Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 738: Take away Gangnalan 1 more

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Howling prayed for a while, and those tablets were dimmed and ignored her.

知道 She knows that these gods who died of war do n’t see rabbits and eagles. Even if they are noble, they ca n’t send them without sacrifices. This year, everyone has interests.

She reluctantly stood up and looked at Jiang Li: "What should we do? Do we really catch the demon sacrifice of the masters in the light world? The general sacrifice certainly cannot move them, and we must make a satisfactory sacrifice to them. I ca n’t do it at all. I know that the sacrifices to these heroes in ancient times were that the Emperor of the Sky led the army to fight with the demon world. After the war, some of the captured prisoners were used to sacrifice the sky, and some were brought here to sacrifice the spirits. Hundreds of thousands of demon heads were sacrificed by blood, and the spirit was satisfied instantly. We don't have the ability to fight the demon world right now. "

"At the moment, we only have to take one step at a time, and go to other palaces to explore the treasure first. Let's temporarily put the heroes here. If we go out, Xuanyuan will follow, and let alone the masters who beheaded the devil. At present, the situation is complicated, and it is not appropriate to fight with all forces, not to mention I have the ability to seize the countless masters of the Demon Realm and sacrifice to these heroes, it is better to sacrifice directly to the human world. "Jiang Li calculated that Tiangong is a must for soldiers Contention, but such a sacrifice is indeed not worth it.

"Let's go to the palace. Other palaces are not suitable. I can control some of the bans in the southern sky palace from attacking us. If you go to the east, west, and north san palaces, it is not good. But you can communicate the energy of the great relic of the palace. In the Heavenly Palace and the Fifth Palace, the forbidden law of the middle palace is the strongest. Since the fall of the soul emperor, no one has entered the main palace so far. We can use the middle palace's Prohibition of law may not necessarily besiege Xuanyuan on the other side. "Feng Feng came up with an idea.

"How does this Nangong lead to the middle?" Jiang Li thought and asked.

"Every east, west, north, south, and north palace can enter the middle palace, but they have to go through very long corridors and bridges. The Jiuqu Tianhe Eighteen Days Gate is thirty-six days of danger. In that year, the Quartet emperor paid tribute to the soul emperor and passed through so many barriers. Not to mention civil and military officials. "

Wu Fengdao: "But as long as you have a great relic, everything can be solved."

"In this case, let's go ahead." Jiang left the Ying Ling Temple, the feeling of depression disappeared, but then came the horror step by step, because Xuanyuan's other shores can do whatever they want.

"Abominable Xuanyuan, my plan can be successfully implemented without him." Wu Feng hated it very much.

"This person is also looking at us. How can it be possible to get the entire heavenly court without experiencing a number of robberies? The larger the number of robberies, the more the harvest. As long as you can successfully expel this person, the palace will be at your fingertips. Think about it and get the wrath of the sky. This person came out as a stalk, and we repelled him, did you let you get this Emperor's soldier smoothly? "Jiang Li thought about it:" Let ’s go, I suspect not only this person, but also more masters Come here. "

The two shuttled again, holding hands, and left here.

Qi Xuanyuan did not come to trouble?

After about a full day of shuttle, he came to the end of the male heaven palace.

Jiang Li saw that it really is a huge bridge, directly leading to the depths of the clouds and fog. In the depths of the clouds, it is also a pavilion, which is the palace of the Zhongyangyang, the palace of the soul emperor, and at the same time, in the Quartet ’s Tiangong Among them, there is the same bridge.

"We are the bridge of Nantian Palace." Wu Fengdao: "In this distance, it is the bridge of Dongtian Palace. You see, Dongtian Palace is the site of Emperor Changsheng. He is of wood, and his magic weapon is also in the palace. It ’s called Qibao Miaoshu. I do n’t know if it was gotten by anyone? Yes, I remember that the human world was originally called the world of self-cultivation. It was once built by the Emperor Changsheng. The emperor still has his own unique skills called Changsheng Supreme Sutra, and even There is blood, it's the monarch's house. "

"Yes, the Jun family is the blood of Emperor Changsheng, but that family was tried by the law and imprisoned with Jiang Nalan's rebellion. Now that the ban has been lifted and he becomes a civilian, wait for some time to promote the best of them. Let him come here to explore the opportunity. After all, it is the blood of the Emperor Changsheng. However, the Supreme Master Chronicle was written by the Emperor Changsheng himself, but was obtained by Jiang Nalan. "Jiang Li sighed," If now the Supreme Lord Still, we can go to the East Palace to get the Seven Treasure Trees and all kinds of treasures. "

He was just talking, and suddenly his heart moved and he looked at the East Palace.

In the East Palace, the glory of Aoki flickered, and suddenly it seemed that a colorful light was looming.

"Somebody has Qibao Miaoshu!" Wu Feng was startled. "This is a sign that the entire East Palace is about to open. Who is it? Got Qibao Miaoshu?"

"Is my telepathy correct? If this is the case, then things will be complicated." Jiang Li's face was heavy. He had just mentioned Jiang Nalan, and found that Qibao's wonderful tree was shining with light. Out, the word came true.

To be honest, only Jiang Nalan is qualified to obtain the treasure of the Changsheng Emperor in the Heavenly Palace. First, he inherited the extinction of the Changsheng Emperor, and second, he completed the enlightenment of Yongsheng Avenue, and he will definitely be recognized. In addition, he has eliminated the curse, the supernatural wisdom and wisdom are extraordinary, and his power is beyond measure, it is not impossible to get a treasure.

"If it is Jiang Nalan, then there will be more trouble." Jiang Li stayed in his footsteps: "I hope it is not him, but if it is not him, it is not a good thing. This kind of thing is only in the hands of the human world It's safe. "

"We can't go to the East Palace now, go directly through the aisle, and go to the middle palace, as long as it dominates the middle palace, nothing will be a problem." Xun Feng urged.

Minjiang leapt away and flew up the bridge, and suddenly felt struggling. There was a huge suction on the bridge to oppress him, so that he would advance in worship.

"Kneel down, kneel down, see the middle palace, you have to worship nine 叩, keep on hoeing forward, walking directly is disrespectful!" A voice sounded deep in his soul.

"I am the heir of the soul emperor." Jiang Li opened the channel, so that the energy of the soul emperor shrouded himself, and all the oppression suddenly disappeared.

Although the great emperor relic of the soul is integrated into the heart of the world, the dream paper kite will not lose this magic weapon, but will become more and more powerful, and it will have more and more control over this magic weapon. Jiang Li is just borrowing now.

Howling wind can be eaten everywhere. She is the son of immortal world. Even back in ancient times, the five emperors co-administered the world and respected her. She didn't have to bow down to worship anyone.

In the immortal world, she is a detached existence.

The two of them quickly shuttled through long bridges, various barriers, nine bends and eighteen turns, and reached the clouds and fog, finally guarding the clouds and seeing the moon.

The huge middle palace appeared in front of them both.

In front of his eyes, there is an almost endless expanse of vast fields. The ground is full of stone of the gods. In addition, there are many statues, all wearing armor, tall as mountains, standing in the sky and watching everyone.

"This is the Zhongyang Yangguang Market. It used to be the place where countless masters of the fairy world were waiting to be summoned. Even Tianzun, you cannot enter the palace without being summoned. You can only wait here obediently. You can't imagine the soul How coercive the emperor was, the immortals and gods worshiped, worshiped nine times, and Tianzun bowed his head. "

Howling wind seems to miss the time of the day.

"You didn't give birth that day, too," Jiang Lidao said.

"I am the son of Fairyland. Although I was born late, but my soul is combined with the will of a part of Fairyland, so the ancient things are like yesterday." Feng Feng said: "Let ’s go, let ’s go through the wide field and go up the steps. Where the Emperor of the Spirit goes up every day, there are countless treasures there that must not have been taken away, because if anyone comes here, it will definitely cause huge fluctuations. "

"That's ..." Jiang Li didn't answer the words of Feng Feng, and looked directly at a channel connecting the Guangxi market, which was a channel in the East Palace. He walked in alone.

人 This man is in white clothes, holding a tree branch, which is green and dripping, with seven treasures, gourds, swords, scriptures, relics, treasure wheels, lotus.

He struck his body, exuding a powerful momentum, step by step, the energy of all realms gathered on the body, and did not even bow down, it seemed that there was some stronger breath on his body, with the taste of a conqueror.


Minjiang looked away and saw the person's appearance and breath. Who wasn't Jiang Nalan?

He's familiar with the breath of Minjiang Nalan, even if it is burnt to ash, it is useless, and he did not expect to appear here.

"Jiang Li, you are here too, or come with the Son of the Immortal?" Jiang Nalan looked at Jiang Li, stayed, his eyes were fierce, "I didn't expect you to live in the blood pool of the light world. My expectation, but this is also my expectation. You will not die, because you have luck in your body. "

"Jiang Nalan, your luck is not small, you actually got the treasure left by the Emperor Changsheng." Jiang Li looked at the man's face very flatly: "In all fairness, you are also our human beings on earth, and you are also building the world. See, if you have such brilliant results in your hands? "

"Your human world is simply a deformed world. All of you rely on you to find magic weapons to support them. Without you, they are just a group of pigs and dogs waiting to be slaughtered. What happiness is there in this human world?" Jiang Naland sniffed.

"No, they are cursed and have not been eliminated. We humans are inherently inadequate and need to recuperate and save. Moreover, I have not interfered with human affairs now. The human beings ~ www.readwn.com ~ are all strong and working hard. They are trading. , Trading, accumulating supplies, and contributing spirit, has long been able to be self-sufficient. "Jiang Lidao said:" Jiang Nalan, and you never dreamed, many people in the world now have eliminated the curse. "

"What?" Jiang Nalan's face suddenly changed. "Can you bring the blood of Heavenly Father to Li Guangjie?"

"No, I understand the principle of removing the curse, and I have combined the blood of Heavenly Father and the blood of Yuanshi Heavenly King to form the infinite blood. In that year, I created the infinite **** fist, and you know how powerful I am Jiang Lidao: "So you are plagiarizing and borrowing from my infinite **** fist, Jiang Nalan, for so many years, you have done countless evils that are harmful to humans, but I still forgive you, as long as you return to the world, for the world The world has made up for it, and I can pardon your sins. Are you still a wanted man in the world? "

"Jiang Li, I have great power now, and I will soon have control of the Heavenly Palace. At the same time, I will bring my people here and convene countless masters in the fairy realm to build a new human being. Human world? "Jiang Nalan seemed to be suddenly shot.

"Jiang Nalan?" 珞 Fengdao said: "The fairyland is my place. Do you want to camp here? Have you ever asked me?"

"Son of the Immortal, don't be arrogant." Jiang Nalan's face was scornful. "Your goal is too big and has become the target of public criticism. People who teach the truth will not let you go first. After seizing you, they Can get your luck. "

(To be continued)

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