Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 429: Murder of the Holy One

Xinghua City.

Chidi Building.

It's crystal clear everywhere, but it's a special construction material, Worm Crystal. The most striking thing is that there is a group of flames floating on the top of the Chidi Mansion. It is full of colors and emits. There is no heat, but a cool taste.

The whole city is completely shrouded, everyone breathes cool air, let alone refreshing, all impurities in the body are refined, in addition to clear mind, like in heaven every day.

The status of Xinghua City has been changed.

Although the living environment of Xinghua City is not as good as that of the main Elite area, it is also much better than any city on the planet.

At this time, Xinghua City is no longer what it was then. It is prosperous. Thirty-six people in Huacheng have come to live, and house prices are skyrocketing.

All brought by Jiang Li.

Xinghua City is where he was born and raised, why can't he build it? More importantly, there is a passage for the world of cultivation, and the focus will naturally shift here.

"The six magical fists are not performed like this."

At the top level of the Red Emperor Group, deep in a hall where the formation method operates, various flames of the fire dimension descended from the head, and some of them condensed into drugs, while others were turned into energy blocks and input into huge machinery , Shipped in all directions.

This fire-dimension formation method has been refined by the three masters of Hongheil, He Wen, and Zi Piao. As the formation method operates, various mysteries have emerged.

The main planet of God is because of the communication of the energy of the fire dimension, which condenses all kinds of energy into high-rise buildings, resulting in the strange scenery of the heavenly palace.

Jiang Li also wants to build the Earth into a place like the main god.

Meng Jiangnan is saving, and he is also saving.

He came back from the Giant Channel, knowing that it was okay for a while, and sat here to practice enlightenment, trying to activate the two-dimensional code of the blood world again.

He has trained the Jiu Jiu Blood Gourd into infinite vitality. He has learned the dimension code of the blood world. He could have opened the channel of the blood world at any time, but his realm is not enough.

Yes, it is not enough.

The communication dimension must sit in a state of forgetting, sitting and forgetting, and immerse one's spirit in the depth of nothingness. So he couldn't open the blood channel.

Jiang Li is very powerful now, and he can kill and kill the false saints at will. However, his realm can't go up all the time, and he can't get to sit and forget, so even if he knows the dimensional password, he can't open the blood channel, and he must be promoted to sit and forget.

Now that the family is happy, all gathered here. Under the guidance of Hua Yan, the younger sister practiced the "Six Taos of Fist" one by one.

Hua Yan also stays here. She is Jiang Xuan's master. She came out of the Huaxia Group and wanted to get some upheaval from Jiangli.

When she was teaching Jiang Xuan, she was very careful. Just when she taught one of the six ways of "Fighting of the Third World", Jiang Li expressed different views.

She paused and smiled slightly: "Marshal Jiang Li, your cultivation is great for me, but I have been intoxicated with the six magical fist throughout my life, and I know the changes in it, and there will be no mistakes."

"No." Jiang Li waved his hand. "In this reincarnation, the third reincarnation, you have at least ten times wrong. The so-called third reincarnation is the previous life, this life, the next life. The third life is in a circle, reciprocating, Directly understand the true meaning of reincarnation, knowing that life and death are illusions, everything is a mixed element, but you have divided the previous life, this life, and the next life too much. One paragraph, one paragraph, and three paragraphs have a distinct flavor of three lives. In fact, the previous life and this life The essence of the afterlife is one, the third life and the third life are all one life, running through as one. The fist meaning of the reincarnation of the third life should not have the idea of ​​reincarnation. What is the reincarnation of the third life? It is to let you understand your past life, this life, and your life. Reincarnation. "

As soon as he punched out, he understated and shook it three times.

Immediately, the scenery in front of me changed suddenly, the power of the soul twisted and twisted, twisted and changed everywhere, everyone felt that his fist seemed to really carry the power of reincarnation, as soon as a boxing hit someone, they would be bombarded into infinity immediately. Endless reincarnation.

Seeing this, Hua Yan turned discolored: "This trick really has no charm. I practiced in it for decades, but I walked into a dead end. How did you cultivate your boxing skills? How did you reach such a state?"

"I have become a true qi, ever-changing, merging ten million martial arts, and I have a deeper understanding of the six magical fists." Jiang Li said with a smile. Once his infinite qi is practiced, the martial arts realm will become a big one. The steps are just staring at the changes in various martial arts.

"I don't believe it, you are so god." Hualenga looked in his eyes and stepped forward, "I have recently acquired a martial art, but it is a stub, which is obtained by our six saints from different dimensions. , I have recently practiced a change in tactics, and it is rumored to be martial arts in the Wu world. "

"Wu Jie?"

Jiang Li had never heard of this dimension.

"Do you really get a peerless study from the martial arts?" He Wen's face changed: "The martial arts is a very high dimension, and there are rumors of countless dimensions of practice. The martial arts methods are spread from this world. Every living being is a martial arts wizard, and he is dominated in all directions. As long as he gets a trick and a half from it, he can dominate the world. "

"Exactly." Hualenga nodded. "Look, Jiang Li. This is my trick."

He stepped out.

Move your finger forward, and the lightning retracts, and the whole person loses his shadow. His body is in all directions, and the **** is like electricity.

"Hahaha ..." Jiang Li also pointed out, withdrawn lightning, and his shadow was everywhere. Actually the same pose as Hualenga was exhibited.

Bang bang bang ...

The two major fingerings struck in the air, sounding like fried beans, and finally stopped and fell into nothingness.

But Hua Lengjia stayed and watched Jiang Li's finger point to his forehead. With the same trick, Jiang Li had never learned it, and it was even more subtle than himself. What is the reason?

"You, what is martial arts?" Hua Lengjia said: "You have seen through my martial arts at this instant, deduced changes, and mastered the subtle meaning of martial arts before I first, defeating me with the same tricks? This ... This is simply the power of the Holy One. "

"Hahahaha ..." Suddenly, a voice came out in the void: "It is magical, but it has its own way, it is simply the ancient wizard, we the first human beings on earth, it seems that you can help with this matter."

"Holy One!"

Hualenga and Huayan all stood up, stiff body, seemed to see something incredible, and saw a void split, and a young man came out.

This man was smiling, very gentle, chic, dusty, and misty, but his shoulders were very wide, and he seemed to be able to carry the mountain. When Jiang Li saw the young man, he thought of a poem "Iron shoulders carrying morality."

This person's shoulders can carry morality.

That's right, this person is a saint.

Six sages of Huaxia Group.

Hua Liudao.

An earth-shattering big man, the most advanced being among human beings, esteems the heroes.

At this moment, it was Hua Liudao's true body who came.

As soon as he appeared here, the whole building seemed to shake, and then the structure changed, and the breath of the Holy One was filled into it. The power of that formation suddenly increased tenfold, and the energy of countless fire dimensions spilled out. The radiance has caused miracles not seen since ancient times.

The Holy One's shot was really extraordinary, changed all the structures here, and increased the power of formation.

"Meet the six saints." Jiang Li was very polite. At first, he had realized that God would not come for no reason, and there would be major events!

A saint is definitely going to the Three Treasure Hall.

"Don't be courteous, don't be courteous." Hua Liudao grabbed Jiang Li's wrists and lifted him up. "It really is a natural talent, a wizard. Within a few years, you can definitely become a saint. . "

"The six saints have passed the prize. I don't know if I will come this time ..." Jiang Li asked.

"I'm here to do something big." Hua Liudao looked solemnly: "You all step back."


Hua Yan and Hua Leng Jia also retreated, Jiang Xuan went out early.

There were two Hualiudao and Hualenga left in the room, and even Zi Piao and He Wen did not dare to stay here.

It was Hua Liudao who looked at the backs of Zi Piao and He Wen, and smiled slightly: "One of the two women is a person from the world of cultivation, and the other is a dragon clan ~ www.readwn.com ~ You are all subdued. . "

"The Holy One knows the Dragon?" Jiang Li said in surprise.

"What's so strange about this?" Hua Liudao sat down and said leisurely: "The Dragon Raceway is in the Imperial City of Jinghua City. I also know that the vision of the saint is different from mortals. Many do n’t even know the president But the saints know the secrets, and we know all the passages on earth. "

"The giant channel, why the Holy One didn't make a shot, and even made troubles." Jiang Li couldn't figure it out.

"Human beings need to hone themselves. We saints are not old hens. It is impossible for us to consider everything for human beings, and the saints have already surpassed the ethnic group. We really don't care about the survival of the ethnic group." Hua Liudao sighed: "After being promoted to the Holy One, you will see endless universe strange landscapes, countless dimensions of uprights, countless groups of souls, and you will naturally not focus on small humans."

"Perhaps the mentality is really different." Jiang Li couldn't speculate on the mentality of the saints.

"I'm here to invite you to do a big thing." Hua Liudao also did not hide from her: "That is to join hands to kill a saint! Saint saint August!"


When Jiang Li heard this, it was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

Hua Liudao actually came to him and said, kill a saint, the holy man August. Although his current practice is great, it is difficult to escape in the presence of the Holy One, let alone to fight it. As for killing it, it is a nightmare.

"My current practice is, I'm afraid it's impossible to do this." He absolutely knew his strength.

"No, you already have your own path, this is the most terrifying." Hua Liudao is still sighing: "You can't be promoted to the state of sitting and forgetting, I can help you, once promoted, you can help Me, of course, the little emperor behind you will also shoot. "

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