Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 597: Demon University

(PS: It ’s been a long time since it broke out. Everyone ’s monthly pass is very powerful today. I ca n’t advise it. I have to add more! Everyone adds my WeChat mengrushenji1984)


A student of Chunyang College, who is in the state of birth rate, can completely control his Taoism, but now he has become a demon. He screamed screaming, and then sneered, as if he was infected with a virus. He knocked a companion around him, biting violently, then tore the other side and swallow it.

This is a complete cannibalism, even more demon than the fiercest demon.

This magical nature spread like a plague. In an instant, the students of Chunyang College became a **** on earth, everyone became a demon, and attacked other people without any difference.

"Ah!" Dean Chunyang's sorrow and indignation was about to stop the tragedy in this world, but there was also a strong magic on him, which made him grow green hair: "What is this? Why am I also contaminated with magic, it is immortality. Those immortals are not immortals at all, but they are disguised as immortals and absorbed by us. We think that our strength has increased greatly, but we have already unknowingly become enchanted. We It is not the fairy world that communicates and prays, but the demon world. "

At this time, Dean Chunyang finally knew the truth of the matter, the magic exploded, and the magic contained many secrets.

At this time, the monarchs present also had outbreaks, and magical outbreaks broke out in their bodies, but they were sages who could barely suppress them, but one by one was already weak.

"Meng Jiangnan, you beast, why do you do this, don't you say that you are the messenger of the fairy realm? Why now you become the messenger of the demon realm? You deceive us and say that you are absorbing the magic, but you are actually absorbing the magic Angry. "Dean Chunyang hated that:" Also, Jun Cang is born, like a king, you deceive us. "

"Since I can't hide it now, I don't know what happened to the Altar of Demon Realm?" Meng Jiangnan was not eroded by the magical energy. He saw the suspicious attacks of the suzerains in front of him, and the suzes killed each other and stood violently. Get up: "But it doesn't matter. The Devil Altar is better. The Demon Races still hold me back. Without me, I have less scruples. Anyway, I have mastered the Devil's Code, and your magical outbreak, I will sacrifice you to Devil, so I get more. "

He flew over, grabbed one of the lords, rushed into the opponent's body, and then opened the code of the demon world. The lord suddenly turned into a cloud of magic smoke and was sucked into the depths of the space. The huge magical feedback came back. Meng Jiangnan's body crunched, it seemed to be regrouping, a strong breath leaked out, his black hair fluttered and his magical sense was faint.

"Master Piaoling!" Dean Chunyang stared at him, unable to help: "Dream Jiangnan, you are the real demon, we are blind, blind!"

"Yes, you are blind." Meng Jiangnan chuckled. "You old guy, who believes bad? Trust me? You are the second one to die now?"

He came over step by step.

At this time, the magical nature of the major gates was coming into chaos.

Hum ...

Just as he was going to seize Dean Chunyang and offer sacrifice in one fell swoop, and once again strengthened his strength, a purple airstream emerged, and then a large number of runes erupted on Tongtian Peak. These runes landed on the mountains and rivers. On top of that, those Zongmen disciples contaminated with magic have receded, but the dead cannot be resurrected.

Then purple airflow also appeared in this hall, which was devoted to destroying the demons. The demon's demon was also suppressed, and five people appeared in the hall.

Jiang Li, Dream Paper Kite, and three immortals Yuan Yan, Yuan Hua, Yuan Meng.

"It's you, Jiang Li." Meng Jiangnan backed up again and again.

"Yes, Meng Jiangnan, you joined forces with the Demon Realm to seduce all the people in this true world to become enchanted. Fortunately, I have long understood your conspiracy and joined forces with the real immortals to destroy the Altar of the Demon Clan. It cut off the channel of instillation of magical energy and destroyed the group of demons. "Jiang Li looked at the rulers around him:" You guys, now you know who is right and who is evil? Let me introduce them. These three are The true messenger of the world, disciple of Yuan Yuanzong, Yuan Yan, Yuan Hua, Yuan Meng. "

"Cut the demon and remove the demon and protect the fairyland." Yuan Yan came over: "We and the demon world are inextricably separated. The demon world is dedicated to seducing the soul to fall, and we in the fairy world only believe that Tianxing is healthy and self-improving. There are not so many cheap things, any practice is for ourselves There is no good thing to do when you practice hard. "

"You lie, you are also people in the Demon Realm." Meng Jiangnan was anxious to get away. "Don't believe them, they are the outer demons. We just entered the demon, and they are also making troubles. They destroyed the altar of the fairy realm, and then replaced the altar of the realm. Finally hurt me. "

"Dream Jiangnan, do you think I will believe you? Just now the Lord Suddenly gave you a sacrifice to the Demon Realm. You thought we were all blind." Of course, these Suzerains would not believe it. If Meng Jiangnan did not reveal the evilness just now, they are still half-trusted But now if you still believe that Meng Jiangnan is a fool.


Meng Jiangnan rushed up.

However, when Jiang Li beckoned, Meng Jiangnan fell from the air and was tied by an invisible rope.

"Meng Jiangnan, you are a former president of humanity. You were tried last time because of the crime of exterminating humanity. You are now our wanted criminal. This time, we will not kill you, but will take you back. Accept the trial and warn the masters of humanity that no one can escape the legal sanctions. Of course, you can also make up for the power and tell the secrets of Jiang Nalan. Maybe only beings will imprison you and abolish your cultivation. I will ask the judge for you. "Jiang Lidao.

Jun Cangsheng and Xiang Wang saw that the situation was not good, and they had to run away, but they were a little bit away by Jiang Li. They seemed to be hit in the acupoint and couldn't move.

Although the two men also became a avenue, they were not Jiang Li's opponents at all.

"The two of you are not humans. They are so magical that you want to wage war. According to our human laws, you also have to be tried by our military court." Jiang Lidao said: "You, you are unclear about the truth, and are deceived. Man, this time, we humans on earth have completely controlled the top and bottom of the sky. I hope that you will not resist and join our earth federation to build a world of self-cultivation together. "

"Are you really from the immortal realm?" Dean Chunyang was completely relieved.

"Yes, we are the messengers of the immortal world. We came to the world to find opportunities. The world itself is inextricably linked with the immortal world, which is equivalent to our immortal realm. We naturally want to protect it from the invasion of the demon world." Daxian Humanity: "Jiang Li is the orthodox orthodoxy we recognize. You must obey his orders."

Jiang Lidao: "I uphold the will of the true world, and I have taken up righteousness. If you are obsessed with it, then I will have to judge you on the charge of sabotaging the world."

At this time, there were densely packed warships in the sky, human warships.

In addition, human warships have been blessed by the divine providence of the true world, and a divine aura appears on it.

"We join, we join ..." The lord of the Shinto sect nodded quickly, and he already knew it.

"Okay, dream paper kite, you preside over the things here, integrate the world of cultivation, bring all the lords to the infinite star to meet, and we will judge according to human's own laws." Jiang Li waved his hand.

One channel opened, and the three immortals possessed great threats, which led many of the monarchs present to enter the channel and into the depths of the infinite star.

Then came the trial in the military court.

After a series of complicated procedures for human beings, like the king, Jun Cang was punished with the sacrifice to the heavenly law of the true world.

Under the eyes of everyone, Jiang Li personally presided over the sacrifice ceremony. Like the king, Jun Cang was sacrificed. They were born in the cultivation world, but colluded with the demons to destroy world peace. They must dedicate their lives to the cultivation world.

And Meng Jiangnan was also tried. He was abolished from all cultivation, became a derelict, and then detained permanently, nailed to the pillar of shame in human history.

All this is proceeding methodically.

All the monarchs witnessed the sacrifice of Xiang Wang and Jun Cang, and they screamed, begged for mercy, and wept, but to no avail, and finally the soul was integrated into the origin of the world of cultivation.

At this time, those suzerainers felt the power of human order and the well-organized systems and laws of human beings. They were in awe and did not dare to oppose human beings.

"I now announce that from now on, there will be no war in the world of self-cultivation. We will spread advanced systems and advanced concepts to you. From then on, there will be no killing, only progress in the entire world." A declaration came out.


At the moment he issued the declaration, the entire world of cultivation was fluctuating, and an order of origin seemed to be cheering. Everyone saw that the world as never before was clear and seemed to be promoted to heaven.

Everyone knows that this is a good thing. If a world is chaotic, then it must look gray and uneasy in spirit, but now it is bright and flawless, which means that Jiang Li is righteous.

It is at this moment ~ www.readwn.com ~ The revolutionary world has undergone a revolution.

"Let ’s go back after the meeting, integrate the sects, and then we humans will slowly spread civilization and systems and improve change. This is a long process. Now, I can give you all the saints in the world of cultivation. The identity of foreign humans can be connected to our human network. "Jiang Li waved his hands, and many cards came out of their hands.

The meeting lasted a long time.

For three full months, the lords of these ancestors have studied in Infinite Star, while Dream Paper Kitty is a scholar who sent human beings to spread human order and ideas everywhere, and assisted humans in the world of self-cultivation to learn technology, develop strength, and stop fighting Improve the law.

By the end of the meeting, luck in the world of repair has increased dramatically.

From the depths of the universe, toward the world of cultivation, it is a huge sphere. There was originally some mist, and there were traces of impurities, but it gradually crystallized inside. It seems that the flames are refining the impurities. This is a world In China, negative grievances gradually disappeared, order strengthened, and signs of cohesion changed.

"The overall situation of this world of cultivation has been set. Soon, it will be promoted to a real dimension." On a dead planet, there are two people standing, one of whom is Jiang Nalan, and he is unwilling: "The demons, He was also disintegrated by Jiang Li, and he began to consolidate the internal order of the world and have great merit to the entire world. At the moment of world promotion, he will also receive great blessings. Since then, no one is his opponent."

"Rest assured, it is not so easy for the cultivation world to want to be promoted." Beside Jiang Nalan, there was a young man standing, with bronze skin, not a demon or an angel, but very familiar with Jiang Nalan.

There was a strong breath of martial art on his body.

He is actually a member of the martial arts.

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