Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 579: Mysterious race

The two masters stood in the depths of this cosmic storm and did not dare to go deep. The third-dimensional universe is too dangerous. In some places, even gods can be destroyed, because this is where the gods fall, the astral world. It is the largest universe in the heavens and the world, and no universe can match the universe of the third dimension now.

Even some masters have calculated that even if all the worlds in the world are added up, it is not as big as the three-dimensional universe.

Because, three things.

Jun Cangsheng sent out a series of long howls and seemed to be calling.

In a short time, in a strong storm, a man wearing a black robe, even with his body shrouded in a cloak, came out. This man, holding a scepter, twisted, and the light twisted around him. Is an extremely intelligent being.

This person's strength is stronger than the angel Jacob, and even if he walks in the third dimension universe, he seems to be rejected by the third dimension universe.

Because there was a faint divine power in his body.

This is at least the strongest of the four avenues, and even higher.

Three avenues can evolve into virtual gods. Once you exceed three avenues, your own cultivation will be somewhat repellent to the third dimension universe, which means that you must fly to another dimension, or else Cultivation is not only unable to advance, but also regresses, and is consumed by a divine power in the three-dimensional universe.

Therefore, even if God falls into the third dimension of the universe, it will soon decompose and become nutrients in the universe.

At the end of his life, each **** will automatically fall into this universe.

"You are here?" The spirit of this mysterious man in black robes is very secretive: "The earth human, no, it should be the indigenous people on the celestial sphere, how did they tell you?"

"They are tough, they are uncompromising, and they even want to fight against us to the end. Our current strength is far from enough to suppress human beings, and there are still strong masters among human beings." Xiang Wangdao: "For example, Nawuzuba Li Ming, there is a stronger presence, Wang Chao. We are all afraid that these overbearing Taikoo might come, so even if we struggle, it will not help. "

"At this point, you can rest assured that these two powerful beings will not appear, and each of them has a powerful opponent to kill them. Also, I will fully support you. You must grow and occupy all the rivers and mountains of the cultivation world, Then change the sky. "The humanity of the black robe:" You are the tumors in the world of cultivation, we must slowly cultivate, after you grow, erode the whole world, because this cultivation world will soon be promoted to a real dimension, where At a moment, God ’s will become God, and we have to seize this foundation. At the same time, the human beings of the earth live in it, and we are just taking advantage of the opportunity to seize God ’s will and wipe it out. ”

"I had such a great plan, so what do we need to do?"

Jun Cangsheng was secretly alert.

"You must gather all the indigenous forces, and then start sacrificing, forming an alliance, or a country, sacrificing heaven! But the heaven to be sacrificed is not the will of the true world, but our heaven." Black robe Humanity: "Sacrifice to our heaven, we can secretly invade the will of the world of self-cultivation, and at the moment of promotion, we successfully seize it, and you are the heroes of our world."

"Is that it?" Xiang Wang asked, "Which world is yours? Although I got your help and successfully promoted to the top of the avenue, I don't know at all what you are. Lead His Majesty's ascension. "

Sacrifice is not faith.

In ancient times, sacrifice to heaven was a national matter, sacrifice was an equivalent exchange, and faith was dedication of the whole body. There is an essential difference between the two. One is doing business and the other is fraud.

"We are the most powerful and mysterious universe. Our universe is in no way weaker than the Immortal Realm, and we are at war with the Immortal Realm, fighting for the supremacy of the heavens and the world. You have to rely on us, and there is absolutely great benefit. The first step we take now is to seize the human beings on the earth. The first step to seize the human beings is to **** the true world, which naturally envelops all the humans on the earth. "The humanity of this black robe:" Now, I teach you The password for our world. "

A wave of spirits passed into the minds of Jun Cangsheng and the Elephant King.

"You have mastered our world code, and you can lead His Majesty to sacrifice to heaven. Our world is very mysterious, you can call us 'Devil World'." This black robe is humane.

"Devil Realm?" Jun Cangsheng shivered with the Elephant King: "You are the legendary Demon Master?"

There are many legends about demons in the universe. Demons are generally described as very evil and powerful races. In fact, the giants are also called demons because they always attack and kill, and the Yasha tribe can also be called demons.

In the early days, the earth ’s humans invaded the world of cultivation, and they were also called the outer demons.

But what is the real magic? No one knows how the magic legend came about? No one can find the source, and the true magic has never appeared in the three-dimensional universe.

"Our demon world is different from the imaginary demon you imagine. Ours is to use dark energy to gather the dark gods and build a dark matrix, which represents the dark way of the universe." The mysterious humanity of the black robe: "Our demons, and The immortals are opposed, even against the angels, but our main enemy is the immortals. Sometimes, in order to deal with the immortals, they are also united with the angels. However, this is a higher-dimensional war, and you have nothing for the time being. Gua Ge, what I am responsible for is the fluctuations of the celestial sphere, and then I enter here and plot all this secretly. "

"Excuse me ..." Jun Cangsheng said: "In case Jiang departs from everything, he must unify the world and launch an attack on us, and if we sacrifice to heaven, he will surely find clues. At that time, he will certainly not be soft-hearted. He Although he pays attention to order, at critical moments, he will definitely start fiercely. "

"It doesn't matter, at that time, I will appear." Demon Mysterious Humane: "We are magic, everywhere. And I am the person in charge of collecting the World Realm Sphere project. The above gave me countless for this plan. Resources, these resources are for you. "

"What resources?" Jun Cangsheng and Xiang Wang said at the same time: "What resources can we get?"

"It's very simple, it's the rules and the avenue. This is the hard currency of the entire multiverse." The mysterious man in the demon world opened an internal space of his own, and Jun Cangsheng and the Elephant King saw it. In that space, it was rumbling and numerous. The Milky Way is flowing. There are various laws and various avenues.

However, most of them are rules, but the avenues seem to be relatively few, and there are no such powerful avenues.

However, even these rules and avenues have dazzled the eyes of the king and king Cangsheng.

"This is the reward of our demon world, used to increase your strength." Mysterious humanity of the demon world: "In addition, as long as you launch the sacrifice to the sky, sacrificing our demon world, you can also get a lot of benefits."

"Sacrifice to the demon world, will we become very fierce and change our temperament?" Jun Cangsheng still had some scruples: "There are some justices in our alliance."

"Of course not, we will cover it up. It is absolutely upright, even more pure than the breath of the fairyland. We have been fighting for many years with the fairyland, and we have already prepared everything." The mysterious humanity of the magical world.

"Then we go."

Xiang Wang and Jun Cang obtained these rules and avenues, and when they moved, they quickly left.

The mysterious man grinned, "These avenues and rules are temporary and will collapse on their own in the future. They are not real rules and avenues. Rules and avenues are extremely precious things in any world. How can they be easily given to you? ? "

Between words, he will disappear into this endless storm.

At this moment, a voice came out: "The great devil from the demon world ~ www.readwn.com ~ Don't you want to wipe out the world of the true world and the human beings on earth? I am your best candidate, why do you want to find these What about the indigenous people of the world of cultivation? "

"Oh?" The devil of the devil turned his body.

He saw a man condensed into a body in front of him, a young man, wearing a large dress, Jiang Nalan.

At this moment, Jiang Nalan Xiu is becoming more and more domineering, almost reaching a realm of ascension at any time. He also seems to want to consolidate the fourth avenue. Moreover, if he wants to ascend, it is definitely the martial arts. world.

"Introduce yourself, my name is Jiang Nalan." Jiang Nalan faced the mysterious path of this demon world.

"Oh, I know you. You participated in the siege of Jiang Li, and I saw that battle." The mysterious humane of the demon world, "Unfortunately, the appearance of Wu Zu Ba Liming made you lose. This is not your calculation, You are a great person. Now you are also the public enemy of mankind. "

"I hope the great Devil Realm exists and can cooperate with me. Let's deal with the human beings on the earth and capture the celestial sphere of the world." Jiang Nalan said.

"Don't you cooperate with angels?" This demon mysterious humane.

"Angel's cooperation is also to make skins with tigers. I have to go from side to side." Jiang Nalan said: "Moreover, the devil world is more suitable for my taste. Also, I will give you a big gift. One person, one in the world of cultivation, He has the breath of the cultivation world. He was once the great president of mankind. He came to lead these indigenous peoples in the cultivation world, and they complement each other. "

"Oh? There are such people, isn't it called Mengjiangnan?" The mysterious man in the demon world thought about it.

"Do you know the great existence?" Jiang Nalan was surprised.

"I naturally know." Demon Mysterious Humanity: "How can I not know this special existence of human beings?"

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