Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 910: Strongest warrior

"No, the aliens born in this chaos are not the children of chaos."

Jiang Li repeatedly observed and finally determined that if he was the son of chaos, he would exterminate everything and absorb all the supreme breath of the atmosphere. He would be frightened, and even produce a terrible breath deep inside, but now It just feels weird.

This is equivalent to the tumor growing deep in the chaos.

"Very good, chaos has finally changed." His face rejoiced again: "It seems that this embryo has deep wisdom, but was suppressed by chaos and committed theft, and the flashing emperor occasionally communicated without knowing why. This existence leads to being targeted. "

He suddenly asked, "Emperor Shin, have you performed any sacrifices recently?"

"How do you know? I killed the evil **** and held a sacrifice not long ago, but it was not a sacrifice of chaos, but a sacrifice to the will of the Wu world. However, during the sacrifice, the messengers came to erode and disturb After the scene, I expelled the messenger from extinction, but the sacrifice changed. I did n’t know that I sacrificed to that existence. From then on, that existence stared at me and filled me with strength. Although I got an increase in strength, Suffering is terrible, always worrying. "Flashing the Great Road.

"Very well, it turned out that, by accident and sacrifice, sacrificed the tumor freak deep in the chaos." Jiang Li nodded: "Since this, we can find opportunities to absorb this thing cleanly."

"There was a freak in the chaos. We absorbed it, didn't it help the chaos indirectly?" The Flicker Emperor was a little confused.

"That's okay." Jiang Lidao said: "Even if the nature of chaos appears diseased, even if this freak is absorbed, another freak appears, and we have not yet been able to absorb it. The power of this freak is simply terrible. Once born, chaos Whatever happened, I'm afraid I can't resist, but it is also a stable source of energy in the human world. I am worried that there is no energy in the human world and insufficient reserves, but it doesn't matter now. "

The power of the freak kept pouring down, never stop, but was absorbed by the seeds laid down by Jiang Li, all of them sinking into the depths of the human world.

In the depths of the human world, there are many spaces.

This energy is stored in those spaces, and its quality is very high. It is almost on par with the ancient times of chaos. It can also generate everything and create everything.

This is actually quite normal.

The freak was originally derived from chaos, and the energy has a normal quality of chaos, but it is actually the chaos after refinement.

In his own thoughts, Jiang Li saw that in the deep space of the human world, the energy was soaring, once again infiltrated by the infinite runes, transformed into infinite truth, and used by practitioners in the human world.

Those practitioners, according to their contribution and wealth in the chip, can purchase unlimited energy. Not everyone can absorb it casually.

Without the chip and identity of the human world, even the Great Emperor would not be able to breathe, absorb, and absorb vitality inside the human world.

This system prevents the human world from collapsing due to the large number of experts.

For heaven and earth, man is just asking for it and will not contribute to heaven and earth, but the system set by Jiang Li is one step further than the tower of immortality. You have to contribute and exchange wealth for cultivation. This makes the world The world maintains stability so as not to be overcharged and lead to collapse.

However, this system has also begun in Fairyland.

In Jiang Li's eyes, after the immortal world began this reform, the entire world bloomed with a strong luster, which is equivalent to the slave society entering the feudal society, the world began to evolve, let alone, the practitioners also began to have oppression and motivation. .

Of course, many comfortable practitioners will not be willing, but unfortunately this is the general trend and is praised by God. Those practitioners are unwilling and have no choice but to leave or resist death.

Jiang Li came up with the idea that heaven and earth nourish you, and you must also contribute to heaven and earth. The two sides exchanged equally and each took what they needed.

Because of this, the human world is getting stronger and stronger, and it is not that he is forcibly grabbing everywhere.

The human emperor is an independent system that replaces God's will. All people access the network, practice spiritual skills in it, strengthen God's will, and thus gain the wealth of human currency.

People use their wealth to buy vitality cultivation.

This is the way of long-term peace and stability.

However, in Fairyland, Prince Dream had also reformed, but he left it alone, because he had insufficient prestige. Even if Feng Feng is reforming now, there are also many obstacles. It is not that there is support from people in the world, plus that she is the son of immortal world, she cannot reform at all.

It's still the human world, and it has set its rules from its weakest age. Now it has become the rule of iron. It can't be shaken. Otherwise, rash changes will cause huge fluctuations.

"The human world has more stable sources of energy."

Deep in the human world, Dream Paper Kitty looked at the space energy and began to reserve, and immediately nodded: "Before the catastrophe, the more energy reserves, the better."

Hong Heil came up and looked at the energy. He already knew a series of things. He squinted his eyes: "I didn't think there were so many changes in the depths of chaos. This time, I can't escape the cycle, just look at Jiang Li. I did not expect that the disciples I received at that time were actually the key to transcending reincarnation. Who could think of it? "

"I don't know if Jiang Li will succeed in collecting the martial arts this time, but no one in the human world can shake it for the time being. The martial arts river in the sky can be said to be eternal." Hua Liudao looked at the martial arts river in the sky and knew it was The ancestor of martial arts was transformed by Ba Liming.

The Scintillating Emperor is constantly practicing here. He gets help from Jiang Li, and part of the energy he has absorbed is left in the body, settles down, and turns into infinite road.

He also began to practice the Infinite Avenue, and the infinite martial arts in it exposed him to the essence of the martial arts, and even knew that the martial arts understanding of martial arts was not enough, and began to break away from the constraints of the martial arts origin.

Jiang Li is promoting him, making his practice a blockbuster and winning the title of Lord of the Wu world, so that the integration of the Wu world can be accelerated.

However, now it is necessary to find a place where the sons of the Dragon Realm and the Sons of the Wu Realm meet, and subdue the sons of the two realms, and you can get the Dragon Realm and the Realm of the Wu Realm, completely merged together, break the Seven Realms, and isolate the righteous heaven.

When the seven realms are brought into the human realm, Jiang Li's strength will reach the most extreme level. At that time, it was the moment when he opened the sphere of the realm of the heavens and obtained the treasure of the King of Heaven.

However, Jiang Li couldn't find what remains of those two.

There are too many gaps between Wanjie and Wanjie. There are too many secrets. Even if he cultivates like the King of the First Century, he cannot find all the secrets.

However, he was not in a hurry, sitting down and communicating.

He believes that only one existence knows anything, and that is chaos.

Chaos is omnipotent.

If the sons of the Dragon Realm and the Sons of the Wu Jie meet, it is a big deal. The combination of atmospheric fortunes leads to greater fortunes. In this way, I am afraid that the chaos cannot be concealed. This is also a robbery. Chaos will surely come down. Attack.

In this way, as long as you pass through, you can grasp the actions of the messengers of the world, and find the place where they meet.

"Absolutely, quickly sense the breath of the messenger." Jiang Li ordered and communicated with Jue.

For now, half of them are human, and the practice is becoming more and more arrogant. He is a foreign species. No one can match the familiarity of the messenger, so he also began to communicate and understand.

After a long time, he suddenly opened his eyes: "Many powerful messengers of the world are condensing, and they seem to be gathering in the depths of time and space, in the battlefield of Hongmeng."

"Hongmeng battlefield?"

Jiang Li immediately cast his gaze and saw the distant currents of space and time at the deepest point. The infinite vitality was scattered, forming a dead area larger than the immortal realm. In this dead domain, there were countless desolate ancient ruins.

This is the Hongmeng battlefield.

At the time of the rumor, the world opened, chaos exploded, and Wanjie had not finally condensed into shape. There were many tyrannical ancient creatures, as well as powerful emperors, overlords, arrogants, giant beasts.

At that time, a mass of chaos, fighting everywhere, countless Taigu overlords fell among them, and generations of heroes grew up in it. It was the Hongmeng era, and the later era was called the Yuan Dynasty.

Yuan Shi Tian Wang was the one who fought it out, and finally stood at the peak and was named Yuan Shi Tian Wang.

The era of the universe's development began with the Hongmeng Dynasty and then the Yuan Dynasty.

In the Hongmeng era, countless powerful men slaughtered, and the remains of the ancient men still exist today, that is, the Hongmeng battlefield, a special existence among all realms.

The character who ended the Hongmeng era was the Yuanshi Heavenly King. He created the Yuanshi era and put the universe on a whole new order.

After the Yuanshi Heavenly King, it was the Wilderness era. At that time, he had fallen, and Wanjie began a large-scale battle again and killed each other.

After the wild era, it was near ancient times, then modern times.

Hongmeng Dynasty ~ www.readwn.com ~ Early Yuan Dynasty, barren, modern times, modern times.

Jiang Li's era is modern, but the appearance of the messenger of the world represents that the modern era has passed and the universe has ushered in the last generation.

That is the last time.

"It turned out to be meeting in the Hongmeng battlefield. It may be that you have found the breath of the former hegemon of Wushu. Let me take a look. What warriors appeared in the Wumeng era?" Jiang Li began to search for ancient information, and never again communication.

The message was definitely sent out: "It's like this. In the long-distance martial arts world, there was a strongest martial artist. He and Yuanshi Tianwang competed for the edge. Later, although they failed, they were hidden, as if they were practicing, but they finally fell. Yes, but in his relics, he has learned all his life. "

"The strongest martial artist?" Jiang Li smiled. "That is not strong enough. Most of all is just surpassing the existence of the emperor. It hasn't condensed into a martial arts river, and cultivation is just ordinary."

"That can't be said." Jue said: "To condense the long river, you need to understand it thoroughly. The opportunity lies. For example, you have condensed the infinite river, and the three deities on the other side have not condensed, but their cultivation is higher than you."

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