Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 942: Great change

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-Volume 3-Chapter # 942 The world changes-Fantasy-Fantasy novel reading page

Wanbao Changhe violently trembled in the air.

He seems to have been nourished by infinite treasure, and has grown rapidly, developed, huffed, and stretched. Although he is still unable to compare with the infinite river, he almost has to approach the river of fate.

This is the moment when the treasure of Yuanshi Tianwang is opened. The treasure is poured back, which makes Wanbao River grow many times.

Originally, Jiang Li's infinite river was going to devour the Wanbao River, but now that Wanbao River has grown to such a degree, it is impossible for Jiang Li to devour it, unless his cultivation is promoted again.



Ancient secrets!

I even have countless martial arts experience and will in the reincarnation, all of which are ejected from the depth of the black hole that the heavens of the universe have turned into.

The deep black hole is white.

Black and white, flowing between each other, that is the real Tai Chi.

"Can't clean up!" Jiang sank in the centrifugal centrifuge, knowing that he couldn't withstand the spurt of this baby. In an instant, countless babies were scattered among the heavens, and a new era began.

Jiang Li even saw that the material realm was expanding and became ignorant of himself. Countless energies spurted out and turned into various worlds, all kinds of time and space, and the universe was born. He even saw A larger world than Fairyland was born, and time became chaotic.

In some worlds, time lapses faster, and some become slower. Between heaven and earth, time is not uniform.

The world is not the world that Jiang Li knows.

He was not even able to stop the change in front of him.

The idols of the maid and Yuanshi Tianwang disappeared at this moment. It seems that they have entered the depths of the treasure, and the power that the treasure has thinned out, no one can stop it, even Jiang Li can do nothing about it now.


He returned to the world of red dust.

At this time, the entire world of Red Dust has been chaotic.

All great magical people feel that the world is constantly creeping and changing, and the space and time where they live are squeezed by countless vigorous squeezes, and they will break at any time.

Fortunately, Na Hongmeng Jindan bloomed an endless luster, exerted infinitely swallowing power, swallowed these vigorously, and instead made more energy reserves in the red dust heaven.

Moreover, Hongmeng Jindan is still devouring the magic weapon that has been emitted.

This time, the treasure of Yuanshi Tianwang was opened. I do n’t know how many treasures rushed out. They are all congenital chaos. In addition, there are humanoid magic weapons, which are scattered in the depths of the heavens and heavens.

There are a lot of magic weapons in the red world.

However, there is the protection of Hongmeng Jindan outside the Red Dust Realm, which sweeps slightly, and then collects the shock from his own baby and stores it in another space.

However, the magic weapon that swept through is nothing but a waste of money. There are more magic weapons scattered around. I don't know how many masters will be caused.

"All the people in the Red Dust world are quiet!" Jiang Li made a sound and suppressed the audience: "Now that the world is changing, everyone must be on their own, don't be shaken by the magic weapon, work together, and they all pray together, Put your own power into the chip! Only when you display all the powers of Red Dust, can you get more magic weapons, and we will freely distribute them in the future! "

Now the magic weapon is flying everywhere, countless supernatural characters are eager to go out and grab the magic weapon. In this way, the order will be disordered, especially the countless ambitionists in the Red Dust Realm, who have gained the magic weapon and will swell their hearts and immediately seize power.

You must know that the treasure ejected from the depths of the Yuanshi Tianwang treasure is not a simple soldier.

Even the lowest treasures are similar to the five emperors and the five emperor-level **** soldiers.

The strongest do not know how strong it is, even similar to the magic lamp such as the immortal magic lamp and the created jade dish, which may fly out in the future. This is not the treasure of Yuanshi Tianwang, but the core of the deep chaos. During the 1,600 reincarnations, I don't know how the Yuanshi Heavenly King opened it and how to discover something.

However, this is the last reincarnation, all people are fighting, even chaos is fighting, it is not surprising what happened.

Massive vitality slammed into it. It was not chaotic ancient energy, but various refined essences. It was green, similar to the breath of the origin of wood. This breath slightly met the turbid gas of the material world, and it turned into a green universe. In the universe, all are dense trees of the world, as well as strange and innate herbs.

In addition, there are airflows similar to the origin of gold, the origin of fire, the origin of earth, and the origin of water.

These things, lasing around in the heavens, until the end, Jiang Li can't see what the heavens have evolved.

"Infinite eyes!"

Under his repression, it turned out that Hongchen Tianjie didn't riot, but all people were praying, and poured their strength into it.

Sure enough, the power of one mind is much stronger than singles alone. Jiang Li runs Hongmeng Jindan, as well as the King of Asceticism and the King of Yoga. The three forces work together to hold Hongmeng Jindan, absorb infinite vitality, and bring Hongmeng Jin Dan reshaped.

The entire Hongmeng Jindan is getting stronger and stronger.

"Hongmeng Jindan turns into infinite Jindan!" Jiang Li, the king of asceticism, and the king of yoga made a common voice: "All the magic weapons collected have been integrated into the depths of Hongmeng Jindan, making Hongmeng Jindan into For unlimited Jindan, enhance the computing power of Jindan, and then distribute it evenly to the depth of each person's chip according to the method of wealth and currency. "

Everyone collects magic weapons and vitality to promote Hongmeng Jindan, making it stronger and turning it into infinite Jindan, and then Jindan produces endless meanings and wealth, which are used for distribution, according to the contribution of each person's contribution, Allocating wealth to their chips.

This is the most efficient.

If everyone is fighting for wealth and magic weapon, it will cause turmoil, but weaken the overall combat effectiveness, and foreign enemies will collapse and disintegrate.

"Jiang Li, thank you for refining the King of Asceticism and the King of Yoga into your own incarnation, otherwise it is really not enough to withstand this shock, and the world has changed for it." Your own ability, hard support.

In her eyes, she saw the world storm screaming and chaos, and the Red Dust Heaven became the only pure land to withstand those energy storms, and it kept expanding.

If Red Dust collapses at this moment, the consequences are unthinkable.

"No valuable magic weapon has emerged." Hong Heil is sitting here manipulating Hades, strictly preventing turbulence. Hades has just absorbed the demon world, and some of the demon emperors did not really recognize the concept of the red dust heaven, and they were all moving, but his Power is all over Hades, and those thoughtful demon emperors also feel rebellion at this moment, and there is only a dead end: "We have just collected about thousands of magic weapons, all are treasures of the emperor level. The real magic weapon should be It hasn't appeared yet. "

"Yes, if I guess well, this is just the change that occurs when the treasure is opened. The vitality accumulated in it is violent and violent, and changes the realm. Some of the weak magic weapons are swept out by the vitality. The real Big treasure, inherently spiritual, can withstand this vitality frenzy. "Jiang Li's eyebrows appeared with infinite **** eyes, observing the chaotic material realm.

The material world is completely different from before. Countless large universes have been born. Countless creatures have also appeared. They are dense and dense. Some places are extremely violent in space and time, while others are soothing and stable.

It is a brand new world and brand new change.

The storm gradually subsided, and energy no longer swept up.

Hongchen Tianjie finally stabilized.

Xi Hongmeng Jindan changed into infinite Jindan, with endless divine power. This time, the Red Dust Realm has gained many benefits. Jiang Li calculated that it must have more benefits than other big universes.

"Shh ....." Dream Paper Kite finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Finally the storm stabilized, I thought it was the number of robbers, and chaos began to perish. If chaos perishes earlier, then We are not ready yet. "

"The three-dimensional universe has disappeared!" Suddenly, 珞 feng discovered a problem and was astonished.

Jiang Li quickly looked at the past. Sure enough, the new material world has expanded countless times. He can't see the end himself, but he can definitely feel the three-dimensional universe. But now, the three-dimensional universe has disappeared and seems to be disintegrated. In this storm ~ www.readwn.com ~ And in the place where the three-dimensional universe is, a huge black and white cave is flowing, and there is a faint breath from all walks of life. The black and white inside is distorted, and I don't know where it leads. But the scent of the baby passed through it, enticing people into it.

"The three-dimensional universe really disappeared, but I don't think things are so simple." Jiang Lidao said: "The immortal tower and the brain of the universe are gone, and even Wang Chao's breath disappears, but the three-dimensional universe is gone. God ’s will certainly not die. "

"You see where the other shore is, as well as the righteous celestial realm, the dragon realm and the wu realm, I don't seem to be able to see it anymore." Dream Paper Kite also radiated her eyes, only to see the dense and dense universe, it seems to have returned to the ancient and barbaric era. She couldn't see through the material world at all, it was as if she had come to the depths of the dense virgin forest, and couldn't see what was outside.

The same is true of Minjiang Li.

The material world is so large that he cannot see through it, and the complexity of it is even more difficult to understand.

"I saw the other side, it has come to the physical world. In addition to the realm of justice, the realm of dragons and martial arts have completely merged. Absent, they have all entered the treasures of Yuanshi Tianwang! "Jiang Li tried his best to shoot with his eyes, and suddenly a lot of information was returned.

"In the depths of Yuanshi Tianwang's treasures, there are countless treasures, and 4 volumes of immortal scriptures you need to get. In addition, there is the mark of the strongest. We must not let those people get it!" Hong Heil was shocked.

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