Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 446: Get together

In terms of heart, Long Yueji is indeed an attractive woman. She doesn't say her strength and power. She is elegant and light, but not frosty, light and gentle, just like a hibiscus in the water and a white lotus in full bloom.

Fortunately, Jiang Li's own realm almost penetrated into the void, pointing at infinity, and in an instant, the mind was like a clear sky and the sun, no clouds, a bright sun, and the whole land shines.

He and Long Yueji are very close to each other, almost face to face, and they can smell each other's breath.

Long Yueji's breath is lightly scented, her lips are small and her facial features are delicate. Really breathe like blue. And the holy smell on her face was even more tempting. Sitting face to face in this way, as long as it is a man, you can't hold it.

However, the smell of Jiang Li also gives people a special feeling. Between his breath, there seems to be a kind of tranquility and peace from the depths of the universe. One can smell the taste of the starry sky from his body, and his breathing has an infinite extension. Go out, there is the mystery of the universe's rotation, as long as you are close to him, you can feel the infinite and vastness of the universe.

Long Yueji's heart was also moved, and Jiang Li's avenue deeply attracted her.

Even if she was promoted to sage, she didn't have her own avenue. Now Jiang Liqu is sitting in a state of forgetfulness, but she has her own way.

She is a master. Among the dragons, she knows how rare and terrifying she is.

The infinite way is ever-changing and eternal.

"Imperial relic, get up." Jiang Li printed his hands, the true godhead suspended in front of the two, kept spinning, and a stream of light was radiated out of them, and then they formed a silk thread to hold the two together. Wrapped in it.

"Quack, quack ........."

A burst of wild laughter came out, and a **** cat jumped out of the small wormhole. Then, a big cat and five or six kittens also jumped out.

Originally, the **** cat should make a meowing sound, but now it makes a duck-like giggle, which is very funny.

"Big black!"

Although Jiang Li was inspiring the power of the great emperor's relics, when he saw Dahei coming, he was still very excited. With a movement of his heart, an infinite energy gathered into an incarnation in front of Dahei.

"Dahei, you are back, you are finally back. Your cultivation is soaring. It ’s time to sit and forget!" Jiang Li found that Dahei's realm was actually to sit and forget. This promotion is too fast.

However, after thinking about it, this is not unusual. Dahei's practice was faster than himself. When he was still in the realm, Dahei had already had his birth rate. Dahei dared to fight, to be brazen, and to be wild. With a simple mind, he was later cultivated by Xiaodi, and what kind of demon country he sent into, it is not unusual to hone it to the present state.

It can be seen from the majestic Jiang Li emanating from Dahei that he has now become a giant.

"Jiang Li, you still do your good deeds. I'm here to get God's reward. You need to excite the great relics." Da Hei fluttered the cat's paw and smiled again.

"Brother Jiang Li, we live very well in the kingdom of the demon. There are many monster heads there, but they were all killed by us. We fight all the way, and now we have become the demon generals of the demon Saint Qingqiu. Trusted by the mother-in-law. "Dameng jumped to Jiang Li's shoulders, and several kittens also jumped up. Some held Jiang Li's thigh, while others grabbed his back and climbed to the top of his head. Lazy on the tummy.

The flower-faced fighter is meditating cross-legged, and does not give up practice all the time.

Dahei is a state of sitting and forgetting, Flower Face Overlord is a triple-birth of fetal breath, and other kittens are also in this state.

Jiang Li looked at them with joy, full of joy, and felt a sense of happiness filling his heart. He seems to be back to the teenage years when he was feeding cats in the park a few years ago, how many ups and downs have experienced in these years. Is that innocent heart still intact?


Another person appeared, Jiang Tao.

Jiang Tao's body is tall, but his cultivation is a state of dual breath. According to normal circumstances, this progress is too fast, but it looks ordinary compared to Jiang Li.

Originally, Jiang Tao was the genius at home, but unfortunately, geniuses could not fight for fate, and they lost their lives. Under the **** of fate, Jiang Li surpassed the younger genius.

The two brothers hugged tightly together, Jiang Tao smiled: "Brother, in the end you are still brother, Xiu is invincible, my brother was a genius at that time, but genius can't survive."

"What do our brothers say so much?" Jiang Li slaps his brother's back vigorously.

"Big brother and second brother, I am also here." Jiang Xuan came over the passage, and her masters Hua Yan and Hua Lenga. Subsequently, Jiang Li's parents also appeared, watching the scenery here froze.

"Parents, are you here? This is the world of self-cultivation." Jiang Li quickly introduced: "I have mastered the passage from the earth to the world of self-cultivation and pave the way for the family. These two are saints and can guarantee our safety. Foolproof. "

"Holy man." The Jiang Zhendongs couple startled, looked at Xiaodi, and quickly bowed.

"Don't be dared, dared not be dared." Xiaodi quickly turned around and let him go: "Two people, how dare to be such a gift?"

"You have been taking care of my son all these years, and we thank you for it." Jiang Zhendong and his wife said, "In the future, my son will still take care of you, and you will be their teacher."

"There is no problem, and now Jiang Li has grown, in fact, he no longer needs my protection." Xiaodi looked at Jiang Li, "He has really been proud of the heroes, holding the avenue, and he is also a giant from today. I am I want to find a daughter-in-law for the two. You see, the founder of the chairman of the Yanhuang Group is Jiang Li today to help her be promoted to sage. "

"Promoted to sage, founder of Yanhuang Group? Daughter-in-law?" Jiang Zhendong was a little dumbfounded.

Although he has seen countless worlds, everything the little emperor said made him unable to return to God. What is the Holy One? High above all else, no human president can match it. That is a myth.

Now I heard that I want to be his daughter-in-law?

This is just like an honest Pakistani farmer who suddenly heard that the daughter of Emperor Jade in the sky was going to marry his son.

Jiang Zhendong was speechless.

Then sister Jiang Xuan also appeared, and then Luo Han and Xue Ling also appeared. They heard the words of Xiaodi, and they were swollen, but they were also very worried because the situation in front of them was clear, Yanhuang Group The president is going to be promoted to the Holy One. Who can compete?

"If she was promoted to the Holy One, and then my brother announced that she would marry her. Wouldn't it shock all human beings? Marry a Holy Lady, my God, wouldn't this stop all the news at once?" Jiang Xuan was excited.

"Okay, everyone is here. Next, I will arrange everyone in the array." The little emperor waved, and suddenly the dream colors appeared. All the people sat down in the position of the array, and small dreams automatically appeared in their minds. The scriptures begin to read.

Even **** cats are no exception.

Jiang Li accepted the avatar, and once again fully focused on facing Long Yueji.

"Let's get started." Long Yueji has no joy and no sorrow, and her heart is as restless as possible: "Jiang Li, running your infinite road, my mind will follow your frequency, and my heart will be in my heart, without any block."

Jiang Li's soul immediately fluctuated. At the beginning, it was very peaceful, but gradually the frequency became obscure, and then turned back and forth a thousand times, sorrowful, sometimes golden and iron horses, and then like spring rain and wind, and thunderous, the beast roar , The starry sky is deep, and the tranquility is long ..........

The infinite soulless wave of souls played a triumphant song in his spiritual power. This song contains a profound and complex artistic conception, which is the code that unlocks the deepest secret of the great relic.

The great relic of the great emperor radiated infinite brightness, and everyone felt that the immense power in it was activating.

For a moment, Long Yueji's face was pale. She felt that the great emperor relic could destroy herself at any time. She immediately combined her soul fluctuation with the frequency of Jiang Li. She did not dare to have any thoughts. In front of God, the Holy One Also keep enough humility, not to mention she is not a saint now.

After a while, her soul fluctuations were combined with Jiang Li. Suddenly she had no secrets, everything was seen through by Jiang Li, because it was the dedication of her soul, and the entanglement of the soul could not hide any secrets.

Similarly, everything from Jiang Li has no secrets to her. Even the Great Seal can let the other party know, but it doesn't matter. Although the Great Seal is a peerless study, in fact, the role of martial arts is only a reference after practicing the saint It's the way to enlighten yourself.

Take three roads, one for each.

Longyue Ji wants her Tao, she must enlighten herself and hone her ~ www.readwn.com ~ Even if she has learned the martial arts of God, it has no effect.

However, as soon as the souls of the two were combined, many recent changes occurred immediately. Jiang Li saw the vast world of dragons, and the rising of the dragons, a whole new world.

His worldview expanded again.


At this moment, a vast will is transmitted from the body of Longyue Ji. This will is much stronger than that of the cultivation world, and in essence God cannot stop it. This is the will of the Dragon Dimension!

Jiang Li saw the expanse of the expanse of the vast dragon, and then turned it into a book, and seemed to have absorbed his soul.

"Quickly spur the true **** personality." Long Yueji's tone was a little anxious: "Jiang Li, this is the will of the Dragon Dimension, and I came to the earth from the Dragon Dimension, and the Heaven will bring me here, now refine it, I You can be sanctified. "

"No problem!" Jiang Li yelled, and the true Godhead was running at a speed of billions of times a second, and the power of God was infinite. He directly crushed the meaning of the day, the Book of Dragons.

The Book of Dragons unfolded slowly, and turned into many texts and pictures. It seemed to be watching the history of the Dragon race for everyone. The vast epic unfolded like this, it was slow, there was no attack, only the atmosphere, magnificent, spectacular, mountain heroes Myths and legends are among them.

The will of the Dragon Dimension is not lethal, and some are tolerant and swallow the stars, but because of this, it is the most horrible and most irresistible, because of all these things in front of us, upright, epic myth, hero legend, No one can resist the history.

Click, click ...

The movement of the true gods seems to be stuck, rubbing against the air rapidly, and making a sound of gear jamming. After the book of the dragon is unfolded, it seems that even the gods must be tolerated together, and the gods are refined in turn.

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