Even a person who had no reputation before could not be taken lightly. No matter what, these two led the soldiers "Zero [-]" to break through Yanqi's country in an instant!

After riding the horse for a while, the capital city of Yanqi Kingdom in the distance was already indistinctly visible.


Alinsko waved his hand and stopped the three armies.

Then he turned his head and said to Su Wen who was beside him: "General Su, our scouts are here to report that there are not enough Tang soldiers here. You and I divide troops into two places and attack from the city gates on both sides. It will take a long time to break through the city here. Door!"


Although Su Wen was arrogant and arrogant, he was also a good soldier at the same time. He squinted and carefully looked at the city ahead.

This is a medium-sized city gate. The city wall is not tall, but it is built on top of the terrain. It was built on the highest land on this plain.

In this way, the city wall is already overlooking the surrounding terrain, and it also avoids the method of water attack very well, and the walls of the city wall are mostly made of stones, it seems that the fire attack will not work.

If it is forced to the wall from both sides by manpower, that is indeed a good method.

"What the general said is very true!"

Finally, Su Wen nodded, raised the spear in his hand and said, "The soldiers of the Baekje Kingdom, come with me!"


"General Yue, you see that they are now splitting their troops into two places. It seems that they want to attack us from both sides!" Zhao Yun said, pointing to the slowly split coalition forces.

"You and I will each lead troops to station in one place. The captured King Yanqi at this time, and our letter of request for help, should have already rushed to Chang'an."

Yue Fei said to Zhao Yun while encouraging the other soldiers.

"As long as we can hold on until the Tang army arrives, then we will win!"

Zhao Yun nodded and said, "Just stick to it, the army will definitely come! No matter what!"

After he finished speaking, Zhao Yun gave Yue Fei a salute, and then took the troops from the headquarters to the other direction.

"The feather arrows we brought this time are limited, so we must use them sparingly."

Zhao Yun knew that in order to arrange a surprise attack on the Yanqi King City, the entire army moved lightly. Therefore, the number of feather arrows in their army was very small, and even if they could get supplements from the Yanqi King City, it was a drop in the bucket.

"It can only be used in a critical moment, and try to save it at other times!"

When the horns of the Western Turks and the Baekje coalition slowly sounded, Suwen and Alinsko commanded their soldiers to attack the city wall from two directions.

Tang Jun, who was guarding the city, watched as the ladder slowly climbed onto the parapet wall, and they all rushed forward. Several people lifted up the rolling stones and logs and other defensive equipment, waiting for the soldiers below to climb the ladder, then greeted them fiercely. go down!

"Use a shield!"

With sharp eyes, Su Wen saw that Tang Jun on the city wall had prepared the equipment for defending the city, and immediately told the soldiers who were about to climb the ladder: "Once the rolling stone log above falls down, use the shield to rub it lightly, and let go of the strength to let it go. They fell from either side of the ladder!"

The soldier nodded, picked up his shield, protected his face, and climbed up.

"Don't panic!"

Seeing that the soldiers were about to smash the log down, Zhao Yun quickly stretched out his hand to support it and said, "There aren't many of these things, wait until they get closer before smashing it!"

After saying that, Zhao Yun turned his head and ordered several civilian husbands who were forcibly recruited: "Boil the water quickly, otherwise the military situation will be delayed, and I will not spare you!"

When the man heard this, he hurriedly added firewood and fanned to the flame that was boiling water in the cauldron. . . .


This time, Baekje paid all the blood, and brought some elite soldiers. Those soldiers holding shields were very fast, and they were about to climb halfway up the ladder.


Zhao Yun gave an order and took the lead in smashing the boulder down, and the other soldiers also smashed the log and the rolling stone down together.

Even if the Baekje army below held a shield, it was impossible to completely relieve their strength, and many people fell directly from the ladder.

However, more people were prepared, using their shields to push the logs and rolling stones away, and continued to rush upwards.

"General, the water is boiling!" a soldier shouted.

"Splash down, splash down!"

Following Zhao Yun's words, several soldiers rushed over with a pot of scalding hot water.

The shield can block the rolling stones and logs because they can roll away from both sides by adjusting the angle to deal with the rolling stones and logs by removing the force, but it has no effect in the face of hot water.

A pot of scalding boiling water was splashed on the head, even holding a shield, it still had no effect, and the scalding hot water immediately seeped into them along the shield!


"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"It's hot, it's hot!"

Several soldiers screamed, unable to bear the pain, and rolled down the ladder.The soldiers below were not in a hurry, and were also knocked down by the fallen soldiers.

"very good!"

Seeing that boiling water has a great effect, Zhao Yun hurriedly continued to instruct the people to boil the water.

"boiling water?!"

Su Wen sneered and said, "At the end of the road, I want to see if you boil the water faster or if we climb faster!"

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