Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 862: Clean portal

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862 Chapter 862

"You, what do you want to do? Do you really think that all your power can compete with the immortal tower star domain?"

Xun Shu was panicked, he was trembling all over, and could hardly help himself.

The waves of power of the Immortal Tower system gathered in his body, making him completely protected.

Jiang Li has seen for a long time that although the immortal tower star system is overbearing, it has been suppressed. All of them are used to refine the martial arts ancestor Ba Liming. Now it is only the end of a strong crossbow. It could scare him before, but now Nothing at all.

His cultivation is no longer the former Amon.

He once entered the tomb and was afraid of the power of the system when he obtained the fairy devil gourd, but after a series of promotions, he was rehabilitated by how many times than that day, how can he be afraid of the power of the immortal tower system? ?

Moreover, he now combines the Promise Cerebellum and the brain to become the Promise Lord, that is to completely surpass the power of the Emperor, plus two long rivers, even the fragments of the Heavenly Father are beyond his control.

So, as soon as he caught it, the power of the system broke up.

Then, he moved again, and he had reached an unpredictable realm of ghosts and gods, and his big hand landed on the head of "Science", and when it fell down, the strength of Wei'an was capturing his origin, and it seemed to **** him into a human skin. .

But at this time, the immortal celestial realm below the tomb suddenly shot out a ray of godsman, blasted it **** Jiang Li's body, and then exploded.

Minjiang Li backed up again and again without any pressure on the technique.

However, Jiang Li is a long howl. He runs his own heavenly path and absorbs the gods. After the gods absorb the gods, they are suppressed in the depths of the ancient well. He can even absorb the attack of the Heavenly Father, let alone the attack of the immortal tower master. ?

In the last time he entered the tomb, the new universe's immortal celestial attack can only make him defeat one moment, but now he has no feeling at all.

His big hand continued to catch on the body of Shu.

Humming ...

Ji Shu's body began to rupture, a lot of vitality poured out and sprayed out, all of which had to be sucked into Jiang Li's body, making him almost irresistible.


At this time, the voice of anger passed from the depths of the immortal heaven, and a shadow appeared. This shadow was actually a tower. In a blink of an eye, it turned into a person, a middle-aged person, dressed in gray clothes, classical, above. There is chaos in the package.

It seems that he cut out clothes in chaos.

衣服 This dress was not born the day after tomorrow, but appeared innately, was cut to perfection, and the innate **** clothes.

The master of the Immortal Tower appeared.

"Master of the earth, junior! You are really deceiving too much, five times and three times, broke into my immortal tower star domain, and even killed people in my immortal tower star domain, today I do not suppress you, and How can I show my power? Your Lord of Tai Chi really thought he could compete with me? "When the immortal tower master appeared, his sleeves fluttered, and he was suddenly indifferent, in all directions, like ghosts and gods. In one step, you can seize the good fortune, reverse the Qi, plunder the luck, and kill the adventure.

"Legendary Hand! 冇"

伸出 His hand stretched out is a legend of history, a legend of heaven and earth, a legend of the universe, a legend of all realms.

旋转 The palm of his hand turned, and with one blow, he completely defeated Jiang Li's attack and protected his son.

"The real heaven and earth are so fierce, but they are so fierce? But I have obtained 20 volumes of indestructible scriptures. The purpose of this trip is completely achieved, and I don't have to entangle with him!" Leaving here, before leaving, he took a deep look at the tomb, and quietly threw a seed into the depths of the tomb.

There was a unimaginable change in the tomb.

He returned to the human world.

He also followed him to the depths of the human world.

"Why did you bring me to the human world." Suddenly a few frightened, he repeatedly questioned: "Moreover, I have helped you a lot this time, just want to devour the operation, but did not succeed, you owe me a favor."

"Sorry, we are opposing sides, but we are actually using each other. You are much clearer than me about this. Do you want to plot my infinitesimal cerebellum all the time?" Jiang Lidao said, "Of course. , I also want to get your Promise brain. "

"What do you want?" Numbered.

"You can rest assured that no matter what your ideas are, you have already obtained the doctrine of Infinite Avenue. Your existence, even if it is against me, will also increase your luck. The stronger you cultivate, the more I get. Many, in the infinite river, there is your true meaning. "Jiang Li is telling the truth.

Everyone who cultivates the Infinite Avenue has left his true will in the depths of the Infinite River, so that the Infinite River truly stands at the top of the world. If the number becomes the existence beyond the Great Emperor, the infinite river of the river will be abrupt. It is a merit to expand between several times or even dozens of times.

I was tantamount to being a master and teaching an apprentice appalling.

For example, in the world, the master of a saint will definitely be recited by all ages.

As long as the person who cultivates Infinite Avenue, the higher the achievement, the stronger the infinite river, because that person will converge his will into the river without knowing it, even if he and Jiang Li are the enemy.

Because, when he practiced Infinite Avenue, he followed Jiang Li's thinking.

Therefore, Jiang Li is not afraid of the person who cultivates Infinite Avenue to improve his strength, because he has gained the most.

"Stop, don't tangle here, there is no engulfing, and there is also the Nine Yang messenger. The messenger is the common enemy of all realms. I will naturally catch this person and let you devour and kill him. I I can also get the true light. Now I ’ll take you to the human world, with the help of your infinite brain, and then use my infinite brain to set up an altar to integrate into the human emperor in the human world. Thoroughly, to monitor the human world, I even suspect that these messengers have lurked into the human world, and even the masters of the human world have been drawn in. I must clean up the portal. At this stage, our power cannot be seen, only with the help of Promise Brains together. "

Minjiang Li deeply knows that the human world is very unstable now. What is terrible is not external forces but internal disintegration.

At this time, in the depths of the core of the human world, dream paper kite and others also gathered together.

All the high-level people in the human world have arrived.

At this time, I saw Jiang Li returning with joy.

"Jiang Li, we have monitored Zhou Tian and found that there are no flaws. We have cleared some traces of the messengers of the world. It seems that we have not found the invasion of the tyrannical messengers. Are we not doing enough work?"

"It's not enough. The messengers came from the will of chaos. Human world is their paradise." Jiang Lidao said: "The situation in human world is complex and it is very suitable for parasitism. Our human world is not the only theological religion or unity. It ’s a country full of flowers, and a hundred schools of thought contend. In this way, the flower of thought is caused to explode, but it also brings various problems. When the world is destroyed, let the demons have the opportunity to ride.

"This is because our human world is the most orderly place. Everyone has power. Some things are not easy to search. Before there is absolute evidence, we can only monitor in secret and wait for the messenger of the world to automatically show traces." Road.

"Well, I don't need to monitor it now. I will definitely make all the messengers of the world appear as prototypes. Anyone who colludes with the messengers of the world will be judged." Jiang Lidao said: "Judge according to the laws of the human world, The messengers of the world are crimes against humanity. Anyone who colludes with them is also a public enemy of humanity and must die. "

"Let's start the calculation then." Dream paper kite, Hong Hei prison, and Jiang Miaoshu, Jiang Tianyi's reincarnation of the five emperors' magic weapons are all watching the count, making the count even more frightening.

However, after counting for a while, it finally stabilized: "Is Jiuyang really lurking in the human world?"

"It's very possible." Jiang Lidao said: "Jiuyang was killed by me and lost his helmet and armor, and fled in a hurry, but he will never be reconciled. He also knows that I have great luck and I want to devour me. The most important thing is The son of Chaos needs to kill the strongest, and the person who threatens the most chaos is Yuanshi Tianwang. The treasure of Yuanshi Tianwang is here for me. "

"Let's start searching and start cleaning up the portal. I think the human world needs to clean up every once in a while ~ www.readwn.com ~" is also equivalent to saying that it is new, "said Meng Zhiyi," only flowing water will not rot. "

"Count, come on!" Jiang Li pointed a finger, and Wuji's cerebellum flew out again. "Even if Jiuyang is not lurking in the human world, it will lurk in the future. I will check it now and set it up on the Tianluo network. When you enter it, you will fall into the palm of my hand, and you will no longer be able to stand up. By then, you will be promoted to surpass the existence of the emperor. ”

"That being the case, I'll fight together. I'm not trusting you, but trusting the benefits. I have begun to realize the infinite road. The deeper I cultivate, the more you get. Driven by this benefit, you will help. I'm promoted, not to hurt me and suppress me, but aren't you afraid that after I become the transcendence of the emperor, I will come to deal with you. You know, it ’s one thing to cultivate your avenue, but the person to deal with you is another. One thing. "The number is still tentative.

不会 "No, after you deepen your cultivation, you will come to understand the Tao of Heaven, knowing that the brain of the universe will continue to have no results in this way." Jiang Lidao: "Only the human world and infinite road are the true destination."

"That's not necessarily." The number still spurred her Infinite Brain. This time, she urged her with all her strength. Because of the combination with the Infinite Cerebellum, she could also get great benefits.

Therefore, the Promise Lord this time is at least twice as powerful as the previous one.

The Lord of Promise Promise surpassed the Emperor on earth.

I cover the whole world. (To be continued)

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