Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 869: Furui

There are 108 volumes of Scripture. Each time you get the corresponding volume, you will increase the number of layers, and the stronger the ability to communicate with time. In addition, there is a crucial point, that is, In the scriptures, one's own life will increase, it will not age, it will not be eroded by the power of years, and it will not be degraded.

When the world is about to be destroyed, chaos is extinct. First, the atmosphere of decay fills the universe. Even God will become aging, the body of the emperor will wither, and the masters of the same life in the heavens and the earth will appear to be exhausted. Decreased.

Heaven and earth and longevity are closely related to long rivers.

Long time and heaven and earth are going to be destroyed. Of course, people cannot protect them. Only by surpassing the "life with heaven and earth" and being invincible will it be possible to protect their lives under the chaos.

Although Jiang Li has not reached the realm of "same life with heaven and earth", but heaven and earth decline, he will not age, because 96 volumes of indestructible scriptures are enough to keep his vitality till the advent of the final judgment.

Moreover, the 96 verses were gathered together to further spread the power of his summons. He went back to arrange the altar and could concentrate all the remaining verses. As long as he was in the realm, he could gather unless It is deep in the treasure of Yuanshi Tianwang, otherwise it would be impossible to escape his capture.

Of course, he doesn't have time to summon now, to capture the eternal ancient well first.

The location of the eternal ancient well is where the truth lord lives. Now the truth lord does not know where to go. Instead, many masters are encircling the messengers of the world.

"A lot of timeless ancient wells!"

Jiang Li looked at the past, and dozens of eternal ancient wells kept spraying out the chaotic ancient atmosphere, gathered and not scattered, turned into a mess of messengers, and rushed out to kill everywhere. Of course, many people came to kill and kill The messenger of the world, it ’s a great achievement.

This place has completely become a battlefield of extinction. The once-prosperous light world collapsed and disintegrated overnight, and ceased to exist. In its place, endless wars were felt. Jiang Li felt the killing river boiling.

If the War of All Realms comes, and the war between chaos and sentient beings begins, then the river of killing will boil to the extreme, and even in the end, it will surpass the river of fate.

Of course, that was the moment of destruction.

Because at that time, there is only one destiny for all sentient beings, which is killing and destroying.

Jiang Li, absolutely, several people reached the battlefield where Gujing was located, the breath had just been revealed, and the messengers of the world swarmed.

These annihilators came together and turned into a chaotic annihilation array, which will not be broken by each.

The messengers of the world, with extremely high wisdom, chaotic operation, control of the heavens, and destruction of the heart, all gathered together, holding the common goal, and forgotten life.

If there is one group of cohesiveness that can surpass the Zerg, then there is only one, the messenger of the world.


The big hand came, the big hand of chaos. Thousands of messengers gathered together to urge the fist of chaos to break all the shackles of the light world and break the enemy in the air.

Before coming to Jiang Li's body, the mighty power of that big hand shocked Jiang Li and others into speechlessness.


Jiang Lixiu was greatly promoted just now. His body spread apart and turned into a long river. It is an infinite river, combined with the void.

Then, he summoned the river of killing, the river of kings, and the power merged into the depths of the infinite river.

The infinite river is different from other rivers. He created it himself, but he transformed it. Although the power is weak now, the weak river is also the river, which has produced many changes in essence.

Hum ...

The world is constantly changing, cracks appear all around.

At the moment when the river was turned into a long river, the numbers seemed to melt into the long river, as well as the shock, explosion, power being drawn into the infinite river, and turned into a part of the long river.


In this blow, Jiang Li's power was the strongest ever.

The infinite river is a mighty river, sweeping invincible, impacting into the depths of the chaotic big hand, turning a little, the big hand is broken.

Then, Infinite River entered the enemy line.

Dozens of messengers of the world are now ashes.

However, the qualities of these messengers were not high, and they were far from being the emperors. They were born. They did not kill enough to absorb enough luck, so their promotion for promotion was not very strong.

But after all, they are messengers of the world. After beheading, they can still get the light of truth.

Jiang Li penetrated the light of reality into the depths of his blood, making his world a complete and rich one. The 12,969 world is constantly operating, and there is a deeper connection between each other.

Zizi ...

Jiang Li is getting stronger and stronger, urging the infinite river, sweeping the scene, as long as the messenger of the world is involved, it will melt immediately, and there is no possibility of escape.

He killed the blood and came to the eternal ancient well.

The ancient well is not big, just like the ancient well in the chaos hall of immortal world, it is still emerging from the ancient gas into the messenger of the world.

In the beginning, Jiang Li was unable to relocate the eternal ancient well from the immortal realm. That was because he was not strong enough. The eternal ancient well must be able to move. Otherwise, how could it have been born in the light realm. It must have been moved by the heavenly Father's mana.

And now Jiang Li has the ability to move the eternal ancient well.

Of course, there are also strong people who have a lingering feeling for the eternal ancient well. Although it is not chaos and antiquity that come out of the world, but the strong are more interested in the messenger, because killing the messenger can get real Light does not say, it can also increase the life of the material world.

However, the strong in this world is stronger than Jiang Li, and it is rare.

Beyond the existence of the emperor, there are the master of the brain of the universe, the master of the immortal tower, Ba Liming, Wang Chao, and the three-dimensional reincarnation of the universe. The other Heavenly Fathers have not yet reincarnated. , Don't be afraid to come.

Moreover, even if the master of the cosmic brain and the immortal tower came to kill, there was no way he could get him.

Because Jiang Li is now surpassing the existence of the emperor. His cultivation is rising steadily. Even if he does not combine with numbers, he also has the power to counter these superpowers, not to mention that he is the Promise of Promise?

The practice of the Promise of the Promise, although it is not completely complete, is not comparable to other tyrannical existence. Even if Jiang Nalan's bones and blood are absorbed, Jiang Li will retreat.

"You emperors, get out of me. Whoever prevents me from getting the eternal ancient well will die!"

He felt that he was about to make a name for himself.

The prestige of the world, the prestige of the infinite emperor, must spread.

Jiang Li's roar has spread beyond the light realm, let alone the entire light realm is shrouded in sound.

Ooo ...

All the great emperors in the light world retreated.

Countless thoughts are shaking with each other: "The Lord of the earth has come, so strong, he actually surpassed the existence of the emperor, you see his breath, dominate the eight wastelands ... destroy ancient times, destroy everything."

"It is indeed beyond the existence of the Great Emperor, so strong, that is the long river, the infinite river! The infinite king is really fierce, and he can forge the long river."

"Of course, he created the Infinite Avenue, which has already matched the Avenue of Destiny. In the future, he can even surpass the Avenue of Destiny, but at the moment he surpasses Destiny, the river of destiny will kill him."

"Although this person's human world has not been transformed into the real universe, it can already be transformed into the universe."

"Is the human world now the Holy Land of the Third Universe?"

"It can be regarded as right. Although the inside information is slightly insufficient, it is full of vigor. Among them, there are also several emperors, many great fortune-makers, and the blood of Yuanshi Tianwang has awoken."

"In terms of potential, the human world has the greatest potential. If all the blood vessels awaken, then Wanjie collapses instantly. They are actually very dangerous, but Jiang Li seems to be controlling the number and does not want Wanjie to collapse."

"I heard that the Confucian world, the literary world, the book world, and the painting world are united together, and what is the right heaven, but with the demon world, the martial world, and the dragon world, they are united to deal with the human world. I wonder if there will be a large-scale battle at that time? "

"We have a good show."

"So the eternal ancient well let the Lord of the World collect it like this?"

"This is also no way out. Now the eternal ancient well does not spray the ancient chaos, but the messenger of the world appears. Even after you get it, you can't suppress it. Instead, you will get a poisoned hand. And over time, it will spray out. It ’s a scourge! ”

"But killing the messenger can get the light of truth."

"Look at it, is he still able to collect the Eternal Well? It is still a problem. If the Eternal Well was collected so well, Taikoo might have come, can you wait till now?"

"Also, when Heavenly Father collected the eternal ancient well, he used the Supreme Magic to fix the ancient well in the depths of the void and directly connect the chaos. If the collection is not good, the illumination will produce a big explosion."

"The eternal ancient well is rooted in chaos. It is rumored that it is the tentacle of chaos. Forcibly collecting it is tantamount to cutting off the tentacle of chaos. It must encounter the backwash of chaos."

"Okay, let's wait and see what happens?"

Many great emperors retreated and did not dare to compete with Jiang Li ~ www.readwn.com ~ Even the great emperor of the light world itself escaped, after all, Jiang Li had a breath that surpassed the great emperor.

Whoever can surpass the emperor has absolute initiative.

Jiang Li's eyes looked deeply at the eternal ancient well.


The world is constantly changing, Jiang Li grabbed his hand, the breath deeply tore the void, and saw the depth of the eternal ancient well, with lines everywhere, deeply rooted in the deepest part of the void. Connected to chaos.

To pull out the eternal ancient well, it is necessary to cut these lines, then plant them in another place, and connect them one by one.

However, Jiang Li doesn't need it, as long as he devours the eternal ancient well and repairs his own ancient well.

But still be careful, otherwise the ancient well will explode.

The material of the eternal ancient well is very peculiar, and it is basically impossible to be manufactured, even if it is the Yuanshi Heavenly King, so this is a good material for restoring ancient wells.

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