Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 937: Pity you are not

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Severe asceticism has obtained the imprint of the king of asceticism, and it is greatly increased. He thinks he can do whatever he wants. This red world is his own. He must first satisfy all the desires and desires in his heart. Shi Shi got her hands to say, and then she held power to act as a beauty of the country.

He didn't spend the reincarnation as much as Jiang Li, he worked hard and calculated everything.

In his opinion, it is still a long time, so let's satisfy his desires and talk about it.

I fulfilled my desires, and no matter what, this red world must be in his hands as his plaything.

He is the mentality of a little man who suddenly gets strength. The imprint of the King of Asceticism cannot change his character. He can only give him strength and knowledge. Otherwise, it is not called fate, but robbed.

The imprint of the strongest person's destiny can't take away the house, it can only give the superior person supreme strength, and then gradually subtle.

I grabbed it.

Xun Yan's ascetic capture is the master of asceticism, called "Sorrow of Fear of the Sea", which covers all sentient beings, even from heaven to god, down to ants, to heaven, all floating in the sea of ​​bitterness.

Even if the emperor is under his grasp, he must obediently obey, life and death are under his control.

However, now this catch, actually encountered obstacles.

This grasping of Gu Shishi will be absorbed into it at first sight, but there is a man in front of the other person. This man has a strong body and grabs his body. He immediately enters the sea like a mud cow and keeps turning into energy. , Absorbed well.

There are only a few of the heavens and worlds who can catch the claw of the king of asceticism.

There is only one person who can easily resolve it, and that is the Lord of Red Dust, Jiang Li.

Jiang Li kept absorbing the power of this claw, and there seemed to be a taste of everything between the eyebrows. He sighed to himself: "Sure enough, the mark of the King of Asceticism has fallen into my red dust world and landed on you. On this little person's body, you could have been hiding very well, but when you got the power, you started to forget about it, thinking that the world is invincible and can do countless things, and as a result, I found clues, even if the King of Ascetics recovered himself At the peak of the strongest, in my world of red dust, also hide, abide by the law, do not dare to act arrogantly, let alone you, only get his mark, and did not integrate power, how can you act arrogantly? If I can't surrender to you, how can I be the strongest of the strongest of the 12,960 reincarnations? "

"Jiang Li, the Lord of Red Dust!"

Yan Yan was taken aback by surprise.

He never imagined that this little man himself was about to take revenge, vent his desires, meet his needs, and do whatever he wanted, he encountered the strongest existence.

However, he then sneered: "Nothing wrong, I am a small person, but when I got the Mark of the Ascetic King, I was no longer, and my destiny changed dramatically. I am now the strongest in samsara. If When we fight, the entire world of Red Dust will be cracked. It can be said that I am now the protagonist of this cycle. I urge you not to act lightly. You know, it doesn't matter that I destroy this city, and you can't. You take care of the big picture. "

"Stupid boy." Jiang Li shook his head and said to the "Gu Shishi" next to him: "This matter has nothing to do with you, you just leave, remember, don't talk to anyone about this matter Now. "

"You ..." Gu Shishi thought he was dreaming: "Are you really Jiang Li, the legendary Red Dust Realm?"

For her, Jiang Li is a legendary character, let alone her, even her old ancestor, the **** in the family, it is difficult to see Jiang Li.

"Go." Jiang Li did not return to her, but as soon as she waved her hand, the woman was about to teleport away.

"Hum, leave this girl, she's mine." Yan Kuoxing grabbed again, grabbing Gu Shishi with one hand.

"Unlucky, do you think you really are the protagonist of this era? The age of the king of asceticism has passed. He is the strongest reincarnation, that is, the protagonist of that era." Jiang Li moved, and there was already space in it. Began to move to the depths of Hongmeng Jindan, and the space of movement was copied again in place.

Gu Shishi, the woman who was still in her home, was motionless and seemed to have a dream. She looked around and nothing happened, but the memory just now was very clear.

Hum ........ A supreme martial art will penetrate her mind, making her cultivation soar: "Since meeting, there is a fate, Gu Shishi, I will leave you some martial arts truths, After experiencing today's events, you know how important order is. There are always some daring people who have gained strength and wanton behavior. You must stop these people. Strength is strength. Human heart is human heart. Gain strength and lose self. People must be killed! "

The reason why Minjiang Li passed down to Xiu Shi for this poetry is because the woman became affiliated with each other and entangled with each other to understand the truth. In the future, she will become the best person to maintain order.

"Jiang Li, do you think that this space transfer method can organize me to destroy the Red Dust Realm? Then you are too naive, bitter sea **** fist!"

In the face of Jiang Li's rigorous assault, he sneered again and again, and operated the whole body of magical power. From that imprint, a great power saved by reincarnation and the true power of ascetic practice suddenly emerged.

Between the punches of his bitter sea **** fist, there is an eternity, and all the space in Hongchen Heaven must be instantly destroyed.

This power surpassed even the strongest martial arts, reaching an immeasurable level.

"Your power is still almost adolescent." Jiang Li's body is transformed into an infinite river, infinite void, infinite universe, infinite time, infinite magic.

The bitter Poseidon fist broke into it again and was of no use.

"My avenue of infinity is the strongest way among thousands of reincarnations. It contains everything. The bitter sea **** fist is just one of the branches. You get this meager power and do whatever you want, it is too arrogant. Big. "Jiang Li's will sighed, and he took this severe act into the depths of the infinite river.

Long rivers of infinity, long rivers of martial arts, long rivers of Wang Dao, long rivers of killing, and even long rivers began to gather and gradually became one.

Humming ...

The endless crushing power has wrapped this severe act before me.

He wants to directly refine the imprint of the ascetic king's destiny, so that the young man will once again be restored to the appearance of the imprint.

"Damn!" Yan Xingxing's wisdom and experience have increased by a factor of one hundred. He immediately knew what Jiang Li was going to do. His bitter sea **** fist couldn't break through the infinite river. No matter how he attacked, it wouldn't help. It ’s irrelevant to transform his power into his own strength. It is possible to break through this place and fly directly out of the world of Red Dust. But now, he wants to push his power to the top, but to no avail, there is no way at all.

Every time, when the power is pushed to the peak, it will slip down, and the body can't bear such a forceful input.

"Why, why I don't bear it." Yan Xingxing regretted it a bit: "I really underestimated that the host of the Red Dust Realm has left, I should hide, first leave the Red Dust Realm, completely digest the power, and then come back again, that Who is my opponent at that time? Why can't I suppress my deep desires? "

"You boy, you are not the protagonist of this reincarnation. You are just a great chance to get strength occasionally, but you do n’t cherish this fate, and destroy the order as soon as you are born. There is no way but to let you go back. It was before. "Jiang Li's body turned into a vortex at this time.

In the depths of the Nether Realm, billions of whirlpools appeared in the depths of the infinite river, sucking the mark of the King of Asceticism, and sucking it out of the body of severe asceticism.

"Hongmeng Jindan, the power of sentient beings, infinite truth, Changhe heaven and earth." Jiang Li struck out all kinds of infinite mantras and penetrated into the rigorous body.

The rigorous body felt only penetrated by the infinite divine curse, and its power was gradually locked up. At this time, he knew Jiang Li ’s horror. The other party was not only his own power, but also the power of the sentient beings of Red Dust. , And he has nothing, it is the mark of the strongest.

The seal of the strongest has been sealed for a long time, and requires energy input to live. After the severe act is obtained, the first is to plunder energy everywhere, devour the world and the universe, and even get chaos, instead of retrogression. Your own desires.


Qiujiang used all his power. Although UU reading is www.uukanshu.com. Although this ascetic act is an arrogant kid, the king of ascetic act is not. This mark excludes itself. It is not easy to seize it.

Of course, now that he is trapped in the rigorous practice, he can use the blood of his second son to dot the mark, so that the mark is confused by himself and finally incorporated into the bag.

His large hands continued to capture, the endless force burst into the body of severe assault, and gradually forced the mark out, and finally the mark of the king of ascetic suspended above the head of severe and forced out.

All the power of the stern and hard work disappeared, and the body of the little man of that day was restored, all of which seemed like a dream.

"Seal!" Jiang Li shouted, and the dense mantra of infinity came out again, so he sealed the birthmark of the ascetic king, and he could not refine it.

This is something that chaos cannot refine, and it is close to immortality. If it is not recognized by the imprint in it, even he himself cannot get the power.

So now you can only temporarily seal.

"I have lost all my strength, I have no power, no! I want power!" Strictly mad, he got invincible power, but he was sealed by Jiang Li. Power was not his own, and he couldn't bear the blow immediately. .

"Your blood is still useful. I can use your blood to refine the mark of the King of Asceticism, so you still have value now." Jiang Lidao: "Unfortunately, you are not the protagonist of this reincarnation. The experience was similar to yours, and you got an adventure, but you were not so arrogant. "

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