Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 575: Rebuilding Unlimited

"The 100% control of the Lord God's Light Brain is in his hands." There was a surprise in Jiang Centrifugal, but his soul's fire suddenly increased by dozens of times. It was not his true cultivation and progress. The computing power of his soul has increased.

The power of the Lord God's light brain is not his own.

So Jiang Li was not very happy.

What he has to do now is to re-train his infinite fist once again with the help of the main god, the light brain, to streamline his tricks.

In this battle, he felt that although the infinite infinite fist was exquisite, it also had a lot of regrets. It was necessary to make changes, change between moves, rethink, remove some clever structures, and become more plain and simple.

In particular, he saw Wu Zu Ba Liming's boxing skills, and felt that he had too much to change. Under the shattering and **** boxing skills of his infinite fist, it seemed childish and ridiculous, and it was simple for children to play house.

With his original wisdom, it was impossible to calculate the structure of Infinite God Boxing, but now the wisdom has increased greatly, and the ability to calculate is almost close to the will of the world of cultivation. The changes of Infinite God Boxing can be calculated easily.

"Okay, Infinite Magic Boxing, change again!" Jiang Li slowly played out the tricks of Infinite Magic Boxing.

A total of sixteen strokes.

"Old wasteland", "Sea and dry rocks", "No beginning and no end", "No birth without end", "No heaven without", "God creation", "Infinite future", "Infinite liberation", "Infinite freedom", "Infinite catastrophe", "Infinite Destiny, "Infinite Eternity", "Infinite End", "Infinite Moment", "Infinite Devour".

Each of these sixteen moves has produced a variety of different prestige.

However, Jiang Li felt that the six moves he had begun seemed too complicated, and did not have the kind of change that he started with.

For example, the six tactics of "Old Wasteland", "Sea Dry Stone Rotten", "No Start Without End", "No Life Without End", "Unable Without Heaven", and "Genesis of the Gods" are not profound in meaning, there is nothing outstanding, amazing places, and they were born. Within the scope of general martial arts.

This must change!

Infinite Divine Fist, to be concentrated.

Remove all the flowers, and replace them with big ones that do not work and create magic.

Countless changes in martial arts, countless martial arts moves, countless energy structures, energy matrices, and space-time combinations are all contemplating, changing, and condensing in Jiang Li's soul. The laws in his body are regrouping. The original The law of airlessness actually started to change, with more runes, denser and more perfect.

"That ’s the case, that ’s the case. Today I know that the infinite avenue I ’m enlightened on is so childish and ridiculous. If you continue to cultivate in this way, you ca n’t cultivate to the highest level. Now I ’m going to correct my own errors one by one. come."

With the help of the main god, Light Brain, Jiang Li found that he had repaired many loopholes, especially the gaps between the moves. He was thinking about a different brain and soul.

He wants to delete the six strokes of "oldness and wasteland", "sea and dry rocks", "no beginning and no end", "no birth and no death", "no lawlessness" and "creation of the gods".

"Whether it's the old world or the gods created the world, the purpose is actually one, that is, the beginning, the initial change, so many moves, it's too complicated, no, it's ridiculous." Jiang Li kept thinking: The first move is the most important thing in infinite boxing. It is the source of everything, the beginning of everything. The beginning of infinity. So, my first move is called infinite origin! Yes! There is nothing wrong, it is called infinite origin, infinite. Divine fist, the first move, contains the changes of the beginning, the Shinto of the Yuan Dynasty, the vastness of the sky, the vastness of time and space. Infinite origin! "

Jiang Li made a grotesque gesture, suddenly changed, it seems that everything really has no beginning, no end, no life and no death, everything starts from his hands.

This is infinite origin.

He recombined the infinite boxing practice, just like a big writer who constantly modified his works, refined the text, and kept improving.

The emergence of a martial art must be changed countless times before it can eventually develop into a peerless supernatural power.

Jiang Li's infinite fist finally reborn.

He merged the previous six moves into one move, then changed layers and pushed forward. In the end it was completely new. With each of the following moves, the structure is also recombined, and the moves, soul, shine, energy, and the meaning of communicating the dimensions of the world are also changed one by one.

Infinite origin.

Infinite future.

Unlimited liberation.

Unlimited freedom.

Infinite sky.

Infinite catastrophe.

Infinite Destiny.

Infinite and eternal.


Infinite moment.

Consume infinitely.

A total of eleven moves change, the power is greater, and the avenue is closer, and the law is strengthened again. All the tricks of Infinite Fist are named after Infinite.

The infinite way is ever-changing.

After several months of calculation, Jiang Li was motionless on the main **** star, and his soul fire was constructing a matrix. In his body, all kinds of complex vitality impurities were expelled.

Then, his third rule and fourth rule were all structured one by one, leaving only the final combination.

Nothingness, life, love, fate.

The four rules form a new matrix.

This is the prototype of the infinite matrix. Infinite matrix can store energy, tens of millions of runes, each rune is a small world, there is no life in the small world, all energy, energy compressed to the extreme.

Every rune spread out, the power is equivalent to the impact of the explosion of millions of nuclear bombs.

This is the power of the Holy One. The Holy One condenses the space, compresses the small world into runes, and the runes form a law. The law constitutes a matrix, in which the fire of the soul is protected.

"Infinite matrix!"

When Jiang Li moved, he suddenly realized.

On his body, a boxy matrix emerges, which is a tetrahedron, one side is the law of no air, one side is the law of life, and two sides are not laws, but the prototype of the law.

Although he practiced for several months, Jiang Li revised, refined, streamlined, cultivated, and killed several times. However, he still failed to practice the law of forgetfulness and the law of fate. This depends on understanding. .

However, the runes required by the two rules have all gathered, forming the prototype of the infinite matrix.

At the very center of this tetrahedron's infinite matrix is ​​a fire of soul, which is the root of Jiang Li. The fire of the soul is a phantom of the void and a manifestation of the transformation of human spiritual power into an entity.

All practitioners, when they reach the realm of the Holy One, will reach the point where they are now, forming a matrix with laws, which protects the soul's fire.

At this point, the body is no longer important.

Jiang Li's current body has long been not flesh and blood, but an individual with energy combination. Of course, he can also be transformed into flesh. In short, as long as the fire of the soul is not extinguished, his body will not be extinguished. The energy in the matrix is ​​directly condensed.

This is the true meaning of cultivation.

At this moment, Jiang Li was clear at a glance.

He suddenly put the infinite matrix into his body, and his body crackled for a while, becoming majestic and magnificent. The skin on his body was a delicate and moist, but with a metallic luster, soft and indescribable like gold and jade.

His current body is equivalent to an invincible battleship, crossing the universe, tearing time and space, and basically will not be destroyed by a powerful storm of time and space.

"Infinite God fist successfully recalculated the combination. The changes in the eleven moves are even more powerful. My cultivation and soul fire are also five times more powerful! With my current fighting power, I will encounter those people ’s attacks, let alone say Killing them can definitely break through the siege and come and go freely! "Jiang Li was confident.

He said that the strength is not relying on the case of the Lord God Light Brain and the Great Emperor Relic.

With his true cultivation and combat effectiveness, his cultivation can completely kill strong men like Dragon Zaitian. Although it is said that all the three avenue powerhouses have been killed by Paliming, the masters in the world of heaven will be more More and more.

"Jiang Li, you finally woke up from the retreat?" Dream Paper Kite appeared here.

"How's the situation? How is human migration?" Jiang Li asked.

"Very well, we have migrated all the humans of more than fifty planets to the world of cultivation, establishing a base, and cooperating well with the indigenous ancestors in the world of cultivation, absorbing excellent talents among them." Dream Paper Kite said: "Moreover, we have organized an elite team among human beings, still living on the earth, killing monsters, killing dragons, and hunting yaksha ..."

"Very good, that's what I want to do. In the solar system, it has become a chaotic battlefield. We don't have to change the chaos. Instead, we can use this chaos to exercise the entire human race." Jiang Li is very satisfied ~ www.readwn.com ~ Now you need to come forward, many sage monks in the cultivation world, and hope to contact you, we will hold a press conference, the human beings of the earth and the cultivation world live in harmony and develop together. "Dream paper kite said:" We humans on the earth are huge forces, entering the world of cultivation, the indigenous ancestors of this world are extremely shocked and formed an alliance, hoping to negotiate with us. "

"Only one trillion people on our planet, that is one trillion. There are more than one hundred trillion humans in the world of repair. They are thousands of times as much as our global human beings. They would be so scared?" Jiang Li smiled: "This is my early As for what was expected, I promised the will of the true world, hoping to change the structure of the entire world, and establish a new order. It was just right to meet them. By the way, is the demon tribe coming?

"The demon clan is coming." Meng Zhiyu nodded: "The number of demon clan is more than humans. They add up to a huge number. They are afraid of us killing, so the masters came to negotiate. They are being hosted by Dahei. "

"Good, let's go."


Jiang Li stepped out of the main **** star in one step.

No, to be precise, it is that the entire Lord Divine Star was wrapped in a huge space by him, and jumped directly to the earth, and then the planet was narrowed by Jiang Li and entered the sleeve of his sleeve.

He arrived at the thirty-six Chinese cities on earth.

Thirty-six Huacheng has become a country of gold, everywhere is a kind of energy body that seems to be metal, and also carries pure dragon breath.

However, this has become an empty city.

All the dragons retreated deep into the passage, and they were ready to make a comeback.

And many monsters on the earth do not dare to approach this golden kingdom full of dragon's breath.

"The earth is no longer the original earth, mountains and rivers, and large floor tiles have completely changed." Jiang Li shook his head.

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