Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 866: Terrible penetration

"Yes, we can make a vow of chaos now.

"We swear that we will cooperate with each other and promote each other. We will definitely not conceal each other. If we calculate, it will inevitably be broken up. It will no longer exist, and we must not be born alive."

At this time, Jue and Jiang Li reached an agreement and began to swear.

After the two men made their vows, they read them together and finally said, "Witness in the name of chaos, if you violate it, you will be punished by chaos."

After giving the big oath, the two laughed at the same time, each with a misgiving.

But at least at this stage, a united front has been reached.

However, in fact, Jiang Li has long hidden the Chaos Oath, and has not really penetrated into the Chaos. Even if he now kills absolutely, there will be no danger of violating the oath.

In addition, this strange freak, in the depths of Jiang Liming's feelings, he did not fly out the chaos vow, but also hidden it by special means, which means that this person is also a wolf ambition And cannot be trusted.

Of course, nothing is said about each other.

"Now we have the same interests." Jue: "Lord of the earth, I will help you clean up the rest of the messengers in the human world, you are too much effort now, such a continent search, it is like a needle in a haystack , And there must be a fish that leaks the net, I am different. I will use the annihilator to sense, and I can find other annihilators in an instant. "

"Okay, everyone, back down and change the continent again. I cooperated with the messenger of enquiries, and looked around, and secretly cleaned up the messengers of destruction, not to destroy the stable structure of the human world." Jiang Li told everyone Wave.

"Very good, to keep the overall situation stable so that people won't be disturbed." Meng Zhifang took a deep look. She had no reassurance about this person at first, but she felt relieved to see Jiang Li sign a contract with him, because she knew that all people like He Jiang Enemies who do not cooperate will be bad.

Seeing all this, she was secretly shocked, because things were completely out of her control, but she could only watch the changes.

At least, the development is in a good direction, and each time a messenger killed can delay the destruction of the physical world.

At present, the entire continent of China is also being rebuilt, and a mass of energy is constantly moving.

This vitality is like a dragon like a tide, and it will soon be transformed into the mainland of China again. Just like before, people live in it again. This is equivalent to a data restoration system. All materials can be condensed with energy.

The Lord of the Earth has such a mighty power that he can almost be called the Creator.

All the masters are dispersed, and the world is calm again, and Jiang Li and "Shu" are united to become "The Lord of the Promise". If there is no, follow the "Absolute".

They went deep into space and time.

It is another floating continent.

"This is the continent of holy kings, of which the holy king's way is learned. The holy ones are boundless, and the kings are invincible." They are introduced one by one, "I have locked them, some of them are messengers."

"I'm the master of the earth. I don't need you to introduce it. You seem to be more familiar with the world than me?" Jiang Li laughed a little.

"You may not be more familiar with the human world than I am. I have been dormant in the human world for many years. I have studied the rules of the human world, laws, changes in the continent, repetitive hearts, and changes in the world. It ’s just the origin of the world and the rules. Of course, it ’s not as good as I am for internal construction and understanding. What ’s so strange about this is that an emperor certainly does n’t have a minister who knows the country better. Only suitable as the founder, not the true master. "

"That's not necessarily." Jiang Li knew that he would definitely break up some of his ties with the human world in the dark, but he didn't care at all. The world's 129,000 continents are closely related to his blood. There is no one like that.

The continent of the Holy King is not a simple continent, but a place to train senior elites and leaders.

If the human government wants to create a batch of elites and improve the quality of the whole people, it is natural to concentrate part of the training first.

The continent of holy kings is selected by human beings who are bold and loyal, talented young people, through layers of spiritual cultivation, master the truth, the secret of freedom of the soul, and finally everyone has the inner and outer kings, leading the world, but able to be independent .

The change of government officials, although it is an election, is certainly not selected from the civilian population, but must first enter the continent to study and study.

Of course, the King Continent recruits students every year. Selecting outstanding students is similar to the Star University model of the year, but the concept of operation is much more advanced than that of Star University.

This is the middle floor of the human world, where geniuses live.

Coming to the continent of the King, Jiang Li was silent.

It is definitely not hesitant to move through the continent of the King and enter the college.

Jiang Li had already locked his breath, and if there was something wrong with him, he immediately killed him.

Suddenly, the three men landed and appeared deep in a dormitory.

This is said to be a student dormitory, but it is actually one of the Dongtian mansions. It has a private space. Exotic flowers and grass grow in the space, which releases the highest vitality and is suitable for people to practice.

Generally, only those high-level students will have the opportunity to enjoy private space.

When Jiang Li entered this private dormitory, he didn't know what happened. He remembered his days in Xingkong University, with the help of the great relic, and the same adventures and experiences may be copied to everyone.

Sure enough, in the depth of this private space student dormitory, a boy is practicing. This boy is surrounded by energy and turned into nine spheres, each of which contains the power to destroy the world.

However, this boy ’s cultivation is nothing more than forgetfulness, not even the saint.

"Ye Yunjue, you can almost break through into the realm of the saints. The Nine Awakenings I taught to you is to gain strength directly from the ancient times of chaos. Now you have started to condense the Nine Awesome Balls. Once it succeeds, let alone the power of the avenue, you can defeat even ordinary gods. "

On the top of the boy's head, a shadow actually appeared. If this shadow is absent, it seems to be teaching the student "Ye Yunju".

"The messenger of the world ..." When Jiang Li looked at the shadow, he knew that this man was actually the messenger of the world, not the so-called hidden master.

He taught Ye Yun's injury to the nine eras of pride, in fact, using the opponent as a stand-in to exert his power.

However, he can see that this shadow is very powerful, hardly under the emperor, and it is not easy to act lightly, and the Ye Yun injury in front of him seems to have great luck. I do n’t know whose reincarnation, or it should be robbed. man of. Jiang Li faintly saw the depths of his soul, noble character, and did not inspire.

"Master, what is your history? You can actually bypass the supervision of the human emperor in our world." Ye Yun asked during his injury training.

"I am a stranger in heaven, because you have great fortunes that inspired my existence. You are the blood of the Yuanshi Heavenly King, but you have the curse of Heavenly Father on your body. The original accomplishment does not stop there. Method, in accordance with his will, eliminate his own dead party and created a dictatorship. I think you have to overthrow the Lord of this world. In this way, you can completely return all the human beings to freedom in the human world. .

"Master, I'm afraid this is not appropriate. I think the human world seems pretty good now." Ye Yun hurt.

"That's just an illusion." Hei Ying said: "Moreover, you are actually the Lord of the earth. Do you know that you have the blood of the Yuan Dynasty Heavenly King? Orthodox Lord Jiangli is just a side branch. It ’s just the end, without you being pure. Jiang Li got the treasure of Yuan Shi Tian Wang's key, of which you corresponded to a magic weapon, that magic weapon is called Pan Gu Zhen Yuan. Whoever obtains this magic weapon can kill the son of Chaos, and save 10,000. World, save all sentient beings, save the invincible person of fate, and Pangu Zhenyuan belongs to you, you are the natural son of salvation. Now, the world ’s Lord Jiang Li wants to get this thing, his wolf ambition, most people do n’t even know. Also, he is vocal about freedom and equality. Why not help everyone open the curse? Your curse has not been resolved, otherwise you would not be like this at all. "

"Pangu Zhenyuan?" Ye Yun hurt: "Master, what should I do next?"

"Cultivate into a saint, step by step, mix into the high level, use your influence to get around people who are dissatisfied with the main river of the world, form a secret alliance, accumulate strength, and then overthrow his rule in one fell swoop." : "With my help, your cultivation is rising and going smoothly. In addition, I will point you out. In the world, those who have the blood of the Yuanshi Heavenly King will have great luck in the treasure. When opened, those treasures will automatically fly to them ~ www.readwn.com ~ these people, you have to draw in and get to know each other. "

"Okay." Ye Yun nodded his injury.

"This is beginning to infiltrate?" Jiang Zhongzhong sneered, and the messenger of the world made it clear that the chariots and horses came to attack, but he was not afraid. He was afraid of infiltrating the human world. He attracted some talented people to oppose themselves. If he didn't pay attention, In an instant, the human world will be in chaos. Even if the repression is continued, I am afraid that the vitality will be greatly injured, making the plan to create the Red Dust World fail.

The creation of the world of red dust is part of my spiritual practice. After failure, I am afraid that I will not be able to transcend myself in the future. This is a serious blow to confidence.

However, the messenger of the world knows a few things. The treasure of Yuanshi Tianwang is opened, and the magic weapon of Hengsha will fly out and fall into the hands of many atmospheric carriers. This is for sure.

Jiang Li does not want this to happen, because at that time, the world will not know how many people will be emperors and how many people will be kings. The ambitionists in the human world will get it, and the human world will collapse.

All his painstaking efforts were reduced to ashes.

Perhaps, he and Yuanshi Tianwang have different ideas.

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