Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 724: Remove the curse

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The goddess of the emperor is wrapped in endless faith and penetrated by the blood of the Heavenly Father. Once it melts, it becomes a part of the blood of the Heavenly Father, sacrificed, and returns as energy and savings for the future return of the Father.

Heavenly Father has been reincarnated, but has not yet awakened, even some gods in the light world cannot know where Heavenly Father is.

However, they have a legend that they kept catching the gods and throwing them into the blood pool for sacrifice. When the sacrifice reached a certain level, the Father would return.

Those gods from other worlds are heretics, and they must be killed, purified, and absorbed in their luck for the use of Heavenly Father.


Jiang Li's Xiuwei was ascending. Three scars appeared on the palm of his hand, approaching the mother's egg, pressing on it, urging his soul will, and infiltrating into it with the blood of Heavenly Father.

Suddenly, he came into contact with the mother's trembling soul.

"My God, this mother emperor's soul has at least millions of dimension units." Jiang Li estimated a little, and then saw the mother emperor's soul fire, which was almost Lie, appearing deep in his mind, and he The fire of your soul and this ratio are like fireflies.

The glow of the fireflies and the fierce battle for glory is simply insulting themselves.

His current jīng divine power is 150,000 dimensional units, and the other party ’s preliminary jīng divine power is estimated to be above 8 million dimensional units, and may even be close to ten million. This is a conservative estimate.

This jīng divine power, Jiang Li wants to control, it is impossible.

It was as if he was a praying mantis, trying to hold a few galloping sprint horses, so childish and ridiculous.

However, this is a great opportunity, because the mother emperor is now attacked by faith and is on the verge of collapse, the weakest moment.

"In those years, we humans were very weak. They were not as good as tigers and wolves, but they could become the masters of animals. They were not as great as the mountains and rivers, but they could transform the earth, shut down the river, create weapons, and destroy the world. This is humanity, this is infinite, With limited power and unlimited endeavors, I use jīng divine power of 150,000 dimension units to control millions, even ten million dimension jīng divine power, and absolutely use human hands to conquer nature. "

Jiang Li's heart is full of lofty ambitions.

What is human?

Human beings have transformed their bodies into bodies of less than a hundred years, transforming near-eternal nature, and defeating the vast starry sky. This is a miracle.

Jiang Li is also good at creating miracles.

"I break my destiny with my heart, carry my destiny, and transform my faith." Jiang Li's infinite blood runs again, and there is even a touch of destiny in it. This is a swallow of the rune of destiny and an extra trace of it. The blood of Qiu is the blood of the destiny's son.

"And the Son of the Fairyland." Jiang Li got along with Qi Fengfeng day and night, collecting her breath and gaining her blood.

Several blood vessels merged and changed, and Jiang Li really changed into a miracle. His body disappeared, all the material was disintegrated, and even jīng was gone.

He is completely a dream, which is similar to the existence of data.

You are the data.

The data is invisible and intangible, neither jīng **** nor material.

This data does not conflict with jīng's divine power, but is a piece of knowledge. It is information. It is similar to the beautiful scenery of the sky, the sky, and gives people insight.

He is not an invasion, but an infiltration in heaven.

In this way he entered the soul of the mother emperor.

Deep in the soul of the mother emperor, she accepted Jiang Li's knowledge. Her will was bewildered, she felt the secret of Heavenly Father, and she also felt the magical power of Yuanshi Heavenly King. In an instant, she seemed to realize something.

Jiang Li is not trying to seize the house, nor is he occupying. He is turning himself into knowledge and entering the mother's soul, so that the mother can realize the mystery of the Father, and thus can operate her magical power and resist the erosion of the Father.

The current knowledge of Jiang Li is absolutely extraordinary. Even the mother goddess accumulated in the long and distant years can not be compared. The knowledge of the mother goddess of Jiang Li will definitely advance by leaps and bounds.

As a result, her confrontation with Heavenly Father became more intense.

Although she ultimately could not fight the faith in the blood pool and the bloodstream of Heavenly Father, Jiang Li wanted this effect. In the practice of confrontation, she was gradually assimilated by herself, regardless of each other, and became her own avatar.

How bold is he stealing the soul and body of an invincible god?

However, this is a rare opportunity.

If outside, he and the mother emperor's **** don't even meet, the killing insect sent by the other party can kill him, and when a thought comes over, he can be suppressed and sealed.

Although he has 150,000 dimensional units of jīng divine power, he is far from as good as god. The strength of a true **** is not measured by the avenue, just like the difference between graphite and diamond.

No amount of graphite is as good as a diamond.

The mother emperor's **** was changing. After getting Jiang Li's knowledge, she actually expelled the blood of Heavenly Father in her body step by step, and even began to resist the faith.

It is a pity that even the Great Emperor would collapse under this endless belief, let alone the God of the Mother Emperor? Although she is strong, she is far worse than the emperor.

The two fight against each other, Jiang Li turns into knowledge and finally invades the fire of the mother emperor's soul. The mother emperor did not expect that there is still a person in the blood pool. She only thought that it was left by the ancient power in the depth of the blood pool. Will.

Jiang Li also disguised himself very well, indeed, it seems that the grievances and knowledge left by Taigu Dahan after refining, after being accepted by the mother emperor, will gradually assimilate the mother emperor in fierce confrontation.


The mother emperor roars like a wild and wild beast, totally not like a beauty, but the mother emperor of the Zerg is very cruel, extinct creatures that do not blink in a star field and a world, but the image is a beauty, which is essentially bigger than the ancient Beasts and giants.

She persecuted the blood of Heavenly Father and resisted her faith, her breath was rising day by day.

However, at this time, countless prayers came, and it seemed that there was a huge faith breaking down. Deep in the blood pool, the blood of Heavenly Father boiled, and only once, the mother's eggshell shattered.

The mother's will screamed and was on the verge of collapse.

good chance!

What Jiang Li wants is this moment. In this crushing moment, the will of the light world penetrated into the blood. In one hit, the mother emperor will be killed, and the mother emperor will be incorporated into the blood pool, adding luck to the blood pool and the heavenly father's bones.

Jiang Li seized the opportunity at this moment, the soul worked, the knowledge became the driving force, and the driving force was turned into material. At last, he completely occupied the mother emperor. A brilliant jīng-ying, an egg resembling the great emperor fell into his palm. Then his body and the egg merged into one and flew out of the blood pool silently.

This is a way of dreaming. He turned into a dream, his breath is the blood of Heavenly Father, flying blood pool, invisible and innocent, and the huge energy of the Emperor Egg, he successfully escaped from the Gospel City.

However, when he came out of the Gospel City, he did not feel any breath from the wind.

"This girl ..." Jiang Li didn't know what she was doing, and didn't calculate, she would leave this light world immediately. This time he got infinite benefits, especially the ability to eliminate the curse of absorption. He had to go back immediately to eliminate the curse for the best of the earth ’s human beings. This is a secret force.


He wriggled for a while and left the realm of light. He was not discovered by the realm of the light world, because he is the soul born on the realm of the realm of the world, and the realm of the light world is also in the realm of the realm of the world.

He now travels to any world, he does not need to smuggle, he is bright, and in addition to that, his shuttle capacity has greatly increased, and he travels to many places, and does not need to waste too much time.

This is the power of the celestial sphere.

It is also the ability of the curse of the indigenous souls of the earth to be eliminated.

When he left the light world, he locked the three-dimensional universe, and after a while in the chaos of time and space, he landed in the endless starry sky.

This is about ten billion light years away from the galactic coefficient.

In the beginning, Jiang Li and Long Ling left the Milky Way, looking for the corpses of three gods some ten billion light years ago, and flew for a year or two. Now Jiang Li's eyes pierced the sky, a little See, sweeping around, you can see the Milky Way.

His vision is tens of thousands of times stronger than before.

His eyes are infinite, and he is free to see beyond 100 billion light years or even hundreds of billion light years.

With his footsteps, people have begun to move, moving forward quickly, the star field is gone, and within three hours, he has already reached the edge of the Milky Way.

Then, he entered the realm of the world silently.

Seen from a distance, the human world has not expanded, and the air is strong. It is a sphere. The tentacles emitting hundreds of thousands of light-years above the sphere are dedicated wormhole channels leading to each node of the galaxy.

In the galaxy, people are enthusiastic, and people from all over the world gather. Sometimes they kill, sometimes they unite, sometimes they trade. It's unimaginably complicated.

However, the biggest trading center is the human world. Here is the most developed place in the business. Jiang Li observed a little bit and saw that the golden luck was absorbed by the human world, then turned into the foundation of the world and spread to everyone. The so-called is taken from the civilian use of the people.

Unlike the general world, all are focused on the Supreme Leader.

Everyone in the human world ~ www.readwn.com ~, that is, someone who is recognized by God's will, will be blessed by luck.

Of course, outsiders can also join the human world, but it is necessary to obtain contributions through the study of immigration policies, complete a series of tasks, and swore loyalty to the human world.

In this way, people will work hard in the human world.

However, there are also ambitionists who want to seize power in the human world.

Jiang Li came here, knowing this time, he can lay down the absolute dominance of humanity in the human world.


He fell into the depths of the world and appeared beside Jiang Zhendong, Jiang Xuan, and Jiang Tao.

All three are now saints, but they are not outstanding in strength, but some resources are forcibly piled up.

But starting today, these three people will truly reborn and become the best among human beings, the unparalleled overlords.

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