Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 939: Arresting Maid

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-Volume 3-Chapter # 939 Arrests the servant of Yuan Shi_Fantasy · Fantasy novel reading page

Yuan Shitian Wang's maid didn't know where she was. Since Jiang Li took the immortal magic lamp and trained Hongmeng battlefield into Hongmeng Jindan, the girl disappeared without a trace.

Because this woman has lost her life-saving means, her strength is greatly weakened.

If she holds the son of the other shore, the son of destiny, and the immortal lamp, gradually merges the luck of the two sons and absorbs into her own body, in the midst of it, she can gain the blessing of the things in the treasure of the Yuanshi Heavenly Kingdom Manchuria Celestial Treasure. Then, it seems that she can get more benefits.

Min Jiangli must find this woman and arrest him.

Although this woman lost the immortal lamp and lost defeat, it is by no means simple, because since the imprint of the King of Asceticism is born, then there must be other imprints, maybe one of them will fall on this woman. In the hands, it is more convenient for this woman to make waves, so Jiang Li has to suppress this woman like the king of ascetic suppression, and once again get the strongest imprint of the destiny.

This woman is sure to get one.

Otherwise, the Emperor Yuanshi could not let her be a maid.

The calculations of the Emperor Yuan Shi Tian Wang are accurate step by step and will not make mistakes.

Jiang Li has a calculation. Take this opportunity to add chips for himself again. No matter what the calculation of Yuanshi Tianwang, it has always fallen. He is still in the world, so he must seize the opportunity and not let Yuanshi Tianwang become this. The strongest of the reincarnation is himself the strongest, the most invincible, and the most ferocious being.

Hongchen's strength in the realm of heaven is now the first in the realm of the realm. It transcends fate and the other side, and there is a three-dimensional universe, but it still cannot be taken lightly, and it needs to continue to expand. In the last reincarnation, such a little strength is not a problem.

When Jiang Li went to the depths of time and space, he saw that the Red Dust Realm started a war against the Dragon Realm, the Wu Realm, and the Just Realm.

Also, the entire demon world is now gradually absorbed by Hong Heil, and merged into the dark palace in the depths of the Red Dust Heaven World.

Because there is a king of ascetic sitting.

This incarnation is afraid of the devil's providence, so why not. As a result, the entire demon world turned into a black space of time and space, and was absorbed by the red dust world with only a little tail.

When I reached the end, with a bang, the Demon Realm disappeared and replaced by a black gas on the Red Dust Sky, as if the ink had fallen into the pool.

But then a flash of magic energy was dissolved, and all the demon heads entering Hades were washed away by infinite power. They must accept the rules and act in accordance with the laws of Hongchen Heaven.

In fact, now the two invincible masters of the Red Dust Realm, the first is the King of Asceticism, and the second is the ancestor of the martial arts. Although he became the martial arts long river, he still pays attention to the Red Dust Realm at all times. Budo Shinji.

The two masters unite and anyone can suppress them.

Although the other side and fate are united, there is nothing they can do about Red Dust.

Minjiang Li was assured to look for the servant of the Yuanshi Heavenly King and let the Red Dust world go to war.

"Where is the servant of the Yuanshi Heavenly King hiding? Could she really get the mark of the strongest? If you get it, it will be troublesome, but after she gets it, she will definitely come out and be quiet, hidden in secret, very May be waiting for the opportunity, waiting for the strongest mark to come, at that time, it will start to stir up the storm, but I seized this opportunity to be able to capture her in one fell swoop, once again get a mark, double the strength. "Jiang Li deep inside In secret calculations, in the surroundings, many nihilistic scenes appeared.

This is an infinite calculation.

He never extinguished the depths of the magic lamp, looking for the maid's imprint.

侍 The maid got the immortal lamp, and practiced hard in it. He had planted the deepest mark of supremacy long ago. He captured it, and he could get clues from it when he was integrated into his body.

He started to calculate, and the whole person became almost non-existent, just a ray of dreams, a little real meaning, a hint of mystery, and a cloud of smoke.

Then, in the emptiness of the deepest realm, he began to grasp the breath of the maid.


出现 He appeared from the depths of time and space, his eyes lasing, and he saw the dense flow of time and space, crisscrossing the depths of chaos like Daluo Tiandao, as if shadows were setting the altar.

影子 That shadow is the maid of the First Heaven King.

Jiang Li now enters the depths of the spatiotemporal chaos that exists in the realm of the realm. The spatiotemporal chaos is complex and changeable. It has many dimensions, and even the form and material are completely different.

Among them are secret vortexes, wormhole tunnels, ruins of gods, ancient ruins, wild battlefields, and permanent traces caused by the tearing of various realms.

For example, the Hongmeng battlefield collected by Jiang Li is the largest relic in the depths of time and space.

In addition, there are many relics left over from the Demon War.

Xi Hongmeng battlefield is just one of the ruins, there are also ancient ruins, the vortex of gods and demons, the sea of ​​holy gods, the ocean of yin and yang, the labyrinth of chaos ...

In the depths of time and space, there are secrets that Jiang Li cannot imagine.

虽然 Although his mana is deep, although he is pure, his power is boundless, but he has not reached the level where he can refine the physical world. Even the strongest cannot refine the physical world.

Therefore, many secrets of the material world still need to be explored.

Alas, he can see the overall situation of the material world.

如 Just like people can see the sun and the moon, but they don't know what's inside the sun and the moon.

However, with the improvement of Jiang Lixiu, it is a matter of time to refine the material world.

"Caught, this is the woman, in the labyrinth of chaos." Jiang Li locked the position of the maid, where she is, a deep natural maze of time and space, composed of wormholes, filled with twisted time and space The power, even if the emperor enters it, is difficult to come out.

This rumor is the twisting force generated during the Chaos Big Bang. By coincidence, this space-time maze was formed. It is said that there are many congenital chaotic babies in the depths of the maze. Since ancient times, I do n’t know how many masters entered it. Someone did get the innate Chaos is precious, but more people fall into it and the bones are gone.

Xi is the ten most dangerous places in the rumor.

Reversing the chaos maze.

However, this is not much for Jiang Li. He even directly refined the top ten sinister places, including the No. 1 Hongmeng battlefield, which can be swallowed in one go.

Of course, he didn't want to frighten the snake, he wanted to see what the maid was doing, sneaky.

In case he got any secrets from the depths of the heavenly treasures of the world, then he really couldn't swallow the labyrinth of chaos. Now Jiang Li feels more and more that the treasures deep in the world of heavenly worlds are definitely not his own. Treasure, but an obstacle he arranged, he found a secret, the secret of the last reincarnation.

Stinging his body, it became invisible again, lurking into the depths of this chaotic labyrinth, walking slowly and leisurely.

Uh ...

He heard the sound of the wind from the depth of the maze. This wind is not the ordinary wind, but the wind of rebellion in the depths of the maze. Even the emperor must avoid it, or it will turn to ashes.

However, this divine wind cannot blow Jiang Li's body, because Jiang Li does not exist at all now.

He did not absorb the power of Divine Wind, for fear that the maid knew.

After a while, he slowly approached the deepest part of the labyrinth of insurrection, and sure enough he saw an altar.

There are actually two idols on the altar.

One of the deities is extremely tall, with white clothes all over, carrying the void on his shoulders, and stepping on the material world under his feet. He seems to be the strongest **** who separates the void and the material. Noble and glorious.

This is King of Heaven.

Minjiang Li knew it. This idol is the authentic Yuanshi Heavenly King.

Under the Yuanshi Heavenly King, there is a small idol.

This idol is a woman, her whole body is shrouded in gauze, it seems hazy, like ghosts and gods, like spring dreams, but in the depths of the gauze, there are faint carcasses, but the core essence is the strongest Breath.

女子 This woman is actually the strongest statue in samsara.

The Yuanshi Tianwang is even taller than her.

The servant girl here sacrifices is to use the power of the King of Heaven to emulate the spirit of the strongest woman from her own body, and then accept the strongest brand.

"The strongest of the eighty-ninth reincarnation, the King of Yoga." The maid said: "I and your blood are the same, I am your heir, your spiritual heir, your imprint will be lost. In my hands, great Yuanshi Tianwang, you found the depths of chaos, imprinted the hidden place, communicated the treasure, evolved the sphere of the universe, that is the secret in the depths of chaos, but now, the key to unlock that secret is Into Jiang Li's hands, this person was originally your house, but now it is out of your control, my strategies have no effect. What do I do now? I hope your great spirit, reward things, so that I get this yoga The King's Mark. "

This maid is praying sincerely ~ www.readwn.com ~ and then practice, a wave of vitality squirms from the body, rushes, seems to be communicating the great existence, the **** of the Yuanshi Heavenly King, there are countless gods Man, began to temper her body.

"Huh!" Jiang Li snorted deep inside, and now the pinnacle of cultivation in the world is Infinite Avenue, even if it is chaotic, you can't find a stronger way to practice than Infinite Avenue, because this is 129,000 During the 1600 reincarnation, the essence of all the opportunities gathered blessed on the body of the family.

Now, in order to pursue strength, this maid doesn't practice her own infinite road, and resorts to the power of the Yuanshi Heavenly King. This is tantamount to losing her independence and being a slave to others.

However, practicing Infinite Avenue is different. It is definitely not a slave to Jiang Li, because Infinite Avenue itself has the possibility of unlimited development, and Jiang Li himself cannot restrain himself.

If he can be restrained, infinity is not infinite.

无限 That infinity becomes finite, meaningless.


Just before he thought, suddenly, the maid's prayer had an effect, and the statue of the King of Yoga cracked, and it seemed to open a passage, and there was a faint sign from the depths of space and time.

He is the mark of the King of Yoga.

Minjiang Li didn't move, because he felt that the power of the Yuanshi Heavenly King was surging.

This person is still alive.

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