Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 741: Seventy Rule 1 More

Cap 741 Section 70 One more rule

{As usual, WeChat public account [], before 12 o'clock, Chapter 12 of Dragon Snake 2 will be updated, but it is not very convenient to read on WeChat, I will find an opportunity, in a convenient place for everyone to see The full text, one sentence, everyone reposted more, WeChat fans increased, I have something to write down.

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Jiang Li finally sat on the throne of fortune, this is the real peak of life. Although there is a curse, he came with a challenging mood. What about the strongest curse? What about blessings on me? I naturally have a way to resolve them one by one.

Sure enough, when I was sitting up, the wind and clouds were rising, and the mountains were small.

First of all, I saw the whole picture of the fairyland. Countless dimensions are combined together, and all kinds of time and space are alternated. That is a fairy cave, which is completely different from any big world. The whole structure of the fairyland is very special. People who understand the rules of it feel that the manpower of this world cannot be created.

The most important thing in fairyland is Dongfu.

Many fairy gods have opened various cave houses. The nature of these cave houses is strange, and the passage of time is completely different from the outside world.

Now, all these caves have a panoramic view.

In addition, there are all kinds of vast breaths, including the vicissitudes and history left over by all ages, all kinds of fierce wars, master battles, and complex emotions, all of which have impacted Jiang Li's heart.

The history of the fairy world is too vast. Sitting on the throne of the fortune and sitting deep in it, you can feel this precipitation, making people's minds roam in the long river of fairyland history, unable to extricate themselves, and gradually blend in with the heart of the heavens. His vicissitudes of ancient times.

In addition, he also observed the immortal immortal imprints of Taikoo Power in the immortal realm.

Sitting here, you can see everything in the fairyland.

Jiang Li seems to have realized that he has entered a more mysterious realm than the Great Dream Heart Sutra. He finally knew why the Great Emperor of the Mind would create the magical powers of the dreamland, and the magical powers of the gods, because sitting on this chair for a long time, observing the changes in the history of the fairy sphere, the spatial dimensions alternated with each other, and over time, he naturally realized the dreamland To make reality and illusion inseparable.

The whole picture of the fairyland is slowly unfolding, and various structures are more complicated than the martial arts.

The realm of Wujie is a giant, and it displays unrepeatable martial arts all the time in the chaos of time and space. The fairyland is a diversified world. It is a shell, nine palace gossip, one yuan of everything, two yin and yang. among them.

Chapter 741 has no fixed shape. Rule 70

Body, changing all the time.

Jiang Li looked like a hive just now, and then changed into a sword, then a knife, a spear, or an ancient beast, and then an immortal.

Each ancient space-time seems to be a cell. In an endless arrangement and combination, each cave is equivalent to an individual's somatic cells, infinitely adjusting the structure of the entire world, in an attempt to make the world's structure more perfect, but where is perfect in this world? Thing? Therefore, the structure of the fairyland is constantly being adjusted.

Jiang Li looked at this immortal world that was constantly adjusted, and realized a lot. Every cell in his body began to squirm. Like the immortal world, he pursued physical perfection, and his temperament began to change. Every time he changed, Close to perfection, but there are always flaws.

Suddenly, he realized the profound truth of Infinite Avenue.

The world is incomplete, so there is infinity, and there is no best, so there is infinity.

Infinity and eternity are actually two opposing things.

However, with infinite mood, it will always be perfect. One is motivation and one goal.

"Very good, very good ..." His mood began to increase infinitely, and his own laws were also completing the structure.

The rule of Article 62 is "no defect".

Infinite Avenue is like this, one by one the rules are pushed again. At the same time, sitting here, watching the fairy tale perish and squirm. It is the fairy tale itself, and the fairy tale is his soul. He has a sense of responsibility on his body.

This throne is indeed a treasure of feng shui.

In the simple geomantic science on earth, if a person is in a good geomantic place, he will be clear-headed and do more with less, and further, if it is a spiritual cave, it will prolong life. This aura, magnetic field, right The human soul and body have a great influence.

Now, the position of the throne of the fairyland can no longer be described by fengshui treasures, but it is loved by thousands. In addition to being the best point in the fairyland, it also brings the prayers and blessings of the ancient gods. Here mortals Both can be reborn and enjoy inestimable merit and merit.

The memory of the soul emperor in Jiang Li's mind suddenly became complete. He truly felt the magnificent life of the soul emperor.

Sure enough, the memory of the soul emperor is left here.

Subsequently, the memory of the Emperor Changsheng and the memory of the Emperor of the Heavens also revolved and merged with the Emperor of the Mind to form a chaotic memory. The memory of the three Emperors became one, which was inspired by the vicissitudes of the immortal world. The wisdom of Jiang Li.

"The mental power of a 200,000-dimensional unit ..."

Jiang Li ’s mental strength skyrocketed again, equivalent to a master of 200 avenues. His 62nd rule of infinite law, “Insufficient”, condensed out, and then a variety of ideas came to an endless stream.

"Article 63, Timeless! Chapter 741 Chapter 70 One More

Rule 64 is endless, and rule 65 is endless. Rule 66, do nothing, rule 67, impermanence, rule 68, immeasurable, rule 69, invincible, rule 70, fearless! "

He created 70 rules.

This is the power of sitting on the throne.

The throne gave him wisdom, letting him know what "none" was, and evolved a series of laws from "none".

He is related to "Wu".

The first rule is "empty."

Moreover, his avenue is called "Infinite".

His cultivation is progressing, getting closer and closer to the Infinite Avenue, and the 70 rules are driving each other's energy in turbulence. I don't know how long after that, a sudden shock all constitutes a wonderful structure.

"It's strong, I'll go up and sit down when Jiang Li removes the curse." Xun Feng looked envious under the throne. Jiang Li's law became stronger and stronger. Although there was no ultimate detachment, there was also detachment. hope.

Jiang Li himself is also immersed in the increase in strength, alas, completely in a dream. He feels that this is a great enjoyment, and there is a feeling that he wants to sit forever.

This enjoyment, a glimpse of the mountains, the most beautiful scenery in the world is here.

Some people like to travel around and see the scenery of Wanjie, but without sitting on this throne, everything is sorrowful. Only here is a good place.

However, just as he was drunk in the smoke of fairyland, a voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Junior, you sit on me and get enough benefits, you can improve as fast as you can. But light is not good, you must accept my curse. How can you deserve to sit on my Are you afraid to stay in this position? "

This wave is weird, cruel, evil, fierce, and seems to be the strongest grudge in the universe.

Jiang Li immediately sobered up.

"The curse of the making of the beast." He immediately understood what was happening.

"Come on, come on, I've been waiting for your curse. If you are dead, there will be cursing. Am I still afraid of you? All curses are blessed on me, cursing me to death, let me There are no bones left, otherwise I'll just trample on your head and create the beast of the king, and you're just a beast. "

Jiang Li's will and this voice are in conflict.

He wasn't afraid, and he wanted to anger the king beast on purpose, allowing him to bless all the curse on him.


The fortune-making beast seemed to be really provoked, the boundless anger poured down, and immediately the black gas entangled on this throne, all kinds of cursing deities appeared together.

"Hateful junior, you are too arrogant, you don't know the mystery of the curse, I can only curse you to death now, and the sky is angry." The curse of the beast of the beast has been changed from Chapter 741, Chapter 70, Rule 70.

Void appears directly in the physical world.

"Oops! Heaven is angry, this is true Heavenly Angry." Wu Feng worried: "Jiang Li, why do you need to infuriate the creature and beast? Wouldn't it be nice to appease him? In the Middle Ages, sometimes the Emperor of the Spirit had to sacrifice. This throne, soothes his emotions, and now you actually openly anger it, this is not wise behavior. "

At this time, Jiang Li had no time to answer Howling Wind, and he was wrapped in curses.

"I curse you, curse the perpetual decline, curse your children and grandchildren for the humiliation they suffer, forever nailed to the pillar of shame, cannot be detached, they cannot survive, they cannot die, hahaha .... Death is not terrible, terrible is to die Difficult, I want you to lose your skills, the road to dissipate, your physical fitness to be weak, all your cultivation will be completely forfeited! "

The curse of the beasts of innocence came frantically. It was as if a person had no emperor's life and was sitting in the position of the emperor, and he would naturally be robbed by the sky.

And the key point is that if Jiang Li brought a lot of soul sacrifices, the created beasts were better, and the curse was smaller. Instead of sacrificing, he humiliated the created beasts. This is self-injustice and he cannot live.

However, what he wants is this effect.

The curse is small, and the strength is not enough, and he really can't get any benefit.

However, this move is very dangerous. The curse that even the soul emperor is afraid of. He actually wants to be included in the body. After being easily cursed, all the cultivation is completely abolished, and it is never over.

The curse immediately entered his body, melting into the deep veins, and his veins immediately became dark, sticky, and the body smelled.

"I curse you for smelling bad ~ www.readwn.com ~ curse your form for decay, curse you for being the cheapest reptile, and live on the excrement, your children and grandchildren, so it is ..."

The curse of the beast of the beast saw its effect. Jiang Li's originally clean body began to decay, and his life form changed. He really wanted to turn into a maggot that eats excrement for a living.

This curse is too vicious and vicious.

"The blood of the Yuanshi Heavenly King, the blood of the Heavenly Father, the blood of the infinite ..." Jiang Li had already prepared, and the body mobilized the strongest blood, and with a little movement, the curse was refined and turned into a rune, which was a mental fluctuation.

These curses were smelted by him, melted in his body, and formed his own system.

The curse of Heavenly Father is the most terrible curse between heaven and earth. Compared to the created beast, this curse is a little weaker.

Therefore, Jiang Li calmly coped and resolved one by one.

"Creation of the beast, do you have such a little curse? You have to strengthen it. This curse is nothing to me at all." Jiang Lidao said: "Is it too old, no one sacrifices to you, and your spirit is weak. A hundred times? "

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