Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 478: Infinite star

"Hello, this is the World News Channel. It broadcasts important news happening all over the world on time."

On the light-brain screen, a hostess is performing daily news broadcasts. This is worldwide news, involving dozens of human planets, including some news on the main **** planet. To watch what's happening all over the world every day, you must watch this news.

Fortunately, all human beings now popularize the light brain chip. Anyone can turn on the light brain to pop up a virtual screen and play every message clearly.

Moreover, human light brain chips are now being replaced with better biological crystals.

It is thin and can even be incorporated into the skin, which is produced by Infinite Group. In addition, the advanced optical brain chip can also store energy, which is triggered by danger, forming a protective cover to protect itself from harm.

The original mechanical chip was gradually replaced by a biochip.

"Today's news content is the human vitality census, the average number has reached 9.5. The average value of the earth is the highest, which has reached 9.8. The average vitality of humans on the 36th Huacheng on the earth has reached 1.2. This is a continuous stream of infinite It ’s believed that the era of Superman for all will come soon. ”

The hostess is called Salaman. He is a mixed race of western and Chinese. He has fan groups on many planets around the world and is one of the most popular female anchors in the world.

Beside her, there is also a handsome male anchor called "Hayakawa Hiromi", who is extremely handsome and has a handsome and almost perfect face. He is also a popular male anchor. As a partner, the two have already hosted a lot of daily world news. Years, has been the world's most watched star.

The two also discuss current affairs from time to time.

"Sharaman, you said that Infinite Group is becoming more and more powerful, will it carry out separatist activities? I believe people all over the world have this question." Every time a news report is made, the two will discuss it.

"It's hard to say that the president of Infinite Group has mastered the technology of the times, his strength is also strong, and there is support from the saints behind it. But this is also a good thing. The entire human society needs a strong institution to supervise the government and make a balance. There will be no dictatorship, "Saraman said.

"Below, we have the second major news, which is still about Infinite Group. Infinite Group announced that the human beings of the true world have been selected for training in Infinite University. We also need to select a group of elites from our Earth ’s humanity and then conduct each other. The first batch of civilizations merged. The head of Infinite Group. We interviewed the head of Infinite Group, Hong Hei prison. "

Sure enough, there was a playback on the screen, and Hong Hei prison is now the president of Infinite University.

He said in the lens: "We human beings on the earth are peace-loving races. If we speak of camp, it is kind and lawful. We should not go to the true world to kill, but to develop together, so we have established an infinite university, Zongmen, Zihuangxianmen, and Huangtianmen are merging. Their outstanding talents communicate with our students. Don't hate, but peace. This is the purpose of our unlimited group. "

"Well said, the purpose of the Infinite Group is goodness and orderliness. It will not bring destruction to humankind, but it will bring development." Saraman said: "I want to see, the civilization of the world and our human civilization. What is the concept of being together? "

"The Infinite Group is playing with fire." Nangong Haochen disagreed. "The so-called right and wrong people have different hearts. We and the Xiuzhen World have fought for many years, and the blood and the sea are in deep hatred. How can it be resolved?"

Didi ...

At this time, they were preparing to report the next news, and a sudden sirens sounded.

"What happened? This is an SSSSS-level alert, which was transmitted from the military's top secret news agency. Only major news will send this alert." Both were extremely surprised, but this was a live broadcast, and they acted Still calm, the next step is to let everyone in the world know what is going on.

"Dear viewers, this is a 5S-level alert. It ’s been a long time since the world has seen such a major event. Let ’s take a look. What is the message from the military?" Saraman slowly opened a video: "This is The military ’s surveillance system is broadcasting live. What ’s the specific? Let ’s see ... Oh my god, it is actually in the solar system, and a new star is forming! "

A piece of video surveillance is slowly unfolding.

In the solar system, in the space near the Earth's orbit, a star really appeared. This star glowed. It seems that the star started to have a little bit size, but it got bigger and bigger as time passed. With the size of the moon, it continued to expand.

Originally, human monitoring systems could clearly see any planet in the solar system, and even a few stones on the planet could be clearly distinguished. But now, I just see that this glowing star is gradually expanding, and I don't know what it is.

"Oh my God! Why is this happening, a planet is created in the solar system, what does the military think? Why not take action. This could be a devastating blow to humanity."

While Sarahman was broadcasting live, he was shocked with humans all over the world.

"It's incredible, it's incredible that it takes at least billions of years for a new star to be generated. In a blink of an eye, this star is expanding?" Nangong Hao Chen also followed closely.

"The news came from the military that the main **** planet has reached the edge of the solar system, and the interstellar cannons have begun to prepare. Once this new star has caused the gravitational balance of the solar system and caused damage, it will immediately launch and destroy the stars. Destroying the planet is easy. "

Salaman is interpreting military decisions for humanity worldwide.

At this moment, countless humans around the world are seeing this scene.

And President Jiangmeng Jiangnan was also in the Grand Presidential Palace. Watching this scene, he was angry and faced the military leader Herato: "What is going on? Now people are worried, and the phone of the Presidential Palace has burst, countless People come in. "

"We don't know, but the interstellar cannon is ready to lock in through distant time and space. As soon as the balance of the solar system is disrupted, it will be launched immediately."

Heratus was also extremely shocked.

"The gravitational pull of the solar system has fluctuated."

Suddenly, Meng Jiangnan shouted, and saw the monitor above, and a huge fireball erupted above the sun. And the latest star also emits as much light and heat as the sun.

"Star Cannon, fire!"

The military can't stand it at this time. If there is any irreparable loss, his big president will step down immediately, and all humanity will impeach him.


A ray appeared in the distant universe, like Comet Halley swept across the interstellar, but much faster than the comet. It carried out a wormhole attack, passed through several light years in an instant, and accelerated in the course of the crossing, to an incredible realm.

In this way, the light of the interstellar cannon hit the newborn star.

However, instead of exploding, the new shape was more powerful. This interstellar cannon had no effect on it.

The light from the interstellar artillery disappeared, and the new stars continued to expand.

"Oh my **** ..." Humans all over the world are almost desperate. The strongest human attack, the invincible interstellar cannon attack has no effect? This is simply incredible.

"How can this be? Am I going to do it myself?" Meng Jiangnan roared.

"President, there is news, there is news." At this time, the intelligence department came in. "Look, the infinite group has expressed its opinion on this matter."

Sure enough, Infinite Group President Jiang Li appeared in the media of Infinite News Group. He was holding a press conference and countless reporters were asking questions.

"I declare now that you don't need to panic." Jiang Lidao said, "This new planet of the solar system is a heaven created by our infinite group. This heaven is open. Welcome everyone's immigrants. At the same time, everyone's defense has been seen. The strongest human attack on interstellar cannons cannot be destroyed. As we all know, the average life span of humans is very short. The elite area of ​​the government is actually 300 years old, which has made a huge difference. In this regard, I still condemn the human government and actually The gap between the rich and the poor makes life unfair. In order to break this injustice, our infinite group has done our best ~ www.readwn.com ~ to create an infinite star, which is to create a living paradise, let us all Humans can prolong their lives and live better in this world. "

"What? I heard that right? This is the planet created by Infinite Group?" Countless reporters are asking questions.

"Excuse me, President Jiang Li, your infinite group actually has the ability to create the planet? This is the power of God in the rumors. What kind of technology has the infinite group reached? The first leap in human technology has been obtained. Alien fallen ships. Do you now also have alien technology? "

A reporter stepped forward to ask a question.

"I got the Zerg technology, but in the past there was no energy to hatch the Zerg's mother emperor, but now I get a lot of energy in a sudden adventure, I corrupt the mother emperor, add my own technology, fully master, at least beyond modern times Three levels of scientific and technological civilization. If you want to divide civilization, feudal civilization is first-class civilization, national age is second-level civilization, interstellar age is third-level civilization, then our civilization is now fourth-level civilization, soon It will develop to a fifth-level civilization or even higher. Human civilization, our infinite group will dominate, and the infinite group will push human civilization to a new height. "Jiang Li announced to the world that he believes in this kind of The explosive news, at the first time, the whole world will know that the prestige of the Infinite Group has skyrocketed.

This is what he wants.

"You all."

Jiang Li once again said: "The infinite star of the Infinite Group is still under construction. Not only is the planet, but also a huge battleship that can cross the starry sky and cross the river system. It can fully accommodate 800 billion human beings, and it is more than enough. So In the future, all human beings will progress together, there will be no difference in levels, and the real unity is coming! "

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