Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 47: Martial arts

Crackling ...

Typing with both hands, jumping on the virtual keyboard, ten fingers flying, searching for a lot of information about "Xu Huacheng". In modern society, all information can be found online.

He wanted to move afterwards, first look on the Internet, which black forces in the market Huacheng are richer, bigger, or full of evil.

Sure enough, after a little search, a series of posts on the Internet condemning the evil forces in the market appeared.

Numerous netizens attacked, some complained, and more victims had a history of blood and tears.

Some were robbed, robbed, beaten, and even imprisoned in Huacheng City, where they were cut off and sold. Some girls were raped, raped, and forced to sell when they went to Huahua City ....

The behavior of the underworld in the market city is almost beyond description.

For some big underworld, Jiang Li dare not mess with it, because he is not an opponent.

Of course, the big triads have become regular, such as the security group. Black is black in some small gangs, medium gangs, and **** primitive accumulation.

"Okay, lock this gang! Hey blood alliance."

Jiang Li searched on the Internet and found that the most hated gang is called "Blood Alliance", this gang is not small, but the members of the gang are cruel and cruel, even killing.

Moreover, the Xunxue League manages human organs, sells prostitution places, and specializes in robbing and robbing foreigners. Other gangs robbed. After robbing the foreigners, they only made money without killing them. This gang killed the foreigners directly, sold specimens of corpses, and sold organs to the black market hospital. Some even send people directly to underground hospitals for living experiments.

When Jiang Li saw the news on the Internet, his sense of justice germinated, and he couldn't wait to go alone to destroy the "Blood Alliance".

Such an evil organization should not exist in the world at all and discredit human civilization.

Originally, the market Huacheng was so chaotic that there should be no foreigners, but because it is a black market, many large group companies will send employees to travel on business to buy things, and there are many foreigners who come here to buy drugs forbidden and go to other cities Smuggling and selling, doing illegal acts. In addition, gambling, eroticism, and various entertainments prohibited by the government have stimulated many rich people to come and go, causing abnormal deformed prosperity.

This is a deformed city. The black market has caused false prosperity, and many outsiders are killed every year, but there are still more influxes.

It is very difficult for the government to ban this place. First, there is nuclear radiation in this place. Second, there are big interest groups inside the government army. Once banned, I do n’t know how many forces will be involved. Over time, it will become a tumor in the city.

Only this place can be banned. Those who leave the city are strictly inspected, and everything that happens in the city is not under jurisdiction.

"Okay, this is the blood alliance!" Jiang Li browsed the online information, watching the gang of sins, and filled the heart with the blood of Tianxingdao.

However, the Confederate Alliance has weapons, various firearms, and even the ancient solid bullet firearms.

Modern police banned ancient solid bullet firearms and switched to aurora pulse paralysis guns in order to reduce casualties, because the ancient solid bullet firearms were too lethal, and they could explode a skull.

However, in the black market of Huahua City, many gangsters use this gun.

So Jiang Li must be careful.

However, after being baptized with the battle of life and death of an alien warrior, he knew that spiritual practice and spiritual understanding must linger between life and death. Various martial arts must also be combated.

He went to the market Huacheng to eliminate the gangsters. The first was to eliminate violence and the good, the second was to increase actual combat experience, and the third was to quickly make money.


He rode on a fast-floating train, and one hour later, he arrived at the "Xuhua City", which was still very chaotic. There were **** everywhere in the station, some stinks in the corners, and beggars.

Most of these beggars were interrupted by people, made miserable, solicited sympathy and hoped for alms.

Jiang Li ignored it and disappeared into the vast crowd. Because behind the beggar is the control of all gangs.

There are too many injustices in the world, and one can only come one by one.

Let's get rid of the "Blood Alliance" that is full of evil.

Jiang Li, dressed in black, with a human skin mask, shuttled through the streets. This time, he encountered some gangsters, and shot directly, stunned, too lazy to entangle them.

These little puppets didn't have much oil and water, and some even starved for a meal, without a one-star deposit.

"The front is the headquarters of the Blood Alliance ..."

According to online maps and posts, Jiang Li quickly found the headquarters of the Xunxue League in Xuhua City.

This time, he didn't go in and out of the Blood Alliance, but he wanted to capture the thief first, capture the head of the Blood Alliance, hypnotize him, and make him transfer the money.

Boss Union, I am afraid there are millions in the account?

The headquarters of Yexuemeng is a building, but not as spectacular as the Security Building, much smaller, but the members around it seem to be busy in and out.

Jiang Li was guarding in the outer corner.

After a while, the three members of the gang passed by in this hurry and seemed to be going out to do business.

They are all big men with bulging waists, firearms, and the kind of physical bullets that are life-threatening and fierce. Obviously it is not a good thing to do.

"A ghost, A Guang, both of you should pay attention! This time the three of us went out alone and intercepted a person who came out of the security building. The gang got the news that he had purchased hundreds of thousands of medicines. This time it was successful. , We can get a lot of share. "

"Brother Biao, if we have successfully intercepted this time, you can use your funds to buy a flying car and drive it." The man named Agui laughed.

"Only one-star citizens can buy a car outside, but we can do whatever we want in the market Huacheng, ha ha ha ... It will be more convenient to rob and kill people. Now we have to run on both legs and have flying cars , Flew away in a moment. "Biao, the most powerful man, laughed.

The three shuttled around and walked away.

Jiang Li secretly followed, waiting out of the sphere of influence of the Hexue Alliance. He lurked in the corner first, waited for the three to pass, and suddenly appeared: "Three are good."


The three men were alert and looked at them.

Hands have been stretched to the waist.

"Don't don't do it ..." Jiang Li repeatedly waved his hand: "I'm sending you money ..."

"Give money?" The three were puzzled, and still pulled out the gun, but they all looked confused when they saw Jiang Li's gesture.


A ghost and A Guang fell down first. The brother Biao struggled a little, shaking slowly, and finally fell to the ground.

"It's dangerous. It seems that hypnosis is not so easy." Jiang Li shook his head. He had to use hand gestures to hypnotize. He had no ability to look at the eyes to make people hypnotize.

If the hypnosis is slower and the other side shoots, it is very dangerous.

A powerful hypnotist can hypnotize not only gestures, eyes, and sounds. If you were an intermediate hypnotherapist just now, hide in the dark and sing a little song, these three people have been hypnotized before seeing anyone.

Jiang Li ’s cultivation of hypnosis is still very shallow. His hypnotic technique relies on the gesture of the “sign of the Great Emperor of the Mind” and leaves the gesture. Although other hypnosis has little success, it has not reached the peak of its peak.

Although his spiritual practice has reached the third stage of deep sleep, he still has to study hard in hypnosis. Experiments, this time is also a very valuable experience.

"stand up!"

Now that the person is hypnotizing, it's easy to do next.

Jiang Li concentrated, began to seduce, and the three big men walked up like a zombie: "Throw the guns."


All three threw their guns to Jiang Li. Jiang Li was also familiar with firearms, because military training had been in school since elementary school, and military training had to receive gun training.

"How much money is on your card? Transfer it all to me." Jiang Li directly ordered. At the beginning, he still had to follow the temptation. Now hypnosis has been enhanced a lot, without so many skills.

"All the savings on the three of us add up to 380,000 stars and are ready to buy a car." That Biao brother was struggling in pain.

"I'm the person who sells cars. If you give me the money, I'll pick up the car for you." Jiang Li continued, the business was very gentle and soothing, and accurately grasped various life fluctuations: "Look, in front of you, it is a A flying car worth 500,000 yuan, I will sell it to you for 380,000 yuan. You earn it, and you ca n’t transfer it quickly ... ”

"Okay ..." Brother Biao hurriedly took out his chip and started to transfer money.

Ding Dong, three hundred and eighty thousand arrived.

Jiang Li Yixi, but did not relax, instead focusing on all the spirits, staring at Biao: "Your boss, where is the blood feud?"

The leader of the Blood Alliance ~ www.readwn.com ~ is called blood feud, very cruel and high in strength. It is rumored that the vitality has already reached 1, proficient in firearms and quick response, otherwise it will not kill a gang in Xihua City.

Fortunately, the "blood feud" is not a hypnotist, he cannot learn hypnosis.

For such people, Jiang Li finds it very challenging.

After military training, his body and mind changed, and he looked forward to fighting with the strong.

The point is, the three young men under him have accumulated 380,000 stars. As the boss, how much can he accumulate over the years? Certainly ten times, twenty times yes.

Several millions were obtained at one time, and Jiang Li immediately became an upstart, which he could not resist.

What's more, we have eliminated the **** alliance and do not know how many victims we avenge.

"Our boss, in the headquarters ..." Biao still unconsciously said everything he knew: "Many brothers around him are difficult to reach."

"So ..."

Jiang Li frowned. Sure enough, as he had suspected, the leader of the Blood Alliance was not easy to deal with, and many people were always with him.

Jiang Li was going to rush up to all hypnosis. It was simply a dream. He was not the legendary super hypnotherapist or master of mind. If you want to force it, the only end is to be beaten into a horse honeycomb and meat sauce.

"Does blood vengeance usually have separate activities? You go out alone?"

Jiang Li asked.

"I think ..." Biaoge thought hard: "Yes, our boss has a mistress, who is not in Xiahua City, but in Xinghua City, that mistress manages his business in Xinghua City and secretly transports some drugs. To the rich people of Xinghua City, he would secretly go to Xinghua City to meet his mistress every other week ... "

"Go to Xinghua City every other week?" Jiang Centrifugal moved with a plan.

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