Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 717: Deformed world 1 more

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In the light world, the most common people are ordinary civilians, one by one with sincere beliefs, daily life is prayer, and then farming, which looks very comfortable on the surface, is actually a group of pigs, dogs, cattle, and sheep, who are being raised.

The level of piety of any ordinary citizen cannot be compared with the outside world.

Because this is a piety selected by countless people in space and time, maybe Jiang Li can find the earth human from here.

The church has been in human history for two to three thousand years.

How many devout believers have appeared in the church over the years? How many faith powers can these believers be brought into the light world one by one?

In particular, the human soul of the earth is twisted by the celestial sphere of the universe. It is very powerful and noble. After believing in an existence, that existence will be sanctified.

"Ah! After the curse was laid on the human race, the church propagated that it was guilty to live, and it must repent, pious faith, and eventually rise to heaven." Jiang Li sighed: "I don't know how many devout believers have been absorbed in these years. We humans have no sin. "

"In this world, there is no hope of promotion. The light world is not cyclical development, but looting. He robs believers from the outside, but does not give them a chance for promotion. It is too scary. Although these people live and work in peace, they do not know They don't have any choice. "Feng Feng felt that these people were really pathetic.

"Every world has its own unique way of operation. This is the case of the light world. They rely on plundering faith as their food and accumulate to this point. There are also merits. They cannot be wiped out. The degree of belief is endless. This said that I believe in piety, but there will be others who are more piety than you, and piety is endless. This is somewhat similar to my infinite road. I think I should add the belief to my infinite road. "

Jiang Li thought about it.

Faith is a wonderful thing, and the degree of faith is indeed endless. Faith on the earth is divided into false believers, shallow believers, deep believers, and mad believers.

According to the truth, fanatics are already the highest level of faith, but in fact this is not the case. Even fanatics can be changed by some major things, or they can be changed by a powerful psychological attack.

It is as if there are hundreds of thousands of fanatics in the church on earth. After being arrested, they are sentenced, undergoing transformation in prisons, brainwashing them with the theory of soul freedom day and night, and their minds have also changed. .

In other words, fanatics can also be transformed.

Since they are believers who can be transformed, they are not pious. Really devout believers cannot be changed even as little as a rock.

There is a limit to self-cultivation, but the piety of faith is unlimited.

According to rumors, the faith has reached the most pious state. Even an ant, even if the Emperor of the Mind casts a secret method, it is impossible for him to change his belief.

Thousands of reincarnations, faith is still there.

Of course, this is only theoretically possible.

For example, scientists on the earth have said that if you give me a fulcrum and leverage, I can pry the earth. This is theoretically possible, but practically impossible.

However, since it is theoretically feasible, Jiang Li will be able to find the secret method of the soul from the faith. A person's strength is extremely weak, but the soul is extremely powerful.

"The rule of Article 25 is to study the mind and belief. Soul, spirit, soul, belief, these inner levels of things must be clear." Jiang Li really thinks like a spring.

Flying along the way, many cities are heavily guarded, and angels are flying in the sky everywhere, but Jiang Li ’s identity is a prophet and belongs to the aristocracy. Angels smell the breath from afar and will not come to investigate and interfere.

"The light world actually doesn't have an identity card, so it's easy to be mixed in." Jiang Li flew for about two or three days, basically understood some of the basic structure of the light world, and found that the light world does not seem to have anything like an identity chip.

"This is of course. The first Light World ’s Providence supervision is very tight. The second identity card is not to prevent outsiders from coming in, but to be afraid of internal disturbances and easy to manage. What big waves do not require in-depth management. Faith is the best chip, and angels do not need to be managed. They are similar to the Zerg. As for the prophets, the number is scarce and it is the blood of the Father. You do n’t need to bind yourself with those things. ”Feng Feng said:“ The light world is actually very simple, there are no complicated businesses, no outsiders, and whether it is civilians, angels, or prophets are very simple. Similar, do you understand now? "

"Understand?" Jiang Li was still in the process of realizing the origin of light.

"That is such a simple social structure. It is very difficult for us to mix in the Gospel City to find the remains of Heavenly Father." Wu Fengdao said: "The more complex the society, the easier it is to mix in it, the simpler it is, the harder it is. Like you The human world is too complicated. Various companies from Wanjie are simply a hodgepodge. I don't know how many spies and bad actors. In this way, I am afraid that your senior management will be penetrated. "

"It doesn't matter. The human world is complicated." Jiang Lidao said: "The most powerful thing for us humans is assimilation, turning the enemy into our own, even if the high-level is penetrated. Under the big system, even when When he became a big president, he had to obey the rules obediently. On the same day, while we were still on the earth, the position of the big president was stolen by an alien, but it didn't turn up any big waves. Now the human system is getting more and more The more mature, how can it be shaken by a lot of seniors. "

"Well, human beings do have something unique." Wu Fengdao said, "But now we consider a question, how to mix into the Gospel City?"

"It shouldn't be difficult to mix in, but it is impossible to get the Heavenly Father's bones and blood. There are too many masters in the light world, and there are so many gods. Only the offense that puts hope in the outside world." Jiang Lidao: "We first Without mixing in the Gospel City, I wandered on the edge, hiding in secret, waiting for an opportunity. I think the ancestor of the martial arts, Baliming, let me come to this light world, there must be a reason. There should be some new turbulence. Since the light world Spreading faith everywhere, it definitely offends many people, and it considers itself sacred and everything is evil, especially the demon world. It also fights with the demon world every year, and we watch it in secret. "

"Yes, the light world has offended many enemies, and demon gods often come to the light world to kill and plunder, and even the brain of the universe star wars with the light world." Wu Feng nodded: "There are also many gods in the fairy world who can't understand the light world. In the past, the war with the light world has been going on for many years, but since the doctrine of truth has occupied the heaven, the war has been less. It fully shows that there must be many inseparable connections between the truth and the light world. "

"Go." Jiang Li knew everything, no longer talking, and flew all the way again.

After dozens of days, a vast atmosphere suddenly appeared in front of him. Jiang Li opened his eyes and looked towards the distance. The weather was full and a city appeared in front of him.

This city is all composed of churches and temples, and scriptures and mantras are produced at all times, rising into the sky and blending into the depths of light.

The size of each church is equivalent to a planet, and these churches are combined into a city, which is hundreds of times larger than the Milky Way.

This is a city.

The gospel city is also the core of the light world.

Countless devout believers, prophets, and even God pray here. The object of prayer is not the person, nor the will of the light world, but the Father.

Heavenly Father is the creator of the whole light world.

The light world was not formed originally, but was created by Heavenly Father. This is very different from the four worlds of immortal world, martial world, demon world, and dragon world.

Therefore, for the time being, the four worlds dominate.

Occupied on the celestial sphere of the universe, it is now the four worlds.

You know, the benefits of occupying the world of the heavens are great. At least newly born babies can get the blessing of the soul of the world of heavens, and they can be recognized when they enter the world of heaven.

The reason why earth humans have obstacles in entering all realms is that the curse of Heavenly Father has affected privilege.

However, human beings on the earth are not oppressed by the will of the three-dimensional universe, and it does not matter after the three avenues.

The four universes occupy the heavenly sphere. I don't know how many powerful souls were born these days. Of course, the human world has long cooperated with the dragon world, and can also put the born baby on the heavenly sphere.

However, Jiang Li's ambitions are more than that. He has long wanted to take back the world sphere, because that is his hometown.

The human world is not your hometown, the earth, the Xinghua City, the park, the cats, the schools, the sewers, are your hometown.

Unfortunately, I can't go back anymore.

A faint rush came to my heart.

"The Gospel City itself is a huge world. It exists independently and is very large. It is about ninety-nine times the size of the Milky Way. All of them are gathered by experts. Who presides. "Feng Feng said:" You see, there is a condensed light around this gospel city, and outsiders cannot enter it at all. "

"Now it seems that I don't want to enter the Gospel City. It seems that I can only find an identified prophet, devour him, and enter into it against his body." Jiang Lidao.

"Don't think about it. It is impossible to kill the prophets in the light world. Even God will be found out ~ www.readwn.com ~ destroyed by the will of the light world, so we have to think of another way. "Meng Feng does not agree with Jiang Li's idea at all.

"The vigilance is strict." Jiang Li looked at the sky, only feeling the vastness of heaven, and could not help but sigh: "The only one that can be hidden outside the Gospel City, and watch it change, anyway, I practice here, and I feel very comfortable .Much faster than practicing anywhere. "

"I'm very uncomfortable here." Feng Feng twisted his body.

"There's nothing to do right now."

Jiang Li's body fell down, down to earth, and found a place outside the Gospel City.

Outside the Gospel City, there are small churches everywhere. In each church, there are many civilians praying. These civilians do n’t seem to need to work. The only thing they have to do is to pray. They do n’t sleep or practice every day. Prayer is only.

In prayer, they can be happy, contented, nourished, and purified body and soul.

They are similar to the Zerg prayer worm.

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