Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 977: 130 rules

The size of the 130 rules of Jiang Li, although not yet practiced, has also been greatly improved. His body has spread out again and turned into 130 Changhongs. This time, a seal was formed to envelop the bite, which is a report. It was also reported that karma was not bad.

The title of swallow is to swallow it.

He didn't know how many powerful beings he devoured in his life, but now he is going to be devoured by others. This is also retribution.

Although his strength is strong, he cannot compare with the strongest reincarnation at all, because he will die, and the strongest in reincarnation will not die.

He is like an emperor who dominates the world, but he is controlled by mountains and rivers, but he is shouted by several callers. The world is reversed, and the sky is turned upside down, and he immediately falls down from the throne.

Sometimes strength is not the most important thing.

"It's over, it's over." Bitter struggled, but to no avail, his vitality kept disappearing, and he lost a full third, and he knew that the situation had gone, and there was no chance for him to see his own destiny. It was the end to be devoured.

"You also know that you are finished, that's good, give up quickly, let me refine, so as not to waste my time and suffer unnecessary pain." Jiang Lidao.

"No, Jiang Li, I was wrong. I shouldn't count you. I now trust you completely and become your right arm. You let me go, and I finally know that infinity is invincible, and infinity is the only one. Heaven, the only way, the only truth, can transcend chaos and can only rely on infinity. "Yan began to plead:" I am the whole world, and the second person can continue to generate luck. If you do not kill I, I do my best to do things for you, will definitely make you more powerful, and since then, there is no more robberies. You kill me now, although the strongest power can be obtained for a while, but the source is no different It costs more to kill a chicken than to gain eggs. "

"No no no ..." Jiang Li Haha laughed: "What you are doing now is just a villain's fear of torture. Once you get the opportunity, you will be arrogant again, conceiving me, I will charge you, impossible Suppressing your heart, the essence of Infinite Avenue is freedom of the heart. You can betray me or you can surrender to me. All are arbitrary choices, so I cannot let you go. "

"You can surrender and destroy Nirvana, why can't you recruit me?" Yan shouted.

"Because at that time, I was not able to kill them, so I could only admit them. Even now, I am very good at them, but as my strength gets stronger, I can completely surrender and make them step by step. I lost my will to resist, but you ca n’t, your power is too much more powerful than them, and now I surrender to you, it is equivalent to burying a volcano around me, and it will erupt at any time. Let him be completely disheartened.

"Jiang Li, it seems that you really can't let go of me? Then we will end up with deep hatred!" His face changed, and the evil words were opposite.

"How? You still have the possibility of rebellion?" Jiang Li said still lightly.

"I am the second in the world. How could I die like this? In my empire, there is the immortal mark left by me in the depths of my nest. Even if you kill me, I will be resurrected there." Biting: "At that time, don't blame me for making a comeback, causing the strongest damage to you."

"Oh? About you still don't understand my infinite path, one of them is called Wuming." Jiang Lidao said, "Even if you stay to divinely, it is useless. Under the influence of cause and effect, there is no cause and no effect. If you search for the roots, you can completely collapse your leftover divine thoughts. You should learn about infinity well, don't know anything about it. If the infinity is really that simple, how can it be feared by chaos? "

"What? You have this means, no, no, no ..." At this time, he was panicking. He was thinking about Infinite Avenue in an instant, and found that there was one of the laws of infinity, knowing that Jiang Li did not deceive him: " Jiang Li, Jiang Li, I was wrong, give me a chance, give me a chance. "

"I give you a chance, just don't give myself a chance." Jiang Li sighed: "Behind the heavens, there are ethnic groups, infinite souls, and blood-like relationships. I made a mistake, not just my personal business, So I can't give you a chance. You don't care about anything in your empire, your people, your offspring, but I care, I can even sacrifice myself for them for eternal life. For them, you must die. "

Between the words, his tone condensed, and he suddenly spit out a golden light. It was an infinite Jin Dan, not a real body, but a golden shadow, but he had almost one-third of Jin Dan's power.

That Jin Dan contains the entire physical world, half of its strength is not trivial.

When the air smashed into the body of the bite, the bite immediately shattered.

His primordial spirit was transformed into spiritual power and was also sucked into Jiang Li's body.

Jiang Li's body once again produced many changes. He took a breath and even absorbed the body, and then the four maps, 144 imprints, were all included in it, and his strength immediately grew to an incredible state.

The bite was completely swallowed, but Jiang Li had to find his leftover treasures and altars and the empire. His part of the divine thought also lost consciousness, and he would not be in trouble, but after all, he must find it before he can incorporate it. In his own pocket, but before that, he had to destroy Yuan.

At this moment, it is easy for him to kill Yuan.

He yelled abruptly.

The endless array erupted, covering the entire Obuchi Empire.

Suddenly, in the Obuchi Empire, there was a man, that is, Obuchi.

He was sitting in the palace, urging supreme power to sacrifice the entire empire.

However, Jiang Li has swallowed up and surrendered to the King of Kings pattern, repaired to almost invincible, already far above the "Yuan", this action will break all the sacrifices of Yuan, but instead of Yuan Involved in the virtual Jindan space.

Even if the jade and jade are burnt at this time, it will not pose a threat to the souls of the Dayuan Empire.

"It's you? You broke the seal?" What kind of character is Yuan? Immediately, it was found that something was wrong. Looking at Jiang Li, his face was frightened: "Where is it? Where did it go?"

"I devoured my life and devoured others, and now I got the retribution. I was completely devoured, and no scum was left." Jiang Li looked at Yuan coldly, and now he is not in a hurry. Counterattack ability.

The rabbit was rushed and bite, let alone a master like Yuan. Although Jiang Li now has absolute certainty, he will not take it lightly.

"I don't believe you have such a great ability." Yuan looked around and felt a little bit, knowing that all of his three major maps fell into Jiang Li's hands, and even the 136 strongest brand that he could not surrender for a long time, all All were taken away by Jiang Li. At this time, he knew that just now, it was Jiang Li who was posing as a pig and eating a tiger, and was not sealed by them at all: "You, indeed, surrendered those imprints, and did what I couldn't do. Lord, please worship me. "

Between words, Yuan actually worshiped.

Jiang Li originally thought that He Yuan would fight a battle. After all, the other party was the fierce third master and the third in the main world, which was the third person under billions of time and space and chaos.

The other party would surely rather die unyielding, or want to run away, instead of watching the killing. Now he actually knelt down, saying that the protagonist, and completely relying on Jiang Li, was too direct.

"You're so scared of death?" Jiang Liqi said, he was watching the deep, what he wanted to do.

"Not afraid of death, but there is no need to make unnecessary sacrifice." Yuan is very straightforward: "Since you have surrendered those strongest imprints, and you have mastered the king of kings, I am not your opponent at all. , I can fly away, so it is foolish for me to fight you. "

"Yes, yes, you know that's good." Jiang Li nodded: "Since so, you can practice infinite road."

In fact, Jiang Li can now leave the abyss, because he has enough power to suppress this person.

Just now, the reason why he killed the bite is because he has no strength to prevent the person's backwaters, and after swallowing it, his strength has gone further. It is very different, and Yuan can be played with applause.

In terms of benefits, surrendering to the deep is better than killing him. It is like a hen who lays eggs. He can generate a steady stream of wisdom for the infinite river. It is also part of the power to fight chaos. When you die, you are refreshed for a while. Others Nothing works.

Now that I can control Sumiyoshi, I naturally keep it.


Yuan really began to cultivate the Infinite Avenue. His spirit automatically merged into the infinite river, setting off waves, injecting his own wisdom, martial arts, and cultivation into experience. As the river expanded, there was something new in it.

Jiang Li closed his eyes and realized the long river. In a moment, he got all the wisdom, experience and understanding of Yuan.

He did not reintroduce the rules, but absorbed the vitality, calculated all 130 rules once, and successfully cultivated them one by one. At the same time, he urged the new infinite river he created to merge with the infinite river in the physical world. , UU read the book www.uukanshu. com mutual yin and yang, unlimited communication.

His strength has increased.

Counting, even if you encounter the King of Heaven, and the Tao, it is not without power.

However, secret savings are still needed.

"Yuan, since you have cultivated infinity, then follow me to do things. I now order you to be the Minister of Development in the main world. The role is to lead the entire Obuchi Empire, expand territory, spread unlimited, and use all possible methods. The more you spread the infinite, the better, the wider the better. "Jiang Li ordered.

An important reason for him to stay in Yuanyuan was to let him sit in the new Obuchi Empire and use it as a center to establish his own foundation.

Yuan as the third master.

No, he is now the second master. It is very helpful for suppressing the National Games. Even Feng Feng, Dream Paper Kite, Hong Hei prison and others are far less than.

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