Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 655: The lights are on

The giant lamp in front of him is as majestic as the mountain. The breath emanating from it is above the masters of 20 avenues. If you play alone, Jiang Li is not an opponent. m79 free

His current battle is, at best, between 13 and 14 avenues. Although he has the spiritual power of 17 avenue masters, his realm is not enough.

The reason why Dadao master is Dadao master is to understand what Dao is.

Jiang Li is just a sage and has not yet touched the state.

In the face of this lamp demon, Jiang Li would be a complete defeat if he really fought, but he had no fear of killing the brain demon here.

Without challenge, how can you realize the extreme fighting style in life and death?

"Junior, you have condensed 8 rules. It is an ordinary saint, why is it so powerful?" Unexpectedly, the huge lantern demon did not shoot at Jiang Li, but issued a wave of spiritual fluctuations. Ask: "You seem to need the lamp demon to unite your laws, how can I provide you with the lamp demon?"

"What do you mean?" Jiang Li couldn't believe his ears. He thought that the lamp demon in front of him would attack him immediately, but he did not expect that the lamp demon in front of him was discussing something with himself.

"You want to condense the 9th rule, how can I give you all my mental strength and body?" Deng Mo said: "My name is Deng Jiulian. I have practiced here for many years, but I know that even if I practice harder, I can't leave the abandoned land. I don't want to stay here. I want to go to the wonderful world outside. I don't want to be a lamp demon. I want to be a person and go the other way. Being a lamp demon will always be Nor can he be a god. Only by practicing the law, the avenue, and step by step can he become a god. "

"How do you want to help you." Jiang Lidao.

"I abandon everything and condense 9 rules for you, and you take away a little of my aura." The lamp magic lamp Jiulian said: "As long as I have a little aura, I go out and re-cultivate and change into a person. Although weak, but There is endless hope. "

"This is the case. Do you want to abandon your original body and retain only the most primitive memory, so that I can take your memory out and use my strength to help you reincarnate and become a human?" Jiang Li knows that these Chaos Warcrafts are being abandoned The days of the earth are very difficult. They are a group of beasts in a cage. They have no freedom. In addition to killing each other all day, they are trying to kill with the disciples who come in the tower of immortality. Such days are really meaningless. The lamp demon in front of them is really wise. Gao Shen, understand this truth, so eager to go out.

However, where would Jiang Li believe in the words of the Lantern Demon, he was very cautious: "What you said makes sense, but how can I believe you."

"Hahaha ..." The lamp magic lamp Jiulian laughed: "You have nothing to lose. I abandon myself for your promotion rules. You get a lot of things. To be honest, I should not believe it. "

"As a lamp demon, you have a lot of tricks. If you abandon yourself, you will magically sacrifice me. Wouldn't I be fooled by you? If you exist, once you abandon your sacrifice or perform any evil magic, I can't resist it. "Jiang Li knew all the evil ways.

"You have a delicate mind and don't leak water, but I won't do it. I thought that you had the identity of a disciple of the Immortal Tower Star, and even if I rob you, I would not hide the system. If I can do that, the Immortal Tower Star The domain has been messed up for a long time. "Lantern Magic Nine Lotus Road.

"Tell me about your plans." Jiang Li thought it might be an opportunity.

"I use all my spirits and spirits to perform a mystery, sacrifice, and sacrifice myself to complete you. You should know the power of this mystery, which is equivalent to my sacrifice to you. The last sacrifice is left to me. Memory, you save my memory, out of this abandoned land, build an altar for me, so that I can regenerate people, can be done with your strength, you can be derived from flesh and blood, infused memory, Use the fire and fire rebirth method. We have a special constitution for the Lantern Demon, and we can regenerate. We can light a lamp and save our lives. "The Lantern Devil Jiulian told his plan in detail.

"I still can't agree to this plan." Jiang Li shook his head.

"Why!" Lantern Jiulian anxious: "This is tantamount to having the initiative in your hands, are you still not satisfied?"

"It is because of the initiative that I have in my hands that I feel uncomfortable. If you think about it, we met, or the enemy. You suddenly came up and promoted me, sacrificed myself to fulfill me, and only asked me to take you. It ’s simply impossible to go out. As a powerful creature, even if you long for freedom, you still have the basic mind. ”Jiang Li would not believe anything from the lamp magic lamp nine lotus, his tone is calm,“ and I believe in the truth that spiritual practice must come step by step. I defeated you and absorbed your strength. This is the right way. If you sacrifice yourself to complete my strength, even if it is true, our cause and effect are entangled. To my cultivation. "

"Hey ..." Hearing Jiang Li's words, Dengmu Dengjiulian laughed instead of being angry: "I read the wrong person. You are very calm and know how to practice. Congratulations on your escape. I will sacrifice it. Surgery can indeed increase your cultivation, but after you go out, the sacrifice will change each other and become your sacrifice to fulfill me. This is a change in yin and yang, so you have passed the test. "

"What the **** do you want to say?" Jiang Li secretly warned. The lamp and magic lamp Jiulian actually told the truth of the matter, and it was obvious that he wanted to kill himself.

"I mean, you broke into my territory and killed my clan. Since you are not willing to help me, then don't leave." The lamp magic lamp Jiulian said: "I can only catch you and force you on you The sacrifice is cast on the body, and the seeds are laid out. When you go out, you will automatically sacrifice for me. This is twofold. "

"Come on then."

Jiang Li has already begun a stance. He knows that it is impossible to get what he wants without going through a **** battle.

"The lamp is passed on." The lantern magic Jiu Lian suddenly turned into a human figure, a middle-aged man, vicissitudes of appearance, skin all over the body is golden yellow, wearing a golden glittering puppet, it seems similar to the legendary fire Ancient Buddha came to the spot on the lamp.

As soon as he waved his hand, the lights appeared densely and arranged into a large array, and those lantern devils also flew over to preside over the lights, and the light shone from the wild.

Immediately before Jiang Li's eyes, he could see nothing, his body burning, like in an oven.

This large array is absolutely shocking, and it can refine everything.

"Endless magic lamp!"

The Lantern Demon Nine Lotus sent out a long howl again, it was a mental wave, a landslide and a tsunami, and the sky was falling apart. The lights were rotating, and really constituted an oven.

Jiang Li was immediately in danger.

However, he was in danger, and prepared the infinite fist. The 9th rule secretly condensed, and the infinite fist aimed at the central zone to make a breakthrough.

Infinite Creation includes Infinite Consumption and Infinite Celestial Elements. This move changes both the concentration of power and the pull of power.

Bang bang ...

Several lamp demon were broken by him and devoured.

The oven made up of endless lights immediately showed loopholes, and he exerted infinite fortune, teleported out of control.

This is the first time that he has competed with a powerful opponent after he practiced the infinite creature. Under the pressure of life and death, his trick of infinite creativity is becoming more and more mysterious.

He was constantly walking, killing other lantern demons instead of fighting against that lantern nine lotus, because he knew that the current lantern nine lotus was not what he could compete with.

Only by killing other lantern demons, his 9th rule can be gradually practiced, and his strength will become stronger and stronger.

"Actually want to fight guerrilla?" The lantern magic Jiulian moved his body, flew up, grabbed the air, a shining light suppressed the Jiang Li, making the surrounding space and time bound, and suddenly the repair of Jiang Li created stickiness for the air. Sex, space has all become a gelatin.

Jiang Li was caught in it, unable to move.

But he remained calm.

Oh oh

There are many Mars on the body of Lantern Magic Nine Lotus, and each Mars is constantly exploding. Then turned into a starry sky, twined up.

Jiang Li saw a star field. This star field seemed to be a magic lamp, sparkling, and almost immortal.

"In the ancient times, in the three-dimensional universe, there was a star field established by our chaotic Lantern Demon, but later this star domain was annihilated by the Immortal Tower Star Domain and the Cosmic Brain Star Domain." Lantern Magic Nine Lotus said: "Originally In the three-dimensional universe, there are many sacred places. As one of the sacred places, the Lantern Demon is annihilated in this way. I am not willing to go out to find our ruins and restore our glory. "

This lamp Jiulian's will is constantly pounding.

The magic lantern star field he interpreted has almost irresistible power.

Jiang Li was out of breath after being oppressed. He never expected that the other party had such a profound background.

In the universe, there is actually a magic lamp star field built by the Lantern Demon. He does not know it. The history he knows is that after the chaos was developed, the number of ancient creatures survived. The first is the immortal tower star field. The second is the universe brain star field.

Unexpectedly, there is a third one ~ www.readwn.com ~ but it was destroyed.

However, from the will of the Chaos Lantern Magic Lamp Jiulian, Jiang Li felt that although the magic lantern star domain was destroyed, there are definitely relics left.

This lamp Jiulian is anxious to go out, just to find the ruins. Although he has not gone out, it is likely that he has been passed down the ancient will, otherwise he would not be deceived into such a realm.

"Come on, let me lay down, let me improve for you, let me rest in your body, and let me make your soul my greatness."

Suddenly, Deng Jiulian turned into a vitality, wrapped around Jiang Li's body, and began to penetrate.

Jiang Li is neither happy nor sad, neither angry nor frightened. It seems that if the fire burns the body, the fire burns the body, and he is born again.

"Hey, you know that I want to refine you, so I want to use my refinement to enhance your cultivation? This is not impossible, because I have no use in killing you, you must cast sacrifice on you to be able to Go out, come on, let me see, your soul is firm, or my soul is firm. "Deng Jiulian said.

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