prison, these six people went to plot you, and suddenly disappeared for a month. The Jiang family now goes up and down, irritable, and do not know What happened, these traces of the world-wide investigation, but found no trace, is this one of your hands? "Wang Chunqiu is asking this is a major event.

This is indeed a big deal.

Human beings forget the strong, and each loss is equivalent to a country's land-cutting compensation. To cause a huge sensation in humans.

Losing six now, this is an unbearable pain.

"These six people came to conceal me?" Jiang Li frowned. "Why don't I know? Their cultivation is absolutely earth-shattering. The six people joined forces. If they perform the combined magic of the spirit, I don't want to be hypnotized by them? Whatever you want to do ? "

Killed five masters and received the reward of God's will, so that he was promoted with mixed interest, his strength rose, and he had the power to swallow the world. However, no one can tell this matter. Even if Wang Chunqiu asks himself, he must conceal and be confused, otherwise the first human law will not spare him.

As long as they are not saints, they cannot escape human law.

In human history, there are precedents for adjudication, even the great president has been impeached, and then arrested for trial, but the saint has never been judged.

If Jiang Li kills himself five masters and talks about imprisoning Jiang Xinyue, he will be judged immediately. There is no second way to go.

Fortunately, there is no evidence for this.

Even if the Jiang family suspected that they were okay, the first was that six people secretly calculated themselves, and they couldn't explain it. Once things were really exposed, they were considered self-defense. What's more, Jiang's application for court investigation could not be said.

Therefore, as long as Jiang Li keeps his mouth shut, no one can try him.

"My brother has a lot of magical power." Wang Chunqiu saw Jiang Li couldn't answer, he didn't speak for a long time, and finally spoke, patted him on the shoulder: "Our Wang family looked down on you, I hope you have a successful victory this time, and, In this battle, do n’t use poisonous hands. Killing Jiang Haiyang looks bad in front of the people in the world. You have to deal with people and people. That ’s grace. Defeating Jiang Haiyang is more uncomfortable than killing him. ”

"Thank you for pointing." Jiang Li down-to-earth, stepping on the ground of the Lord's Star, and found that the ground is all a solid jade, no dust, no dirt, it is the heavenly palace, this jade is not real jade, but solidified Energy body: "Actually, people in the world just want to see me and Jiang Haiyang's fight. When the real life and death fight, the light and brain of the Lord God will appear to stop, but the patriarch said that this battle, who lost, then It ’s worse than death. I ’d rather die here a hundred times. ”

Sometimes defeat is death, even worse than death.

Jiang Haiyang is now in this state. He can only win, he cannot defeat, and he cannot stand up when he loses.

"I wish you a successful victory. After the victory, your popularity will reach the zenith in front of people all over the world. After four years, you will run for president without any effort." Wang Chunqiu arched and left directly. As soon as he moved, his body disappeared.

"I don't have so many scruples about the royal family." Hua Lengjia grinned. "It seems that your strength is far above me now, so how do you start? I only hope that you will be promoted to the Holy One at an early date. Carry me more in the future."

"Look, here is the Supreme Marshal in front of the military."


Jiang Liding looked at it, and found that a group of people came along in great strides. The head was the strongest, dressed in military uniforms, the medals on his shoulders were shiny, and the figure was extremely tall. It was a Chinese blood and Western blood. Half-breed.

"This person is so strong?"

At first glance, Jiang Li felt that this person was embarrassed, almost like a ghost, and not in the same space as himself, that is, no matter how he attacked, he could not kill his body, because he seemed to be In a parallel space.

This person is not a saint, but he is not sitting in oblivion.

He is somewhere between the Holy One and sitting and forgetting.

"Pseudo Saint!" A noun rose from the centrifugal river.

"This is the Grand Marshal of the highest military department. He is one rank higher than the Marshal. He was once a great president with great powers. Although he stepped down and did not become a saint, his cultivation is far beyond ordinary sitting forgetfulness. "While he introduced Jiang Li, he welcomed him.

"Sure enough, the hero is a boy."

The Marshal led everyone to greet him and shook hands with Jiang Li: "My name is Cha Longquan, and your name is Jiang Li. Although you are the marshal of our highest military department, it is my first time to see you. Uncommon. But your resentment with the Jiang family is an internal matter of our human beings. Now that human beings are in an eventful season, your comparison with Jiang Haiyang will stop. "

"That's natural." Jiang Li couldn't refute this former president. Although he is no longer a president, he can't urge the power of the Lord God's light brain, but after cultivating, his strength is extremely strong, and it is not ordinary to forget. Can compete.

Such a "pseudo-holy" realm can physically jump from one planet to another, such as jumping from earth to the moon, and then to Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and has the ability to travel briefly in the sky.

Now that Jiang Li is a high-level human being, he already knows some secrets. In addition to the main **** on the planet Astrology, the most important thing is those who have once served as presidents and retired but have not been promoted to sages. Already.

Human beings have been running for more than 200 years, running for president every four years. Some can be re-elected, and some can't be re-elected. The number of people accumulated is not small, except for one or two big presidents who are promoted to the Holy One. Sit in the star of the Lord God.

Of course, some of the great presidents died, or they went to battle on an alien planet and fell.

There are now more than twenty big presidents left. These people form a huge force called the Senate. These people have great power and strength. Together, they can monitor the authority of the big president.

On the main **** planet, the three forces, the Supreme Council, the Senate, and the Presidential Palace, supervise each other, forming a solid equilateral triangle.

"Well, don't talk nonsense, don't give an interview. I will take you to Wushentai, Jiang Haiyang is already waiting there." Cha Longquan, a former mixed-race president, waved, "This time it can only be called a contest. It will be broadcast live on all human beings, and at the same time, it will let humanity once again preach a martial arts style, and let some people with bad intentions see the strength of our human beings and suppress their ambitions. "

This is the first time that Jiang Li has come to the Lord God's planet, and feel the great power of this planet carefully, and it turns out that the sage is hard to resist.

Breathing and swallowing at will, a large amount of aura mixed with energy of different dimensions rolled in and blended into the body. Jiang Li found that the vitality on this main **** is a special elemental force that has been refined through innumerable energies. After anyone breathes, they can prolong their life, become stronger, and gradually improve their genes.

In particular, the aura on the main **** planet actually exists directly in the air, not in the second dimension, and anyone can breathe at will.

This means that even those who do not enter the realm of gestation and breath, can come to the Lord God Star to absorb the aura for their own use.

"Jiang Li, this is the first time you have come to the Lord God Star." As you walked, Cha Longquan introduced: "This Lord God Star is the tinder of our human civilization. The vitality above is refined by light brain and collected more than 300 The useful energy of each dimension gathers together to form the atmosphere. This breath is called 'Paradise Qi'. People live on the main planet of God, even if they do not need to breathe, they absorb this breath day and night, and live easily three times. Centenary is no problem. "

"Sure enough. It seems that the average life expectancy of the main **** on the outside is 180 years old. This is a deception ~ www.readwn.com ~ Jiang Li pouts his mouth.

"There is no way, if they let them know that the benefits of the elite zone are so many, then the entire human race will not be chaotic? In ancient times, inequality between the rich and the poor will be turbulent. Now it is unequal life, that will cause turmoil." Cha Longquan did not Method.

"This is not the way to go." Jiang Li gritted his teeth. "Sooner or later, this secret will be leaked out. In the event that someone in the heart will instigate on various planets, it will probably have a great impact."

"Only human beings can capture the world of cultivation, and let's talk about it. Moreover, this time the earth is in crisis, it is probably a good thing. Let human beings know that there is oppression outside, and they will unite closely." Cha Longquan's view started with the overall situation: " The so-called difficult state, civilization will go to the next level every time human beings experience great fluctuations and world wars. History has repeatedly demonstrated this. "

"That's right." Jiang Li thought about it, "We humans can't be at ease, but I still want everyone to live in peace, but if life is too peaceful, they will lose their fighting spirit, but there will be turbulence and countless people will die. It's too contradictory. "

"There is no way, this is the opposition between Yin and Yang, one opposite and the other opposite." Cha Longquan said: "Since ancient times, this is the case, not only humans, but also all civilizations in the universe."

"Wu Shentai in front?"

Walking and walking, all of a sudden, a huge high platform stood up in front of the ground, the momentum was magnificent, the huge energy cover covered the high platform.

The area of ​​the high platform is about 100 square kilometers, which is equivalent to a city.

This is also the place where many masters in the realm of sitting and trying.

Now it has become the battlefield of Jiang Li and Jiang Haiyang.

Suddenly, Jiang Li's eyes tightened. He saw Jiang Haiyang's tall body, standing in the center of Wushen Terrace, waiting for him for a long time.

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