Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 436: Angel saint

Angels are a mass of energy, pure, powerful, holy, all masters of battle. In the same realm, mankind is not an angel's opponent at all.

For example, in the same state of birth rate, ten humans cannot defeat an angel.

The more angels cultivate to the higher realm, the more powerful they become, and the difference between human beings and them becomes larger and larger. Jiang Li has killed countless angels, but angels of the saint level have never met.

This holy angel has a good face. It looks like a man, but his face is somewhat feminine. Generally, men are feminine and have some fascination, but this angel is very beautiful, with resilience in gentleness, firmness in gentleness, unshakable yet knowing the changes.

At first glance, it's a great role.

This person can lead the overall situation and guide a civilization.

With light on his hand, a little movement can make a civilization shine brightly.

In the presence of him, no one at the scene dared to speak, and seemed to be quietly waiting for him to speak.

"I came from a distant time and space and came into the civilization that my people once created. I did not expect that your civilization has developed to such a degree, and I also got the artifact of my people, which is what you call the main god, the light brain. This artifact is called a prophet ship among my people. It is a sacred thing for my people to explore the future and discover the crisis. Now that I am here, I am here to take back this thing. "

There is a beautiful melody in the voice of the Holy Angel, and everyone thinks that he is beaded.

However, he said that he had come to take back the Lord God's light brain. Everyone in the room felt unhappy, but no one dared to raise an objection.

"How? Do you think there is a problem? You support me, my tribe will not treat you badly." The angel of the saint smiled and seemed never to be angry, but everyone knew that the angel was decisive and decisive, and how many civilizations were destroyed.

"Dear Angel Saint." Suddenly a woman spoke, actually Jiang Xinyue. She was neither humble nor overbearing, and was not at all oppressed by the majesty of the Holy Angel, and compared everyone: "The lighthead of the Lord God is the strongest foundation of our human beings. If you take it away, what do we humans do?"

Her tone was very strong, and many people in this series of questions looked pale.

In particular, the sons of the two saints, Odin and Strew, were taken aback: "Jiang Xinyue, shut up, this is the saint. You must maintain sufficient respect. Is that how Jiang Nalan taught you piousness?"

"I don't believe in religion." Jiang Xinyue was unmoved: "Odin, Strew, you are the saint's sons, but you don't have any of the saint's demeanor. They are really tigers and dogs. The Lord God's light brain is to us human What is the meaning, you also know, it is equivalent to someone coming to kill your son and **** your wife, can you still tolerate it? Hehe ... it is a waste. "


Odin and Strew yelled, flushed with anger, but they couldn't do anything about Jiang Xinyue.

"Ms. Jiang Xinyue." The Holy Angel was not angry. "My name is Bisser. Well, according to the translation of the Earth ’s human beings, this prophet ship is my own. What is wrong with being returned to its original owner? Me Knowing that you have an extremely powerful being behind you, but this does not constitute a reason for your blasphemy. This universe is divided by strength. I appreciate your character. I am not afraid of the powerful me with my little fighting power, but It's dangerous. "

"It turned out to be Mr. Bither the Holy One." Jiang Xinyue refused to let it go: "What you said is good to the original owner, but remember that two hundred years ago, you invaded us with a prophet ship, and we successfully shot down. This item, in accordance with the law of the universe, was seized by the invading party, and the item belonged to the other party, so now the prophet ship belongs to us humans. Mr. Bither, this time you come to us humans, we can say that we are still hostile Both parties, if you come with peace, we are naturally welcome. If you come with war and killing, then we can only rise up. "

"Ms. Jiang Xinyue, aren't you afraid of death? Death is a horrible thing. The deep and endless darkness of the soul, you know nothing, you can't touch anything." .

"Life and death are impermanent. What is there to be afraid of?" Jiang Xinyue was unmoved, but she had a fearless courage. She looked calm and seemed to be drinking tea with her friends: "The Holy One does not need to threaten me, we Jiang Family wants to seize power from human beings, but it does not sell souls and flesh to aliens. "

"I am here to help you," said Bishop the Holy One. "A large number of warriors of my clan have infiltrated you, and we know everything about your human beings. You Jiang family has one of the greatest enemies. , Called Xiaodi, your sage Jiang Nalan can't defeat him. Is this true? "

"Yes, this thing is true, but we don't need anyone's help." Jiang Xinyue secretly surprised: "This sage Bisser knows very clearly, and surely he buried a large number of spies in the human race, It's horrible. "

"What about you?" Bethe, the angel holy, turned his head and saw Odin and Strew: "What do you mean?"

"We are willing to trust in the adults." Strew said first. "What the adults say is what, and we are also willing to assist the adults in recovering the prophet ship."

"I'm willing, too." Odin thought for a while, hesitated to make a statement, and then he shot a lot of the giant **** group giants present: "I'm the chairman of the **** god group, what do you mean? Follow Mr. Bethe, the saint. Go? Right now our Lord God Group has lost 24.5% control of LightBrain. It is equivalent to suddenly cutting half of the business, so that it will soon decline, and our competitors will come up like wolves and bit us into pieces , Huaxia Group, Yanhuang Group, and even the government will come to split us, and we will soon have nothing. And now that he trusts Mr. Bisser, then with his support, our production can be resumed soon, and we can even get The explosion broke out instantly. "

"Odin, although you are the chairman, but the current behavior is betrayal." A woman stood up: "Angels are our enemies. Naturally, we cannot betray humanity. This is where justice is. I will take my team, Exit the Lord God Group. "

This woman is "Lian Feihong".

He is in charge of the warship manufacturing in the main **** group and has great power. He is one of the giants of the main **** group. He is also an outstanding master himself.

She looked very young, like a young girl, with a heroic attitude and determination.

"Sister Lian Feihong, well said." Jiang Xinyue immediately supported: "Our Jiang family supports you, join our group, the sage Nalan often mentions you and thinks you are a talent. You dug in. "

"I don't want to collude with angels." The man in charge of the "Summer Secret" who presided over the armor also stood up. "Odin, Strew, this time you originally convened the board of directors. I thought it was to discuss how to revitalize the group. I didn't expect you to lead the wolf into the room. I read you wrong, for the sake of your own benefit, betrayal of human justice. "

"My opinion is the same." Yaozhen, a giant with power over pharmaceuticals, said: "I will quit the Lord God Group and will report this to the human government. Odin, Strew, you will become human traitors, nailed to On the pillar of historical shame. Also, Mr. Bethe, the Holy Angel, I hope you leave here immediately, this is our human territory. Although you are strong, if the Lord God finds you, you will not escape. We hope Peace, but we don't want the aliens of the wolf's ambitions to come. "

"very good."

The angel saint Bisser clapped his hands and admired: "Humans, really humans, have something unique in their souls. This kind of thing is called sacrifice for righteousness. For some interests that have nothing to do with themselves, they will sacrifice, be moved, and give up. Everything you own is really unreasonable and unbelievable. In my opinion, these things are obstacles to the development of civilization. The core foundation of civilization is interests, and the interests of individuals are guaranteed before the interests of the entire ethnic group can be served. And sacrificing personal interests. The development of your human civilization is malformed, so now we use our prophet ship as the foundation to ensure the development of the entire ethnic group. If you think about it, without our prophet ship, humans are now What does it look like? Why do n’t humans remain humble enough? ”

"You are not allowed to leave!"

Odin and Strew both stood up. They knew that as soon as these people left, they took their team away from the Lord God Group, and in a short time, the largest human group would collapse and disintegrate.

"Odin, Strew. Can we stop you from walking?" Jiang Xinyue stood up. "And, Mr. Bisser, you better not do it, on the main planet of God ~ www.readwn.com ~ yours Any energy fluctuations will be monitored, you can't hide, if you do, our entire humanity will destroy you at all costs, believe it or not? "

"is it?"

The angel saint Bisser slowly stood up, and suddenly a field spread out, covering the whole audience: "Behind me, there is a vast and great civilization. In fact, your human beings are just experimental products cultivated by our civilization. Even if this prophet ship is dropped, this is an occasional small accident. See what you humans will develop after you get the prophet ship? Now this test is mature. It should be at the time of harvest. From here, if you don't submit, you will die. "

As he spoke, many sound waves concussed, and in the depths of this space, a rune blockade was created, and no one could go out.

"The Lord God Group, the forging of this space is the use of my family's technology and magical powers. I can manipulate in this space at will. I admit that the Lord God Star is operating very well as your human base, but I can completely Before Saturn finds energy fluctuations, kill you. Or hypnotize you, making you a walking dead. "

Beth the Holy Angel is in control.

"Bither, you really disregard your own security and risks, do whatever you want? You are not the opponent of Naren the Holy One behind me." Jiang Xinyue saw this Biser really seemed to be hardened, his frown was deep, thinking of a way Escape the birth day.

"Jiang Nalan is very strong, but unfortunately it is not worth mentioning compared with the strong among my tribe." Bethe, the angel saint, is very confident: "I don't want to make things too big. All of them can be rewarded by my tribe. I want to control your hearts, not those who control you. "

Between the words, a light injected into his body and into Odin and Strew.

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