Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 489: Final sign

On this clay tablet, the clauses and clauses are all words that have great binding force on the Holy One, and basically cannot be changed.

However, the emperor made some suggestions: "I put forward some provisions. One is that the saint must fulfill some obligations. On this clay tablet, it seems that there are only provisions that bind the saint, and there is no obligation on the saint. I I feel that the saints still have to do something beneficial to humanity, such as the obligation to teach, impart knowledge, and the obligation to maintain stability. It cannot be gone for decades after it disappears. Moreover, it should regularly provide resources to human beings and open up the channel of dimensional channels. There is also a need to contribute to all kinds of human construction. Because according to the cause and effect relationship, the sage of mankind is from human beings. Without man, there is no sage. After the sage appears, it should never be separated from humans, and It is an obligation to do things for human beings. The entire ethnic group can continue, just as the parents are older, and the son will support them. This is to pay back the cause and effect, to continue the ethnic group, and the saint can also return to the ethnic group. Gain foundation and merit. Many ethnic groups do n’t pay attention to this thing, they are all destroyed. In the universe, only the saints who are good at giving back to the ethnic group can grow up. .Because the luck of the entire ethnic group will bless you, the more prosperous the ethnic group, the more opportunities you have. For example, there are some things that you ca n’t get adventures, but there may be juniors in the entire ethnic group. Adventures, their adventures, can help you, the wandering saints who are separated from the ethnic group, are doomed to no good end. "

"There is something in your words."

Jiang Nalan suddenly said.

"I want to cooperate with you." Xiaodi said: "In fact, Jiang Nalan, you still have less experience. I don't know the importance of the entire ethnic group. Of course, the human ethnic group is still small. If it is ten times larger, that talent Generations are your solid backing, countless talents, countless adventures, converging into a long river of luck, blessing on you. "

"The ethnic group is indeed important, and I don't intend to destroy the entire ethnic group." Jiang Nalan seemed to be thinking, thinking: "Do you want to cooperate with me to destroy the angels?"

"Yes, angels are the greatest enemy that affects the development of human beings. To continue and develop, human beings must maintain their own spirit and soul. Otherwise, what's the difference between them and domesticated beasts?" Xiaodi said: "This time re-sign the saint agreement. I ’m here to discuss it with you. How about unifying the angels? The angels are eradicated first, the angels are staring at us, and want to take advantage of our two losses, and we will shoot together, and you want me and the angels to lose both, I know them all. "

"Destroy the angels?" Jiang Nalan said: "The angels are indeed different from ours. They are very serious threats to our human race. But why are you different? You must kill me and be quick. Jiang Li, Your intention to kill me seems extremely deep. "

"For the sake of the ethnic group, I can give up all my grudges." Jiang Lidao said: "If you take an oath to protect humanity, I can swear with you, take an oath of chaos, do not invade each other, how is peaceful coexistence?"

"Hey, I want to be beautiful." Jiang Nalan's thoughts fluctuated. "The young emperor will die at any time. You are just a lamb to be slaughtered. Your **** emperor relic is my ambition, and it also makes me break through the realm. Good things, if I want to build countless avenues, I must rely on the relics of the great emperor's relics. You ca n’t break down the great relics, but I can decompose the great relics into countless avenues and regroup them. This saves my countless years of practice and follows In some cases, if the avenues are condensed, it is impossible to practice the godhead in my lifetime, but there are existing avenues that allow me to arrange and combine. I will be much easier. "

The law is difficult to practice, and patience must be practised, the runes condensing one by one.

Avenues are difficult to condense, because every rule must be condensed.

Divinity is difficult to condense, and many roads are entwined.

All of this requires water-milling time to peel cocoons and silks. If you want to condense into a godhead, it will not be possible without tens of thousands of years or even hundreds of thousands of years.

No species has such a long life, and the Holy One is no exception.

It is already the limit that the Holy One can live for thousands of years. The little emperor is now on the verge of death and will die at any time. Although Jiang Nalan practiced the Avenue of Eternal Life, but at the current level, he would only be able to live for more than five thousand years. At that time, he would be exhausted and nothing could save him.

Avenue-level powerhouses do not have a lifespan of 10,000 years, unless they are condensed into gods.

Only strong gods have long years, but for the universe, they also fall. Unless they are willing to give up their thinking and become part of heaven, such as the will of a world, but this will inevitably fall.

"The grievances between us will be resolved later. What about the angels? How about my decisive battle with Meng Jiangnan only a few days, how about we destroy the angels in these few days?" Jiang Li stepped forward and proposed .

"Let's join hands?" Jiang Nalan's playful smile appeared on his face. "I don't think it's worth it. I won't rest assured of you, and you won't rest assured."

"Then we can make a vow of chaos. How about not attacking each other before destroying the angels?" Jiang Lidao said.

"I'm never bound by vows, I can do whatever I want." Jiang Nalan decided directly, "And why do angels kill me now, they hold you back, I think it's my chance, It would be better to have all of you in one shot at that time. I am very pleased that you have too much involvement. "

"Don't forget, the angels also have restraints on you, your Jiang family is also a piece of fat, and the angels will also keep an eye on them." Jiang Li warned.

"What are you afraid of?" Jiang Nalan said directly: "I and your personality are different. You care about the ethnic group. I don't care. All the ethnic groups are dead and there is nothing to worry about. You can let go of your hands and feet. There are many opportunities. "

"After all, you still don't care about the ethnic group." Jiang Li shook his head: "Ah ..."

"You, let's sign the saint agreement." Xiaodi ignored the scene and waved his hand: "I add some details to the clay tablet. If you do not agree, you can modify it, mainly some of the saint's obligations."

His will appeared on the clay tablet, and a lot of words were engraved on that tablet.

These words are very small and are the obligation of the saint, and at the same time he shows it to the world. There was a lot of coverage right away.

"Audiences, the little emperor saint has for the first time modified the saint agreement on the tablet of destiny. Each of the above stipulates the saint's obligation. In the past saint agreement, it only restricted the saint. The saints did not carry out large-scale destruction, and never mentioned the obligations that the saints must fulfill. This time, the little emperor saints actually proposed the saints' obligations. This is a great progress for the society. "

Countless journalists are reporting on the spot.

Suddenly, this report aroused strong cheers. Countless humans were in high spirits. Finally, the saint began to work for the construction of human beings. At the same time, the little emperor who proposed suggestions was considered a pioneer who changed human history.

In the face of all this, Jiang Nalan was also forced to Liangshan. If he did not agree with these obligations at this time, he would immediately be disgraced by countless humans, and even think he was speculative. Then the Jiang family will struggle in the future. This is the mastery of the situation.

Of course, even after signing this agreement, the Infinite Group will also have a lot of restrictions, but Jiang Li doesn't matter, because he understands the will of God, and he is maintaining the ethnic group, contributing to the ethnic group, and being generous and selfless. Even without these obligations, he would contribute to the community.

"I agree with these terms." Jiang Nalan's expression on his face was indifferent, and he agreed with it. Under the attention, he would not show any flaws.

"Well, all agreed, let's sign our name." Xiaodi waved and signed on it.

Subsequently, Jiang Nalan also signed and pressed the palm print. The saints present and Jiang Li were also pressing the palm print. Although Jiang Li is not a saint, his strength has been enough to fight through various scientific studies. Holy man, so he is the first person who is not a holy man to sign on the tablet of destiny.

This clay version is called the destiny clay version, which is an imitation of ancient myths and the agreement of the gods. In ancient European mythology, the clay tablet of destiny was also signed by the gods.

This clay version does have incredible power, which was occasionally obtained by Wang Chao. The ancient saints signed contracts on it, and together they maintain the ethnic group, they have a huge binding force.

A prosperous world of humankind thus reached its climax and ended.

After Jiang Li signed the Holy One agreement, he felt relieved, at least not to worry about the sudden attack of angels to make the creatures charcoal, because according to the obligation, Jiang Nalan must resist the strong among the angels and maintain the stability of the ethnic group.

The planets of mankind are not far away now. About sixty-four planets are used as settlements. The saints can come and go in an instant and cope with what happened suddenly.

However, in the future ~ www.readwn.com ~ human beings have expanded again, and the Holy One may not be able to cope. Human beings now have 800 billion ethnic groups. They are small in the universe. After at least tenfold expansion, they will form a huge air transport, or even interfere with air transport.

"Dear viewers, the Holy One agreement has been signed. This time it is an epoch-making progress. It can be said that we humans have passed the feudal era, the national era, the interstellar era, and now a new era is born. It is the humanity that has entered the myth. Times, under the leadership of the Holy One, we will definitely enter a golden age of myth. "Many reporters and news media groups praised this behavior warmly.

Even many radical parties and societies of human beings highly praised this saint's behavior, and were very satisfied with the launch of this saint agreement by the infinite group, and felt that the infinite group was not a hegemonic act, but a perfect guide. Leading humans.

Only one person was dormant in secret, showing a grievous smile at the signing of the saint agreement.

He is Meng Jiangnan.

"Wait, wait, this saint agreement is also a waste, I will kill you all, and then there is no saint, see what you do." Meng Jiangnan hid in the dark power and was practicing divine power, he Already a saint and a big president, but he did not disclose a little bit. No one knew the news of his promotion to the saint. He was going to show it in one battle with Jiang Li. When he arrived, he killed Jiang. It's easy to say everything.

At this moment, there is also a group of people, that is, the church on the Doji, staring at the human saint to sign an agreement.

Several light men emit waves that are enough to disintegrate the planet.

"Jiang Nalan signed the saint agreement, and it was signed on the tablet of destiny, that is, me. We now sound the trumpet of the last days and die, and he will come out to stop it?

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