Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 637: Invincible human

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"To be open, we must open the market so that we humans can become commercial bases."

"This is a big piece of fat. As long as the market is opened and we provide order guarantees, a large number of masters will flood in and a lot of resources will be used by us humans. In addition, we will collect taxes and earn one day of income. One year that can ward off our humanity's overall tax. Why not do it? "

"However, once the market is opened, we humans will face a complex pattern. First of all, public security issues. Murder and plunder may emerge endlessly. Do you think it is safe to sacrifice public security for the economy?"

"I think this is a trial for us humans. The best trial is for us humans to hide in the world of cultivation. To speak well is to rest and rest. To speak badly is to respect oneself, to lose one's temper and eventually become a flower in a greenhouse. I I feel that opening the market immediately, mobilizing all our capabilities and maintaining order, so that we can train a lot of people. "

"This is also a point. We are living alive, living in sorrow and dying in peace. In this way, there are more and more masters of Wanjie. It is not a thing for us to develop behind closed doors. Even if Jiangli is stronger, we can hardly beat ourselves Four hands still require the overall promotion of our humanity. If there are a few more masters like Jiangli, we don't need to work so hard. "

"I don't think it's necessary, but I'm still steady, because now we humans are very comfortable. Peaceful life is what everyone wants. Think about it. This is a Pandora's box. Once opened, it is difficult to control. Think about it. A large number of experts from all walks of life have poured in. Who can really ensure the safety of society? It will cause people to become bored and anger, which will destroy the order of our world. "

"That wouldn't be so, we can draw a trading place in the realm of the true world, so there will be nothing."

"I think if you want to open up, open up completely and let everyone participate in the transaction."

"Take your time, let's open for a few months before talking, and now is a good time, because some of the strongest come to trade below three avenues."

"I think it is better to be open. We humans are not afraid of any challenges. Why our cultivation has not been improved, there is no challenge."

"I agree."

"I think we have to do it step by step and we can't be rash. Now we really may not be able to control the situation."

"One more thing, how do we do publicity, how can you be sure, we opened the trading platform, and people will come to us to trade?"


In the parliament, noisy, all people are interested in this proposal. The high-level humans are not waste, but masters who have experienced countless blood and fire battles, all of whom are proficient in political economy.

Sure enough, in Jiang Li's expectations, most of the proposals in favor of opening up the trading platform and treating the world of repair as a large market have been approved.

Only a few conservatives feel that it is better for humans to maintain the status quo.

"You guys, I think this thing must be done, and it has to be a masterpiece. We can pull on the dragon and then let the psychedelic girl run." Dream Paper Kite looked at the psychedelic road and said, "The psychedelic girl can choose us human The elites of the team lead us to train our human team. I believe that by the method of psychedelic girls, we can definitely bring out countless elites for our humans. "

"That is of course. I will start a company in the world of cultivation. The company's name is Lost Group." Psychedelic said: "At that time, I will recruit a large number of humans as members of the company, and then we can open all kinds of galaxies. Passages, let people come to our world to do business in the true world, this matter is not too late, we will set it down immediately if we want to. "

"I think it is possible to draw up a detailed plan, which must be planned in all aspects." Jiang Li frowned. "You don't have to be so anxious."

"Human beings must have the ability to respond to emergencies." Psychedelically said: "In fact, the plan is very simple. Your human light brain is already developed, and you can make tens of thousands of plans in an instant."

Psychedelic very much agrees with this matter. She is very confident and can get a lot of oil and water in this plan, because she knows the advent of all realms, master exchanges, and the establishment of an orderly market, the value is simply inestimable.

The number of transactions per day in the galaxy is an astronomical number.

"Well, let's start this project quickly." Jiang Li calculated in the back of his mind: "I divided the cultivation world into a trading area, and then penetrated to the wormholes of many planets near the Milky Way. Human beings can be led by experts. Next, go to the galaxy to experience, and at the same time let outsiders enter the world of cultivation, but must be reviewed and fired. "

"I believe God's defense can perfectly resist all of this." Dream Paper Kite is also confident.

In this way, the next major direction of the world of cultivation has been settled, abandoning the policy of closing the country and completely opening it up to form a huge and secure trading platform.

The psychedelic "Mysterious Lost Group" was also established and began to set off a storm in the galaxy.

The psychedelic cultivation is really powerful. She is equal to the master of 20 avenues. In the current galaxy, this cultivation can be considered as earth-shattering. Only a few people can compete with him, such as Prince Tatu.

But Prince Tatu will not come to interfere with her, because she is the 108 **** general, the lost god.

Masters of the entire human race have also been mobilized.

Even Long Yan appeared, and she felt profitable when she heard Jiang Li say so. Immediately began to strongly support, and began to promote outside the Dragons.

She announced that people from all walks of life want to trade, they can go to repair the world, absolutely fair, fair, without plunder and robbery, and the Dragon will sell a large number of treasures, which will be sold on the platform of the repair world.

At this moment, the masters of the galaxy's Wanjie immediately burst, whether it is two ways of righteousness and evil, or all kinds of neutral races, all boiled.

In fact, many masters have been cultivating the world for a long time, but because this world has a strong natural defense, everyone can only see the movements from the outside, but not the depth.

Now, finally, I have the opportunity to get a glimpse into it, and everyone wants to go in.

In addition, the Dragon's treasures are sold there, and everyone wants to go in and take a look.

Of course, there is the treasure of Wujie, which was provided by Wuzhen.

There are still many people who want to trade in a quiet market, so as not to be intimidated. After all, cultivation requires a lot of materials, and one cannot get everything together, only exchange.

Psychedelic also took out her own treasure and began to sell it in the world of self-cultivation. The way she advertised was very simple, her mind was full of spirits, and it spread throughout the galaxy.

As long as she is a master in the galaxy, she can receive her thinking and information, and at the same time know what magic weapons and materials she has.

This is the privilege of the master.

Equivalent to the master's mental power of 20 avenues can sweep the world, between the mental power sweeping, every corner of the galaxy is insignificant.

In one day, at least tens of thousands of wormholes and teleportation arrays have been established in the Milky Way by the Xiu world.

In the mighty torrent, experts from all walks of life are trying to enter the internal trading world, or to visit.

For a moment, the news of the establishment of a fair trading platform in the repair world spread throughout many parts of the world.

Comprehend the interior of the world.

The squares condense the formed bodies, and the teleportation array flickers constantly, and many masters of Wanjie enter it.

In a corner of the square, several masters of the Devil Realm also entered into it. One of the men with deep faces said: "Unexpectedly, the world of cultivation is actually so atmospheric, opening the market and wanting to be a trading center. If this thing really lets them do Success, I am afraid that the rise cannot be stopped. "

"How do we destroy it? Kill one in it? Or attract people?" Another demon said.

"It's not feasible for the time being, observe the change." The devil leader shook his head: "Look, in that high sky, there is a will to supervise any change. The air is filled with divinity, and the world of cultivation is already strong, no With absolute certainty, they will not open the market. We still have to wait quietly, waiting for some evil characters to disrupt the order. We will do it no later. "

"That's true."

Several demon heads are constantly watching.

Suddenly, there was a spiritual fluctuation in the whole world: "Hello everyone, I am the Providence of the Cultivation World. Welcome to the Cultivation World. Next, each of you will get a card in your hand and you can access us. System, you will have a bank account that can stimulate the mind and make money. With these currencies, you can buy anything in the world of cultivation. Of course, you can also set up a stall here and exchange goods for goods. However, you have to pay certain booth fees and taxes. Of course, our more important point is that if you have robberies, deceptions, etc., we must recover the losses for you and pay full compensation. This is our contract. "

The last point immediately resonated with many people.

Robbery is too common in the galaxy, and everyone wants a safe environment.

What's more, now there are a lot of dragon treasures here. Treasures and resources brought by psychedelics are traded here, which has attracted many people.

Immediately, many people set up their stalls here ~ www.readwn.com ~ some even started to apply for the construction of high-rise buildings, creating a commercial institution.

However, if they want to set up a stall here, the first thing they need to do is to pay a certain fee. However, they do not have human currency, and they will not be able to manufacture it at a short time and a half.

In this way, commercial circulation was immediately caused and Wanjie was in line.

Of course, at the beginning, there were also many confusions. For example, some demon heads killed and robbed them, but they were suppressed in an instant. When several masters of the underworld and blood demon in the blood world were killed in person, the victim With compensation, the order of the entire world of cultivation is fully established.

The market is constantly expanding. In the depths of Infinite Light Brain, a large number of users are flooding in every moment, the number of funds is increasing, the supplies are expanding, and the Providence of the world of true cultivation is boiling like fire. .

"It's too strong. Every second, the number of users is increasing by hundreds of millions of units. If this continues, we will most likely not be able to resist it."

In the depths of Infinite Star, including Jiang Li, the high-level of human beings are watching the changes of various data in the entire world of cultivation.

This change is both exciting and startling.

Because a large number of people enter the world of cultivation at any time, and humans in the cultivation world also start to do business with people from all walks of life and communicate with each other.

Jiang Li watched the luck of the entire world of cultivation, and in the instant, it expanded dozens of times, but it was not as pure and transparent as before, but with a lot of impurities, which was inevitable.

There is no fish in water.

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