Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 821: Gain power

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This big hand is the power of the system.

When a character like the God of Desolation returns, he must be censored.

"The Tribunal of the Immortal Tower is the most terrifying existence. Generally, it will not come out when it enters it. It is exactly the same as the tribunal of some religions." Xun Feng was exchanging thoughts with Jiang Li.

At this moment, the four have turned into knowledge, no essence, no vitality, no energy, and even no spirit. This is the subtlety of Jiang Li Infinite Avenue.

No one can be found in the godhead of the desolate god. Of course, if he encounters the existence of the transcendent emperor, he cannot hide it, but now the owner of the immortal tower oppresses Palimin. There is no thought to care about these gossip.

What's more, who is Jiang Li now?

Existence comparable to Emperor Wuxian.

If Xunxian existed that year and entered the Immortal Tower Starfield, it would definitely set off an uproar.

After figuring out the problem, now Jiang Li can completely escape, because he is not afraid of the siege of the emperor. As long as the emperor takes the shot, no matter how many emperors, he can absorb the power and transform it into chaos.

The big hand took the waste **** away, and he didn't panic at all.

"We are waiting closely to see how terrible the Tribunal of the Immortal Tower is, among which the emperor must be in the town." Jiang Li also began to communicate with spirit: "The heavenly respect such as the desolate **** is a vassal of one party, a great official of Xinjiang, and those great It is the Prince, all kinds of princes, but under the blessing of our god, the desolate **** will also become the prince, holding power, it is more convenient for us to act. You can wait for the desolate **** to enter the tribunal. Do n’t panic, you must know your current strength This is the Great Emperor Wuxian. I think this kind of existence is definitely the first person of His Majesty's Immortal Tower Master, not even his son 'Shu' is your opponent. Therefore, you deal with those people with an invincible attitude. "

"Okay!" The desolate **** is also full of strength at this time, feeling the realm of the emperor, and his own strength is already very strong, following Jiang Li experienced the battle of immortal magic lamp, the repair has been improved at least ten times, in fact, away from the real The realm of the Great Emperor is just one step away.

However, because his potential is not as good as that of Fengfeng and Huaxianxian, he is not yet able to be promoted. He still needs opportunity and understanding. Fortunately, he follows Jiang Li, and the opportunity continues. Sooner or later, he will come to understand the realm of the emperor.

The current God of Sleep has completely followed Jiang Li, abandoning Prince Dream, and he is now following Jiang Li to rescue his wife and daughter, and naturally he is desperately desperate. And he now knows that Prince Dream and Alliance of Immortal Tower have formed an alliance, so his determination to abandon Prince Dream is stronger.

What's more, he now knows that Jiang Li's strength has surpassed Prince Dream.

For a while, the sky turned.

The big hand grabbed the desolate god, and ingested a place in a short time. This place is a shrine. The shrine is full of the spirit of killing, especially in the square of the shrine. One by one, the sorrowful sorrow in the flames, but could not die, that is, to bear the eternal torture and pain completely in the fire.

The successive screams are characteristic of this place and make people creepy.

"Fresh God, you said, wasn't God killed by you?"


An immense force oppressed to make the desolate kneel. This is the power of the emperor, and it is necessary to subject the desolate **** to surrender.

However, where the desolate **** would surrender, he waved the palm of his hand, and a stronger power of the emperor appeared, crushing the force oppressing him: "I and the **** of heaven chase down the sleeping god, but in the domain of the immortal lamp star, The big dream Prince suddenly shot, killing the gods, and when I saw that the situation was not good, I fled. I could not escape, but it happened that the chaotic ancient beasts of the magic lamp star field and the evil **** emperor wrestled with each other. I Riding in a storm, I fell into a wonderful place and gained a lot of elixir and the power left after the death of the ancient emperor. I was promoted to be the emperor. Everyone in the tribunal, if I am the original **** of waste, I will be suppressed by you. But now, I am also the emperor. I am afraid that it is not so convenient for you to suppress me. I know that you have the highest judicial power. There are often some people. You all identify them as traitors and seek his property, but I am not. So conspired, everyone is working for the Tower of Immortality, I hope you do not go too far.

"What? Are you promoted to emperor?"

"Sure enough, he defeated our power and was the power of the emperor!"

"The desolate **** actually promoted the emperor. This is not an ordinary opportunity. Prince Dameng knew that it was Prince Dameng's shot that would kill Tianshen so cleanly."

A few surprised voices sounded.

"Yin Yang Emperor, please come to judge!"

"I respectfully ask the Emperor Yin and Yang to come to the verdict!" A loud voice came out again. Obviously, the mysterious Emperor Yin Yang was the true master of this court.

"The Emperor Yin Yang is actually him? He also belongs to the immortal tower star domain? This man is an ancient emperor, does not belong to the realm of the universe, is a wanderer of the universe. , Broke into the immortal realm, and fought against the Emperor of the Mind. Although defeated, he retreated and was not killed. It seemed to be injured that time, so he belonged to the immortal tower star domain, after years of unknown years, I am afraid that this person's cultivation is really unfathomable. "

"Anyway, this is an opportunity to see the true face of the Emperor Yin Yang." Jiang Li didn't care.

Zizi Zizi ...

Suddenly, one black, one white and two Changhongs emerged from nothing, each one running through the distant Xinghe, came to this court, and condensed into a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man's face and skin are all Black and white, androgynous, is a yin and yang.

It is the Emperor of Yin and Yang.

He is no longer flesh and blood, but an authentic yin and yang body.

"Desperate God, you have actually been promoted to be the emperor. Let me see how you approach it. What you said, I will investigate. Prince Damen dare to kill the gods, that is also a dead end." This yin and yang emperor's tone seemed gentle, it seemed Domineering, with an unpredictable tone.


The world is discolored.

He launched an attack.

This prestigious emperor in the archaic era struck with one hand, flying with strength, spreading, and transformed into an ancient yin and yang universe. It was similar to Da Luo Tianjie, the Prince of Dreams, but Jiang Li immediately saw it. This ancient yin and yang realm is far worse than Da Luo Tianjie, the prince of the big dream.

At this time, he completely controlled the body of the God of Desolation, making the God of Desolation completely become another person, with five fingers and one finger, like every sword.

The sword flew across, cutting yin and yang.

The yin and yang gas was cut from the middle, and then he rolled up his sleeves, all the yin and yang spirits were entangled in the sleeves and disappeared endlessly.

This time, the yin and yang emperor's face appeared extremely surprised. The so-called expert knew if there was any change. The yin and yang's changes are under his control. The yin and yang emperor only felt that the water was inaccessible and unpredictable. .

"Desperate God, what adventure did you get? The emperor is also divided into three, six, and nine. Even if you are promoted, it is only the lowest-level emperor. Why did you suddenly reach this state?" I believe the scene.

"I just got my own strength. I am the reincarnation of the Fangguqi people." Under the guidance of Jiang Li, the fabled **** spoke wildly.

In the era when heaven and earth were first developed, Wanjie has not been condensed and formed, and only some rudiments of the universe have been spread. At that time, it was called the era of floods, or ancient times, or it was too early.

At that time, there were many powerful and unknown existences, called Araracs, because people at that time did not have the habit of naming themselves.

They don't know what the name is yet.

With a name, you have your own destiny. Without a name, in the real world, there is no accurate code.

The powerful existence at this time has disappeared into the ancient years.

"You are actually a reincarnation of the wild Gucci people?" The Emperor Yinyang seemed to believe it. "So what are you doing now? Will you come to this immortal tower?"

"I'm a desolate god, and I got a powerful force, and naturally I will come to fulfill my duties." The desolate **** said bluntly: "Although I am the reincarnated desolate ancient man, I am still the host of the master. Of course, I will return to the host again this time. Work, why, after you get strong power, will you betray your master? "

"Things can be eaten indiscriminately, and words cannot be spoken indiscriminately." The Emperor Yinyang hurriedly said: "Since you have been promoted to be the emperor, then I cannot adjudicate you. I need the master's son to adjudicate."

"As you wish, I will rule."

A person appeared here.

It is actually "Spell", the son of the owner of the Immortal Tower. At this time, one of his incarnations came to observe the deities: "Okay ~ www.readwn.com ~ Very good, deities, I didn't expect you to have this adventure, but it is The reincarnation of the Barbarians has also gained the strength it once had. In this way, I have another capable assistant. "

"The young master is up." The desolate kneel.

"Hahahaha ..." When I saw the desolate kneeling, the "surgery" immediately laughed and was very satisfied: "It seems that you have not forgotten the book. I am very happy, very happy. In this way, you have such great power, Or go to the Chaos Prison, this time, I want you to surrender many demon gods in the Chaos Prison, arrest them, and then take them to sacrifice, you know? "

"Yes, I will do whatever the young master asks me, but the sacrifices killing those demon will be possessed by resentment, but it is a bit troublesome. If young master has no plan, I will resolutely execute it." Enough loyalty.

"Chaos prison is the most important part of our immortal tower star field. We have arrested so many demon gods and raised them in chaos prison. What we are waiting for is the arrival of this day. There is a horrible demon ancestor, you must be deterred, you know? "Shu said:" I now give you all the power of prison, and part of the system of punishment for you, you have to do this for me thing!"

"Yes!" The desolate **** knew that his own weight was really high.


{Ten more yesterday, two more today, take a break, but the dragon and snake 2 on the WeChat public account will still be updated. The plot has reached a wonderful point, which shapes the spirit of various warriors. }

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