Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 878: Killing

"Ga" is beyond the existence of the emperor. He actually exerted self-destruction and destroyed the universe. The self-detonation of the emperor can already destroy endless galaxies. The curse before the death of the emperor can cause the existence of the transcendent emperor to be contaminated by cause and effect. Free to read

Therefore, the owner of the immortal tower trapped many demon gods in the tomb jail, and did not kill them, that is, he was afraid of the death curse.

And Jiang Li is not afraid of the curse of the emperor at all now.

However, the curse beyond the rank of the great emperor is difficult to be resolved. For every extra weight, the curse becomes deeper.

Now "Jia" is carrying the last curse of death, Jiang Li only feels that his luck is rapidly dissipating, and if this "Jia" finally explodes, the human world may fall into the abyss of bottomlessness and be completely shattered. Opportunity to turn around.

Jiang Li certainly does not allow "Ga" to do so.

He was in a state of high speed running throughout his body.

"Turn around and turn!"

His body is constantly fluctuating, turning into knowledge again, and entering into Jia's body so that the other party has no chance.

He is performing the supremacy of turning away from the house, trying to turn Jia into his incarnation.

"Look for death, if you want to take my house, you are wrong. I'll take your house!" Jia seemed to have seized the opportunity at this time, his whole body was shaking, his mind and soul were concentrated, and turned into the strongest opportunity. He yelled, and began to fuse Jiang Li's soul with his own soul, and directly seized the house.

"That being the case, I will let you see and see. The strength of the beings of the ancient wells, you are now suppressed by me, and you will no longer be able to perform all kinds of magical powers. You can only use your own soul power to motivate opportunities to confront my soul, but This is also useless. "

Jiang Li turned himself into an ancient well, showing the power of all beings.

At the same time, the wishing **** in his body also merged into the ancient well, hanging from Ga's head, and began to absorb Ga's own energy.

But Jia's energy is really too strong. Between the fingers, the ancient wells filled and changed.

"Enter the human world!"

Jiang Li input the absorbed energy of Jia into the depths of the human world and began to combine with the human emperor.

Suddenly, the human world changed again. The world did not expand, but the vitality became stronger. During the change of vitality, the energy reserve was increased, and it could support for a long time.

However, this is also a waste of money, even if it dries Ga, it is useless.

Because human blood is now released for a total of 20 million, more humans will be jealous, and imbalances will inevitably occur at that time. If more blood is opened, the energy is not enough, and all realms will collapse, not Jiangli The original intention.

He is now using the power of the human world to suppress Gad again.

However, it was found that the human heart in the human world is far less intense than the blue blood river just transformed.

People's minds change, and some cannot gather.

The human heart is unpredictable, and there is no way to do it. Even if it is as strong as him, you cannot change this fact. Unless you learn the Zerg, all people think together and use him as their mother body, but this has no meaning and is lost. Bright freedom of thought, there is no difference between human world and demise.

"Let me refining this Great Digha myself, all beings in the human world, they will take care of themselves first!" Jiang Li operated the ancient wells of all beings, crushing all things and sacrificing for the power of chaos.

"Great Emperor, I will not absorb you into the wish goddess. You said that you have the origin of time on the other side, I believe it, because every transcendence of the existence of the emperor must absorb the origin of time, and now you There is a breath of time in my body. After I get it, my strength will increase again, and I can see if I can break through the realm of surpassing the emperor, the world is the same, and the invincible! ”Jiang Li began to explore the long time contained in Jia. origin.

The ancient beings squeezed down.

Jia's body was constantly shattered and turned into chaos, and strangely, the chaos that evolved this time did not change into a messenger, and he didn't know what happened.

It is very likely that it is the devastating breath of Jia that made the messenger unable to be born, because the chaotic self-will knows that at this time the birth of the messenger is just a dead end.

However, after Jiang Li obtained the ancient chaos, he can create material and do whatever he wants. Those ancient chaos are brewing and become a series of runes. These runes are infinite mantras, spells change, merge into the river, infinite The long river boiled around him again.

"Long River Origin is here!"

Suddenly, Jiang Li seemed to find something, and he saw that in Jia's body, something special was flashing, and this thing had a beginning and an end. From the development of chaos to the extinction of chaos, it has always existed and will not dry up.

This is the origin of the long river.

It was a small river, and the colors showed countless sentient beings, the colors of beings, and the colors of the river of destiny were extremely close.

Therefore, long rivers of fate and long rivers of time are two juxtaposed rivers.

Although Destiny Changhe ranks first, but Changhe also has its own mystery.

His will, seizing the origin of time, will be pulled out and absorbed.

But Jia was crazy.

His soul began to squirm, and every time he squirmed, he was chanting a spell, a spell from the other side.

"Stupid man, do you really think that you can stop me, I can return to the other side." Jia once again struggled dying.

"Infinite change, the power of sentient beings, the connection of yin and yang, the chaos retreats!"

Jiang Li completely ignored what Jia was doing, and now he was wholeheartedly pulling the source of the long river in Jia directly out of his body, so that his breath of emperor was contaminated with the power of life in heaven and earth. In this way, he did not care about transcendence The existence of the emperor can also make the ancient wells of beings to draw the ancient atmosphere of chaos for their own use.

The realm is enough to bring all kinds of magic weapons to the limit.

Moreover, the realm is deep, and the things created in the ancient atmosphere of chaos are completely different.

At present, Jiang Li can only create ordinary chaos soldiers from the depths of the chaos ancient atmosphere. If the realm reaches the same life in the heavens and the earth, they can be randomly extracted and transformed into chaos soldiers of the level of chaotic ancient halberds.


Jiang Li blew out in a breath, making his own strength completely penetrate into the depths of Ga's soul, and then exploded.

"Infinite self-detonation!" Jiang Li's will said: "Gee, do you want to explode? Very well, I will let you explode. From your explosion, I learned of infinite self-detonation, which is actually the way to destroy myself infinitely. . "

Naga has not yet exploded. Jiang Li himself has begun to destroy himself.

He took Ga's body as his mother body, and every explosion and rebirth used the energy in his body, making Ga's body so riddled with holes and eventually destroyed.


Jiang Li's infinite self-explosion played a role.

Jia's soul was completely disintegrated, his body turned into vitality, absorbed by the eternal ancient well, and turned into a chaotic solid, which is no longer a gas.

That requires endless compression capabilities.

A piece of chaotic solids doesn't know how much ancient time it takes to condense the formed body.

"I curse you ..." Jia struggled with all his strength and couldn't curse.

"The curse is useless to me. My body can accommodate the curse of Heavenly Father, the curse of the created beast, and I can even create the infinite curse myself. Your curse will only add strength to me. My cultivation can make you impossible. There is only one dead end to resist. "Jiang Li is not afraid of curses at all. His whole body is concentrated and he blasts continuously. Each burst can consume most of the vitality of Ga. In this way, Jia Xiu's cultivation can no longer gather .

I saw that the origin of that long river was flowing into him.

Jiang Li's spirit fluttered and his realm ascended, and at that time, the origin of the river stirred in him, changing his soul and physique.

In this way, his eyes were infinitely deep, and he seemed to see something outside the material realm. Outside the endless material realm, it was void, and outside the void, it was chaos.

Chaos envelops the void, the void envelops the physical world, layer by layer.

Deep in the void, there is a greater will and existence to resist the attacks of chaos. After death, the soul escapes from the physical realm and enters the void.

At this moment, he had learned the true meaning of soul energy.

Void, matter, and layers of layers, such as eggshells, circulate with each other, and finally become a body, while chaos is staring outside.

He seemed to see the whole body of the physical realm.

Material world, including all realms.

And the other shore is walking on the edge of void and chaos.

The other bank wants to enter the chaos ontology and steal energy, but it still cannot succeed.


Jiang Lizhi finally broke out ~ www.readwn.com ~ Booming! Gamma was smashed. This statue transcended the existence of the emperor, and thus fell.

Huge energy spurted out, but all were absorbed by the ancient wells of all beings, leaving no drop.

However, Jiang Li has not been promoted to the master of the same life.

Because Ga's long river origin is not enough for his promotion, his essence is much stronger than Ga, absorbing the long river origin, and can only change part of his body.

Unless he refines more than the master of the emperor.

"It seems my potential is incredibly powerful. Following this, I must refining ten masters like Jia, in order to be able to barely strengthen the masters of the same life in the heavens and the earth, unless it is to obtain the indelible scriptures, go to the long river by myself Take. But now the last 4 verses are in the treasure of Yuan Shi Tian Wang. Could this be his own calculation? "

Jiang Li is now in a dilemma. Without the scriptures, he cannot be promoted, but without promotion, he can't control the treasure by opening the treasure.

This thing is really difficult.

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