Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 832: Free world

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832 Chapter 832

Great Galaxy Author: ecstatic dream machine

Updated: 2014-07-0413: 58: 29 Word Count: 3350

Chaos God Fist.

It is the legendary martial arts. The world ’s strongest fist in the past and future, but this thing does not belong to martial arts. It is a manifestation of chaotic will. No one can cultivate successfully. Now the messenger of the world is not himself. Trained into chaos, but communicated chaos and was blessed.

混沌 This Chaos God Fist is somewhat similar to the Destiny God Fist.

Fate Avenue, it seems that only thousands of years can be achieved. Even if other people know the cultivation method, they can't condense at all. This is a unique opportunity.

Chaos Magic Boxing, I do n’t know how many tricks, even if the messenger communicates and gets blessing, but only got some of them. It is impossible to master all of them. No one in this world can master all Chaos Magic Boxing, only Chaos. Only by myself can we perform.

According to rumors, chaos **** fist opened the world, and it was another punch that destroyed the world.

Smash everything into chaos, evolve chaos into everything, and circulate with each other, all in great destruction, in the great reincarnation, they work with each other, call each other, and change each other.

Under the chaos of the chaos, the ancestor of the immortal magic vine was broken, and it turned into chaos, and the messenger of the world killed a **** path among the ancient vines, and rushed to the emperor Tiandi, the emperor and the demon. Before the ancestor, he suddenly punched again. He wanted to turn all three into chaos and was swallowed up by him!

"The messenger of the world, do you think that Chaos God Fist is invincible?" The three princes of Emperor Tiandi, Emperor Disha, and the ancestor of the Devil seemed to have expected this ending, and they joined forces to unfold the secret of the fairy devil again: "Absorption! Origin, Chaos I can absorb the old-fashioned spirit! "

The immortal devil gourd on the first ancestor immortal vine once again sent out a huge attraction, and actually began to absorb the power of that **** fist, as well as the chaos ancient spirit on the messenger of the world.

The fairy gourd and the devil gourd have their own strengths, and they can also reverse the heavens. In that great destruction, they struggle to survive, and even between absorption, you can see that the shadows of the fairy and devil are in them. It seems that the two worlds Bless the power.

"Immortal gourd! You actually cultivated this gourd to the point where you can communicate the origin of the fairy realm and the origin of the demonic realm." The angel of extinction rose into the sky, and the chaos of fist was suppressed. Because your fairy gourd is a serious threat to their origin! "

"You don't need to worry about this," said the ancestor of the Devil and the Emperor of Heaven and Earth. "If the messenger is truly invincible, what will chaos do?" It will be enough for you to come down. "

"The annihilators of the world are also constantly growing. Every annihilator of the world must devour the air transporter, so that they can absorb more power from the chaos to destroy the world." The annihilator shouted: "I devoured five Huang Qiyun, all kinds of great emperors, do you still want to compete with me? It is just delusional! "

He once again urged Chaos Shenquan.

Swept across, the first ancestor fairy vine once again opened a lot of gaps.

However, the more gaps that exploded, the faster the ancestral fairy vine grew, but instead he wrapped him densely, and the whole world turned into a vine world!

"We first absorbed the magic and the desolate gods!" Tian Di, Emperor Disha and the demon ancestor shared: "As long as the magic and the deficient gods are absorbed, you can completely control the tomb, and even the system of the immortal tower star domain, we billion 10,000 years of calculation are close to success. "

"Absorb first, master a part of the ability of the immortal tower star system."

"it is good!"

"We are only able to block this annihilator for a moment. His Chaos Fist is indeed sharp, and we are difficult to stop, but as long as he has refined the art and mastered the immortal tower star system, nothing will be a problem. Therefore, it is so powerful because it has absorbed the luck of the five emperors, and the emperor of ghosts and gods, and maybe some other emperors, can summon power from the chaos! "

"That is of course. If all the messengers are so tyrannical, then chaos would have died out. Don't wait until now. I estimate that the messenger's cultivation is limited. We must continue to absorb luck to achieve great success. Supernatural. "

"No matter how great his magical power is, he will have to hate the spot today and die immediately!"

"Consumption and the **** of waste, absorb!"


It seems that the three of them have turned into vitality, entered the gourd of the immortal realm, and urged it thoroughly. It can be seen that all the evil spirits in the entire tomb are condensing. At the same time, the origin of the tomb is also being extracted .

Deep in the tomb, some prisoners, except the emperor, all died and fell, and were sucked into the first ancestor fairy devil vines, becoming part of the fairy gourd and devil gourd.

"Fresh God, you are not ready to sacrifice yourself!"

His strength is constantly flowing. If he continues this way, I am afraid that it will be really miserable. He was suddenly without God. Since his birth, he has been smooth and has not experienced any strong winds and waves. All the way, he was sheltered by the surviving father of the Great Emperor. Now, it is almost impossible to encounter a moment of life and death.

Now he missed it.

Calculated by trolls and other trolls, they will die.

The only straw for life is the **** of waste.

However, the desolation seems to be in a coma.

"Desperate God, since you are not willing to sacrifice yourself, then I am not polite, use the contract to make you sacrifice!"

In an instant, he stimulated the power of the system and detonated the forbidden law in the desolate body.


The small tower inside the desolate **** exploded. It was a contract. Once the **** who signed the contract with the immortal tower was completely killed by life and death, whoever wanted to die.


After the desolation **** exploded, he tried his best to support it, but to no avail.

"Huh! Technique! You bitch, at this critical moment, still thinking about others to resist the disaster for you, it is simply inhumane!" The ancestor of the devil suddenly shocked: "I am in your body, I am also planting The power of the demon and the power of the evil spirits can now be recovered, and you can refine it for us! "

Immediately, what was planted in the desolate body melted, turned into a vitality, and eventually disappeared between the heavens and the earth, it seemed to be absorbed by the magic vine.

The God of Desolation disappeared.

"Ah!" The surgery was almost terrified and desperate, "I'm not willing, my father rescued me, broke the limit, broke everything, I want to live forever, even if the world is destroyed, I can't break my magic power!"

He pushed hard.

But his father didn't seem to respond at all.

"Don't struggle, the spirit of your father, the immortal tower owner is used to suppress Palimin. Below this tomb is the monument of immortality. Now, we shake the foundation of the tomb, but it can make your father encounter The most dangerous catastrophe in history, at that time your father will also be completely dead. The entire immortal tower star domain, all vanished. "The demon ancestor laughed.

Suddenly, the entire tomb seemed to tremble, shrinking, and the roots went deep into the magic vine.

Then, in the deepest space at the bottom of the tomb, there are five monuments. All the luck is gathered towards the monument. In the depths of the monument, there is another huge and incomparable time and space. A brand new universe, in the universe, roars like thunder, and the earth, water, fire and wind are roaring at each other, and there are almost earth-shaking powers.

In the depths of the water, fire, wind, everywhere, the forces surpassing the emperor were changing drastically.

That's the new universe.

Brand new universe.

"Hahaha! This is a brand new universe. Now, after refining the tomb, attacking this universe can make Palimin and the immortal tower star domain together, so that we can get the strongest foundation. . "The demon ancestor laughed wildly, besieged the messenger of annihilation, and began refining.

They refined the deity, and they already feel they can control part of the tomb.

Now, surgery is what they have in their pocket.

Ji Shu's body is constantly melting, part of his soul is being taken away, and his whole body is on the verge of collapse. However, there is still a strong support, making his cultivation violently boiling.

"Destroy it!"

The power of Wuxian Devil Gourd is getting stronger.

I want to destroy this person's soul for the last time.

However, just at this time, a deep ray of God was launched into the depths of the new universe and shot into the depths of the tomb. The whole tomb immediately became crystal clear, as if the glass was burning red, all the vines were crackling and burning. Even the messenger of the world was attacked, his whole body turned red, like a red shrimp.

This **** is about to exterminate everything, and of course, to save.

"It was the master of the Immortal Tower that he shot. Unexpectedly, he created a brand new universe, gathered all the luck of the immortal tower star field, suppresses the ancestor of the martial arts, Ba Liming, and was able to release his spirit to kill us. Fight! "The demon ancestor of the demon heart was deeply enchanted and summoned the power of the demon.

He centered on him, and a kingdom appeared, and in that kingdom, all were demons, demons derived from heaven. Free Devils.

"Free heaven!"

He was born out of his own realm just like Prince Dream.

Prince Damen is "Da Luo Tianjie", Jiang Li is "Hongchen Tianjie" and his "Freedom Heavenly Kingdom", Supreme Master Tao can also be called "Healing Heavenly Heaven", which means anything, and can evolve as he wants. Want something.

Big Dreams The Heart Sutra has been cultivated to the extreme, and they are all evolving heavens. They all share the same path ~ www.readwn.com ~ Heaven is always a dream in people's hearts. Even the soul emperor is in the process of governing the fairy world and wants to ascend to heaven.

"Tian Di Di Sha, everything in the universe!" Tian Di Di Sha the Great also exudes his own breath, turning into the universe, and mingling with the free spirit world of the ancestor of the devil.

With the help of Tiandi Disha in Tianjie, the support immediately was tantamount to the ship's keel and the palace's beams and pillars.

It is 108 pillars.

He can move the universe completely into the physical world.

Whether it is Daluo Heaven Realm, Hongchen Heaven Realm, or Free Sky Realm, they are all illusory, they are ideal kingdoms, and it is harder and harder to turn them into reality.

However, with the ancient well, Jiang Li has transformed everything to a profound extent, so it has surpassed the Daluo Tianjie.

现在 But now, with the help of Tian Di Di Sha in Tianjie, it is even more transcendent.

"Master of the Immortal Tower, fight with you today!" The free heaven struck the gods and the new universe.

........................................ .........

{On the WeChat public account, Dragon Snake 2, Chapter 47 has been updated to break through the porch. Everyone quickly go to see, repost a lot, now the fans are slow, roar! Be sure to break through 150,000 followers, so that the Emperor Xinghe will be ten more! }

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