Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 510: Church expansion

The church is expanding. In support of the human government, the dream of Jiangnan as the president is now at its lowest point. In order to protect the position of his president, he must have a series of bereavements and humiliations. Otherwise, after he is impeached, he will definitely be arrested and tried.

Although he is a saint, he cannot escape.

Because of the signing of the saint agreement, human laws must be observed, and Jiang Li and others will surely arrest him. Even if he flees to the ends of the earth, he is not Jiang Li ’s opponent.

The reason why Jiang Li did n’t arrest him now is to abide by the rules of human beings and follow the procedures step by step. It is also for human beings to protect the rules and regulations, so as not to cause chaos again. The more distant the order of the human race is, the more he promotes the development of the ethnic group, and the civilization and luck of the ethnic group will be blessed on him, and he will go all the way.

Any ethnic group has the spirit of civilization. This spirit is very mysterious, which is equal to merit.

Jiang Li is now gradually realizing the meaning of virtue.

But now the church is destroying his order and establishing a new order. This is what he cannot tolerate. What is more important is that if everyone on the earth believes in the church, then the whole society is at the end of its dead end. The possibility of development will be a stagnant water in the future. Only the freedom of the soul can truly develop.

"Now the power of the church is expanding rapidly.

Meng Zhiyu was worried: "This is a behemoth. It penetrates into human society and establishes a foundation. With the development of human civilization, it is almost impossible to completely eliminate it. Look at the cross star now."

"I've seen it for a long time." Needless to say, Jiang Li is always concerned about the cross star, the cross star is still creeping, and there is more and more internal space. It seems that a kingdom of God is being born, it seems like a It seems that the mighty warship is no longer under the main planet of God.

Throughout Doji, many powerful breaths are lingering. They are masters of the angel family, ancient angels, and avenue-level powerhouses among the angels. These powerhouses come together and have the supreme power.

Moreover, it seems that a mysterious channel has been opened, and Doji is absorbing the mysterious power of that world.

The world in which the angels live is very mysterious, it is a dimension like the fairyland.

"This is a report on church expansion." Meng Zhiyu took out a lot of information: "Now many private schools have opened theology classes. In the curriculum, you can learn the classics of the church and believe in the Lord of the church. Cultivation, and the church has also re-opened a university called 'Tianguo University'. The scale was built on the Doji Star and began to recruit students. Schools on various planets began to recruit students. You do n’t need to be strong, just you With more faith in the Lord, you can enroll in it. This is more attractive than our infinite university and star university. "

"What? This is a killer!"

Jiang Li was taken aback.

He knows that, whether it is the admission of Xingkong University or Infinite University, students need absolute strength. In this world, after all, civilians occupy the majority and no one occupies so many resources. No matter whether they are admitted to any university, they are Thousands of horses and horses cross the wooden bridge, the threshold is high, and now as long as the religious faith, students can obtain many resources, which is no less than opening the Pandora's box, making all struggle meaningless.

"This is tantamount to gaining strength and selling the soul to the devil." Xiaodi said.

"Yeah, there is no channel in this world. If it is possible, most people will sell their souls to the devil for strength and desire." Jiang Li sighed.

Belief, pious faith, you can gain strength, gain wealth, and qualify. This is no different than selling your soul to the devil.

It's just one sold to the devil, one to God.

Jiang Li's ancient way is also the ancient Chinese way.

That is, the sky is healthy, the gentleman is constantly improving.

The soul will never be sold to any being for strength and desire. The soul is free and independent. This is the foundation of development. Otherwise, what is the difference between humans and animals and even plants?

"Three days later, a press conference was held, and now all resources are used for publicity!" Jiang Li issued an order: "Using all the wealth of my unlimited group, as well as media channels, and various relationships, we are fully prepared for this news. Conference. "


The Infinite Group is now the first group of human beings on the planet. The energy is incredible. Although the church is deeply entrenched, there are still scruples after all, and it has not come to the table.

Therefore, this time, Jiang Li united in the cultivation of the will of the world, smashing the church from public opinion and theory, and then launched a movement to amend the constitution so that the church is legally illegal. Human beings must have spiritual freedom, any religion and the devil The soul of man must not be tempted to fall.

Orders were issued in a well-organized manner. Among them, the dream paper kite order was the fastest, and even using its own team without even thinking about it, each plan appeared on the light brain and began to execute. It is simply the power of the business and political circles. , Turn your hands over the clouds and your hands.

Compared to strength, Dream Paper Kite is nothing, but compared to the means of running a business, marketing, organization, planning, various programs are endless, it is simply a business genius.

Such talents are the rarest.

Jiang Li now feels that he has dug a big baby.

Even if there is an extra avenue-level powerhouse, it is useless, because the avenue-level powerhouse only knows cultivation and knows nothing about the management of various human rules. As a company, the company becomes smaller and smaller, and eventually it is annexed by others.

A business genius is different. Even if there is no back-office, it can be bigger at once.

In modern society, rules are more and more important. It is invincible how to use the rules reasonably to develop the business model of the group.

There are many vice presidents in the Infinite Group, but the vice president with the first ability is still dream paper kite. It can be seen that she did learn a lot from Wang Chao.

Grand Presidential Palace.

Sitting at the south end of Mengjiang, there is no more light brain for the Lord God, and his face is gloomy, and he is in a cold state every day.

In front of him, two people sat.

One is the Pope and the other is Jiang Nalan. This pope is completely different from before. There are countless holy poems flowing in his eyes. It seems that in his eyes only the gods have no beings.

It can be said with certainty that the pope is now a saint.

"Pope, now you are the plenipotentiary representative of the angel family." Jiang Nalan smiled at the situation: "Say, this time help Meng Jiangnan through the difficulties, but also unite, what do you want to do? Do you really want to transform human beings? A believer in the Lord? I don't agree with that. "

"We have changed our minds now." The Pope said: "We need to reclaim the light and brain of the Lord God, the relic of the great emperor, and the will of the cultivating world. As for the entire human faith, it is not very important. It ’s just billions. The angels do n’t know how many dimensions and planets have been conquered. Among them, there are many believers and they do n’t care about this trillion. ”

"Really?" Jiang Nalan laughed. "That's good, otherwise I'm the one who signed the saint agreement. For things that threaten humanity, I'll join forces with Jiang Li to kill. Also, if I don't watch Wrong, you are now promoted to the state of the saint, why not sign a saint agreement? Do you want me to persecute you? "

"The saint agreement was made by Wang Chao and Jiang Li. I don't take it seriously." The Pope smiled scornfully: "Presumably, Brother Nalan is also very vigilant against Jiang Li. His strength is getting stronger and stronger, even if there is no Promoted to the Holy One, the current cultivation can already compete with you. Once promoted to the Holy One, you are probably not his opponent. "

"Joke, even if he is promoted to the Dadao strongman, I can kill him." Jiang Nalan expressionless: "I can not investigate your promotion to the Holy One without signing the Holy One agreement, what's your benefit? Give me? And ~ www.readwn.com ~ I know you want to kill Jiang Li, and I can help you with that, but I have to find a good opportunity. "

"Now we are forcing him. The expansion of our church is irresistible. This is the general trend. In fact, you ca n’t stop it. After all, you signed a saint agreement and our church is now expanding normally." Tao: "Jang Nalan, I am negotiating with you on behalf of the angel family. In fact, the entire ethnic group is not important to you. Your pursuit is independence, transcendence, and the entire human race is destroyed. What do you do with us? Can give you enough benefits, such as chaos and antiquity! "

"Chaos antiquity? You mean chaos antiquity?" Jiang Nalan was startled and stood up sharply. "Oh, I see. You gave Mengjiangnan the chaotic antiquity before he was promoted to the Holy One. This chaotic antiquity. There is a vow of chaos in the air, which is an oath of allegiance to you, but Meng Jiangnan is clever. He actually used this ancient air to sacrifice to the heavenly will of Wu world and resolved the vow. "

"Yes." Mengjiang Nanyin smiled. "Although your church helped me through the difficult times, it actually deceived me. Although I declared my belief in your church, it was actually covering up my ears. It is impossible to believe in you. However, we have the same interests now, which is to kill Jiang Li. As for how human society has nothing to do with me, it does n’t matter what you love to turn them into, as long as it is good I will use my role as President to fully support your expansion, the benefits, as long as I have the benefits, understand? You want to expand now, you need my help. "

"Well, your request, we can promise that the last thing the angels do is benefit. This is the true chaos. Now there are two wires, you get, and you can sacrifice the same." The pope took out a crystal ball In which two traces of chaotic antiquity are entangled.

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