Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 502: National idol

"This is also a matter of no means." Jiang Li heard Meng Zhiyu's incisive analysis and knew that she was right. Her strength is getting stronger and stronger, which is equal to a bottleneck, and she is also making herself a cocoon, but there is no way to do it. It is also impossible to shed runes now.

He is like a boss of a triad society. If he goes on, it will be a dead end, but there is no retreat, because once he retreats and loses his power, he will die faster.

After boarding this boat, I can no longer get off.

"However, this is also stimulating, wandering on the edge of life and death all the time. I have more exercise for my spiritual practice, looking for a way back from a path of no return." Jiang Li was not worried at all.

"Oh, you are a man with great courage and wisdom, and will surely succeed." Dream Paper Kite admired: "I am not worried at all, you will surely be promoted to the Holy One, you will not die, because you have defeated so many A stunning character. "

Between words, she walked to the table and looked at Jiang Li's calligraphy, which is actually ancient Chinese writing.

"You're writing a book? This is the theory of soul freedom," she said in surprise.

"Oh? You know ancient Chinese writing." Jiang Li was slightly surprised.

"Crap, Wang Chao's predecessors taught me a lot, especially the ancient Chinese writing. I'm very proficient. Four books, five classics, and histories of the scriptures are omnipotent. I am more Chinese than many Chinese people." Dream Paper Kitty proudly said: "You What do you want to do with this article? I read it. "

She looked at it line by line, her face gradually dignified: "This is literally words and words, profound understanding of the soul. Independent and thought-provoking for the free spirit."

"Yeah, I am going to write a paper, publish it, refute religion, break superstitions, and break the crusade's offensive." Jiang Lidao said: "What I said is also true. Only the soul is absolutely free and does not believe in everything. Being able to find yourself and not being a slave to the soul, some people are physically free, but the mind still wants to be a slave, and the liberation of the mind is the most important thing. "

"You must get a huge influence on this Soul Freedom Theory, but it would be worse to break down religious beliefs, because your own influence is not enough." Dream Paper Kite said.

"My influence is not enough, so I plan to unite with Xiaodi, all the masters and saints of the Infinity Group to propagate together, so that everyone has a free soul and is not affected by religion. Only by breaking down the obstacles in my heart can we make humans Civilization is booming. "Jiang Lidao.

"No, all the saints of the infinite group add up, and their weight is not enough. Think about how powerful the religion is. It has been passed down for thousands of years. Humanity has existed since the beginning of civilization. How could it be disintegrated by a theory of soul freedom? ? "Dream Paper Kite shook her head.

"What to do then?" Jiang Li felt that to disintegrate religion, indeed an article was not enough.

"Even if Wang Chao returns, the weight is not enough. Although he is strong, he has been away from humans for too long, and many people do not remember him." Meng Zhifang thought deeply: "You know, among the humans all over the world, Who's the most popular? "

"Me? Jiang Nalan? Xiaodi?" Jiang Li continued.

"No, it is."

The dream paper kite opened the light brain, and it was hotly debated on major websites. The appearance and appearance of a young man appeared on the entire network. The young man's face and body were perfect. No one in the world could be more handsome than him, even Even a master painter can't paint his temperament.

This is the young man of God who is transformed by the world of surprise.

Just after a short time, against the will of the military world, this young man's image has been reproduced madly, and he has become the most perfect man among humans in the world.

Jiang Li looked at Guangnao constantly, and found that this world is really incredible. Now all the idols and situational figures are occupied by the God of Youth in the world of cultivation. No big star, saint, any explosive news, search, and Providence can't compare.

Moreover, the identity of this teenager has attracted many people's curiosity.

He is more handsome than anyone.

Xiaodi has explained.

He is a god-given world of cultivation, his strength is unquestionable, and his handsomeness, let alone his richness, the whole world is not as good as him.

Why isn't this kind of person an idol of a nationwide girl?

Mysterious, powerful, handsome and rich.

"Rely on me?" Jiang Li found out that many girls on the Internet who are rich in the second generation actually organized groups to go to the world of cultivation, build a sect, and believe in the will of the world of cultivation. Many, and the number is still increasing like a snowball.

In other words, there are so many people who give their lives in order to see the Providence.

In addition, there are more fanatical fans, which actually reached hundreds of billions. Moreover, the most timeless classic scene is the sword of the will of the Wu world that penetrated the young man's chest, the young man fell, Jiang Li picked up, but the young man disappeared.

"Unexpectedly, the most popular is actually it." Jiang Li felt incredible, but thought about it and made sense. The world-famous teenager in the cultivation world is much higher than his temperament, and the cultivation is much higher. It is taken for granted In addition, humans and the world of cultivation have been fighting for many years, and the mystery of Providence makes anyone want to explore it.

And Jiang Li's own popularity also rose with the Tianyi River.

However, in the last scene of the most widely circulated video on the Internet, Jiang Li seemed a bit cumbersome under the perfect background of the young man in the world of cultivation.

But this is also no way. It is better than a thousand times.

"If the self-cultivation world appears, and the publication of this Soul Freedom Theory will definitely be countless times more popular than yours. In a moment, the conspiracy to dismantle the crusades is not necessarily said." Meng Zhifang said: "I now I want to marry him, how happy it would be to be his wife. "

"This is just a delusional wish." Jiang Li laughed. "Actually, God is just a light-brained virtual character. There is no human feeling. This plan you said is too unreliable."

"No, no, no ...." Meng Zhifang said, "Actually, the world of the cultivation world is injured. It is when it is weakest. You have to communicate with it. The time when God is the weakest is when he is the most humane. I think you should go and find the core of it. Then communicate with it, help it recover from injury, and lay a good foundation for peace in our two worlds, and this time you lead the wolf into the room and make it hurt, you must For it to recover, this is also a cause-effect relationship, reciprocating each other, and unpleasant retribution. "

"Yes, yes, the fault is with me this time. And the world of cultivation has a life-saving grace for me. I definitely won't show revenge. I have to help it recover, but how do you recover it? Do you know? I know you have been king Chao ’s guidance, how about me now? ”Jiang Li increasingly felt that the dream paper kite was very mysterious, and he even suspected that this girl was Wang Chao ’s apprentice, otherwise how could she know so much?

"Your great emperor relic is the best magic weapon." Dream paper kite said: "You take the great emperor relic to find the core of the heavenly will of the cultivation world, and then help it to communicate with the fairy world to a greater extent, and to be nourished by the fairy world, it will be completely restored. . "

"How to use the great relic?" Jiang Li shone brightly.

"This requires your own understanding. This time you go to find the core of the Providence of the Cultivation World. This is also an opportunity. You have been unable to be promoted to the Holy One. Perhaps this time, you will become the true Holy One. In the future, humanity will In the face of a big crisis, you are a figure who can turn the tide. "Dream Paper Kitty said:" These are the predictions of Wang Chao's predecessors. "

"Really? Humans are indeed facing a huge crisis. I feel that the angels have sharpened their swords and are ready to cut us, and there is one thing, that is, the earth ’s universal celestial sphere is about to wake up. By then, this will become the universal One focus, or the main road of transportation. "Jiang Zhongzhong also felt the crisis at all times, not because of the angels, but because the earth is the celestial sphere of the world. Once the peoples came, the earth would probably fall into a real crisis.

"The Providence of the Self-Cultivation World is our greatest aid, not the enemy." Dream Paper Kite said, "Jiang Nalan always wants to refine it ~ www.readwn.com ~ You have to be careful that he succeeds, this time, you lead Coming to the martial arts heaven, it has been traumatized. The will of the two worlds is fighting, which is a devastating blow to the world of cultivation. And there are many enemies of this heavenly will. You must go to kill the demon and protect the heaven. This is the responsibility. And obligations. "


Jiang Li got up and said, "I'll go. Right now, Lord Xiaodi and everyone are suppressing the situation, I think it's OK."

"The core position of the heavenly will of the cultivation world is the sun in the sky, which is eternal. You must enter it, find the human form of the heavenly boy, and then communicate with it. This is extremely dangerous, but it is also a test for you I ca n’t go with you, because you have a great relic, and you are good at communication. The more people you have, the more you are rejected by God. ”Dream Paper Kite said.

"I know how to do it, I have to comprehend everything myself. Maybe I will meet Jiang Nalan there." Jiang Li slightly moved.

He has stepped out of Infinite Star, arrived at Earth Star City, the headquarters of Infinite Group, and entered the deep passage.

The next moment, he was in the world of cultivation.

The great emperor relic was caught in his hands, a sphere, flashing dreamlike luster, breathing, flesh and blood connection, it seems that this godhead is gradually recovering the great true **** power.

The divine power of the great emperor and the infinite star mother Emperor Guangnao combined together to form a network for human use all over the world, which is very stable, and the great emperor relic has obtained so many human active souls, providing information at all times, and more and more Moisturize.

Access to the network is also a nourishment to the great relic.

Any treasure needs the nourishment of popularity, and humanity in the world is a luck. How much luck will it take to communicate on the Internet all day?

So, this is the best way to repair the great relic.

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