Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 746: Big Dream Prince 3 more

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Chapter 746: Big Dream Too Big Aunt

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"Father of Heaven died at the end, but he will be reborn soon. I feel that the soul emperor will be reincarnated." Jiang Lidao said, "I don't know who the soul emperor's reincarnation is. I feel that the soul emperor's reincarnation will be here. We appear among humans on earth. After all, the blood of humans on our planet is most suitable for human reincarnation. "

"It's very possible. Now that we are talking about the reincarnation of the great people, the human world is the best to reincarnate. The bloodline is the first in the world and the potential is huge. It is the era of turbulence that can build achievements and change the structure of the world. Once reincarnated, your status may not be guaranteed. "Wu Feng laughed.

"The status is not guaranteed by looking at yourself, not by how many big people reincarnate, even if they are reincarnation, even if it is three-dimensional cosmic providence, as long as they are dedicated to the human world, without disturbing them, I will lift the curse for them." Jiang Lidao.

"If it is the reincarnation of a master of the mind, heavenly father, three-dimensional universe, heavenly will, you do not need to remove the curse at all, they can eliminate the curse themselves." But Feng said: "But the reincarnation of such a great person is not for the sake of reincarnation. The human world must have its own plan. "

"When the time comes, the landscape will meet." Jiang Lidao said: "Go and go to where the concubine of the harem lives."

The two men left this chaotic hall, and the iron chains around them were densely sealed, making it difficult for the gods to invade and very safe.

After a while, I walked through the layers of pavilions.

There was a burst of grease powder blowing towards the face, and the style of this palace changed. Everywhere was delicately crafted, and the pink atmosphere wafted in it. Gentle township, beauty cave.

Rolling curtain, Langya table, red makeup mirror, green house.

This is the harem.

的 Harem of the Emperor of the Mind.

The emperor in the world has three thousand beauties in the harem, and the beauty is like a cloud, let alone the master of the immortal world? Of course, the women of the Emperor of the Mind are tens of thousands, but all of them are top beauty, whether in temperament, cultivation, or spiritual wisdom, they are all outstanding in the world.

Even in that year, the demon world enshrined its beauty to the immortal world in order to delay the war.

When he was in the heyday of the immortal realm, he really swept the world, and he fought against the demon world year after year. The demon world couldn't bear it. He could only worship the beauty and strive for perfection.

The beauty of the demon world is actually the most beautiful in the world, much more beautiful than the beauties of the immortal world, and after being caught, it is used for cultivation, and the absorption of the other's Yuanzhen spirit will make her essence extremely pure. , To become a magic fetus of immortality, unity of positive and evil.

"You can see from this harem, the majesty of the soul emperor." Jiang Li sighed. "Look, in this harem, the buildings are decorated in the style of the demon world, the style of the dragon world, and the style of the light world. In the style of Wujie, it can be seen that beauties from all walks of life have been conquered by the emperor. "

"The martial arts world is the most overbearing and will never accept defeat, but in that year, the Emperor of the Soul led the immortals to unite with the puppets of the demon world, and the alliance of the dragon world to attack the martial arts together. At that time, the emperor of the martial arts could not bear it. He was able to retreat steadily, lost a large area of ​​land, and obediently devoted his own daughter. "Feng Feng said:" The universe and the universe are fighting, there is no mercy, and now the Wu world is also staring at the immortal world, that day the Emperor Wu even wanted to sacrifice the entire immortal world , Become the first in the world. "

"There are also several great emperors in Wujie, but they are not concealed, and they pose a great threat. Jiang Nalan even took refuge in Wujie and was recognized by the will of Wujie." Jiang Lidao said: "At that time, the master of Wujie, the daughter of Emperor Tianwu I don't know how to look? "

"You also have the memory of the soul emperor, why not search?"? Fengdao.

"In the memory of the Emperor of the Soul, only his martial arts, various enlightenment practices, and the pattern of the fairyland, ancient secrets, and nothing between him and his concubine." Jiang Lidao: "This kind of thing belongs to the individual Of course, he will not pass down the secrets of his boudoir. He will selectively erase these memories. The spiritual dream of the Emperor of the Mind is almost the first in the universe in terms of spiritual cultivation. Any memory can be passed on, and nothing can be done. According to rumors, he naturally has a sense of proportion. "

"The daughter of that Emperor Tianwu was his queen. The two combined to give birth to a son. The son inherited the bloodlines of the immortal world and the martial arts world, and was super-dominated. Paper kite is his descendant. He must be alive now, and it is definitely the emperor's cultivation, but he never appeared. No one knew where he was, but he knew he was hiding in the dark. No one knows whether an enemy is a friend. If it is a friend, that's fine. If it is an enemy, it is an enemy that is as terrible as the Lord of Truth. "

"Big dream is too bitch." Jiang Li chewed for a while and found that there was no such person in the impression, but as the son of the Emperor of the Mind and Princess Wujie, he had no reputation and never appeared. A celebrity, who does not pay attention to him, is a kind of success in itself, a kind of terror.

Jiang Li immediately remembered that the big dream Taizhangzi was bound to be inextricably linked with the human world in the future, because Dream Paper Kite was his offspring. Why did Wang Chao choose Dream Paper Kite as a successor, for sure? With his reasoning, it may be related to that big dream too.

"Harem, open!"

I walked up a corridor, with the tall pink giant door in front, and a little wind, "I open the door of the harem as the son of the fairyland."

Her finger was on it, the light was irritating, pink breath entangled her body, the pink giant door opened a small hole, which was a partial door.

"Let's go in, but you have to cover up the masculinity of your body. I want to cover myself with your breath so that you can dress up as a man." 珞 Fengdao said.

"That doesn't matter. I know that the harem of the soul emperor can only be entered by females. All males will be cursed and it will never be restored, but I don't care. I will not pretend to be a female. , The curse of the beast of the king, you will not be afraid of any curse. "Jiang Li body moved, has entered the harem.

Unexpectedly, he did not encounter any curse. Perhaps he had the breath of the great relic, so the curse was not blessed on him.

I entered the harem, and the palaces were suspended in the air. The time and space here are distorted. Each palace is a big world. Each big world has its own independent style, and there are 50,000 or 60,000 big world palaces.

Each palace world is inhabited by concubines, and they build their own palaces according to their preferences.

The big world in the middle of all the palaces is a pure world of martial arts, like a giant who interprets the essence of martial arts at all times.

This is obviously the Queen's Palace.

Daughter of Emperor Wu Tianwu.

"Sure enough, every palace I can see those beauties have their own independent style. From the architectural point of view, they can know their soul and beauty." Jiang Lijun praised.

However, as soon as his words came to an end, a sudden burst of vicious attack came.

阴 This yin qi entered his body, which actually caused his masculine qi to fade away, and an extra yin qi of fat powder appeared on his body.

In simple terms, it is to turn his big man into a charming woman.

"This is Jiutian Xuannv Pure Yin Mantra." 珞 Feng Feng looked at Jiang Li with a smile: "You don't want me to help yourself, now it's a stroke."

"The Nine Heavens Xuannv Pure Yin Mantra is a Yin Mantra. Any male who has been hit by this mantra will be transformed into a female, and it is irreversible for life, but it has no effect on women, but it is of great benefit." Jiang Li was surprised: "It's this curse, do you want me to be a woman?"

Every male who enters the harem of the soul emperor will become a woman under the curse.

This is also in line with the majesty of this harem. The harem of the first emperor of the fairyland naturally does not allow male creatures to profane, otherwise the first emperor of the fairyland wears a green hat, where does that face go?

"This curse is good. I was not afraid of all curses. Any curse will merge into my veins and add strength to my veins. And after I practiced the infinite heart, it is no longer a yin and yang body. It's another form of life. "Jiang Li absorbed all the curses surrounding him.

纯 There is a pure yin in his blood, but he transforms slightly to break the curse with curses.

"You have the nine-day Xuannv pure Yin mantra, I have the Ten Land Marty God pure Yang mantra, which can transform all female creatures into male creatures, and my infinite divine mantra can be changed into all divine mantras. Yin and Yang unite and change each other. "Sure enough, the scorching sun that appeared on him was like a pure sun.

咒 This mantra was obtained from the emperor's memory.

The two mantras lived and complemented each other, but they nourished each other. Under the harmony of Jiang Li's infinite blood, they suddenly turned into many runes ~ www.readwn.com ~ These runes spawned 99999999.

Numerous runes were neutralized together and turned into a new law, the 71th rule, the male and female rule.

The rule of male and female is a variant of yin and yang. There is yin and yang in everything, but only life has male and female. The female and male way contains something extraordinary.

Minjiang Li entered the harem, and actually gathered 71 rules, which is also a different number.

As soon as the rule of male and female was practiced, the curse would no longer be of use to him.

漫步 He walked in this harem and walked towards the nearest world of the palace. This palace is pure white and extremely sacred. There is a circle of halo above it, which is larger than other palaces, showing an extraordinary identity.

曾经 This former concubine is a man in the light world.

Because the palace world in front of you is the prototype of the light world.

The aristocracy of the Emperor Guangguang was a prophet and could be chosen as the concubine by the Emperor of the Soul, and it was likely to be the daughter of the Emperor.

Minjiang Li walked into it, and wanted to see the concubine's boudoir. What treasures were left behind. In fact, he was very rude to enter the harem and was also disrespectful to the soul emperor, but he knew that if he did not take away the treasures in the harem, he would fall into the hands of the Taoism, or the hands of Xuanyuan Beyond, etc. Trouble, the whole immortal world disintegrates faster, and the heavenly court may also accelerate the collapse, which is not the original intention of the soul emperor. Previous | Catalog | Next page has reached the last page ... Exit (to be continued)

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