Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 840: Ten Emperor Contract

Chapter 840: Righteous Heaven

Everyone has their own ideal heaven. Heaven is a dream, and it is a real existence. The absolute strong can even change the dream of heaven to reality, such as Da Luo, the prince of the big dream, such as the freedom of the demon master. Celestial Realms, such as Jiangli's Red Dust Celestial Realm.

Now, the Four Realms Alliance, when combined, will be transformed into just heaven.

Justice is an order of absolute fairness. What is fairness? Many people don't know the definition of fairness, but the ancestor of the demon knows that fairness is convincing everyone, not everyone gets the same thing.

For example, the power of the true **** is not as good as that of the ancestor, and he does not feel unfair, but convinces himself, because the other party's realm is higher than him, and his strength is taken for granted, and he will not blame the sky.

Convinced that oral administration is fair.

With peace of mind and resentment, the world will last forever, and there will never be fluctuations.

Fairness and unfairness are the most fundamental foundation of a world.

Even in the devil world, there is fairness. There is no killing, and fairness has no good or evil.

"Once your righteous heavens are successful, are n’t our martial arts, magic, and dragon realms going to suffer the annihilation?" The master of the martial arts Peerless Emperor Wudi said: "So we must try our best to stop you, how can we help you to be together ? "

"Yes, we can deal with it in the human world. Your righteous celestial realm is the nemesis of our demonic realm. I can't help you, and I want to destroy your alliance." The Lord of the Dragon Realm Wanlong also slowly said, he repaired It has reached a state where it is necessary to break through at any moment, and there seems to be no fear.

"Don't worry, what benefits do you want?" The demon ancestor seemed to see through the minds of everyone: "What benefits do you need to say directly, and don't hide? I know your objection is to increase the stakes. Now straight Say, so as not to waste time, you see, every time the human world has a real copy, it actually represents Xiu Wei's continuous progress. If we are entangled here, it is very likely that we will stop at that time. Can't live with him, besides, look at the fairyland! "

With the eyes of the demon ancestor, everyone looked at the fairyland.

The immortal world is full of purple air, there are unpredictable whirlpools everywhere, and it absorbs the power of the depths of the void, and it seems to be communicating a mysterious and invincible existence.

Not only that, the immortal world is creeping and full of vitality, instead of being as dead-hearted as before. When Prince Dameng did not enter the heavenly court, the entire immortal world was like an old man who had been sick for a long time. But now, it has completely recovered. Order is in order. There is a flame boiling in the purple gas. That is the flavor of the heyday.

"My nephew dreams of Prince Edward and is very strong. Besides, he is also good at calculating. He is not under me. After mastering heaven, he even surpassed me and reached an alliance with the immortal tower and the brain of the universe. Small and large sacrifice, God's will gradually blessed him. "The demon ancestor said:" If you let him continue this way, the resurgence of the immortal world will be unstoppable. "

"What's the relationship between ZTE of the immortal world and us?" Longjie said: "Don't he dare to attack us?"

"That's right, Prince Dream had no idea how many times he would be violent than his father's soul emperor." The ancestor of the demon sneered with a cold smile. You guys have also tried that taste, how do you feel? Now, due to the number of robbers, once Prince Dameng became the existence beyond the Great Emperor and returned the forged jade dish, he was the biggest contributor. At that time, the number of qi was different. He will immediately launch a crazy attack on Wanjie. You cannot resist it. "

Everyone thought about it. In that year, the Emperor of the Soul led the other four emperors, coupled with some great magical people in the immortal world, and fought against the world. Already.

At that time, the Lord of the Wu world was called "Tianwu Emperor", but later, the battle failed and his daughter was robbed. The Emperor Tianwu felt that the name was not good. With the word Tian, ​​he must damage his luck. So he changed the Emperor Tianwu to Emperor Wudi.

Sure enough after the name was changed, the number of robberies was much less.

"I need the human emperor in the human world. It is a magic weapon, which contains many ancient artifacts, plus the treasure of the emperor, and the infinite truth. It is very useful for my cultivation." The Lord of the Demon Realm first requested. .

"I want Jiang Ligen to devour his infinite avenue and surpass his destiny. I want to see what he is thinking in his mind." This is the most important thing of the Peerless Emperor Wudi.

"I need the souls of all the earth's humans in the human realm, sacrificing to heaven, and then casting the treasure of the dragon realm, so that the power of our treasure of the dragon realm is as good as that of the jade dish." The main path of the dragon realm.

"You guys, you think too much." The Lord of Confucianism was a little annoyed; "All good things have been stolen by you, so what can we get?"

"What you get is the entire human realm, the realm of human realm, integrated into you, isn't that enough?" Peerless Emperor Wu said: "What a vast force in human realm itself? Never absorbed from the depths of the magic lamp star domain There is a lot of mud of chaos, and now it begins to transform. Your four realms must be alliances, and there is no integration of human realms. I am afraid that it will not be successful at all. Is it so easy for righteous heavens to consolidate and succeed? "

"I agree with this point. What I see is also the human world itself. Now that the human world itself has merged with my first ancestor, the magic vine, I must take it back." The ancestor of the heart demon looks at it for a long time. Assigned, as for the key to the treasure of Yuanshi Tianwang, they will hold it together until the treasure of Yuanshi Tianwang is opened. "

"no disagreement."

"I have no objection."

"So that's fair distribution."

"That's good. Let's reach an alliance now, but this alliance is not stable. I can't rest assured that you are the master of the devil. You are scheming and no one wants to enter into an alliance with you. Now we have to sort out an oath and then we will work together. Promise chaos, so that I will be at ease, and you do n’t want to make troubles, your magic ways are clear to me. All the demons are under my control. ”The Lord of the Demon Realm will not Believe in anything the ancestor of the demon said: "Also, the ancestor of the demon lord, for me to cooperate with you, one thing must be done, that is, you must relocate all the demon lords of the demon world. Now you have many disciples , All opened branches and leaves in the depths of the demon world, established the heart demon sect, disturbed the order of my demon world, and could not tolerate it. I was annihilated many times, but it was still the fire of the stars, and immediately encountered a major event.

"No problem, I don't need to survive in the demon world, the heart demon is indestructible." The heart demon ancestor said: "You can't destroy the heart demon sect, because the heart demon is the human heart, deep in the human heart, unless it destroys all Devil can destroy the demon in this world. In this world, the only one that can destroy the devil is chaos, but if chaos is created again, the demon will be born, from a certain theory. Saying that the demon is eternal, it will be silent and will not be destroyed. "

"I don't want to listen to you shit, in a word you move or not." The Lord of the Demon Realm did not want to talk nonsense with the ancestor of the Devil. "

"When I get the fairy devil gourd, it will shape a comfortable heaven. At that time, even if you don't want me to move, I want to move away." Xin Mo ancestor said.

"Okay, our Chaos Oath will also join this one." The demon of the demon world: "Now, each of you can write your own ideas to form a contract. Let's watch this contract together. If there is no objection, we will sign this. Contract, how about blessing with Chaos oath? "

"Of course." The demon ancestor did not speculate in the slightest. He knew that these were the existence of the famous name, and what had not been seen for billions of years? If playing tricks in front of them. That matter will certainly not be achieved. At this point, the realm of the realm of the world is not controlled by the conspiracy. Only Yangmou and upright can change his destiny and follow the trend.

A total of 10 emperors from the seven realms are here, each writing a contract.

Once the contract is successfully condensed, it is circulated into the air, exchanged, and viewed with each other, forming a string of text details. These texts are innate texts of chaos, not in any realm, and innate texts of chaos are also an idea.

Then, they pieced together the contract and bargained. This time, they strengthened the details and each fought for their own interests. Some people made concessions, while others bite their own interests and did not let go.

In this way, the contracts were exchanged and changed with each other. It took dozens of days before the final decision was made, and a large contract that divided the world was created.

"Everyone, once this contract is successful, we will have a hard time withdrawing. If there are still ~ www.readwn.com ~ who do not want to sign a contract, we can withdraw." The demon ancestor said.

"We have reached an agreement. Everyone has reached such a point. Withdraw at this time. When we are all playing with children?" The Lord of the Devil Realm couldn't understand the ancestor of the Devil. In the same year, the two men fought. Knowing how many life-and-death fights have taken place, although the ancestor of the Devil Heart has lost, he has long been deeply hated.

"As you all have no objections, let's swear together and abide by the contract. After the contract, we will be completely offensive and defensive. We cannot calculate with each other, fight with each other, and we cannot have indiscriminate thoughts. If anyone wants to get something other than a contract Something, the vow of chaos will be fulfilled, and everyone must think carefully. "Tian Di Di Sha Emperor made a buzzing sound.

Suddenly, all 10 emperors issued vows.

Chaos vow.

Human world, the calamity is coming.

Seven Realms, 10 Emperors, gathered together. This is already the strongest force among the heavens

{WeChat public account has been updated with Dragon Snake 2. Chapter 51 King Kong Pill, everyone goes to see it quickly. }

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