Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 593: Immortal Tower Master

(Today continues to erupt, Sangen seeks a guaranteed monthly pass. Brothers of Shenjiying, let us embark on the road of conquest again)


There have been countless changes in the world.

Jiang Li's fist actually attacked Xiang Mo Yixiong and Xuejing at the same time. His impassioned momentum has long set aside life and death, and life and death are like dreams.

Although the repair of the two demon heads in front of him is extremely powerful, he can't shrink back now. He originally came here to break the Altar of the Demons. Now that he has been developed, he will fight.

Liba mountains and rivers make the world.

"Look for death!" Mo Yixiong's body rose, and as soon as his boxing skills were shaken, the sound of ghost crying and shouting suddenly sounded in the sky.

There was a **** mouth in his boxing, with the power to swallow the immortal world.

The blood demon blood scene was a shot with both hands, and many blood-colored thin lines radiated from it, densely woven into a net, entangled to Jiang Li's body.

The two demons fired, and Jiang Li's offensive was disintegrated in just one click.

"Infinite devour!"

Jiang Li expanded his fist power, tried his best to devour the boxing damage of the two masters, and transformed it into his own energy. The fire of his soul kept flickering, and the mystery of the infinite **** fist was brought out again. His body ran to the left and right, suddenly North and south, and east and west.

"The way of devouring? Compared with devouring our demon world, it's simply insulting itself." Demon's fist trembled, twisted and twisted, nineteen and eighteen bends, and suddenly trembled, as if the demon's head rushed up, **** bite Sip.

The punches of the two men collided, and unexpectedly, there was no storm of diffusion, but a muffled sound, such as a defeat in the middle.

Both men absorbed each other's attack.

Jiang Li only felt that his chest was extremely dull. He seemed to have inhaled poisonous gas, and evil evil thoughts invaded into the body, and they were immediately invaded into the body, and even began to invade into the depth of the soul's fire. The soul's fire was originally pure color Now, it is actually contaminated with a layer of black magic, which must be extinguished at any time.

He took a deep breath, all of a sudden, the whole body opened up various dimensions of mystery, innumerable energies instilled, burning around his body, and it was an infinite nirvana.

After his nirvana, his whole body was renewed, and the invading magic was completely burned and disintegrated.

At this time, the blood-thin fine lines of the Blood Demon Bloodscape had tangled up, but after Nirvana, he was repaired to be more powerful, that is, a punch, and his hand knife broke through.


All the scarlet threads were cut off. He shouted loudly, and a cyan flame appeared in his eyes, and two avenues actually appeared in his eyes.

Wherever his gaze went, the space-time was cut into countless fragments, and it seemed to be completely torn by a great ancient god, and it seemed like the end was coming.

"You actually refined Zhanxian Avenue and Juexian Avenue into your eyes and started to merge with your body? Could you train your body into a special magic weapon in the future!" Only a few days later, Jiang Li's cultivation has reached such a level, which is almost incomparable to that day.

In fact, Jiang Li ’s cultivation is very low, and there is a lot of room for progress. And as the human race prospers, the luck is connected to the relic of the great emperor. The ability of the great relic is gradually recovering. It is of course a thousand miles to understand the meaning of Wushu.

And the most important point is that his law of oblivion and fate have not been practiced. This is a critical point. Once he has practiced, his cultivation will increase a lot.


Mo Yixiong devoured Jiang Li's boxing strength and found that the other side's boxing strength was as firm as a rock and could not be absorbed at all. He had to shake and expel the boxing strength out of the body, and then a magic cloud emerged from his body.

The demon cloud rolled, his divine thoughts rushed into the air, and it seemed that many devil prayers were blessed on his body. His spirit seemed to be the destructive force that collapsed in the sky, and aimed at Jiang Li again to attack.

"In my name, summon the great killing thoughts of the demon world, Tuxian!" Mo Yixiong appeared on the hand of the sword, a slight draw, both realms were cut apart, and the ability to separate reality from illusory, that knife Mang flashed through the world and connected to the distant future, coupled with his footwork and rolling magic clouds, it was a world-wide demon **** to destroy the entire universe.

Bang bang bang ... …… ..

The dangmeng raindrops generally fell and hacked on the air field outside of Jiang Li's body. With a single blow, Jiang Li's protection was fragmented and his body appeared naked.

"Blood kills!"

Seeing the flaws, the body of the blood demon blood scene turned into a blood light, the **** sword light. He turned the body into a sword, twisted and bent, all of which were jagged, and entangled to the body of Jiang Li.

If he is strangled by him, Jiang Li will surely be transformed into countless blood and spread out, so that he can be absorbed.

Jiang Li's body flickered again and again to avoid the attack, but Mo Yixiong yelled again and attacked again. This time his attack was more violent, his fists squeezed towards the middle, and the magic cloud of the whole body rang. Mo Lei, like ten thousand war drums, seems to be rolling towards Jiang Li to kill.

With him as the center, the dense thunders that actually landed in the sky, these thunders are enchanting, and the grievances are deterring the Three Realms. It seems that countless people who are sinking at the bottom of the sea are crying.

"Resent mine!"

He pinched his hand, and the situation rose. Second move, thunder. Three moves, skyrocketing. Four movements, public anger. Five moves, magic thunder arrives.

The magic law of a demon hero is purely a demon of the demon world. It is absolutely different from ordinary **** mines, but it is a thunder of darkness. Let people sink forever, and the terror attack that never lives.

He was high above him, walking on the magic cloud, and his grievances turned into many arms behind him. It seemed that those who had wronged the bottom of the sea stretched their hands out of **** and wanted to drag people to sink together.

"This kind of attack is horrible." Jiang Li knew at a glance that this kind of attack could hardly resist or escape. The only way was to fight hard and find vitality in the brutal fight.

His hands changed into a variety of complex handprints, as if praying, as if sacrificing, and as if he was commanding all peoples. The fire of the soul almost doubled at this moment.

With his hands open, his eyes stabbed out to cut the immortal, the power of the immortal, his whole body was running, and the infinite fist was raised again, forever infinite.

"Want to concentrate on confrontation? Dreaming!" Seeing Jiang Li like this, the Blood Demon Blood King knew that Mo Yixiong's attack threatened him, and he must concentrate all his forces to fight against him. Best chance of attack.


The blood demon blood scene's body turned into a blood-colored long needle, and with a flash, it penetrated into Jiang Li's body severely.

This blood-colored long needle is different from the previous attack, but the strength of his entire body is concentrated, focused on one point, and killed in one hit.

"Blood Demon incarnation, Tian Yuan strikes."

His blow was called the Tianyuan blow. All the energy and soul fires were concentrated in one point. Suddenly, even a person who was higher than him by a level was unbearable.

Click! Click!

A blood-colored long needle pierced into Jiang Li's body, and suddenly Jiang Li's face changed, and he began to explode, with blood flowing out of his body.

At this time, Mo Yixiong's attack also came down. His attack was immense, and the opposite of the blood demon blood scene attack.

The two major attacks merged together, and Jiang Li was immediately submerged in the depths of the thunderfire.

Jiang Li was reduced to ashes in this attack, and he could no longer find any trace of existence, and it seemed that he had been completely killed.

At this moment, Jiang Li was in a state of extinction again. His soul fire was dispelled, but he did not die. The danger this time was more profound than the previous one, but his cultivation was increased from the previous Many are in the middle of death.

"Very well, the most exquisite mystery of Infinity God Boxing, combined with the dream of the Great Emperor Seal, then I will realize the thirteenth move of Infinity God Boxing." Jiang Li is used to understanding the realm of martial arts under strong oppression.

Suddenly, the fire of his soul gathered again, and became more powerful, absorbing the attacking power of the blood demon blood scene and the demon hero to grow.

"The thirteenth trick of infinite fist, infinite dream!"

Jiang Li finally realized this thirteenth trick, and merged the essence of the Great Dream Seal into the infinite **** fist. This moment has historical significance, which is definitely different from the previous tricks of infinite **** fist ~ www.readwn.com ~ Because Jiang Li himself started from the cultivation of the Great Seal of the Emperor. After he set out on his own path, he realized infinite changes. There is no great achievement and he is all-inclusive. Now, seeing the 13 dreams of infinite enlightenment is truly The core of the Great Seal of India was thoroughly eaten.

"Life is always endless, infinite dreams, existence and non-existence, there is no meaning at all." Jiang Li's soul fire flickered, his body was complete, and he was like a reef in the violent attack. Suddenly, countless haloes and runes appeared above his head, forming dreams one after another. These dreams were united, violently shocked, and turned into reality.

At this time, the blood demon blood scene and the attack of Mo Yixiong all entered his body, transforming the world of dreams into the real world.

The world changes, the sun and the moon move, and time and space are the same.

In Jiang Li's infinite matrix, the law of forgetfulness and the law of fate become full in this attack.

"Infinite matrix, condensed formation, four rules, truth, fate, affection, and fate. Lay my infinite avenue, seize the heavenly opportunities of the realm, steal the meaning of the void! Thank you." Jiang Li clicked and clicked inside the body, there seemed to be a This kind of water froze.

It was the sound of runes condensing into rules.

All the surrounding storms are still because it is centered on him, and the storm energy is exhausted in several light years.

At this moment, the force that Jiang Li's body condenses is tantamount to swallowing dozens of suns.

The energy in his body was squirming, changing, and finally condensing into one, turning into a hazy mist. This is the endless change of qi, which has become the most primitive force with poetic flavor.

At this moment, the Four Principles have been successfully cultivated.

The fire of Jiang Li's soul turned into gold, gold-like color, it seems like the big Luo Jinxian of the immortal world. That is God.

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