Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 99: Big black change

In the afternoon, Henry and others came back and saw the body of the ground, and the body of a King Rakshasa, exclaimed, yelled at God, his eyes almost fell out.

Wang Changrong originally wanted to kill these people with a poisonous hand, but Jiang Li stopped.

To count on Jiang Li to take him out, Wang Changrong had to give face.

Henry and others saw Wang Changrong, who was fierce and evil, and knew that he was a fierce figure among the gangsters. They were afraid to approach and hid in another cave.

Nothing overnight.

The following day, Jiang Li and Wang Changrong reached an agreement, and the two and Xueling Luohan began to run non-stop across the gravel wasteland, looking for Rakshasa to kill.

Because Jiang Li lacks water and sufficient supplies, the four of them have no worries at all, and they have also found salt in the caves far away.

In this way, the harsh environment on Rakshasa became their paradise for paradise.

For this, Jiang Li is also very clear. Luochaxing is definitely not a Jedi. All who can survive here are strong. People at Star University will not let all candidates die, so the exam is meaningless.

Fifteen days passed and the exam time was over half.

The bodies of the four are getting more and more rude, especially Luo Han and Xue Ling have made great progress. They have been exposed to the sun. They would have cracked all over in a day or two, and eventually became dry corpses, but they learned a method. It is to melt the basal meat in water to become a gelatin, and then apply it on the skin to become a layer of sunscreen.

Running under the scorching sun in this way, the star's intense light does no harm to the skin, and the whole body even has a cool breath rotating, and the temperature is greatly reduced.

Especially at night, I also apply this layer of grease on my body and immediately warm it, which is more comfortable than near the stove.

Even at a temperature of minus 50 °, people can still stand outside and hone their boxing skills against a huge cold wind.

The basal meat is simply a treasure, the deadly hope of Rakshasa.


The temperature is getting lower and lower, which can freeze people's limbs, and the cold wind can blow huge stones into the air.

However, Jiang Li's body was covered with basal meat fat, warm and dry, and when he got out of the cave, he honed his boxing skills outside, showing the emperor's wind mark and feeling the essence of the storm in the cold wind.

Hum ...

He split it with one palm, forming a vortex, and confronting the strong winds outside. After a while, a special tornado column condensed around the entire body.

His movements are getting faster and faster, each palm split is like a violent wind and waves, blasting the air, and the last lap of the air explosion spreads out. With him as the center, the waves are calm within ten steps.

He kept on advancing and honed himself in the storm. The emperor's winds became more and more proficient. Sometimes, some megaliths flew over, and he trembled with the palm of his hand.

Wow, wow ...

Another palm wind rushed in, but it was Wang Changrong, and his whole body was covered with basal meat fat and tempered in the storm. He got the nutrient solution and took a large amount of basal meat, and his vitality finally began to slowly recover.

"Haha, boy, Jiang Li, after ten days of training, my vitality has returned to 2.3." Wang Changrong came in and said, while training Wu Xue: "We have beheaded and killed 3 Luosha in these days. King. "

"Unfortunately, my vitality hasn't increased much, it's still at 2." Jiang Li shook his head.

"The two little girls have been promoted to 1.5, but you haven't even been promoted yet?" Wang Changrong also had some doubts, but then suddenly realized: "The meditation you practiced, the brain cells were too active, the nutrition was too much, and Your martial arts, the Great Seal of the Great Emperor, the Great Seal of the Great Emperor, are unparalleled in the world. Every time you exercise, you will drive a large amount of physical energy to make your vitality progress slowly. But your lethality is really not built. Recently, I saw that you killed Rakshasa, even in the daytime, you can cut it with one palm. "

Jiang Li nodded, although his vitality was 2, but his physical toughness and martial arts lethality increased greatly.

In particular, mental power and brain cells are more than doubled.

Perhaps, now he can hypnotize thousands of people every day.

Wang Changrong now secretly admires his hypnosis.

"After surviving on Rakshasa, I actually felt like a land of joy." Jiang Li, while practicing his power, talking, exhaling, and thundering, the 20-level wind couldn't blow his voice away: "I still think King Rakshasa's basic meat is better. Starting tomorrow, let's kill Rakshasa exclusively! "

"No problem, I also hope to recover to 2.5 as soon as possible." Wang Changrong and Chang Xiao said, "Now you and I will join forces again, the dragon and the snake will fight together, and the spiritual power will be enough to defeat the King of Rakshasa, without having to compete with it."

"I also feel that my mental strength has increased a lot, and it will not be difficult to deal with King Rakshasa." Jiang Li smashed another, breaking the full-scale half-man tall boulder that rushed over, and the fist and stone made a loud noise. There was nothing in his body.

"Go, practice is complete, go back to the bath!"

Wang Changrong finished a set of gossip palms, and Jiang Lishuang both went back into the cave.

Deep in the cave, there was a deep stone pit, which was filled with steaming water. Hurrah, Jiang Li and Wang Changrong jumped in and took a bath in comfort.

This hot water is a kind of gelatin. It contains a large amount of basal meat, which releases heat when it is cold, and releases cold air when it is hot.

Now Jiang Li and Wang Changrong bathe with water based on flesh, which is simply a luxury! Soaked every day like this, it's strange that the bones and bones don't rush forward.

In another cave, there is also a pond, where Luo Han and Xue Ling are taking a bath. The two women's jade legs cross, the mist is covering them, and they are constantly laughing and joking.

"Unexpectedly, our vitality can be greatly increased at Rakshasa this time." Luo Han watered Xueling and played: "Hey, my vitality has reached 1.5, how about you?"

"I'm also 1.5, why? You want to surpass me?" Xue Ling smiled and splashed water at Luo Han.

The slimy water was quickly absorbed by the skin, making them have a layer of keratin layer deep in their skin, with a gloss like crystal, looking sacred and white, like a noble goddess.

"Unfortunately, this test is not allowed to carry weapons, even cold weapons can not be used." Luo Han playing for a while, feeling more and more vigorous: "If I can bring my silver needles in, I can perform acupuncture degrees, It stimulates the body's potential, so that the rate of energy absorption is greatly increased, and it should not be a problem to break through again. "

"It doesn't matter if the silver needles can't be brought in, aren't there Rakshasa corpses? Their corpses are active metals, but now they have softened. You can tear them down and turn them into silver needles." Xueling poked Luo Han's forehead, Laughing: "Your IQ is really low, I despise you."

"Really, why didn't I think of it!" Luo Han suddenly realized that he jumped out of the pool, dressed and walked outside, found a Rakshasa corpse, and began to tear the flesh above it. soften.

She had a clever hand. She rubbed out hundreds of needles in a few moments, and then turned back into the cave. The needles became firm, just like silver needles, and even better quality.

She took off her clothes and sat in the pool water. She began to pierce the acupuncture points in the body, and then turned the needle to stimulate the acupuncture points deeply. The whole body shook slightly, but the body was immersed in the liquid, and the liquid was absorbed in large quantities. The breath was much stronger than before.

She sat like this for a whole night.

When the day was about to dawn, Luo Han opened his eyes and sighed, and suddenly many rubbles in the cave were blown around.

Xueling watched quietly all the time, knowing that there would definitely be his own benefit.

Sure enough, Luo Han pulled out the silver needle from her body and beckoned with a smile: "Come, Xueling, I'll give you acupuncture."

Although they often quarrel, they will help each other at critical moments.

"Will you give Jiang Li acupuncture?" Xue Ling asked in the past: "You acupuncture can stimulate your potential, Jiang Li is just right."

"No, Jiang Li is too powerful. Neurons and cells are connected into one piece. He can control his endocrine, various nervous systems, and acupuncture with thoughts. No need for needles anymore." Luo Han shook his head and replaced Xue Ling pulls his hair back, ready to start acupuncture.

"Is Ruding really so powerful?" Xue Ling felt so amazing.

"It's so powerful. You and I are now in the third stage of deep sleep, but it is difficult to get into the sky. I hope I can see through that barrier as soon as possible." Luo Han is also seeking.

"Jiang Li killed Jiang Liu and Yu Muhua before he finally settled in. The cost is too great. I do n’t know what will happen after the exam is returned. The two forces are revenge frantically. Even if he is a student at Xingkong University, his family is unavoidable. Killed. "Xueling began to worry.

"The soldiers came to cover the water and cover the soil, and there was nothing to worry about." Luo Han did think about it: "At this point, the fear is all ridiculous, only the improvement of strength is the king. The stronger the strength, the more the enemies care about us, I think Jiang Li I've watched this for a long time, so I'm calm and disregarding the consequences. "

"Luo Han, Xue Ling, go, dawn, go out and hunt Rakshasa!" At this time, Jiang Li's voice passed in from the depths of the cave ~ www.readwn.com ~ Luo Han and Xue Ling heard, and quickly Jumping out of the pool water, quickly put on clothes and ran out.

"Why did you leave so early today? I was about to give Xueling acupuncture." The four met, Luo Han asked.

"Today we are going two hundred kilometers away. The goal is a King Rakshasa deep in the cave, so start early, and you have to be careful." Jiang Li finished, and Wang Changrong took the lead to get out of the cave.

Luo Han and Xue Ling followed.

The four again performed a grand and cruel practice.

At the same time, the market Huacheng black market.

In a secret room of the Three Dragons Club, six cats, flower-faced overlords and Wu Meng are quietly guarding Dahei. Dahee's body has become significantly larger, sitting cross-legged and soaking in the sun and moon essence. Behind it, two wings actually appeared, which is the result of genetic mutation.

Dahei has been taking the gene potion of Zhentian Thunder Beast for many days, and has been sleeping and meditating. The Sanlong Club has been completely controlled by him. The chairman, Li Sanlong, has become his slave of the soul, and arranges everything perfectly outside.

Overlord Hua Nian was very nervous, rubbing his cat's paw constantly, walking around the secret room, feeling uneasy.

This time is related to the transformation of Dahei. Once the transformation fails, it is simply a disaster.

Da Meng Er Meng is very calm, they still keep the childlike heart, they are playing with each other, and the fur is rolled into a ball on the ground.


Suddenly, a wave of air emerged from Dahei. It slowly opened his eyes, his wings flapped behind him, and he floated out of nowhere. His eyes were like electricity. A forceful thought swept through the entire secret room and penetrated.

"Boss, have you succeeded in evolution? With the ability of the Thunder Thunder Beast, you can fly. This is a flying cat! I admire you so much!" The roar of flower face yelled.

"Meow ..." Dameng and Wumeng both cheered and jumped.

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