Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 531: Secrets of the World Realm

Jiang Li must now maintain a sense of mystery, otherwise if he disappears through the emperor, I am afraid it will cause a series of inestimable consequences.

The attack of the seven ancient angels was not something he could resist.

Therefore, he is now trying to make one shot as much as possible, so that everyone can hide. Long Yue Ji, Zi Chang Ye, Hua Liu Dao, etc. are all remotely controlled remotely, practicing in the world of cultivation, enhancing strength, and laying out a large array.

He stepped out of the infinite star and appeared on an island in the Pacific Ocean.

This island is very small and is a beautiful tourist resort, but now the island is surrounded by monsters, and the ocean is also densely packed with monsters. Not far away, a large black hole appears on the sea, and among them there are still emerging. All kinds of monsters, I don't know where these monsters come from.

There are long snakes, big eagles, and horned beasts ..... These monsters are all kinds of strange creatures, creatures that have never appeared on the earth, and some have not even been recorded in the light brain. They belong to ancient characters in the deep universe.

However, there were no monsters approaching the island, because a little dignity was sent out, which made many monsters avoid it.

This is the majesty of the Holy One.

And it is the momentum of the avenue-level strong.

Now there is only one avenue-level strong man on the earth, and that is Jiang Nalan.

Next to him are Meng Jiangnan, and the Pope. The three saints stand together, forming a huge force. Vaguely overwhelming the saints of the infinite group.

"Jiang Li, your cultivation has increased again."

Jiang Nalan turned around and looked at Jiang Li and looked up and down, "Your strength is increasing fast, and the sharp breath on your body is enough to kill Saint."

"Rewarded, rewarded." Jiang Li didn't dare to take the slightest move.

"Where are the saints of the Infinity Group? Xiaodi, Purple Night, Hualiu Dao, Longyue Ji, where did they go?" Meng Jiangnan stepped forward and asked, "You have signed the saint agreement, and there is danger to humankind. You must come out. Now a saint appears on the earth, and then disappears. Our saints must join forces to perform the search of heaven and earth to find them. Why are you alone now? "

"They all set up a large array in secret, listening to my orders, what I say is what." Jiang Li said: "Moreover, we are mainly guarding the angels, and their blow to humanity is devastating."

"Jiang Li, you insult the Lord everywhere, and your sins are so heavy that the Lord will not forgive you." The pope said with a somber expression.

"Well, don't fight at this time." Jiang Nalan said lightly: "At the moment, I'm looking for this saint, and then arresting him to live. In the process of arrest, we can't let him be on the earth. There is destruction on this! If this sage is a good guess, he is practicing the law of shadows and has an artifact on his body! From the fallen star domain. This channel leads to about 10 billion light years away from us That star field, the fallen **** field is a grave that has fallen behind. This star field is twice the size of the Milky Way. Many planets are stained with the breath of God's fall, full of violent vitality, and an endless number of births are born. Monsters have also spawned many saints, full of aggressiveness. "

When Jiang Li heard Jiang Nalan's introduction, his expression moved, and his spirit penetrated into the depth of the black hole. Sure enough, he saw that in the deep depth of the black hole, it was an ancient star field. The distance was too far. In reality, the saints are not. Maybe the spirit comes, only through the passage of the heavens of the universe.

In that ancient constellation of stars, Jiang Li felt a mysterious atmosphere like that of the great relic.

It is the power of God.

"What do we do now?" He humbly asked Jiang Nalan.

Jiang Nalan practiced two avenues, and also controlled the control power of the light and brain of the Lord God. Combined, Jiang Li is far from an opponent now. Even with the mother nest, Zi Changye and others are not opponents.

In the past, when the emperor was here, using his own road of life and death, coupled with the road to win the sky, and using the three roads of the ruling road, he could still compete.

But now, Jiang Li only has the Avenue of Heaven and Zhanxian Avenue. Although Zhanxian Avenue is more powerful than any other avenue, he can't urge the mystery at all.

"It's very simple. Put down the law on the earth, and then search through the layers, and force this person out. We search with spirits. In addition, we must cooperate with both of you. You have 50% of the brain power of the Lord God. I also have so much control. Once added up, it is 100%. The virtual godhead is inspired, and the power is equivalent to the full-fledged will of the true world. This saint has no effect even if he has an artifact. "Jiang Nalan said.

"We are united? How are we united?" Jiang Li smiled. "Do you want to say that I temporarily give you control of the light brain? This seems to be a delusional wish."

"Then don't need it. We temporarily cooperate and let go of the highest authority of Guangnao. In fact, it is like the chairman of two companies who cooperate with each other and integrate resources, but in fact, property and equity are still separated." Jiang Nalan laughed. : "Jiang Li, I know that you are only one step away from being promoted to the Holy One, and now is your best chance. If the two of us put control together, the light and brain of the Lord God can truly inspire the strongest Yes, it is definitely not what it is now. In the moment of integration, you can get great bliss. I can say with certainty that 100% can promote you to the Holy One. How about it? Are you interested? "

"I see." Jiang Lidao said: "You want to condense the third avenue, so you also need the combination of the light and brain of the Lord God?"

"Your guess is good." Jiang Nalan said: "From the 200 years of the country to the present, the light and brain of the Lord God has not really merged. Now the Channel of the World Realm has been excited, and the earth monsters have swarmed. Soon Occupy the entire solar system, do you see that there are some monsters that are intelligent races, they have begun to build space bases, and their technology is also very powerful. The situation of humans on earth will sooner or later collapse, and you and I will cooperate sooner or later. This is a mutually beneficial and win-win situation.

"It's not that simple. I don't believe you. Your conspiracy is very heavy." Jiang Lidao said: "Maybe the moment I open up the control, you will take all the control away, maybe you get it. Chaos and antiquity, sacrifices? How can I believe you? "

"Aren't you righteous and righteous? Give up righteousness? Now that humankind on earth is at stake, don't you want to give anything in the least?" Jiang Nalan remained unmoved.

"Then why don't you dedicate it to me?" Jiang Li said faintly: "You give me all the control right now, and I can let the emperor relic and the Lord God light brain be completely combined, and then with the world of cultivation With the combination of heaven and God, can we human beings become the biggest winners in an instant? "

"Looks like you don't want to cooperate with me?" Jiang Nalan sighed. "What's the little emperor, what does the little emperor mean?"

"Little Emperor is practicing in retreat, I mean what he means." Jiang Li answered very cleverly.

"I know that the young emperor is at the critical moment of life and death. With the strengthening of the order of heaven, he will truly die. Even the sacrifices of chaos and ancient vibes will not be of any use. I am guessing that the young emperor has not been Appeared, is he already dead? "Jiang Nalan suddenly attacked Jiang Li with his language. This temptation was like a peerless swordsman. He was assassinated in one shot. Suddenly, the wind was cold and the water was cold.

"Is that so? Your imagination is very rich." Jiang Lidao said: "When the little emperor practiced his magic, you will know how wrong he guessed." His heart had been writhing for a long time, but on the surface, it was not distracted. Because he knew that once Jiang Nalan saw the flaws, things would be bad.

"Are you guilty?" Jiang Nalan seemed to be sure of his thoughts, and patted the Pope on the shoulder: "Master Pope, the little emperor seems to have fallen, you can destroy heresy."

"Really?" The pope was a little dubious, and he was afraid that Jiang Nalan would play tricks again, which would cause the church's ancient angels and the infinite group to lose both, but if the emperor really falls, this time is a great opportunity.

"Once the little emperor falls, now is the time when the Infinite Group is weak." Jiang Nalan once again said: "I urge you to start quickly, otherwise, when Jiang Li is promoted to the realm of the saint, then he will Control has increased so much that you can no longer defeat him. The Holy One is a leap for him, and you should know how terrible he is. "

"Jiang Nalan, you also signed the saint agreement, the ancient angels are a great threat to us human beings. Are you endangering human security?" Jiang Li calmly said.

"No, no, no, I'm putting pressure on you. The greater your pressure, the easier it is to advance to the realm of the Holy One." Jiang Nalan still smiled.

"I think you are trying to persecute me and give you all control of the light brain at the end, aren't you?" Jiang Li knows Jiang Nalan's thoughts deeply.

"Jiang Li, you should now return the control of the light brain to the government. We have already filed a lawsuit. Within a few days, the Supreme Court of Humankind will hold a trial of this case. I see the verdict. You have not returned it to the human government. "Meng Jiangnan smiled even more gloomily:" I think Jiang Li, you are stupid ~ www.readwn.com ~ self-binding, signing a saint agreement, and now good control will be sent out, I see if the human court pronounces a verdict, Your good days are coming to an end. You cannot violate human order, which is your order. "

"is it?"

Jiang Li frowned. This is really troublesome. The Supreme Court of Mankind can hear all lawsuits. Now the government has sued Infinite Group and returned it to the control of the light and brain of the Lord God. Once the government wins the lawsuit, the Infinite Group must return.

In modern society, government and private lawsuits have become the norm. In the national era, private individuals did not dare to fight the government. Now that the legal system is sound, there is nothing new.

"You just wait for your own destruction." Meng Jiangnan laughed. "I'm still a big president. I can still sanction you and sanction unlimited groups."

"Dream Jiangnan, I'm really speechless to you." Jiang Li shook his head: "At the moment you haven't come to your senses yet, if you walk alone, your end will be miserable. Well, Jiang Nalan, this time we're all together Searching for the saint has his own duties, and I do n’t really need to cooperate with you. My great relic has already had a great meaning. Hey, I ’m sure I will seize this saint! If you get it, you can I can sacrifice, and the saint is the resource. "

Between words, he didn't stop here either, stepping out one step, not knowing which corner of the earth.

In fact, he went deep into the ground, in the center of the ground magma.

In fact, the earth on the surface is not a world of heaven. Even with the most advanced technology, it is impossible to find the body of the world of heaven. The world of heaven is a mysterious existence. of.

However, Jiang Li entered the depths of the earth in order to obtain some of the mysteries of the celestial sphere, and then search out the saint.

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