Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 848: Eternal Skyscraper

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848 Chapter 848

"Fortunately, it is so easy to turn this pseudo-wise river into a real river." Jiang Chuanzhong comforted himself: "It is not a real river, but it is actually just a huge storage of energy and air transport reserves. It ’s just a pool. Despite its horror, it hasn't reached an irresistible level. I still have a chance to capture all the indelible scrolls. "

The long river of pseudo-intelligence is integrated into the depths of the immortal scriptures, and immediately the immortal scriptures shine brightly.

"Mother, in order to strengthen myself, I have to use the power of the wisdom river killer." The woman prayed silently: "I want to throw bricks and attract jade, with the power of this wisdom river, I will use the power of the wisdom of the river to destroy the rest The calculation is complete, and at the same time, the force of attraction is exerted, so that all other immortal verses can fly over. Even if I don't fly over, I have to penetrate the knowledge in it. "

She launched a great sacrifice.

Sure enough, her purpose, like Jiang Li, was to summon other verses by virtue of the scriptures in her hand, but she had one more volume than Jiang Li, occupying a huge advantage, and the power of this pseudo-wise river was also greater than that of Jiang. There is much to be left from the sacrificial offering.

Although the long river of false wisdom is not true, it contains all the luck of the universe's brain and stars since the beginning of the world, plus the wisdom of all beings collected.

Minjiang River can see the infinite river deep in the void, and the master of the brain of the universe can also see it naturally.

"This woman wants to summon the rest of the scriptures, which is easier said than done, but with the power of the false wisdom of the long river, she can see through the content and information of the remaining immortal scriptures. Maybe I can take a piece of it ..." Jiang Li thought It's really good to stay on your own.

Information sharing can still be done.


Between the heavens and the earth, a stream of air suddenly rushed up, counting the woman standing fiercely, the wind sword and snow sword appeared on her body, thousands of armies and thousands of horses, and the supreme true meaning of the fight of the world.

The long river of false wisdom is roaring, causing the entire universe of brain brain to be madly fluctuating. The powerful force causes the star domain to disintegrate at any time. Many big people in the star domain do not know what is happening, but because of their training, They stick to their posts one by one, there is absolutely no confusion, but they are more cohesive.

"Okay, there is a set of universes in the brain of the universe. At this moment, all the masters are all working together! It seems that the human heart is more condensed than my human world, especially the power of this river of wisdom. How many emperors is equal to it? The existence of the emperor is stronger, or the power of the brain master of the universe and the master of the immortal tower combined is even stronger, but it is difficult to motivate it. "Jiang said secretly.

He is watching the power of this hypocritical river.


Far more than a hundred peak emperors.

This kind of energy reserve can completely create a brand-new universe. If the river of false wisdom does not turn into a river of void, but into the universe, then it can immediately be compared with Confucianism, Wen, and these universes.

Although it is not as high-level as the immortal, the demon, the dragon, and the martial arts, it is comparable to the upper and middle universe. From this we can see how much energy this hypocritical river has.

Because of this, Wang Chao has been unable to capture the system of the universe's brain star domain.

"Every scripture is revealed!"

Under the illumination of the river of wisdom, the central center of the universe's brain star field actually appeared 79 mirrors, which are mirrors of wisdom.

Under the shining of the realm of wisdom, many verses and pictures are constantly flowing. In the depths of those pictures, the final frame appears, and the content of the unbreakable verses appears.

Is not the scripture itself, but the information contained in it.

Suddenly, Jiang Li felt that the body was fluctuating, and the 29 immortal verses in his body were also fluctuating. It seemed to be flying out because he was too close to this woman. Not only was the content peeped clean, but even The body cannot be protected.

血 His bloodline moved slightly, the whole person was between existence and non-existence, protected the scripture, and only leaked the content.

Now why his cultivation is so tyrannical, the 101 rules of Infinite Avenue are all understood. Although he cannot condense, that is because he is afraid that the attack of fate will destroy him, but his own wisdom is infinitely close to heaven and earth. Same life.

Definitely the first emperor.

泄露 The contents of her 29 volumes of verses were leaked out and also appeared deep in the mirror.

However, he also used this to turn his thinking into an infinite force and to peek at the remaining verses.

First of all, the contents of the 30 volumes of the woman who counted this woman gathered in his mind, and he was fully aware of it. In addition, other verses appearing in the mirror were also copied one by one.

Bang bang bang ...

Xun created a big explosion in the depths of Jiang Li's soul. Every time he gets an extra volume of scripture, the explosion is a strong point, which is a major change in thinking.

的 Great changes never before seen in eternity.

The knowledge in the Sutra Scriptures refreshed Jiang Li's ears. He felt that his ideas had collapsed under the impact of the Scriptures and replaced by a more solid and true thinking.

Step-by-step practice is extremely clear.

Exactly how He cultivates to the same life in the heavens and the earth, and transcends the realm of the emperor are all recorded.

In the depths of his soul, the steps evolved one by one, that is a step full of flames of wisdom. In his Law of Infinite Avenue, there are laws of wisdom and laws of wisdom, which, when combined, are the laws of wisdom.

His understanding of wisdom is very profound.

Dozens of steps turned into ladders and went directly into the depths of nothingness.

108 volumes of scriptures are 108 steps, condensing into an indelible ladder, directly making their souls reach the depths of time.

This is the ultimate mystery.

In a long time, even the emperor is hard to see, and it is impossible to contact.

Because, in essence, this long river is not illusory, but close to the true truth. The illusive emperor naturally cannot touch the true time.

However, if you practice the indestructible scriptures step by step, you can turn your soul into an immortal ladder, cast 108 steps, swim for a long time, and finally sync with the years, dance with time, reach the realm of life in heaven and earth, and surpass the emperor.

Now that Jiang Li has obtained the information of these Scriptures, he already knows exactly how to practice in order to be in contact with the river for a long time.

Of course, even if the immortal ladder is forged, the soul understands the heaven and earth for longevity, but it is only the soul. It cannot be considered to truly surpass the existence of the emperor. It is necessary to draw strength from the long river by virtue of the body of the immortal scripture Only by tempering the body can we transform from the mind and the body to the realm of heaven and earth.

However, being able to forge the immortal ladder in the depths of the soul is good for cultivation.

Suddenly, the content of 108 volumes of scriptures appeared in the mirror, and the horses and flowers seemed to change. Between the trembling body of the number, the soul boiled, and the inexorable ladder appeared vaguely in the depths.

"Hahahaha ..." She shouted: "The ladder is not extinguished, it turns out that it is as simple as that."

Her thinking, began to swim for a long time.

Many changes have also taken place in the body, a more powerful breath has risen, and the power of the mighty river of false wisdom has swarmed in and began to gather inside her body.

In an instant, she became stronger.

However, it is still impossible to surpass the emperor.

Minjiang watched the change from the cold eye, and remained motionless. Although the "number" woman in front of her had cast the immortal ladder deep in her soul, she was not her opponent at all, except that she was the river of wisdom.

"Sure enough, I am determined to urge the strength of the wisdom river to strengthen myself. Now I will use this river to start calling! Although it is very expensive, if I have the indelible scriptures, I will be promoted. In order to surpass the existence of the emperor and summon time, everything was added back then. "

Many spaces open.

Her order was issued: "Every emperor in the brain of the universe listens, you quickly dedicate your tribute, capture all the prisoners in the depths of the prison, and all the prisoners in the previous war Catch up, hold a high sacrifice, and I will perform the summoning chaos! "

Immediately, all the powerful beings in the entire universe's brain star field began to act.

He appeared an altar. Among the altars, many demon gods, a deity, and many powerful beings were imprisoned and pulled out, and the sacrifice was about to begin.


The world is constantly changing.

The High Festival begins.

Minjiang Li can see that this time the "number" is really moving and really want to show all the savings, those imprisoned deities are no less than the deities in the tomb of the immortal tower.

I was the master of the universe's brain star domain for so many years.

I am fattening, and when critical, I can sacrifice and kill.

What she's going to do is the Chaos Summoning High Festival.

The sacrifice of ancient chaos ~ www.readwn.com ~ makes chaos generate a summoning power, summoning all things to their side.

Once successful, even if it surpasses the existence of the Great Emperor to suppress the indestructible scriptures, it will be of no use. The Chaos Sacrifice is very difficult to motivate. It will take a long time to prepare. With a single launch, you can be surprisingly successful.

However, Jiang Li saw the chaotic high sacrifice in preparation, and suddenly saw that behind the count, there were several shadows, if any, that had the power of extinction and were the messengers of extinction.

Chaos produces messengers, which can condense anytime, anywhere, and as long as it is condensed, it is the existence of the emperor level.

The Great Emperor in this realm is a real strong man. No matter what great emperor, he can dominate the void and suppress a universe.

宇宙 The universe without the suppression of the emperor is like a dreamy empty flower.

"Every messenger has appeared. I think this number is in danger with the brain of the universe. It is not a messy messenger ..." Jiang Li secretly warned that it was the number that would seduce the chaos, which led to the messenger Cohesion.

Chaos is not extinct, it is still very peaceful, but as soon as extinction, if you communicate with it, there will be an extinction messenger.


{On the WeChat public account, the latest chapter of Dragon Snake 2 has its own style updated. }

(To be continued)

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