Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 876: There is blue blood everywhere

Ga didn't rush. read

He was looking at the perspective of the human world.

The human world is actually not what he wants to pinch, but with the prestige of the other side, if you can't even move the human world, how can you command the world and become the first?

The human world today has actually become a huge power.

Among the worlds, the strength of the human world is already in the top five. Otherwise, the seven realms would not be able to alliance against him. If the human world counts Wang Chao and Ba Liming, it would be the first place.

Not even fairyland.

Wang Chaoba Liming itself is beyond the existence of the emperor, and no one knows what kind of realm they have reached. As for Jiang Li, the fighting power is now equivalent to surpassing the realm of the emperor, or the emperor cannot kill him. Perfect, as long as his realm is elevated, this ancient well can reach a certain degree, and from the depth of chaos, extract the endless ancient energy for his own use.

And now the ancient wells of all beings can completely resolve the attacks of the masters who surpass the "world and life" level of the emperor and absorb them in the body.

However, this is the highest level secret that outsiders may not know.

"Great Jah." Another bronze mask emperor holding a giant wheel said: "We must attack the human world for the immortal power of the other side, otherwise how can we come out and command the heavens? All the essence before the destruction was collected and turned into a part of the other side. All the souls of all sentient beings were gathered to create the true other side. "

"Yes, the human world was the first to be destroyed. Since the Lord of this world doesn't know what to do, let them know the power of my other side."

"I feel like starting immediately, breaking down the human realm, and those who capture the blood of Yuan Shitian Wang among them, say as much as they can."

"That being the case, let's do it."

"Still waiting for Master Gaga's order."

The twelve bronze masked emperors looked at Ga.

"Arrange a large array and summon the might of the other side."

After Ga had observed for a long time, the breath gradually spread out, and the whole world was shrouded in shroud, showing the incomparable power everywhere.

The sphere of human world seems to be blocked, and the people inside can't get out at all.


"the other side!"

"Nine Nine"


"Three talents!" .........

The twelve bronze masks of the Great Emperor sent out a long shout at the same time, and a huge air wave burst into their bodies, converging into a huge Tianzhu, and they did not know how deep into the void they had penetrated, and immediately started the summoning power.

Suddenly, in the depths of the sky, Jingmang appeared, and the Jingmen lasing was everywhere, with unpredictable power.

A mirror appeared and hung above the human world.

Sure enough, in the mirror, beyond the physical realm, and in the boundless depths of emptiness, a big ship appeared. This big ship is ninety-nine heavy, it is a floor ship, very classical, and each weight is extremely huge. It is a universe, and it is not known how many souls have lived.

The breath of the ship on this floor is even more towering than that of the immortal realm. For example, the highest shrine where the king of all gods lives. Once it comes, the power can sink all the realms.

Hum ...

Above the ship, the light emanates and shines down. Through the mirror, it immediately blesses outside the human realm and completely constrains the entire human realm.

"Jiang Li, the outside of the human realm is blocked. We cannot break through that huge force. We cannot concentrate on the power of the outside world. That is to say, our human realm is imprisoned." Paper kite and countless leaders of the human world immediately met and came to the depth of the space where the emperor of the world was located to discuss major events.

"The Great Emperor of the World, run energy."

Dream Paper Kite issued orders.

"Sweep, peep, detect ..." The analysis of the human emperor began to work. "The strength of the blockade outside is infinite, and the power of the human world cannot be broken at all. We are trapped in it. We cannot absorb outside energy for ourselves. The analytical ability of the human heart cannot be used to find a way to crack it. "


Dream paper kite knew that things were serious this time.

All leaders are looking at Jiang Li. At this time, Jiang Li is the backbone. Because his cultivation is the highest.

Howling wind dignifiedly said: "I am afraid this time is very troublesome. It is the largest number of robberies in our world. The other side is the strongest force. At this stage, with the power of our world, only the other side dares to take action on us. The Seven Realms are now impossible to make the strongest attack on the human realm. But if we can repel the enemy this time, then we really have accumulated the momentum and even captured the luck of the other side and blessed our bodies. "

"I am afraid that the other side of the Yuanshi Heavenly King is reluctant, but fortunately, the other side is a whole." Jiang Li watched the human world blocked, and now let the dream paper kite make an announcement. The human world encountered the biggest ever in history. The number of robberies, the state of preparation for the highest level of war, all personnel must not act rashly, stop all activities, everyone began to concentrate and pray to the human world.

This is the highest preparedness in the human world, and it is the first time to do so.

Jiang Li has absorbed the shortcomings of the human beings on the earth and can start the state of maximum preparation. Under this state, there is no need to vote, and everything must be carried out in the most efficient way.

Everyone prays and gathers their hearts, not praying to the omnipotent Heavenly Father like the light world, but praying to themselves and the world in which they live. This is self-enhancement, one mind, and true soul freedom.

When people are for themselves, they are the strongest and the purest.

Therefore, the cohesive ability of the human world is far above the light world.

What's more, when the light realm was destroyed, the messengers of the world ran rampant and made troubles everywhere, which had destroyed the belief of Heavenly Father and the human heart floated, but Jiangli's human world was different. The messenger was blessed instead.

Now it is truly invincible.

I saw the inner luck of the human heart condensed into the mighty and mighty, it must be the color of the blue blood, that is the spirit of the red blood red heart.

What is Blue Blood Danxin?

Sworn to protect, is the blood red heart.

The relentless battle is the blood of red blood.

Righteousness is astonishing.

Regarding death as if returning home, it's also a **** heart to donate to the country.

This is the noble spirit, the righteousness and the radon.

This atmosphere is integrated into the infinite river.

The heart is infinite and the righteousness is infinite. It surrounds the world and dies forever.

This righteousness is not obtained through brainwashing, but after everyone has obtained the freedom of the soul, his own heart feels that the realm of the world is the truth that is most suitable for all realms, the most advanced concept, and the infinite road is the best method of practice.


The endless human heart rises between the heavens and the earth and converges into the infinite river. Jiang Li only sees the infinite river expanding and the vastness and enthusiasm.

"Human heart, this is human heart. The potential of the human world turned out to be so huge. Human heart is indeed infinite."

The power of the infinite river is almost ten times ten times as high,

He also did not expect that the potential of the human world was so huge. After everyone's dedication, blessing in the infinite river made his strength almost doubled.

How many people are there in the human world?

There are 129,600 continents. The number of people in each continent is measured in trillions. The area of ​​each continent is equivalent to a huge galaxy.

Everyone is a strong person, and the average vitality of human beings is now tens or more, or even hundreds. In other words, the babies who have just been born have vitality above ten.

There are as many stars and sages on the avenue level as there are stars, and they are no longer human.

It's no small matter that so many people gather and the popularity gathers.

You must know that the same person, a hundred together, can be equivalent to one thousand or even thousands of scattered groups. Otherwise, how can the weak and strong army be everywhere in history?

In history, the army often defeated the strong, with thousands of armies, breaking tens of thousands, and hundreds of thousands of armies. They were concentrated, such as the sharp knife inserted into the heart of the enemy, no matter how small the needle point, can also stab an elephant.

Now the human world has become a large-scale, cohesive mind, suddenly broke out, almost equal to all the people in the immortal world united.

Jiang Li also knew the potential of human world for the first time.

He was satisfied, watching the infinite expansion of the endless river, rumbling through the void, he felt unprecedented satisfaction, as if the parents saw their son finally had a chance.

Haha ...

His body also turned into an infinite river, sweeping up.

In the Changxiao, he equaled the strength of all beings in the human realm, breaking everything and going outside the human realm. At this moment, his strength is definitely not understandable by ordinary people, and even the emperor cannot understand him. power.

The human world has never been so united at this moment, because it has never been in crisis.

At that time, when the crisis was the worst, people's hearts were mixed. Jiang Nalan and Jiang's family were in trouble, and the church also stumped. After being sent down by the soldiers, they still had to vote. Whether they resisted or not.

Jiang Li will never allow this kind of thing to happen again.

And we need to establish laws, and there are laws to rely on.

Now the law works.

The human world that has worked so hard for so long without asking for returns now comes in handy.

Hum ...

Jiang Li rises up into the sky, and the infinite river breaks out of the world.

Just one hit.

Then the light shrouded on the other side was destroyed.

The light that swept across the river, wherever it arrived, was completely wiped out. There was no trace, no trace.

"No good!" Jia was about to use his means, but he did not expect that the resilience of the human world was so great. In the blink of an eye, everyone was united, and compared with the zerg, the light world was more concentrated.

The Zerg are dependent on their mothers and are naturally obedient. Those Zerg have no will of themselves. Although they are powerful in spirit, they lack one way, an understanding of life, and a desire for freedom.

Although it is the same mind, how can a group of fools' one mind be comparable to that of a group of wise men?

After the mind knows that freedom, it can still be connected together, that is the real ideal, indivisible.

The Heavenly Father of the Light World relies on brainwashing ~ www.readwn.com ~ The Zerg relies on its own genes, and the human world relies on ideals.

If the hearts of people in the human world are united, then they will win out.

"This degree of cohesion of the human heart is so vast and bloody, so invincible, how can this be so?" Galen retreated, and had lost sight of the twelve bronze masked emperors.

The infinite river is the color of blue blood.

The blue blood is the highest in the history of youth.

There is a legend in ancient times that some people died for justice, others hid his blood, and after three years, they turned into jasper.

Now, everyone has blue blood everywhere.

How can he resist such a human world?

Bang bang bang bang ...

Between his retreat, the twelve bronze masked emperors were swept up, all turned into flying ash, merged into the infinite river, and completely killed!

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