Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 403: President talk

"it is good!"

As soon as the battle was over, Hualenga rushed up, laughing and extremely happy.

"Come here, I have something to say, come to the presidential palace." The president greeted him, and he had already left. Jiang Li didn't know what he wanted to do, but could only keep up.

Deep down in the presidential palace, the grand president sat down, and the first sentence was: "Jiang Li, this time I want to thank you for making a significant contribution to humanity and frustrating someone's ambition."

"Where does this come from?"

Jiang Li was startled, like a rabbit just out of the nest.

"We know for sure that if the Jiang family is running for the presidency, they can use the power of the light and brain of the Lord God. Once again, create a new world, and the light and brain of the Lord God may be refined by Jiang Nalan. There is really no one on the earth who can stop him. Once no one stops him, the entire human race is finished. To return to the imperial system, even Wang Chao can't help him. The Jiang family will become the royal family and rule all humanity. " The big president looked far away and uttered his own psychological words at a glance.

"Jiang family has this purpose." Jiang Li can see clearly, the big president sees more clearly than him: "Now Jiang Nalan is very powerful and can't be blocked. What does the big president think? Our current human system is very good. It can develop more perfectly. "

"The system ..." The President smiled bitterly: "The current system of humanity is actually based on the light brain of the Lord God. Everyone elects, all human beings vote, and whoever has a high number of votes will recognize it. This is a constraint. , Making the ambitions have opportunities, but with the advancement of human beings, the light brain can no longer restrain them. When the restraining power is lost, humans will collapse, ambitions! There are too many ambitions, Who doesn't want to rule the whole flowery world? "

"When the Lord God's light brain can't restrain it, it is really dangerous." Jiang Li also knows that the current human system, the election system, all rely on light brain. When someone can refine the light brain, that is the end of the electoral system, replaced by the imperial system.

The electoral system is excessive in the stage of cosmic civilization.

Higher civilizations are gods, then emperors. Hold firmly to the rule, because it is determined by power. If morality is useful and equality is useful, what is the strength?

As human beings continue to develop, each strong existence is extraordinary, and without legal restrictions, human social structure will certainly change.

Jiang Li can't grasp what the general trend will look like in the future. Unless he is quickly promoted to the Holy One and becomes God again, building his own kingdom.

But now he is still giving birth, and there is a gap of ten thousand miles from the realm of God.

"What good way does the President have?" He asked in return: "Jiang Nalan is very strong now. If he is surrendered to the will of the world of cultivation, I am afraid that mankind will really surrender to his obscenity."

"You are hope." The president said: "You are against the hope of Jiang Nalan, so I came to meet you this time. I have high hopes for you, and you are very popular this time. The next president, I hope you I can do it. "

"Then we have to wait another four years. After four years, who knows what the situation is? I foresee that Jiang Nalan can't wait four years, and there will be a big move." Jiang Li shook his head: "This time, I don't know who Will you run for president? You are going to step back. "

The immediate term of office of the big president has expired, and tomorrow is the day of the election. Many presidential candidates are drawing votes. Jiang Haiyang should have been the loudest voice, but unfortunately he was defeated today. He is out.

No one will vote for a loser as president.

Jiang Li is not a candidate, and he is not eligible to run for president. He would have been able to fight once if he had the chance to become the youngest president in history.

"I'm going to retreat. As soon as the election is over, I will withdraw from the presidential palace and become a member of the Senate." Snooker, the current president.

"Wang Mingrong doesn't know if he can run for the presidency?" Jiang Li asked, and there must be some inside information in front of snooker.

"He and Jiang Haiyang originally had the highest voice." President Snook said: "However, a young man has appeared recently, and the support rate has later risen. He was originally an ordinary candidate. Because he recently fought in the sky, he actually They wiped out the fleet of many alien planets, so the approval rating went up. "


Jiang Li was startled. He knew that some presidential candidates were very powerful, but recently he practiced and didn't care about news at all. It can be said that he didn't watch the news for several years.

"A young man named Mengjiangnan is only about 27 years old, 5 years older than you. But he has been cultivated to be forgetful and unpredictable." The big president Snooker pointed out a message in his brain: "This is Mengjiangnan data of."

In front of him, a kind-looking young man appeared, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, the gentleman was gentle, and he was as gentle as jade. This young man, wearing a sapphire blue coat, was windless and unrestrained. He stood behind the starry sky, in the meteorite group.

It can be seen that many rampant alien warships are heading towards him. I don't know which fleet of alien civilization is very strong, and technology seems to be more sophisticated than human beings.

However, the young man suddenly shot in the face of the huge fleet.

Suddenly, a lot of light beams appeared on the body like a peacock, and all the warships were directly penetrated, and then he walked in the void in a void, wherever he went, the warships disappeared.

"Small world? Is he a master of sitting and forgetting triple?" Jiang Li stood up, shocked to himself.

"His cultivation is stronger than Jiang Haiyang." President Snook admired. "However, he, like you, has suddenly erupted in recent years, but is a human talent."

"Meng Jiangnan, Meng Jiangnan ..." Suddenly Jiang Jiang moved: "Is there a family behind him? Which family is it?"

"It's a coincidence that his family has a person who is still a classmate with you. That is the first place of Xingkong University freshman, Meng Xingyun. Now he has also entered the world of cultivation, and it seems to be mixed into a certain gate, often giving us Humans pass on information, and the credit is not small. "Grand President Snook thought about it:" The dreamer, a newly developed family, was not outstanding in the national era, but then gradually came to where it is now, dream There are no saints in the family, but there are some masters who are in the realm of forgetfulness. When we humans went to the world of cultivation, one of the fighters of the dream family got an adventure in the world of cultivation, and the family flourished. "

"Dream of clouds." Jiang Li remembered this former adversary, which is naturally not worth mentioning, but he felt that this person was the undercover of the cultivation world, and now his family actually has a popular presidential candidate? Do people in the world of cultivation actually want to be the president of humanity?

However, he was just bored with this matter, and there was no evidence to say it.

Nameng Jiangnan was able to become a presidential candidate. After thousands of elections and numerous reviews, it was finally determined that no matter his bloodline, genes, or net worth were innocent, he would be eligible to be elected president.

Even if Jiang Li is going to become a presidential candidate now, I am afraid it will be difficult to pass the clearance because he has too many secrets.

Therefore, he cannot blame that Meng Jiangnan is an alien creature. If the accusation is passed on, the other party will sue him for libel, he will not win the lawsuit at all, and is likely to be imprisoned.

"The alien fleet that Meng Jiangnan surrendered this time came from a distant cosmic civilization called Deep Poison Civilization. Their technology is higher than that of our human beings on earth. Meng Jiangnan captured their warships and obtained some useful ones. Things, even space folding technology, will soon develop our technology. In the future, things like space bags and space rings can begin to spread to all mankind. "The president said:" He speaks these days. , Is also telling about this. So the reputation is very high, and gradually surpassed Wang Mingrong. As for the other presidential candidates, that is to divide the votes, and it is not useful. "

"Unexpectedly, I didn't pay attention to the news and killed a dark horse halfway." Jiang Li's face was a little pale. He knew that the dreamer must be inextricably linked with the world of cultivation. Once he became a big president, I am afraid it would be a cause for humanity It's a big obstacle and it's extremely bad for you.

However, after thinking about it, it is not him who threatens the world of cultivation, but Jiang Nalan. Once Jiangnan becomes a great president, Jiang family talents are the biggest obstacle.

"It seems that things are beyond my expectation, and we have to think long and hard." Jiang Li sighed, thinking about many things in his heart, and suddenly his eyes brightened: "The president called me over this time to discuss, not just talking about these things. . "

"There is one important thing."

President Snook looks very serious: "It's about you ~ www.readwn.com ~ It's also about all human beings. It's a matter of the earth's passage."

"Earth passage? The passage of the Saiyan giant?" Jiang Liyi said: "Isn't it sealed? Besides, the earth is going to undergo a great migration. This is a major event decided by human beings. Now we are preparing for migration."

"Migration is a guise." Grand President Slock gazes brightly: "The earth has tens of billions of dollars, so much property, where do you want to migrate? Our decision at the high level is to see which alien creatures among humans come out to take this Opportunities, instigating alienation and inciting rebellion. "

"What if the passage is really washed up?" Jiang Lidao said, "Isn't humankind a major disaster?"

"Without disaster, where is the motivation? Human beings are so comfortable that we must meet disasters before we can work together to progress. Without blood and death, there will be no rapid development of civilization. Moreover, the earth is the mother star of our human beings. If we lose it, we have no roots. A civilization without roots will not last long in the universe, because all people lose their sense of belonging. Think about it, we human beings are called earth human beings. Once we lose the earth, it ’s not Become a wandering civilization? Moreover, you also know what the earth is, the channel connecting all realms. After the loss, what a loss. "Grand President Snook sighed.

"But the earth is lost, it can still be taken back, and people cannot be resurrected after death." Jiang Chuanqing is also very complicated.

"No, the loss of the earth is equivalent to the demise of our human beings." President Snook suddenly said: "One more thing you don't know, we now have 700 to 800 billion human beings, which are all developed by the blood of the earth. If there is a master Take the earth, cast the soul-seeking method, and sacrifice the earth, then all of our human blood will be shaken, and the soul will be controlled! Only the Holy One can be spared! "

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